Trump in big trouble again? Hoh-lee Moh-lee! Georgia indictment possible the 3rd week of May or so

Again, that could just mean “I don’t care if you have to count them again, or three times”.
But we know he didn't mean that. And we know he wasn't concerned with accurate vote counts. He made that clear when his dumb ass gave the exact number.
Again, that could just mean “I don’t care if you have to count them again, or three times”.

You can’t just assign meaning to his words, because all you have are the words, and the words never said anything about anything illegal.

In that call there were like 8 other people listening. Hard to believe he would advocate anything illegal with so many others listening. Much the same with the call to Zelenskyy.

Trump talks about the vote drop in the middle of the night as well as the signature mismatches. It’s not unreasonable to think that when he said “find me the votes” that he was just talking about scrutinizing bad votes, taking a look at that vote dump, and recounting. None of those suggest trump was asking him to fabricate votes.
Progs believe the words they put in other people's mouth are just as valid as testimony on the witness stand.
And said he didn't care how they were found. So you can include "fabricated" and a whole mountain of other lies and crimes.
/——/ Like no polling place suddenly found bags of uncounted ballots hidden in a closet that swung the race for a democRAT.
Totally different landscape. Trump was well within His rights to ask. Unless they come up with a recording of Him telling someone to create votes so He wins, that's another story.

It is much more than that
He pressured election officials and threatened them.
Coming from a sitting President, that is quite intimidating

Telling someone to “find the votes necessary” is different than count the votes
Do you even realize it was Trump's plan all along to claim he really won the election if he were to lose; and to capitalize on the red mirage which was also predicted to occur before the election?
And how do you know this?
Yes, he challenged thos returns because he knew those officials were crooked.

Which is what he did, ya fucking moron. Yet earlier, you were complaining he only challenged Democratic-led counties.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


and when he wins again;)


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