Trump Indicted

Millions of dollars from foreign countries flowing through shell companies to various Biden family members isn’t evidence of a crime - especially since the document the FBI finally turned over detailed exactly how to set up these shell companies to disguise the bribe?

I‘ve got a bridge to sell you.
Gee, doctor (lol)...why don't you take your evidence to court?

You do have a PhD, right? LOL
Now, the question is, what comes after.

From 2015:

I actually like these loons. They demonstrate exactly what sort of losers they are. When the revolution begins these silly asshats are not going to last too long.

You've been promising a revolution forever.

What comes after? More promises from your bitch ass.
To a conservative, accountability is a crime. Thus, anyone who holds Trump accountable for any criminal act must be a criminal.

Alas, that's not how reality works.

Trump didn’t act alone. If the prosecution can prove he told one man f his workers to move any of the boxes at Mar A Lago, that’s conspiracy, and he won’t escape that charge.

His next biggest problem is the espionage charge, that will prevent him from using the declassified defense.

Trump is in big trouble, and he still has charges coming from voter fraud corms n Georgia.
Never saw Hillary indicted, have you?
Trump was elected on the claim that Hillary was a “Crook”

With multiple indictments in multiple jurisdictions….what does that make Crooked Donnie?
A victim of a corrupt Stalin-esque government entity in America.
From 2015:

You've been promising a revolution forever.

What comes after? More promises from your bitch ass.
A lot of dead, and an American Theocracy established. That's the way I see it, and I don't like that..
The Founders said that if it ever gets this fucked up, the only option is to his Ctl Alt Del twice and reboot the entire operation; it's unfixable and no Convention of States will help
The Founders were brutal slavers, violence wasn't foreign to them. You cosplaying cucks don't have the stomach for it. Your guns and gear are for show. They used theirs to put down slave revolts. You guys play dress up and shoot paper targets. You're convention goers. Stick to the Guns n' Anime expo before you fuck around and find out. 😄
Everyone on the Select Committee saw them, including democrats. They arent saying they are fake so, do you have counter evidence that outweighs that fact?

Did the Dems say they prove Biden and his family are crooks?
Dont change the subject. You suggested that the bank records were fake. Do you have evidence to support that claim?

I did no such thing, I am sure they have some bank records. I asked if you saw them, which the answer to seems to be no.

A very wise man once said....The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.

I look forward to these bank records being introduced into a court of law where they can be examined by both sides
Dont change the subject. You suggested that the bank records were fake. Do you have evidence to support that claim?
What exactly do you have as evidence? That some of Bidens family members have been paid by foreign companies and have kept some of the money from those payments in foreign bank accounts? Which of those are crimes dumb dumb?
We are imprisoning political opponents just like in Cuba and Russia.

The Founders were brutal slavers, violence wasn't foreign to them. You cosplaying cucks don't have the stomach for it. Your guns and gear are for show. They used theirs to put down slave revolts. You guys play dress up and shoot paper targets. You're convention goers. Stick to the Guns n' Anime expo before you fuck around and find out. 😄

40MM slaves in the world today, 17 countries STILL practice slavery including your CCP Overlords
From the NYT

Trump faces at least seven criminal counts, my Times colleagues reported. They include willfully retaining national defense secrets in violation of the Espionage Act, making false statements and conspiracy to obstruct justice. The Justice Department has not confirmed or announced the charges.​

It is not unusual for federal officials to misplace or accidentally hold on to classified documents. Such files were found in the homes of President Biden and former Vice President Mike Pence. What is unusual in Trump’s case are his apparent efforts to keep the documents as federal officials asked him to return them.​

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