Trump Indicted

Valid point.

What corrupt prosecutor? Jack Smith? Was he thrown out?
That's about the most corrupt prosecutor I've ever seen in my life!
Oh, and I have seen some too, boy.

Why did he corrupt the IRS?

Because he was president, peabrain.
Lois Lerner was treated as if Joan of Arc by Obama's
malfeasant Presidency.She was allowed to Take the fifth
but not until she was given rein to read a statement explaining
{ try exonerating her IRS targeting of Conservatives }.
She never paid any price.Allowed to retire and then receive
all retirement benefits.
It starts here:

and you can't even keep your own bullshit straight.
Another one of your baseless claims regarding what I commented on to Faun.

Have you no pride?
Jack the Smith is as corrupt and loony as Biden when a Vice President.
The reason the Supreme Court has knocked down a couple of his
That they have, my friend, that they have.

In 1 case he withheld exculpatory evidence that cleared the defendant.

He's not looking to get justice done, for sure.
Lois Lerner was treated as if Joan of Arc by Obama's
malfeasant Presidency.She was allowed to Take the fifth
but not until she was given rein to read a statement explaining
{ try exonerating her IRS targeting of Conservatives }.
She never paid any price.Allowed to retire and then receive
all retirement benefits.
Well, she had to do what Jack Smith said to do or else she was fired or dead.

She did what he wanted, it got the IRS sued succesfully and her fired.

I bet that rabbit hole goes a LOT deeper, and some people who were done wrong will never get a platform to air their grievances.
That they have, my friend, that they have.

In 1 case he withheld exculpatory evidence that cleared the defendant.

He's not looking to get justice done, for sure.
However don't let Biden off the hook.He was the person
most responsible for this Indictment mess.
Biden was at the center even though his brain
was in constant day-dreaming mode.Biden allowed
the wheels to go into motion last August.
Well, she had to do what Jack Smith said to do or else she was fired or dead.

She did what he wanted, it got the IRS sued succesfully and her fired.
Lois Lerner pulled a fast one when forced to go to
her { Investigative hearing }. She knew beforehand she was gonna
clam-up { Take the 5th }. But somehow managed to read a
statement before her appearance by a Congressional Committee.
That invocation of her 5th Amendment got her a Contempt of
Congress and by luck she skated from having the House
sergeant at arms arrest her.Speaker John Boehner lucked out
because the House never fully took up a measure if adopted that
mandated Speaker Boehner to have Lerner arrested.
Lerner was already on PAID administrative leave.
Are you so pathetically wet behind the ears you cannot
tell the difference from Biden's Council on Foreign Relations
Video where he uses a Pay-to-Play { Quid Pro Quo }
and threats to stop one billion in aide to Ukraine if they don't
Fire a Ukrainian Prosecutor investigating Burisma Holdings.
And they best hurry up cause Joe's got a plane to catch.
He gives them 6 hrs.
To Trump's Phone call with Zelensky thanking him for his
being the new President.That call was the basis for Trump's
First Impeachment.
BTW ... is it true that Zelensky has a bit of a Cocaine problem.
He sure has a problem looking { dressing } and acting like
a Country's leader.I mean even Fidel Castro acted more

Fire a Ukrainian Prosecutor investigating Burisma Holdings.

You're behind the times. That didn't happen. You'd best catch up.
Trump NEVER Destroyed or altered even ONE classified document.
Unlike Hillary.
Munificent Huge difference.Right there is reason enough
to Take down all this Jack the Smith B.S. Piling-on Indictment.

Oh? Where is the classified document Trump shared with 4 people on a golf course?
It makes it true because that's how government is run in a banana republic
Have made up crimes against the political opposition bring charges and convictions
This is a lie – the United States is not a ‘banana republic’ – Trump’s appropriate, lawful, warranted indictment is proof of that.

In a ‘banana republic,’ the wealthy and powerful commit their crimes with impunity.

It’s also a lie to claim that Trump’s crimes are ‘made up’ – the indictment provides objective, documented evidence and testimony as to obstruction of justice and conspiracy charges.
Another one of your baseless claims regarding what I commented on to Faun.

Have you no pride?
Listen up weirdo

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