Trump insists that in his first year he has had the biggest stock market gains ever ever ever ......

Obama’s first year saw about 2700 point gain, as it was rebounding off the real estate bubble burst.

President Trump’s first year has been about 5000 points.

No amount of your monkey math is going to change that. You sir, are the liar.
You measure market index changes by percentages not by points.
In Obama's first year in office the S&P500 rose 29.8% from 865 to 1123.
In Trump's first year in office the S&P500 rose 18.6% from 22750 t0 27000 (est.)
In Truman's first full year in office, 1945 when WWII ended, the average rose 35.8%, the largest market gain in a president's first year in office since the end of the depression.

If Trump actually made the statement that the stock market gain in his first year in office is the greatest of any president first year, he's wrong as usually. Why doesn't this idiot actually check his facts before opening his mouth?
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Obama’s first year saw about 2700 point gain, as it was rebounding off the real estate bubble burst.

President Trump’s first year has been about 5000 points.

No amount of your monkey math is going to change that. You sir, are the liar.
You measure market indexes changes by percentages not by points.
In Obama's first year in office the S&P500 rose 29% from 865 to 1123.

Recovery from a loss is not gain.
It was the biggest shopping season ever, in history.

There will be no living with Trump now.
Obama’s first year saw about 2700 point gain, as it was rebounding off the real estate bubble burst.

President Trump’s first year has been about 5000 points.

No amount of your monkey math is going to change that. You sir, are the liar.
You measure market indexes changes by percentages not by points.
In Obama's first year in office the S&P500 rose 29% from 865 to 1123.

Recovery from a loss is not gain.
That makes no sense. It was 865 when he entered office and 1123 at the end of his first year. That was a gain in his first year of 29% versus Trump's 18.6% during his first year.
Obama’s first year saw about 2700 point gain, as it was rebounding off the real estate bubble burst.

President Trump’s first year has been about 5000 points.

No amount of your monkey math is going to change that. You sir, are the liar.
You measure market indexes changes by percentages not by points.
In Obama's first year in office the S&P500 rose 29% from 865 to 1123.

Recovery from a loss is not gain.
That makes no sense. It was 865 when he entered office and 1123 at the end of his first year. That was a gain in his first year of 29% versus Trump's 18.6% during his first year.

No, it was a recovery from the loss of the recession and the blowout of the housing bubble. No gain until you get back to where you were.
No, it was a recovery from the loss of the recession and the blowout of the housing bubble. No gain until you get back to where you were.

And actually its uglier than that. If you have a loss, you have to gain double to get back that loss. How?

If you invest 100 dollars and it loses 50% of its value, how much do you have left? 50 dollars. How much does it have to go up to get back to 100? It has to double. So if the stock market goes down 2000pts it has to go up 4000 for you to be back where you were. You haven't made a dime, just returned to where you were.

This is, of course an ideal scenario and investing isn't this exact, but it shows you why when the markets go down it takes so long to recover.

Personally I invested 10,000 dollars in 2000 right when the bubble hit. By the time I finished losing, I was down to 4800 dollars. It took me until 2015 to get back to 10,000. Now and only now have I started to make money on my investment. And its been substantial the last 12 months. More in the last 12 months than the previous 17 years.

Is Trump a liar? Is he stupid? Is the GOP base stupid enough to believe him? The base knows Trump is lying but doesn't care?

Which is it?
if he's lying, I don't care!
if he's stupid. I don't care
I LOVE Trump
GO Trump!!!!!
If he's lying I don't care?
If he's stupid I don't care?

That's funny. What about if he's a traitor? You don't care then either?

Cuz he don't give two sh!ts about you.

If your definition of a traitor is to root out crime and corruption of Hillary and the DNC rigging their elections..

Telling the American public...

Then so be it ..

To US that means Trump is an..........

American patriot

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Obama’s first year saw about 2700 point gain, as it was rebounding off the real estate bubble burst.

President Trump’s first year has been about 5000 points.

No amount of your monkey math is going to change that. You sir, are the liar.
Nobody likes a dum dum. So stop being a dum dum, OK? Dum Dum?

FACT CHECK: Did The Stock Market ‘Nearly Triple’ Under Obama?

The Dow closed at about 7,949 on (Obama's) Inauguration Day in 2009, and about 19,732 on Obama’s last full day in office. This represents a 148 percent increase over eight years.

Although the Dow didn’t “nearly triple,” Axelrod may have been referring to the S&P 500, which is a common and arguably more representative benchmark of the stock market. The S&P 500 closed at about 805 on Inauguration Day in 2009, and about 2,264 on Obama’s last full day in office, an increase of 181 percent. If the index had climbed around another 152 points, it would have tripled, so Axelrod’s claim is correct.


Them's the numbers. That's just the way it is.

Quantitive easing

And actually its uglier than that. If you have a loss, you have to gain double to get back that loss. How?

If you invest 100 dollars and it loses 50% of its value, how much do you have left? 50 dollars. How much does it have to go up to get back to 100? It has to double. So if the stock market goes down 2000pts it has to go up 4000 for you to be back where you were. You haven't made a dime, just returned to where you were.

If you start at 4,000 points, and then it goes down to 2,000 points, it only has to go up 2,000 to get back where you were (4,000). You may want to edit your post and re-check your math. I think what people are trying to say is it is harder to have rapidly rising stocks when you're not in or recovering from a recession.
And actually its uglier than that. If you have a loss, you have to gain double to get back that loss. How?

If you invest 100 dollars and it loses 50% of its value, how much do you have left? 50 dollars. How much does it have to go up to get back to 100? It has to double. So if the stock market goes down 2000pts it has to go up 4000 for you to be back where you were. You haven't made a dime, just returned to where you were.

If you start at 4,000 points, and then it goes down to 2,000 points, it only has to go up 2,000 to get back where you were (4,000). You may want to edit your post and re-check your math. I think what people are trying to say is it is harder to have rapidly rising stocks when you're not in or recovering from a recession.

Wrong, and I explained why. We're not talking about points, we're talking about dollars. I explained why a 2000 pt drop would necessitate a 4000pt gain to get back to where you were. If you can't understand it I kinda hope you'll go back and reread it.

I have a degree in finance from a university, do you?
The markets rise under Obama and the rise under Trump are for two entirely different reasons
Yea, and unfortunately, they are going to crash under Trump.

Saw a report on the news. Since Trump was elected, Japan's stock market rose 20% and South Korea's 22%. Both more than ours.

Spurned by Trump, China and Mexico talk about a trade deal

Trump Created a Problem for U.S. Farmers

Trump Talks Tough on China and Mexico, but Trade Actions Hit Canada

New EU-Mexico trade deal edges closer | Business | DW | 06.12.2017

Trump with his empty bravado will eventually send us into a recession.
Damn so Trump being elected is helping EVERYONE's economy.

The man is incredible! Thanks for the links!!

And yea eventually we'll be in a recession. Historically the stock market has ups and downs. So saying "eventually we'll be in a recession" is like saying "eventually the sun will go down." Duh.
And actually its uglier than that. If you have a loss, you have to gain double to get back that loss. How?

If you invest 100 dollars and it loses 50% of its value, how much do you have left? 50 dollars. How much does it have to go up to get back to 100? It has to double. So if the stock market goes down 2000pts it has to go up 4000 for you to be back where you were. You haven't made a dime, just returned to where you were.

If you start at 4,000 points, and then it goes down to 2,000 points, it only has to go up 2,000 to get back where you were (4,000). You may want to edit your post and re-check your math. I think what people are trying to say is it is harder to have rapidly rising stocks when you're not in or recovering from a recession.

Wrong, and I explained why. We're not talking about points, we're talking about dollars. I explained why a 2000 pt drop would necessitate a 4000pt gain to get back to where you were. If you can't understand it I kinda hope you'll go back and reread it.

I have a degree in finance from a university, do you?

No, but I can understand you may have severe anger problems and need to seek psychiatric counseling if you're taking my post so personally.

If you go from $100 to $50, you only need to double it to get back where you were. You only need to double the 2,000 points to get back where you were as well.
Yes, double the 2000 pts, that means it must gain 4000. If you only have 50 dollars, it has to double to get back to where you are. So if it loses 50 in value with 2000 pts it has to gain double that because you now only have 50 to invest, not 100.

Sorry I studied this in school. If you think THAT post showed anger you're not prepared to be on this website! lol
Wrong. It doesn't work that way. If you only have 50 dollars, it has to double to get back to where you are. So if it loses 50 in value with 2000 pts it has to gain double that because you now only have 50 to invest, not 100.

Sorry I studied this in school. If you think THAT post showed anger you're not prepared to be on this website! lol

You said it would need a 4,000 point gain to get back where you were. If you started at 4,000, and then lost 2,000 (to get to 2,000), you only need a 2,000 point gain to get back to 4,000. 2,000 plus 4,000 would be 6,000 (33% gain from where you started).

Do you know how stocks work? You don't have "$50 to invest" if you lost money from your original investment as long as you don't sell your share... You keep the same number of shares and if the price of each share rises again, you need to double it to get back to even.
Yes, but if you lost half of your investment value, when you see a gain you only see half of the gain. Not the full gain.

Think about in 2 parts. If you lose half the value with 2000 pt loss in the stock market, and your 100 goes to 50. You now only have 50. So if the market goes back to 4000, your 50 dollars goes up by half, the same half that you lost when it went down the original 2000pts. Pts of stock market gain don't equal dollars, they equal percents. So if you lost half with minus 2000, you gain half with plus 2000. So now you're at 75 dollars and the market is back at 4000. Your investment doesn't lose half going down 2000 and double going up 2000. Don't work that way.

This is under an ideal situation and isn't likely for anyone but it's a concept you must understand when you invest.
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Yes, but if you lost half of your investment value, when you see a gain you only see half of the gain. Not the full gain.

Company XYZ.

Shares: $10 each. Purchase: 10 shares (commission $0).

10 shares lose $5 = $50 left.

10 shares then gain $5 = $100 left.

You won't see "half the gain as before," you still own 10 shares regardless of how much the share price goes down.
We're not talking about shares of stock, we're talking about investments. Monetary investments in things Like a mutual fund. A mutual fund doesn't hold stuff forever. If you don't have as much money in the mutual fund, you won't have as many shares. It's an investment as a whole.

I can't explain it any other way. I have a degree in finance and I had this explained to me in numerous finance classes and by a certified financial analyst for Edward Jones.

Whether you believe it or not I don't really care. I'm trying to educate you.
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Is Trump a liar? Is he stupid? Is the GOP base stupid enough to believe him? The base knows Trump is lying but doesn't care?

Which is it?

Yeah he sucked so bad you believe your MSM BS LIES again.......... LMFAO meanwhile..............


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