Trump Indicted

The PRA is controlling in dealing with records in possession of a former President, and there is no criminalizing of a former President in the PRA over documents.


44 U.S.C. §2205(3).

the Presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President

§2205(3) doesn't mean government records become the property of the FPOTUS.

The same PRA of 1978 says in

§2205(g)(1) Upon the conclusion of a President’s term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President. The Archivist shall have an affirmative duty to make such records available to the public as rapidly and completely as possible consistent with the provisions of this chapter.

The former President (or his designee) can have access to Presidential Records through the NARA, not that the former President gets to take the records to his country club.

It's showtime and possibly civil war time.

What a coincidence!

The same day the Biden bribe document comes out.



LOL Let's revisit the orange douchebag's rap sheet, shall we?

Trump Impeached: Twice

Trump Organization conviction: 17 criminal charges.

Trump Liability for sexual assault: Guilty verdict - $5 million fine

Donald Trump - misusing charitable foundation: Guilty - $2 million fine

Donald Trump State indictment: Once so far...

Donald Trump Federal Indictment: Once so far...

Now, let's compare with Obama, Hillary, and Biden.... 0 on all of the above!!!!

Now BS over documents that he has a right to per 44 U.S.C. §2205(3).

the Presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President

The prosecution has said they will not present evidence. They are charging that Trump mishandled national security documents but refuse to identify the documents.

This whole thing is beyond ridiculous. That’s lawfare.

Its election interference. Every third world banana republic does it.

Every other so called republican running for President who does not call this out is an accomp!ice to election fraud.

The prosecution has said they will not present evidence. They are charging that Trump mishandled national security documents but refuse to identify the documents.

This whole thing is beyond ridiculous. That’s lawfare.

Its election interference. Every third world banana republic does it.

Every other so called republican running for President who does not call this out is an accomp!ice to election fraud.
Ok....but the REAL question is when are you starting your civil war? I need to block out the date on my calendar.
Somewhere, nine other GOP candidates' chances each got just a little bit better.

They sense blood in the water
Will they jump on Trumps legal issues or once again come to his defense?
s that really the best defense you have of Trump?
You are a lightweight

The reality will set in Tuesday morning when he's booked, finger printed, and a mugshot is taken.

Now he's just another indicted criminal, like everyother indicted criminal.
At least if you believe his social media postings.

Going to the courthouse Tuesday. He should be used to this by now.
indicted for docs he clearly had the power to declassify while Biden walks for taking docs from his time as vp and his time as a congressman and had no authority to take said docs ... also Trump is indicted on the same day that House Oversight Committee members viewed the 1023 docs on the Biden bribery scheme ... coincident ? i think not ...we are now officially living in a leftist totalitarian banana republic .
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He stated that every President since Reagan has had issues with taking classified material and if the Democrats were going to set new precedence by indicting / charging a President with 'Espionage' they would have to indict / charge them all with Espionage - including Joe Biden.

It will come down to intent.

Did you know they were Classified?
Did you know you had them?
Did you cooperate?

Trump fails at all three
It's showtime and possibly civil war time.

What a coincidence!

The same day the Biden bribe document comes out.



The Trump braindead lemmings are in crisis. Their mesiah has been criminally indicted for the second time this year.
The lemmings will follow him when he in jail, also. Just like Warren Jeffs and the FLDS. MAGA = FLDS. A cult.

Great source by the lemming in crisis.
The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right[2] fake news website.[1] The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.[34]
indicted for docs he clearly had the power to declassify while Biden walks for taking docs from his time a vp and his time as a congressman and had no authority to take said docs ... also Trump is indicted on the same day that House Oversight Committee members viewed the 1023 docs on the Biden bribery scheme ... coincident ? i think not ...we are now officially living in a leftist totalitarian banana republic .
Maybe you don't get it... because everything you think you know is total horseshit, and you don't know much about reality?

Has that once crossed your mind, the thousands of times reality has not aligned with your cult fantasies?
Anyone else find the timing of this announcement 'interesting'?

On the same day - just a little later - it is exposed that Joe Biden took a $5 Million dollar bribe from Burisma, Garland and his DOJ announce Trump has been Indicted for crimes far less criminal than Biden's own classified material theft scandal...


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