Trump Indicted

accusations from a doj that has been trying to frame the guy for over 7 yrs ... nah pal ya gotta do better than that .
So your strategy is to pretend the indictments don't exist?

Wow. The right wing echo chamber is a hellava drug.

Good luck with that.
Based on your imaginary passages in the constitution? How is that fair, equal, or justice?

And remember, when asked who the 'enemy' was in 'giving aid and comfort to the enemy', you claimed it was 'cheating'.

You're violently irrational.
Why don't you worry about that when it happens?
Conservatives are afraid to think for themselves. Early on they learn it is easier to led and lied to than engage in independent thinking. Their version of reality is based on what they told to think.

There are consequences for thinking.

Trump himself has said that RINOs are the lowest form of human life. And anyone who criticizes Trump or doesn't show unwavering personal loyalty to him, including violating the a RINO.

With very, very real consequences from his supporters for those who don't ape Trump's rhetoric. Up to and including threats on their person and their families.

Being a conservative means being loyal to Trump personally. Trump before party. Party before country.
Conservatives are afraid to think for themselves. Early on they learn it is easier to led and lied to than engage in independent thinking. Their version of reality is based on what they told to think.
What you claim is exactly how it works on the democrat side......
Conspiracy To Withhold Classified Documents. The unsealed Indictment includes 31-Counts of Violating the Espionage Act. Serious jail time awaits.

31 counts…
Is a jury going to acquit on all 31?
According to the indictment, Trump moved some classified documents to his Bedminster Club in New Jersey.

One day, the boasting dumbass showed a classified map to a member of his Political Action Committee who had NO security clearance.

According to the indictment, Trump moved some classified documents to his Bedminster Club in New Jersey.

One day, the boasting dumbass showed a classified map to a member of his Political Action Committee who had NO security clearance.

That confirms the reports on the recording.

The MSM gets it right again.

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