Trump is a complete moron. Need even more proof? Read his new demand about the wall

Might end up killing a lot of birds.

a transparent wall is a silly idea

but this -


could work, with glass panels close to the bottom as well
Or a camera and monitor.
Lol none of which Trump has proposed. Also, how much do you think all of that will cost ALL ALONG the border?
Cost does not matter because Mexico will be forced to pay for it, jackass.

Personally I think illegal aliens should be sentenced to hard labor building the wall.
lol. Raise taxes on the rich to pay for it, right wingers.

And, let's round up illegals to 10USC246, as well.

Only the right wing, prefers, cognitive dissonance.
How many Trump businesses are already lined up to cash in on the wall?? LOL

Free enterprise and capitalism! The wall
Gets built and it costs less than it would have otherwise. Sounds like a winner.
Why would it cost less?

If you understood capitalism and the free market, you'd know why. I blame public education.
Wtf are you talking About? I asked how many Trump companies are going to be involved and the guy responded that it will cost less. Care to answer why Trump companies would cost less or be acceptable at all?
All the right wing gets with "homeschooling", is fantasy.
So you want it made from glass?

Yes, 22 foot tall slick glass too smooth to climb, too tall to get over. Solar powered, LCD impregnated bulletproof glass that generates its own power, lets you see through to the other side, all the while showing video of Americans vacationing at lush resorts along Miami Beach and Malibu, with the banner running across the top: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
We have plenty of dams and bridges that need repair. Mexico is our third largest trading partner. Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to complain about Mexicans, expatriating dollars.
Trump wants the wall to be "see-through" to deter drug smugglers from throwing their product over the wall.

That's right. Trump wants his wall to somehow be invisible. You cannot make this shit up. SNL could not make this shit up.

Trump calls for 700 miles to 900 miles of border wall

I can't decide if this is further evidence of degenerative dementia or if Trump has always been this stupid.
There would no trump if there was no obama..
I doubt it. Mr. Trump, "has a petty cash fund for that purpose'"
This is all moot anyways since, at best, there will just be a few stretches of fencing built at small parts of the border. And even that's up in the air.

Yeah you people used to say he isn't going to build any of it, now you say he will only build a part of it. What will you be saying in a few months? "Well, he won't build the whole thing!"
I said "at best." I still think not an inch will be built.

The house included 1.4 billion to get it started in an appropriations bill today.

Why can we afford a wall and a drug war, but not better health care?
Trump wants the wall to be "see-through" to deter drug smugglers from throwing their product over the wall.

That's right. Trump wants his wall to somehow be invisible. You cannot make this shit up. SNL could not make this shit up.

Trump calls for 700 miles to 900 miles of border wall

I can't decide if this is further evidence of degenerative dementia or if Trump has always been this stupid.
Thank you for proving you never watched a Trump interview or speech since he announced his candidacy.
Trump has been saying this since day 1 of his candidacy.

You may now go back to your "Where can I find more anti-Trump bullshit to Post" room.
Should we start "checking for conflicts of interest", since Mr. Trump is, "a salesman."
Trump wants the wall to be "see-through" to deter drug smugglers from throwing their product over the wall.

That's right. Trump wants his wall to somehow be invisible. You cannot make this shit up. SNL could not make this shit up.

Trump calls for 700 miles to 900 miles of border wall

I can't decide if this is further evidence of degenerative dementia or if Trump has always been this stupid.
Trump just says whatever the hell pops into his head. He doesn't actually have any clue about anything he's talking about.

Every Rump speech reminds one of the kid who didn't bother to do his homework, and now he's called on in class, and he's trying to wing it, and his own self-delusion convinces himself that he's actually getting away with winging it, while the whole class laughs their asses off.
A previous, Ivy League, MBA almost single-handedly overturned a capital maxim that infers, "it only takes massive federal budget surpluses to make more money under Any form of Capitalism".

The right wing seems to like to "vote for gold" instead of having enough work ethic to "dig for gold" for the market based metrics.
I didn't vote for Trump. (Man, I'm getting tired of that disclaimer)

However, there are two things I have come to the realization of regarding this man.... 1) He's not a moron. 2)He's not corrupt.

Does he have a big mouth? Does he have a huge ego? Is he narcissistic? Does he say things that make you cringe? Does he have a degree of political naivete? Does he flip-flop on policies? You can make a case for all of the above and get no objection from me. But he's not a moron and he's not corrupt.
He's not corrupt?
He has more conflicts of interest than president inhistory.
Jr in2008: We get a great deal of our money from Russia.
Senior: I will not release my tax returns.

Plus we have a long long history of Trump being corrupt as a businessman.
Get your head out of your ass.

You have jack squat... that's what you've got.
Raise taxes on H1b labor to pay for the wall. Then see how much foreign labor we need to import for those jobs, government still has no public policy for native US labor to fill.

America has near record 5.6 million job openings
Trump said something about steel with holes in it.
Nothing like the right wing being, "behind the curve" on coal.

We should be advancing fusion (an energy with an incredibly bright and incredibly hot future). Supporting technologies will only make steel making more effective.

What about the billions we spend on illegal each year? How can we save that money?
" illegals" are a important part of our economy. We have hundreds of thousands of acres of fruit rotting right now because there's no one to pick it.
Ya wanna save " billions?"
Stop corporate welfare.
Stop the corruption and fraud citizens perpetrate with Medicare and Medicaid.
Stop fat cats from screwing the American people.
Socialism on a national basis is what the right wing prefers.
A wall is unamerican and racist.


YOU are unamerican and racist, shithead. You want to make everything about race, you're obsessed with it. You think everything under the sun has to do with skin color and no one can tell you any different. You ARE a racist, through and through. You don't believe in sovereign borders for the USA. Therefore, you are, by your own policy position, unamerican.
The Spartans claimed walls were for, "girly men".
Moron never heard of Trump University or how Trump defrauded small business owners inAtlantic City plus dozens of other examples.
Trump's Ethics director quit because of all the unethical business dealings he was committing.

Trump never defrauded anyone and the case against Trump U was dismissed.



By "dismissed," you mean Trump settled for $25 million, right?

Judge Approves $25 Million Settlement Of Trump University Lawsuit
I didn't vote for Trump. (Man, I'm getting tired of that disclaimer)

However, there are two things I have come to the realization of regarding this man.... 1) He's not a moron. 2)He's not corrupt.

Does he have a big mouth? Does he have a huge ego? Is he narcissistic? Does he say things that make you cringe? Does he have a degree of political naivete? Does he flip-flop on policies? You can make a case for all of the above and get no objection from me. But he's not a moron and he's not corrupt.
He's not corrupt?
He has more conflicts of interest than president inhistory.
Jr in2008: We get a great deal of our money from Russia.
Senior: I will not release my tax returns.

Plus we have a long long history of Trump being corrupt as a businessman.
Get your head out of your ass.

Not releasing tax returns doesn't make you corrupt dude.
Mr. Buffet already "whipped out" his tax returns for the press; to make his point.
Trump wants the wall to be "see-through" to deter drug smugglers from throwing their product over the wall.

That's right. Trump wants his wall to somehow be invisible. You cannot make this shit up. SNL could not make this shit up.

Trump calls for 700 miles to 900 miles of border wall

I can't decide if this is further evidence of degenerative dementia or if Trump has always been this stupid.
Trump just says whatever the hell pops into his head. He doesn't actually have any clue about anything he's talking about.

And he still beat the best the Leftist had - Hillary the Hag.

Sad really.
Yeah with a major boost from the Russians and last minute treason by Comey. And he still got 3 million less votes. The electoral college was proven to be an obsolete, broken system that has to go.

National Popular Vote
It doesn't take much to influence low population red States. The right wing claims illegals voted. They have to prove All illegals voted blue and not red, especially in low population red States.
Trump wants the wall to be "see-through" to deter drug smugglers from throwing their product over the wall.

That's right. Trump wants his wall to somehow be invisible. You cannot make this shit up. SNL could not make this shit up.

Trump calls for 700 miles to 900 miles of border wall

I can't decide if this is further evidence of degenerative dementia or if Trump has always been this stupid.

My perception of how dumb liberals are is validated on a daily basis on this forum.

transparent != invisible
Trump never defrauded anyone and the case against Trump U was dismissed.


Wow. To think you actually expected to get away with a lie that big. But then, you are a Trump fan. You've learned from your master -- lie big, lie often, and never show shame or remorse when caught.

The Trump U case was _settled_ for $25 million. That means Trump essentially admitted defrauding people for $25 million. The real tally was more, but by settling, Trump managed to pay less.

No, a settlement means the plaintiffs admit they didn't have a strong case.
You fucking liar conservative... you said the case was, "dismissed."
This is all moot anyways since, at best, there will just be a few stretches of fencing built at small parts of the border. And even that's up in the air.

Yeah you people used to say he isn't going to build any of it, now you say he will only build a part of it. What will you be saying in a few months? "Well, he won't build the whole thing!"
A wall merely increases the cost and size of government, right wingers. Y'all can't have it both ways. A wall means, socialism on a national basis, "won the day", like usual.

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