Trump Indicted

Oh gotcha. So you’re not a victim of lies, you’re a liar yourself.

If Trump’s legal argument is that he can decide that US defense documents about invasion plans are personal documents, then he thinks we are all idiots.
You asked if I was pretending......I wasn't....jokes on you.

His legal team made that claim during the Special Master hearing. The court didn't issue an opinion on the claim before the SM being over ruled by the 11th, I think. I'm sure it will be addressed.
At no time did Mr. Biden attempt impede, delay or stop the search of his Delaware Residence. Every step of the way Mr. Biden cooperated with the search

The Rapist and Traitor send lawyers to court to stop the search warrant. He attempted and at getting search warrant quashed. He blocked, delayed and impeded the search every step of the way.

I proudly and loudly served my country in Viet Nam and later at the Pentagon. The Rapist and Traitor called the Men and Women who fought for and died for our country "Suckers and Losers" . The Orange Shit Gibbon shared highly classified material with both the Russian Ambassador AND the Russian Foreign Minister.

I have never betrayed country. I have never removed classified material.

The only Traitor's on this forum the loud mouth MAGA MAGGOTS who hate this country and support a Fascist like the Rapist and Traitor.
Well, that was one big 2 paragraph lie. Ask me how I know you're a shill and a liar?
That wasn't it, but do you understand that says the Archivist cannot demand things from the president?

I believe that's Armstromg I? There's more precedents than that.
That is a direct quote from Judicial Watch v NARA. I don’t care if the archivist can or can’t demand things. This isn’t a case of an archivist demanding things from the president. That’s irrelevant.

Armstrong 2 says this:
read the indictment. then read it again with somebody who can explain the words
Has nothing to do with Faun's claim making implied quotes of what Trump said. Once again, for you:

Trump also clarified that. He said not everything he asked the DoJ to declassify was declassified. He mentioned there's a process towards declassifying documents and he said he accepted everything the DoJ wouldn't declassify.
Gee whiz......I can't find anything in the indictment where Trump claimed that.
That is a direct quote from Judicial Watch v NARA. I don’t care if the archivist can or can’t demand things. This isn’t a case of an archivist demanding things from the president. That’s irrelevant.

Armstrong 2 says this:
View attachment 794112
Actually it is, because that's who invoked the FBI because Trump wasn't giving NARA the documents they were demanding.

You just saw this thing, I've had it for months and have been paying attention.

Here's another link relevant to this discussion:


(a) The authority to classify information

originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President and the Vice President;

(2) agency heads and officials designated by the President;"

The president is the CMFIC, know what that means?
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NARA has no authority to demand things like that from a president.

Of course they do if they're classified. That was not an issue in tbe case you're talking about. In that case, a private company wanted the Archivist to change the classification of Cliton's tapes from personal to presidential.

You're brain-damaged if you think it's legal for a private citizen, without a security clearance, to be in possession of our country's most sensitive secrets. :cuckoo:

That ain't happening, I don't care how deep your devotion fir Trump runs.
Actually it is, because that's who invoked the FBI because Trump wasn't giving NARA the documents they were demanding.

The DoJ was involved because NARA found classified documents in the stuff Trump returned. NARA involved DoJ because they were alarmed at the mishandling of highly classified information.

The archivist is not demanding anything here. If they were, it’d be a civil case.

Your claims about what Judicial Watch v NARA says is contradicted by the actual text.

Now you’re deflecting to something else.
You're stretching it.

Trump also clarified that. He said not everything he asked the DoJ to declassify was declassified. He mentioned there's a process towards declassifying documents and he said he accepted everything the DoJ wouldn't declassify.
He could have declassified the entire report if He wished.Trump heard any objections and asked for a review. He determined, not anyone else, what should be released.

My decision to declassify materials within the binder is subject to the limits identified above and does not extend to materials that must be protected from disclosure pursuant to orders of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and does not require the disclosure of certain personally identifiable information or any other materials that must be protected from disclosure under applicable law. Accordingly, at my direction, the Attorney General has conducted an appropriate review to ensure that materials provided in the binder may be disclosed by the White House in accordance with applicable law.
Actually it is, because that's who invoked the FBI because Trump wasn't giving NARA the documents they were demanding.

You just saw this thing, I've had it for months and have been paying attention.

Here's another link relevant to this discussion:


(a) The authority to classify information

originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President and the Vice President;

(2) agency heads and officials designated by the President;"

The president is the CMFIC, know what that means?

There's a process to declassify material. If it's not marked up as "unclassified," it's not.
Of course they do if they're classified. That was not an issue in tbe case you're talking about. In that case, a private company wanted the Archivist to change the classification of Cliton's tapes from personal to presidential.

You're brain-damaged if you think it's legal for a private citizen, without a security clearance, to be in possession of our country's most sensitive secrets. :cuckoo:

That ain't happening, I don't care how deep your devotion fir Trump runs.
It is if they're a former president. You'll see. I could be wrong, too, but I doubt it.
There's a process to declassify material. If it's not marked up as "unclassified," it's not.
The president is the ultimate arbiter of what is classified or not. That may apply to lower level people, but not a president.
You're stretching it.

He could have declassified the entire report if He wished.Trump heard any objections and asked for a review. He determined, not anyone else, what should be released.

My decision to declassify materials within the binder is subject to the limits identified above and does not extend to materials that must be protected from disclosure pursuant to orders of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and does not require the disclosure of certain personally identifiable information or any other materials that must be protected from disclosure under applicable law. Accordingly, at my direction, the Attorney General has conducted an appropriate review to ensure that materials provided in the binder may be disclosed by the White House in accordance with applicable law.

You missed this part...

In response, and as part of the iterative process of the declassification review, under a cover letter dated January 17, 2021, the Federal Bureau of Investigation noted its continuing objection to any further declassification of the materials in the binder and also, on the basis of a review that included Intelligence Community equities, identified the passages that it believed it was most crucial to keep from public disclosure. I have determined to accept the redactions proposed for continued classification by the FBI in that January 17 submission.


There's a process involved with declassifying documents. They didn't declassify everything and he accepted they didn't declassify everything.
It is if they're a former president. You'll see. I could be wrong, too, but I doubt it.

Nope. The minute Trump left office, he returned to being a private citizen. And while new presidents typically extend clearance for outgoing presidents, Biden did not. And even had he, Trump was not storing those documents securely.
The president is the ultimate arbiter of what is classified or not. That may apply to lower level people, but not a president.
You can’t possibly believe that Trump actually risked national security by declassifying all the documents he took.

If you do believe he did that, why are you okay with someone with such little regard for national security?
Every time it says "The DOJ" in that article, it's Jack Smith and his helpers.

Somehow he corrupted the IRS in 2010 by mere suggestion. This guy is a King Swamp Rat.

Where it says "Justice Department" here? That's Jack Smith, too.

There may be a little more to it than that, but not much.

Lois Lerner was fired for what he had her do, and the IRS was sued and had to pay millions in settlements.

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