Trump Indicted

Let's put this manufactured bullshit to bed once and for all.

From the indicment:

ss-documents.jpg're not going to extinguish shit using evidence.

You can't use evidence to convince folks that don't use evidence.
This is the indictment. I just went through it. I'll recap for those that are unwilling to read. Before they get their talking points.

Smith has.
-Witnesses stating that Trump showed defense information. Including pertaining to nuclear secrets (outside the power of the president to declassify)
-Security footage of Nauta moving boxes after the subpoena before Cochrane did his search.
-photographs of boxes stored in other places than the storeroom.
-voice recordings that corroborate witnesses stating that he showed them defense information that he admitted he didn't declassify.
-text messages that document Trump staffers not to mention a female family member texting that she was in the know about the boxes.

This is not all but some of the highlights.
Nauta will be key

He has been indicted. His ass will end up in jail, not Trump
Will he take the fall for Trump or save his ass?
Justice Department Unseals 37-Count Indictment of Trump, Including 31-Counts Under the Espionage Act of "Will Retention" of Classified Records.

A federal indictment unsealed Friday charges former President Donald Trump with 37 felony counts stemming from an investigation into the presence of a trove of classified information at his Florida estate and other locations after he left office.

Prosecutors led by special counsel Jack Smith allege that Trump arranged to remove a massive collection of highly sensitive classified material — much of which consists of intelligence about the “defense and weapons capabilities” of the United States and foreign countries — to his private residence as he left the White House in January 2021.

No wonder Trusty and Rawlins walked away....hell they ran away. They know stinking loser when they see one.
The key element is did Trump release this information to others or did uncleared people have unfettered access to rooms where the documents are stored?

Good thing that Trump has video evidence that nobody else had access to those rooms or went through those documents.

Oh wait…..That evidence was destroyed in an unfortunate pool accident
From Fox News, where and how Trump had classified documents stored.

Fox News Photo.jpg
Execute Obama for treason. Note it again faggot.

Based on your imaginary passages in the constitution? How is that fair, equal, or justice?

And remember, when asked who the 'enemy' was in 'giving aid and comfort to the enemy', you claimed it was 'cheating'.

You're violently irrational.
Yes, but he's by no means the only damaging witness. Cochrane, Trump staffer 1 and 2. The people doing meadows' biography and the staffers present. The possibilities are endless.

He will be accused of moving documents and possibly tampering with evidence.
Trump will say he acted on his own and let him take the fall

Will Natua make a deal?

Ron DeSantis

The weaponization of federal law enforcement represents a mortal threat to a free society. We have for years witnessed an uneven application of the law depending upon political affiliation. Why so zealous in pursuing Trump yet so passive about Hillary or Hunter? The DeSantis administration will bring accountability to the DOJ, excise political bias and end weaponization once and for all.

8:53 PM · Jun 8, 2023
Ron should have waited till he read the indictment.

Now Ron gets to tell us how it’s okay to store top secret documents in the ballroom of his club while hosting dozens of events there.

Or maybe he can tell us why it’s okay to hide classified documents from the DoJ and lie about it?
Its not really his fault. Conservatives have been trained and indoctrinated to think that their beliefs define reality. If they believes something, if they FEEL its true, reality will just magically transform around them to match.

That's why they make their conspiracy accusations FIRST. And then scramble desperately to find evidence of their claims after: they genuinely believe they're going to 'manifest' a reality in which they are right.

Alas, that's not how reality works. As demonstrated by their perfect record of failure in court.

Conservatives are afraid to think for themselves. Early on they learn it is easier to led and lied to than engage in independent thinking. Their version of reality is based on what they told to think.

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