Trump Indicted


This isn't a 'MAGA' thing - it has become Americans versus a very criminal Stalinist, Constitution / law-violating, rights trampling. American citizen-targeting/punishing Democrat Socialist authoritarian Party / government.


You know he is dirty but hell, he offers fascism.

He offers suppression of minorities, gay people, black people anybody deemed the way.
The only thing I know is the Democratic Party went double Gonzo fruit loops when he beat Hillary. They have been on a 7 year crusade to destroy him. The DEMS have gone completely off the rails and taken the DOJ and the FBI with them. Anyone with common sense can see that.

The prosecution has said they will not present evidence. They are charging that Trump mishandled national security documents but refuse to identify the documents.

This whole thing is beyond ridiculous. That’s lawfare.

Its election interference. Every third world banana republic does it.

Every other so called republican running for President who does not call this out is an accomp!ice to election fraud.
they are calling it out ! the best the left can hope for is preventing Trump from running ...then DeSantis will be the next POTUS ! and he's tougher on the woke left than Trump ever thought of being . and for the gay leftists giggling and screeching with homo glee ... remember Florida aint NY when it comes to a jury pool .
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"Whataboutism" is a conservative tactic that will be ignored here.

Judge, take it to the former president. Hard.
Let Biden answer for the documents he had.
His defense will be he wasn’t aware he had them and turned them over as soon as they were found.

Trump does not have that defense. He admitted he took them, tried to hide them, refused to return them
Trump’s legal team is going to have a hell of a time creating a coherent legal theory out of this. The trial is going to be absolutely spectacular.

I hope Trump elects for a speedy trial.

Knowing him he’ll try to delay the trial and then blame the government for it.

Just like Trump's Big Lie, the arguments Trump makes in public and the arguments his lawyers are making in court have nothing to do with each other.

His lawyers explicitly declined to make the 'telepathic declassification' argument in front of a judge.

And its likely *much* worse than we know. Its probable that Trump showed the documents to other people. Which is an enormous Espionage Act violation. And the doc that Trump spoke of in July of 2021 in the reported recording.....has never been recovered.

So where the fuck is it? Trump either STILL has it, lost it, or gave it to someone else. Which would be a crime, or a crime, or a BIG fucking crime.
President is the head of the executive branch and has every power to declasify any document

All the demons want is to destroy the threat of oppostion

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