Trump Indicted


How was that an expense of national security??
Well ,how was Trumps one goddam Phone call , not even heard by the snitch , evidence for an impeachment? You motherfuckers will do ANYTHING to keep Regular Americans from choosing their own president. Face it ,shit for brains. You don't like him ,so he must be guilty of something. Right?
Well ,how was Trumps one goddam Phone call , not even heard by the snitch , evidence for an impeachment? You motherfuckers will do ANYTHING to keep Regular Americans from choosing their own president. Face it ,shit for brains. You don't like him ,so he must be guilty of something. Right?

WTF? Why are you asking me questions instead of answering mine?

How was getting a corrupt prosecutor thrown out an expense of national security??
Has nothing to do with Faun's claim making implied quotes of what Trump said. Once again, for you:

Gee whiz......I can't find anything in the indictment where Trump claimed that.
It starts here:

and you can't even keep your own bullshit straight.
Well ,how was Trumps one goddam Phone call , not even heard by the snitch , evidence for an impeachment? You motherfuckers will do ANYTHING to keep Regular Americans from choosing their own president. Face it ,shit for brains. You don't like him ,so he must be guilty of something. Right?
No one is stopping Trump from running,
Well ,how was Trumps one goddam Phone call , not even heard by the snitch , evidence for an impeachment?
a few facts:

Alexander Vindman: A national security adviser who listened in on Trump’s fateful July 2019 call with Zelenskyy, he became one of the key witnesses against Trump during the 2019-2020 impeachment process. He testified that he thought Trump’s call undermined national security by essentially pressuring an ally to help the president’s domestic political fortunes. Vindman was removed from his post shortly after Trump’s first trial; more recently, he sued Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr., Giuliani and other close Trump allies, alleging attempted intimidation during the proceedings. Since Russia began its current invasion of Ukraine, Vindman has spoken out in support of Biden’s handling of the conflict.

John Bolton: The former Trump national security adviser refused to testify during the House impeachment investigation, even as other witnesses revealed he sounded grave alarms about Trump’s handling of Ukraine and called Giuliani’s involvement a “hand grenade.” Instead, Bolton waited to offer testimony until just before the Senate trial — as news of his impending book began to circulate — and the GOP-controlled Senate denied his offer. This year, Bolton has begun vocally criticizing Biden’s handling of Ukraine despite having withheld his evidence against Trump during the key moments of the impeachment probe.

Ron DeSantis: 'I would've been court-martialed for taking classified documents'​

Ron DeSantis suggested he would have been “court-martialed in a New York minute” if he had kept classified documents while in the Navy, in a veiled attack on Donald Trump.

The Florida governor, 44, has been careful to walk a delicate line as he challenges Mr Trump for the Republican party’s 2024 presidential nomination, as he is wary of alienating the former president’s base.

Mr DeSantis initially expressed outrage at the Justice Department’s decision to charge the 76-year-old former president with illegally keeping top-secret files after he left the White House.

But in remarks on Friday night, Mr DeSantis implicitly stressed the gravity of his rival’s alleged crimes, even as he condemned the “weaponisation” of the justice system.

Ron DeSantis: ‘I would’ve been court-martialed for taking classified documents’

Ron DeSantis: 'I would've been court-martialed for taking classified documents'​

Ron DeSantis suggested he would have been “court-martialed in a New York minute” if he had kept classified documents while in the Navy, in a veiled attack on Donald Trump.

The Florida governor, 44, has been careful to walk a delicate line as he challenges Mr Trump for the Republican party’s 2024 presidential nomination, as he is wary of alienating the former president’s base.

Mr DeSantis initially expressed outrage at the Justice Department’s decision to charge the 76-year-old former president with illegally keeping top-secret files after he left the White House.

But in remarks on Friday night, Mr DeSantis implicitly stressed the gravity of his rival’s alleged crimes, even as he condemned the “weaponisation” of the justice system.

Ron DeSantis: ‘I would’ve been court-martialed for taking classified documents’
Meatball Ron is correct. Why? Because it's highly illegal and it's espionage.

Reality Winner was arrested, held in pre-trial confinement for a YEAR, then sentenced to 5 years in prison for taking ONE classified document, and she did it as public service to let the country know about Russia-Trump collusion.

Why shouldn't private citizen Donald Trump not receive that sentence for every classified document he stole?
You missed this part...

In response, and as part of the iterative process of the declassification review, under a cover letter dated January 17, 2021, the Federal Bureau of Investigation noted its continuing objection to any further declassification of the materials in the binder and also, on the basis of a review that included Intelligence Community equities, identified the passages that it believed it was most crucial to keep from public disclosure. I have determined to accept the redactions proposed for continued classification by the FBI in that January 17 submission.


There's a process involved with declassifying documents. They didn't declassify everything and he accepted they didn't declassify everything.
You still miss the obvious, He could have declassified the whole document if He wanted with no restrictions.

WTF? Why are you asking me questions instead of answering mine?

How was getting a corrupt prosecutor thrown out an expense of national security??
Are you so pathetically wet behind the ears you cannot
tell the difference from Biden's Council on Foreign Relations
Video where he uses a Pay-to-Play { Quid Pro Quo }
and threats to stop one billion in aide to Ukraine if they don't
Fire a Ukrainian Prosecutor investigating Burisma Holdings.
And they best hurry up cause Joe's got a plane to catch.
He gives them 6 hrs.
To Trump's Phone call with Zelensky thanking him for his
being the new President.That call was the basis for Trump's
First Impeachment.
BTW ... is it true that Zelensky has a bit of a Cocaine problem.
He sure has a problem looking { dressing } and acting like
a Country's leader.I mean even Fidel Castro acted more
Last edited:
Leave it to your stupid myopic commie ass to not even be cognizant of the glaring disparity there.

I have drawn the conclusion you're dumber than del.

Have I ever said that before? I hope not.
Um ... wasn't the Farmer in the Dell an original Americanism.
A bit cheesy but nevertheless an original.
Whereas today everything is ...
Well ,how was Trumps one goddam Phone call , not even heard by the snitch , evidence for an impeachment? You motherfuckers will do ANYTHING to keep Regular Americans from choosing their own president. Face it ,shit for brains. You don't like him ,so he must be guilty of something. Right?
Valid point.
WTF? Why are you asking me questions instead of answering mine?

How was getting a corrupt prosecutor thrown out an expense of national security??
What corrupt prosecutor? Jack Smith? Was he thrown out?
That's about the most corrupt prosecutor I've ever seen in my life!
Oh, and I have seen some too, boy.

Why did he corrupt the IRS?

Meatball Ron is correct. Why? Because it's highly illegal and it's espionage.

Reality Winner was arrested, held in pre-trial confinement for a YEAR, then sentenced to 5 years in prison for taking ONE classified document, and she did it as public service to let the country know about Russia-Trump collusion.

Why shouldn't private citizen Donald Trump not receive that sentence for every classified document he stole?
Because he was president, peabrain.
Valid point.

What corrupt prosecutor? Jack Smith? Was he thrown out?
That's about the most corrupt prosecutor I've ever seen in my life!
Oh, and I have seen some too, boy.

Why did he corrupt the IRS?

Because he was president, peabrain.
Jack the Smith is as corrupt and loony as Biden when a Vice President.
The reason the Supreme Court has knocked down a couple of his

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