Trump In FL Gets It SOOO Wrong

Wow, what a pathetic, corrupt asshole.

Three years after Puerto Rico was devasted Trump finally gets around to send them the aid 6 weeks before his election.

Lol...did we all forget the HUGE warehouse FULL of relief aid supplies

What warehouse? Do you just make this bs up on the fly to rationalize your Dear Leader's behavior?

"Federal funding of $9.6 billion will allow the Puerto Rico Electrical Power Authority to repair and replace thousands of miles of transmission and distribution lines, electrical substations, power generation systems, office buildings and make other grid improvements. The $2 billion grant for the Puerto Rico Department of Education will focus on restoring school buildings and educational facilities across the island," McEnany said.

Trump thinks Puerto Ricans love him or something.
That is an understatement and laughable at best.
I can imagine his supporters at his FL rally cheered him on with the following:

"At his rally at Orlando Sanford International Airport on Monday, President Donald Trump devoted part of his speech to Puerto Rico — proclaiming he has been a terrific president for the island and demanding that its people vote for him for president."

There’s only one problem with Trump’s demand: Puerto Ricans cannot vote for Trump, because Puerto Rico is not a state.

The Spanish communities in Florida formed a trump train of 3000 vehicles
Good luck
Massive mail in voter fraud is your only hope
OMG I can't believe the Op actually posted this thread.

What an imbecile.
So to recap, the OP:

  • -Is too stupid to know that Puerto Ricans are legit US citizens.
  • -Didn't know that all they had to do to have a vote is establish residence in any state.
  • -Relies upon the bizarre agitprop swill from Raw Sewage, that he feasts upon on a daily basis, to be factual.
  • -Will go to almost any length to change the subject to divert from the above points.
Trump thinks Puerto Ricans love him or something.
That is an understatement and laughable at best.
I can imagine his supporters at his FL rally cheered him on with the following:

"At his rally at Orlando Sanford International Airport on Monday, President Donald Trump devoted part of his speech to Puerto Rico — proclaiming he has been a terrific president for the island and demanding that its people vote for him for president."

There’s only one problem with Trump’s demand: Puerto Ricans cannot vote for Trump, because Puerto Rico is not a state.

The Spanish communities in Florida formed a trump train of 3000 vehicles
Good luck
Massive mail in voter fraud is your only hope

Thats like 5000-10000 votes man, Biden clearly has no chance in FL

Trump thinks Puerto Ricans love him or something.
That is an understatement and laughable at best.
I can imagine his supporters at his FL rally cheered him on with the following:

"At his rally at Orlando Sanford International Airport on Monday, President Donald Trump devoted part of his speech to Puerto Rico — proclaiming he has been a terrific president for the island and demanding that its people vote for him for president."

There’s only one problem with Trump’s demand: Puerto Ricans cannot vote for Trump, because Puerto Rico is not a state.

GEEZ... you are stupid!

With 1.2 million Puerto Ricans in the Sunshine State, nearly one in five Hispanics in Florida is Boricua, a third of the entire Latino electorate in the state.

Absolutely! Puerto Ricans make almost 20% of all Hispanic eligible voters and are concentrated in the I-4 corridor. If Puerto Rican voter turnout is high, it can potentially be a deciding factor in this election,” he concluded.

Gain... dummies like you are really so ignorant PLUS truly unsophisticated enough to scope the entire process!
Wow, what a pathetic, corrupt asshole.

Three years after Puerto Rico was devasted Trump finally gets around to send them the aid 6 weeks before his election.

Puerto Rico was given a lot of money over the years and decades. They even removed military installations or reduced their presence. Tens of billions of dollars on top of tens of billions of dollars has been squandered in corruption and union corruption. I gotta tell you. The island does not give much back for what it receives. And the taxpayer here is on the hock for it. A hobbled together electric system and poor water management is on them. They were given the resources to upgrade and did not.
Wow, what a pathetic, corrupt asshole.

Three years after Puerto Rico was devasted Trump finally gets around to send them the aid 6 weeks before his election.

Puerto Rico was given a lot of money over the years and decades. They even removed military installations or reduced their presence. Tens of billions of dollars on top of tens of billions of dollars has been squandered in corruption and union corruption. I gotta tell you. The island does not give much back for what it receives. And the taxpayer here is on the hock for it. A hobbled together electric system and poor water management is on them. They were given the resources to upgrade and did not.

Sounds like you are upset with Trump for sending 13 billion dollars to PR 6 weeks before election....right? :rolleyes-41:
OMG I can't believe the Op actually posted this thread.

What an imbecile.
So to recap, the OP:

  • -Is too stupid to know that Puerto Ricans are legit US citizens.
  • -Didn't know that all they had to do to have a vote is establish residence in any state.
  • -Relies upon the bizarre agitprop swill from Raw Sewage, that he feasts upon on a daily basis, to be factual.
  • -Will go to almost any length to change the subject to divert from the above points.
Everything I posted pans out but you can't handle it. Trump said exactly something that is SOOO wrong. You have 0 argument against it. Go blow.
Trump thinks Puerto Ricans love him or something.
That is an understatement and laughable at best.
I can imagine his supporters at his FL rally cheered him on with the following:

"At his rally at Orlando Sanford International Airport on Monday, President Donald Trump devoted part of his speech to Puerto Rico — proclaiming he has been a terrific president for the island and demanding that its people vote for him for president."

There’s only one problem with Trump’s demand: Puerto Ricans cannot vote for Trump, because Puerto Rico is not a state.

Illegal votes have become a thing this election (maybe you heard), but just THIS election. Next time it goes back to normal. ;)
OMG I can't believe the Op actually posted this thread.

What an imbecile.
So to recap, the OP:

  • -Is too stupid to know that Puerto Ricans are legit US citizens.
  • -Didn't know that all they had to do to have a vote is establish residence in any state.
  • -Relies upon the bizarre agitprop swill from Raw Sewage, that he feasts upon on a daily basis, to be factual.
  • -Will go to almost any length to change the subject to divert from the above points.
Everything I posted pans out but you can't handle it. Trump said exactly something that is SOOO wrong. You have 0 argument against it. Go blow.
Everything you and Raw Sewage posted hinges on your rank ignorance of Puerto Ricans being legit U.S. citizens.

Do you appear stupid because you keep relying on such an unreliable source, or does your inherent stupidity lead you to believe any foolhardy and oblivious thing that they say?

I'm giving odds on the latter.
OMG I can't believe the Op actually posted this thread.

What an imbecile.
So to recap, the OP:

  • -Is too stupid to know that Puerto Ricans are legit US citizens.
  • -Didn't know that all they had to do to have a vote is establish residence in any state.
  • -Relies upon the bizarre agitprop swill from Raw Sewage, that he feasts upon on a daily basis, to be factual.
  • -Will go to almost any length to change the subject to divert from the above points.
Everything I posted pans out but you can't handle it. Trump said exactly something that is SOOO wrong. You have 0 argument against it. Go blow.
Everything you and Raw Sewage posted hinges on your rank ignorance of Puerto Ricans being legit U.S. citizens.

Do you appear stupid because you keep relying on such an unreliable source, or does your inherent stupidity lead you to believe any foolhardy and oblivious thing that they say?

I'm giving odds on the latter.
Good luck trying to clean the crap off your shoes. Since you can't refute what Trump DID say, you (and your ilk) resort to personal attacks. Try a dose of integrity you pathetic loser.
"At his rally at Orlando Sanford International Airport on Monday, President Donald Trump devoted part of his speech to Puerto Rico — proclaiming he has been a terrific president for the island and demanding that its people vote for him for president."

okfine Let's be real here. That thing you put in quotes above is NOT SOMETHING that Trump said. It's something RAW STORY implied.. If you can find a vid where he asks the ISLANDERS to vote for him -- we'll bump elbows and walk away from comflict.. He was talking about PR-Floridians -- not the islanders..
Since you're so bent on the subject why don't you?

It's YOUR THREAD.. You PROVE Trump said that PR ISlanders should vote for him.. And that if he did -- it wasn't just sarcasm.. He knows the diff between who can vote and who cannot..

BTW -- Puerto Rico/other territories GET electors in BOTH the Dem and Repub parties for the PRIMARIES.. So they DO VOTE in PRIMARIES.. Maybe Trump KNOWS something that you apparently dont..
Quit being such a jerk. Listen while you watch @ 25:00 minutes in. Then will you STFU? I know what you're pining for and if what you want works for you, so be it.

Thx for the link..

Wow.. That's it? He announces he got the endorsement of the GOV of P.R. Then introduces a bunch of FLORIDIAN P.R. community leaders. Everyone waving PR flags and says "Ya Better VOTE FOR ME PUERTO RICO !!!!

And your title is -- Trump in FL gets it SOOO WRONG? You think ANY of those cheering Puerto Ricans ACTUALLY THOUGHT he was talking about ISLANDERS voting for him??

Answer carefully because your honesty is really on the line here.. NONE of the PR Americans cheering in the crowd EVER CROSSED their minds he was asking islanders to vote for him,... Guarandamteed.,,

Do I CARE? Fuck no. Because I know THEY were not gasping and in shock...

Hopeless hopeless hopeless. SOS

Yes.. It is.. We agree..
Trump thinks Puerto Ricans love him or something.
That is an understatement and laughable at best.
I can imagine his supporters at his FL rally cheered him on with the following:

"At his rally at Orlando Sanford International Airport on Monday, President Donald Trump devoted part of his speech to Puerto Rico — proclaiming he has been a terrific president for the island and demanding that its people vote for him for president."

There’s only one problem with Trump’s demand: Puerto Ricans cannot vote for Trump, because Puerto Rico is not a state.

Oh brother, it is YOU that has it Wrong not trump.

Florida has a large mix of people------------Puerto Ricans are here in mass especially following the hurricane and they DO VOTE here claiming residence in the states.
BTW -- Why WOULD the governor of PR ENDORSE HIM --- if

1) He INDEED did screw them on hurricane aid. AND
2) Biden and the Dems are offering them statehood

Seems strange to thinking people..

Umm...the 13 billion dollar aid 6 weeks before election?

Your #2 is bs. Biden never offered up PR statehood.

Biden hasn't RECENTLY.. I'm sure he weighed in sometime in the past.. Not important enough to look up.. But CERTAINLY, Schumer/Pelosi others HAVE.. And it's a package deal.. You vote Biden -- you GET those that are gonna work like oxen in D.C. with their TOP PRIORITY being --- making the USA a "one party" country..

I don't want to live in a one party country.. Do YOU? I even have issues living in a one party state. That's why I LEFT Cali.. Because I saw THAT coming with Schwartzenegger.. And the whole effort to change their voting system to the benefit of one party.. And the RECALL governor that never should have been elected. And the state legislator throwing all the complex bills to the Initiative ballots so that they would not be blamed and could run $billions in advertising to "prep the skids" for their agenda.

As to my #1 -- PRico has had more diversity in leadership than we had previous to Trump.. They had a very "libertarian" guy RESCUE them from going down the shiny Socialist chute.. And THIS one rescue them from the graft and corruption that retarded their hurricane recovery.. They are to be ADMIRED in the wisdom of their voters voting for REAL changes...

Perhaps we could learn something from them..
BTW -- Why WOULD the governor of PR ENDORSE HIM --- if

1) He INDEED did screw them on hurricane aid. AND
2) Biden and the Dems are offering them statehood

Seems strange to thinking people..

Umm...the 13 billion dollar aid 6 weeks before election?

Your #2 is bs. Biden never offered up PR statehood.

Biden hasn't RECENTLY.. I'm sure he weighed in sometime in the past.. Not important enough to look up.

See thats where you got the very fundamentals of proper thought process completely backwards.

You shouldn't make the conclusion and THEN look it up. You look it up and THEN make the conclusion.
BTW -- Why WOULD the governor of PR ENDORSE HIM --- if

1) He INDEED did screw them on hurricane aid. AND
2) Biden and the Dems are offering them statehood

Seems strange to thinking people..

Umm...the 13 billion dollar aid 6 weeks before election?

Your #2 is bs. Biden never offered up PR statehood.

CERTAINLY, Schumer/Pelosi others HAVE.. And it's a package deal.. You vote Biden -- you GET those that are gonna work like oxen in D.C. with their TOP PRIORITY being --- making the USA a "one party" country.

Not sure what your "one party" spiel has to do with what you quoted.
Trump thinks Puerto Ricans love him or something.
That is an understatement and laughable at best.
I can imagine his supporters at his FL rally cheered him on with the following:

"At his rally at Orlando Sanford International Airport on Monday, President Donald Trump devoted part of his speech to Puerto Rico — proclaiming he has been a terrific president for the island and demanding that its people vote for him for president."

There’s only one problem with Trump’s demand: Puerto Ricans cannot vote for Trump, because Puerto Rico is not a state.

Citizens of Puerto Rico will vote for President in the Nov 3d election. It won't count in the election but could influence the Florida PR citizens who vote in Florida. That is what Trump was referring to without explanation when he made the statement. This is a 2018 article with the explanation. You can un-wad your panties now.

You're trying to explain this to a bucket of paint.
BTW -- Why WOULD the governor of PR ENDORSE HIM --- if

1) He INDEED did screw them on hurricane aid. AND
2) Biden and the Dems are offering them statehood

Seems strange to thinking people..

Umm...the 13 billion dollar aid 6 weeks before election?

Your #2 is bs. Biden never offered up PR statehood.

Biden hasn't RECENTLY.. I'm sure he weighed in sometime in the past.. Not important enough to look up.

See thats where you got the very fundamentals of proper thought process completely backwards.

You shouldn't make the conclusion and THEN look it up. You look it up and THEN make the conclusion.

My assertion wasn't solely Biden.. The exact quote was "Biden and the Dems...." .. Biden SAYS he''s now the head OF the Dems.. How much info would we actually GET from Joe on where he stands on ANY issue now? I only go on the ACTUAL scenario of a "Dem sweep"..

Turns OUT I'm completely justified in INCLUDING Biden.. The P.R. Org for Statehood has a vid from a month ago with Joe CONCURRING on Statehood. SO stuff the critique of my "process"...


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