Trump insults a war hero

see what happens when a party has to get racists to vote so they can win elections
Trump said "I like people who weren't captured".

He said when McCain lost that he didn't like losers.
Yes, we need a loose cannon with a mouth like this in the White House.....REALLY?
so what. as if you on the left could care. none of you cared about that when he ran for President. or that Bush and Reagan served their country.

you people and Trump. you weren't any better with Palin. if anything you were downright vile and nasty to a woman running for office

it was some sick sick stuff

worry about your own party of old ALL WHITE corrupted fogies running. You all need a LOT OF HELP
As someone told me earlier about this....If he dies it will be at his own be it...
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


Indeed. It started with a nasty tweet.

Well, ok, a tweet is a tweet is a tweet, but in today's technological landscape, a tweet can cause a lavine to happen. And then this. Wow.

I mean, John McCain is not really my style, but I have respected the man and cannot even begin to imagine the horrors he suffered in captivity. He really is an American hero and I think that Donald Trump may end up rueing this one.
so what. as if you on the left could care

you people and Trump. you weren't any better with Palin. if anything you were downright vile and nasty to a woman running for office

it was some sick sick stuff

worry about your own party of old ALL WHITE corrupted fogies running. You all need a LOT OF HELP

He is leading your party for the 2016 nomination in many polls. Does that not worry you?
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


McCain has no dignity. He's been trading on his war hero status for decades so he can sell out the voters of his state.
Politics doesn't supercede what that man did in Vietnam, nor what happened to him there.

Interesting information from the OP link:

Trump managed to avoid serving in the Vietnam war because of a series of draft deferments. Asked why he didn't serve, Trump said, "I had student deferments and ultimately had a medical deferment because of my feet. I had a bone spur." But Trump said he did not recall which foot was injured and instructed reporters to look up his records.

Trump added, "I was not a big fan of the Vietnam War. I wasn’t a protester, but the Vietnam War was a disaster for our country. What did we get out of the Vietnam War other than death? We got nothing.”
As I said in the other thread.

None of the Democrats gave a crap about that when he (McCain) was Running for President

so now today he's back to being a war hero. And we are suppose to get all bent over what Trump said?

who cares he's free to say what he wants. Him and McCain has some feud going on and I could care less about McCain. he should have retired after his failed Presidential run
dems didnt trash McCain war service.

the republican party trashed the dem kerrys honorable war service

says alot

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