Trump is a complete moron. Need even more proof? Read his new demand about the wall

Trump wants the wall to be "see-through" to deter drug smugglers from throwing their product over the wall.

That's right. Trump wants his wall to somehow be invisible. You cannot make this shit up. SNL could not make this shit up.

Trump calls for 700 miles to 900 miles of border wall

I can't decide if this is further evidence of degenerative dementia or if Trump has always been this stupid.

Is this invisible dipshit?

Border wall see through.jpg

A settlement is not an admission. Especially when the settlement is induced by the fact that he needed to clean up outstanding issues prior to becoming president.

Complete bull shit.

Trump said he would file 12 defamation law suits aginst the dozen women who accused him of groping them as soon as the election was over.

So once the election was over, Trump was going to enter into a dozen lawsuits. How does that show he needed to settle one lawsuit?
Trump wants the wall to be "see-through" to deter drug smugglers from throwing their product over the wall.

That's right. Trump wants his wall to somehow be invisible. You cannot make this shit up. SNL could not make this shit up.

Trump calls for 700 miles to 900 miles of border wall

I can't decide if this is further evidence of degenerative dementia or if Trump has always been this stupid.
Trump just says whatever the hell pops into his head. He doesn't actually have any clue about anything he's talking about.

And he still beat the best the Leftist had - Hillary the Hag.

Sad really.
Yeah with a major boost from the Russians and last minute treason by Comey. And he still got 3 million less votes. The electoral college was proven to be an obsolete, broken system that has to go.

National Popular Vote

Comey didn't commit treason by honoring his promise to keep congress informed.
Yeah that's why he didn't tell congress he'd been investigating Trump/Russia for over 4 months and instead, the Friday before the election, lied about there being new details about Clinton's e-mails when there were not. :rolleyes:
This is all moot anyways since, at best, there will just be a few stretches of fencing built at small parts of the border. And even that's up in the air.

Yeah you people used to say he isn't going to build any of it, now you say he will only build a part of it. What will you be saying in a few months? "Well, he won't build the whole thing!"
Trump wants the wall to be "see-through" to deter drug smugglers from throwing their product over the wall.

That's right. Trump wants his wall to somehow be invisible. You cannot make this shit up. SNL could not make this shit up.

Trump calls for 700 miles to 900 miles of border wall

I can't decide if this is further evidence of degenerative dementia or if Trump has always been this stupid.
The Prime Time Players on SNL are begging Lorne Michaels for them to come out of hiatus to skewer everything that has happened the past week and this new " revelation."

You know because SNL is the factual authority to leftist idiots.
Trump at rally: "Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign" and "all of these liars will be sued"

. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over.”.

Trump says he'll sue sexual misconduct accusers
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (CNN)Donald Trump vowed Saturday to sue the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct in recent weeks.

"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign," Trump said during remarks in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. "Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."

This is such nonsense. The left lies so very much that it's more than likely that Trump never said anything beyond announcing opening bids and prototypes.
I didn't vote for Trump. (Man, I'm getting tired of that disclaimer)

However, there are two things I have come to the realization of regarding this man.... 1) He's not a moron. 2)He's not corrupt.

Does he have a big mouth? Does he have a huge ego? Is he narcissistic? Does he say things that make you cringe? Does he have a degree of political naivete? Does he flip-flop on policies? You can make a case for all of the above and get no objection from me. But he's not a moron and he's not corrupt.
He's not corrupt?
He has more conflicts of interest than president inhistory.
Jr in2008: We get a great deal of our money from Russia.
Senior: I will not release my tax returns.

Plus we have a long long history of Trump being corrupt as a businessman.
Get your head out of your ass.

No he does not, just because you left wing nutters utter something, doesn't make it true.
Trump wants the wall to be "see-through" to deter drug smugglers from throwing their product over the wall.

That's right. Trump wants his wall to somehow be invisible. You cannot make this shit up. SNL could not make this shit up.

Trump calls for 700 miles to 900 miles of border wall

I can't decide if this is further evidence of degenerative dementia or if Trump has always been this stupid.

Is this invisible dipshit?

View attachment 138654

Lol Christ Trump can't even decide what the wall is made of.

What about the billions we spend on illegal each year? How can we save that money?
" illegals" are a important part of our economy. We have hundreds of thousands of acres of fruit rotting right now because there's no one to pick it.
Ya wanna save " billions?"
Stop corporate welfare.
Stop the corruption and fraud citizens perpetrate with Medicare and Medicaid.
Stop fat cats from screwing the American people.

Wow! More lies.
Moron never heard of Trump University or how Trump defrauded small business owners inAtlantic City plus dozens of other examples.
Trump's Ethics director quit because of all the unethical business dealings he was committing.

Trump never defrauded anyone and the case against Trump U was dismissed.


Up next: More profits for Trump salt mining inc. via leftist tears.

Quote of the month right there!
Brain has never heard of windows.

Man, the things leftists don't know would fill a 125 terabit hard drive.

Had they had cans of spray paint at the time, the book the invisible man would have ended after he first jaunt.
Trump never defrauded anyone and the case against Trump U was dismissed.


Wow. To think you actually expected to get away with a lie that big. But then, you are a Trump fan. You've learned from your master -- lie big, lie often, and never show shame or remorse when caught.

The Trump U case was _settled_ for $25 million. That means Trump essentially admitted defrauding people for $25 million. The real tally was more, but by settling, Trump managed to pay less.

You really don't know how those things work do you? What leftists don't know could fill a 125 terabyte hard drive.
Trump wants the wall to be "see-through" to deter drug smugglers from throwing their product over the wall.

That's right. Trump wants his wall to somehow be invisible. You cannot make this shit up. SNL could not make this shit up.

Trump calls for 700 miles to 900 miles of border wall

I can't decide if this is further evidence of degenerative dementia or if Trump has always been this stupid.
Trump just says whatever the hell pops into his head. He doesn't actually have any clue about anything he's talking about.

And he still beat the best the Leftist had - Hillary the Hag.

Sad really.
Yeah with a major boost from the Russians and last minute treason by Comey. And he still got 3 million less votes. The electoral college was proven to be an obsolete, broken system that has to go.

National Popular Vote

Wow! Just the epic level stupidity on display here. Amazing.

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