Trump, Iran and the 2020 Election

To be clear, I am not making a prediction on Trump going to war with Iran. Morons like Trump are unpredictable. I don’t pretend otherwise.

The question, however, is that if Trump really did go to war with Iran, would his supporters automatically think it was a great idea?
Trump has 90% plus rating with republicans. They are like a cult, and will support him no matter what he does.

And you Communists will oppose anything and everything he does, regardless of what it is,

Calling others a commie, the go to for those who have nothing important to say.
You’re a fking anti American, easy peasy
and you're a delusional idiot who makes things like that up to justify his own, moronic behavior to himself.
I’m fking American, she’s somilian fk her she should be thrown out of office, not naturally born here. It’s my fking constitution and she can fking respect me and my president and my country
Good grief, stop yer incessant crybabying, ya fucking twat
My country you don’t like it leave mother fker
Actually, it's my country. you're the one whining like a little baby. I need to see your birth certificate.
Nope I have a constitution so fk off traitor go suck somolian Vijay jay
Deranged Democrats like the OP poster of course always get it ass backwards. The real issue is what if the Iranians start a war in the ME. It's the Iranians who are acting belligerent and attacking shipping. We can't expect credible discussions from the Democratic Party's Iran supporters.
I notice another thread ..............IF TRUMP.......

IF TRUMP...........IF TRUMP.

Looks like the Iranians are starting this one.
The morons are those who keep talking about Trump starting wars despite the fact a key part of his 2016 campiagn was about not getting involved in foreign conflicts and we are not involved in any that we weren't before he took office.
But, also, cheap healthcare for everyone, and a big, beautiful wall. So, surely you understand if people don't just accept Trump's rhetoric on its face or the fact that it hasn't happened yet as proof his rhetoric is true. remember, he supported the Iraq war until he didn't. Same for Afghanistan, until he didn't. And until he did, again.
Yeah and we also had if you like your doctor and healthcare plan you can keep them perioid and ISIS is the JV and leaving Iraq before we had to go back from the previous President we can do this with every President from Washington to Trump. The fact remains Trump has not gotten us into any new wars and there is indication he wants to could that change of course but right now it feels like the left wants a war just so they can use it as a 2020 talking point.
To be clear, I am not making a prediction on Trump going to war with Iran. Morons like Trump are unpredictable. I don’t pretend otherwise.

The question, however, is that if Trump really did go to war with Iran, would his supporters automatically think it was a great idea?
Trump has 90% plus rating with republicans. They are like a cult, and will support him no matter what he does.

And you Communists will oppose anything and everything he does, regardless of what it is,

Calling others a commie, the go to for those who have nothing to say.
They’re all pussies, can deal it can’t take it! Antifa fascists
Antifa are anti fascist. The alt-right are fascist.
The morons are those who keep talking about Trump starting wars despite the fact a key part of his 2016 campiagn was about not getting involved in foreign conflicts and we are not involved in any that we weren't before he took office.
But, also, cheap healthcare for everyone, and a big, beautiful wall. So, surely you understand if people don't just accept Trump's rhetoric on its face or the fact that it hasn't happened yet as proof his rhetoric is true. remember, he supported the Iraq war until he didn't. Same for Afghanistan, until he didn't. And until he did, again.
Yeah and we also had if you like your doctor and healthcare plan you can keep them perioid and ISIS is the JV and leaving Iraq before we had to go back from the previous President we can do this with every President from Washington to Trump. The fact remains Trump has not gotten us into any new wars and there is indication he wants to could that change of course but right now it feels like the left wants a war just so they can use it as a 2020 talking point.
Sorry, but your pathetic whataboutism doesn't speak to my point. Maybe you're lost. The 5 billion Obama crybaby threads are that way ->
My point is that you and Billy are playing tag with Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals." It's getting old.
well that is a whiny, delusional statement that seems completely unrelated to your simplistic question. If we were having this conversation in real time in person, such odd behavior on your part would make me wonder if you were a bit daft. Like , just off the meds, or something.

No, it started off with the OPs post #1 and your post #2. Two geniuses at work. Oh, and read my siggy.
It really is a cult.
Oh yea, much of it ism. But many who voted for him are not in the cult. They roll their eyes whenever he opens his mouth. But you don't hear from them.
Yeah many of them voted for him were naive but not necessarily stupid. After that point, there is no excusing support for him because those people are morons.
My point is that you and Billy are playing tag with Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals." It's getting old.
well that is a whiny, delusional statement that seems completely unrelated to your simplistic question. If we were having this conversation in real time in person, such odd behavior on your part would make me wonder if you were a bit daft. Like , just off the meds, or something.

No, it started off with the OPs post #1 and your post #2. Two geniuses at work. Oh, and read my siggy.
Now you are going back in time, without even connecting the dots and making a cogent point. Have you been tested for Alzheimers lately?
Face it, you cant make your point. IYou have posted several times since being asked, and we've seen nothing from you but struggles with completing thoughts and with the english language.
To be clear, I am not making a prediction on Trump going to war with Iran. Morons like Trump are unpredictable. I don’t pretend otherwise.

The question, however, is that if Trump really did go to war with Iran, would his supporters automatically think it was a great idea?
Trump has 90% plus rating with republicans. They are like a cult, and will support him no matter what he does.

And you Communists will oppose anything and everything he does, regardless of what it is,

Calling others a commie, the go to for those who have nothing to say.
They’re all pussies, can deal it can’t take it! Antifa fascists
Antifa are anti fascist. The alt-right are fascist.

The ANTIFA Brown Shirts are about as anti fascist as you are patriotic, Comrade.
It really is a cult.
Oh yea, much of it ism. But many who voted for him are not in the cult. They roll their eyes whenever he opens his mouth. But you don't hear from them.
Yeah many of them voted for him were naive but not necessarily stupid. After that point, there is no excusing support for him because those people are morons.

So, we should have voted for Hitlary, eh Billy?
No, you should have just showed some since of principle and either not vote or vote for an independent conservative candidate instead.
The morons are those who keep talking about Trump starting wars despite the fact a key part of his 2016 campiagn was about not getting involved in foreign conflicts and we are not involved in any that we weren't before he took office.
But, also, cheap healthcare for everyone, and a big, beautiful wall. So, surely you understand if people don't just accept Trump's rhetoric on its face or the fact that it hasn't happened yet as proof his rhetoric is true. remember, he supported the Iraq war until he didn't. Same for Afghanistan, until he didn't. And until he did, again.
Yeah and we also had if you like your doctor and healthcare plan you can keep them perioid and ISIS is the JV and leaving Iraq before we had to go back from the previous President we can do this with every President from Washington to Trump. The fact remains Trump has not gotten us into any new wars and there is indication he wants to could that change of course but right now it feels like the left wants a war just so they can use it as a 2020 talking point.
Sorry, but your pathetic whataboutism doesn't speak to my point. Maybe you're lost. The 5 billion Obama crybaby threads are that way ->
Sorry but your pathetic attempt to try and pretend that what goes on with Trump has not gone with every President before him does not stand up. You and those like you bitch, piss and moan about everything Trump says and does 24/7 but like to ignore the fact it's no different than what all before him have done. Here is the point you choose to ignore Trump has not gotten us into any wars there is no proof or indication he is going to and your he said this or that in the past does not change this. End of story case closed here endth the lesson fuck off mic drop.

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