Trump Indicted

The double standards here, and the weaponization of the government against Biden’s major political opponent, is SO blatant and extreme that all independent voters will see this for what it is.

The far-left Democrats are beyond hope - we see examples of it right on this forum - but that’s only about 30% of the electorate. No amount of middle-of-the night cheating and ballot harvesting can make up the difference.
he didnt obstruct justice ... he communicated and cooperated with officials under said docs under lock and key guarded by Secrete Service agents ... but Bidens docs ??? well we know the DEALS on that dont we .
If he cooperated with the DoJ, why did the FBI find over one hundred documents that he was supposed to hand over and that his lawyers swore he didn’t have?

Doesn’t look good.

But why are you so concerned about how “secure” they were? They were supposedly declassified which means that we all get to read them. Is it because you don’t actually think they’re declassified? I don’t.
What a weak ass troll post.


The prosecution has said they will not present evidence. They are charging that Trump mishandled national security documents but refuse to identify the documents.

This whole thing is beyond ridiculous. That’s lawfare.

Its election interference. Every third world banana republic does it.

Every other so called republican running for President who does not call this out is an accomp!ice to election fraud.
The Dem's desperation to 'get Trump' has become absurd. I love that Trump shoved a red hot poker up their ass with Biden's classified documents crimes. When someone has the courage and the money to tell Dems to go F themselves Dems don't know what to do.
Laughing....Jack is following due process, as he should.

Which is far more than our MAGA faithful were willing to offering Hillary in their demands that she be imprisoned for 'crimes' she was neither charged with, nor convicted of.
I want Trump around long enough for him to lock up the 2024 Republican nomination, destroy all his competitors..and then destroy the Republican party in the process.
Biden wins a second term...and I don't even want Biden to run.

After November 2024, you can go ahead and put the screws to Donnie. First, let him serve as the useful idiot.
Not sure what this whiny crap has to do with anything, but your special little orange man caught some more felonies.

But its fake felonies just like the fake illegal govt .
They want zero opposition and want to destroy that

You should back fascism even if you hate the man.

You are a weak buffoon
I want Trump around long enough for him to lock up the 2024 Republican nomination, destroy all his competitors..and then destroy the Republican party in the process.
Biden wins a second term...and I don't even want Biden to run.

After November 2024, you can go ahead and put the screws to Donnie. First, let him serve as the useful idiot.

I am sure the fake GOP will kick him out and Trump will have to run Indep
It's showtime and possibly civil war time.

What a coincidence!

The same day the Biden bribe document comes out.



So the guy that showed up right after Russia invaded Ukraine, immediately took a pro-Russian position and trashed the Ukrainians, has repeatedly encouraged Americans to hurt and attack other Americans, and has called for Biden to be arrested for crimes against Russia.... calling for Americans to attack Americans.

Sorry, Comrade, no thank you.

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