Trump In FL Gets It SOOO Wrong

Trump thinks Puerto Ricans love him or something.

NOBODY on the taxpayer tit should love him...he’s pledged to govern ONLY for America’s Best citizens...Where the fuck have you been?

He has just send 13 Billion to PR. Trumpy bear is clearly no stranger to buying some lovin'
Ans obama sent billions in cash to iran in the misdle of the night on his last days in office . Now thats buying hate for amwrica .

What the f? There is no Iranian constituency to speak of in US. Obama was looking to normalize relations with Iran and get them to abandon path to nuclear weapons. There is no evidence that he did so for some sort of direct personal political gain.

Maybe you should try harder to post something coherent and if nothing comes to mind just don't.
He gave it to terrorists. On his last days in office. In the middle of darkness. Straight cash. . Worst president ever. Yet you find fault wirh Trump. Wow.

I guess good advice is wasted on some.

You don't actually have an example of Obama blatantly buying up votes like that weeks out from an election, so stop posting as if you do.
Buy votes? Trump earned his votes.
"At his rally at Orlando Sanford International Airport on Monday, President Donald Trump devoted part of his speech to Puerto Rico — proclaiming he has been a terrific president for the island and demanding that its people vote for him for president."

okfine Let's be real here. That thing you put in quotes above is NOT SOMETHING that Trump said. It's something RAW STORY implied.. If you can find a vid where he asks the ISLANDERS to vote for him -- we'll bump elbows and walk away from comflict.. He was talking about PR-Floridians -- not the islanders..
Since you're so bent on the subject why don't you?

It's YOUR THREAD.. You PROVE Trump said that PR ISlanders should vote for him.. And that if he did -- it wasn't just sarcasm.. He knows the diff between who can vote and who cannot..

BTW -- Puerto Rico/other territories GET electors in BOTH the Dem and Repub parties for the PRIMARIES.. So they DO VOTE in PRIMARIES.. Maybe Trump KNOWS something that you apparently dont..
Quit being such a jerk. Listen while you watch @ 25:00 minutes in. Then will you STFU? I know what you're pining for and if what you want works for you, so be it.

Thx for the link..

Wow.. That's it? He announces he got the endorsement of the GOV of P.R. Then introduces a bunch of FLORIDIAN P.R. community leaders. Everyone waving PR flags and says "Ya Better VOTE FOR ME PUERTO RICO !!!!

And your title is -- Trump in FL gets it SOOO WRONG? You think ANY of those cheering Puerto Ricans ACTUALLY THOUGHT he was talking about ISLANDERS voting for him??

Answer carefully because your honesty is really on the line here.. NONE of the PR Americans cheering in the crowd EVER CROSSED their minds he was asking islanders to vote for him,... Guarandamteed.,,

Do I CARE? Fuck no. Because I know THEY were not gasping and in shock...

Anothrr Trump Translation by our resident expert in what Trump actually meant!
"At his rally at Orlando Sanford International Airport on Monday, President Donald Trump devoted part of his speech to Puerto Rico — proclaiming he has been a terrific president for the island and demanding that its people vote for him for president."

okfine Let's be real here. That thing you put in quotes above is NOT SOMETHING that Trump said. It's something RAW STORY implied.. If you can find a vid where he asks the ISLANDERS to vote for him -- we'll bump elbows and walk away from comflict.. He was talking about PR-Floridians -- not the islanders..
Since you're so bent on the subject why don't you?

It's YOUR THREAD.. You PROVE Trump said that PR ISlanders should vote for him.. And that if he did -- it wasn't just sarcasm.. He knows the diff between who can vote and who cannot..

BTW -- Puerto Rico/other territories GET electors in BOTH the Dem and Repub parties for the PRIMARIES.. So they DO VOTE in PRIMARIES.. Maybe Trump KNOWS something that you apparently dont..
Quit being such a jerk. Listen while you watch @ 25:00 minutes in. Then will you STFU? I know what you're pining for and if what you want works for you, so be it.

Thx for the link..

Wow.. That's it? He announces he got the endorsement of the GOV of P.R. Then introduces a bunch of FLORIDIAN P.R. community leaders. Everyone waving PR flags and says "Ya Better VOTE FOR ME PUERTO RICO !!!!

And your title is -- Trump in FL gets it SOOO WRONG? You think ANY of those cheering Puerto Ricans ACTUALLY THOUGHT he was talking about ISLANDERS voting for him??

Answer carefully because your honesty is really on the line here.. NONE of the PR Americans cheering in the crowd EVER CROSSED their minds he was asking islanders to vote for him,... Guarandamteed.,,

Do I CARE? Fuck no. Because I know THEY were not gasping and in shock...

Anothrr Trump Translation by our resident expert in what Trump actually meant!

At least someone noticed. Thanks. We've heard it all before. The amazing part is some residents get what they ask for and still try to save face by denial.

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