Trump is a joke!

But then again, so is the U.S. I say this as a descendant of a long line of Americans. The reason I say it is because I recently heard it is against the law to have U.S. troops protecting the border. But in the long list of things the U.S. military should be allowed to do, that should be at the top of the list!!! If they aren't allowed to do at least that, what in the fu*k is the sense of them doing anything else!
I have heard them say on the news basically that having U.S. troops guarding the border would be a policing action. Well the Korean war was a policing action. So was the Vietnamese war. If our troops were allowed to do such things there, it is ludicrous to not allow them to do so here.
As for that POS Trump, I'm still waiting for him to deport those 11 million illegals. That lying scumbag has the legal authority to do so. He just didn't want to pursue it in court. Also, I recently heard that hordes of "people" from Honduras are making their way towards the U.S. There is only one reason they are doing so. Which is that despite what you may have heard, somewhere along the line the U.S. has given them the green light. Our country will talk the talk and put up a big stink about it. But they won't walk the walk as far as doing something that will really work to stop it.
The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, forbids our government from using actual federal troops from enforcing internal domestic policies, of which border control is one. As it would take a 60% majority to repeal the law and the Republicans don't have a 60% majority, the Posse Comitatus Act stands and only the individual states Army National Guard units can be used and they can't detain and arrest, only report to the Border Patrol any illegals crossing over. Although, in my opinion it would be good if they could at least detain the illegals until the Border Patrol could arrive.
Democracies are messy things and things run sluggishly, but it beats living under communism/socialism.
Lol! The military CAN stop a foreign invasion.
The problem we and other western nations are dealing with, is that the people flowing in, aren't carrying weapons, accompanied by tanks and howitzers and wearing military-style uniforms. While I sometimes quip that our border should have land mines place on it, you really can't just up and shoot and kill large numbers of unarmed people.
This isn't North Korea. Frankly, if I were an Emperor or King, I would indeed put the military along our border (both north and south). But, I'm not an Emperor or King and our leaders are elected for various lengths of service.
I have to admit though, that this was the most clever idea for an invasion. Just send unarmed citizens over a foreign border and change that government from within. This method is going to change western Europe into a group of Islamic nations and the European so-called leaders are naïve and on, ignoring what WILL happen, or are complicit and don't care. Either way, western Europe is going to be gone. If the populace hadn't have been disarmed, the citizens, at least some of them, would have risen up by now and Civil Wars would be underway.
Your leaders have no spine. Position the military at the borders. Warn them to stop. If they don't, shoot them.

Yeah. Then watch murder rate against Whites rise here in the U.S. at the hands of mexicans. Legal or not. The only solution is to deport them ALL! I want to live in the kind of country that would do so. Oh how I hope it will happen!
But then again, so is the U.S. I say this as a descendant of a long line of Americans. The reason I say it is because I recently heard it is against the law to have U.S. troops protecting the border. But in the long list of things the U.S. military should be allowed to do, that should be at the top of the list!!! If they aren't allowed to do at least that, what in the fu*k is the sense of them doing anything else!
I have heard them say on the news basically that having U.S. troops guarding the border would be a policing action. Well the Korean war was a policing action. So was the Vietnamese war. If our troops were allowed to do such things there, it is ludicrous to not allow them to do so here.
As for that POS Trump, I'm still waiting for him to deport those 11 million illegals. That lying scumbag has the legal authority to do so. He just didn't want to pursue it in court. Also, I recently heard that hordes of "people" from Honduras are making their way towards the U.S. There is only one reason they are doing so. Which is that despite what you may have heard, somewhere along the line the U.S. has given them the green light. Our country will talk the talk and put up a big stink about it. But they won't walk the walk as far as doing something that will really work to stop it.
The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, forbids our government from using actual federal troops from enforcing internal domestic policies, of which border control is one. As it would take a 60% majority to repeal the law and the Republicans don't have a 60% majority, the Posse Comitatus Act stands and only the individual states Army National Guard units can be used and they can't detain and arrest, only report to the Border Patrol any illegals crossing over. Although, in my opinion it would be good if they could at least detain the illegals until the Border Patrol could arrive.
Democracies are messy things and things run sluggishly, but it beats living under communism/socialism.
Lol! The military CAN stop a foreign invasion.
The problem we and other western nations are dealing with, is that the people flowing in, aren't carrying weapons, accompanied by tanks and howitzers and wearing military-style uniforms. While I sometimes quip that our border should have land mines place on it, you really can't just up and shoot and kill large numbers of unarmed people.
This isn't North Korea. Frankly, if I were an Emperor or King, I would indeed put the military along our border (both north and south). But, I'm not an Emperor or King and our leaders are elected for various lengths of service.
I have to admit though, that this was the most clever idea for an invasion. Just send unarmed citizens over a foreign border and change that government from within. This method is going to change western Europe into a group of Islamic nations and the European so-called leaders are naïve and on, ignoring what WILL happen, or are complicit and don't care. Either way, western Europe is going to be gone. If the populace hadn't have been disarmed, the citizens, at least some of them, would have risen up by now and Civil Wars would be underway.
Your leaders have no spine. Position the military at the borders. Warn them to stop. If they don't, shoot them.
You are someone who isn't wanted in the US. You are more suited for North Korea. They like to shoot both those who attempt to go in and those who seek to leave. You'd have fun there.

I really hate your homosexual approach. Screw North Korea. What we need here is the Vlad the Impaler approach. Also, don't give me your BS brainwashed ideas on what it means to be an American. I AM an American! And a White one at that. I come from a long line of Americans. I know better than anybody what I want for the country I live in. And will continue to live in.

The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, forbids our government from using actual federal troops from enforcing internal domestic policies, of which border control is one. As it would take a 60% majority to repeal the law and the Republicans don't have a 60% majority, the Posse Comitatus Act stands and only the individual states Army National Guard units can be used and they can't detain and arrest, only report to the Border Patrol any illegals crossing over. Although, in my opinion it would be good if they could at least detain the illegals until the Border Patrol could arrive.
Democracies are messy things and things run sluggishly, but it beats living under communism/socialism.
Lol! The military CAN stop a foreign invasion.
The problem we and other western nations are dealing with, is that the people flowing in, aren't carrying weapons, accompanied by tanks and howitzers and wearing military-style uniforms. While I sometimes quip that our border should have land mines place on it, you really can't just up and shoot and kill large numbers of unarmed people.
This isn't North Korea. Frankly, if I were an Emperor or King, I would indeed put the military along our border (both north and south). But, I'm not an Emperor or King and our leaders are elected for various lengths of service.
I have to admit though, that this was the most clever idea for an invasion. Just send unarmed citizens over a foreign border and change that government from within. This method is going to change western Europe into a group of Islamic nations and the European so-called leaders are naïve and on, ignoring what WILL happen, or are complicit and don't care. Either way, western Europe is going to be gone. If the populace hadn't have been disarmed, the citizens, at least some of them, would have risen up by now and Civil Wars would be underway.
Your leaders have no spine. Position the military at the borders. Warn them to stop. If they don't, shoot them.
You are someone who isn't wanted in the US. You are more suited for North Korea. They like to shoot both those who attempt to go in and those who seek to leave. You'd have fun there.

I really hate your homosexual approach. Screw North Korea. What we need here is the Vlad the Impaler approach. Also, don't give me your BS brainwashed ideas on what it means to be an American. I AM an American! And a White one at that. I come from a long line of Americans. I know better than anybody what I want for the country I live in. And will continue to live in.

Quick question there many years of service do you have in the military? Me? I'm a 20 year retiree. Anyone who says to militarize the border and shoot to kill anyone who crosses over doesn't really understand what the military is or what it is used for.

Besides.................if we militarize our borders, are we still a truly free country?
But then again, so is the U.S. I say this as a descendant of a long line of Americans. The reason I say it is because I recently heard it is against the law to have U.S. troops protecting the border. But in the long list of things the U.S. military should be allowed to do, that should be at the top of the list!!! If they aren't allowed to do at least that, what in the fu*k is the sense of them doing anything else!
I have heard them say on the news basically that having U.S. troops guarding the border would be a policing action. Well the Korean war was a policing action. So was the Vietnamese war. If our troops were allowed to do such things there, it is ludicrous to not allow them to do so here.
As for that POS Trump, I'm still waiting for him to deport those 11 million illegals. That lying scumbag has the legal authority to do so. He just didn't want to pursue it in court. Also, I recently heard that hordes of "people" from Honduras are making their way towards the U.S. There is only one reason they are doing so. Which is that despite what you may have heard, somewhere along the line the U.S. has given them the green light. Our country will talk the talk and put up a big stink about it. But they won't walk the walk as far as doing something that will really work to stop it.
The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, forbids our government from using actual federal troops from enforcing internal domestic policies, of which border control is one. As it would take a 60% majority to repeal the law and the Republicans don't have a 60% majority, the Posse Comitatus Act stands and only the individual states Army National Guard units can be used and they can't detain and arrest, only report to the Border Patrol any illegals crossing over. Although, in my opinion it would be good if they could at least detain the illegals until the Border Patrol could arrive.
Democracies are messy things and things run sluggishly, but it beats living under communism/socialism.
Lol! The military CAN stop a foreign invasion.
The problem we and other western nations are dealing with, is that the people flowing in, aren't carrying weapons, accompanied by tanks and howitzers and wearing military-style uniforms. While I sometimes quip that our border should have land mines place on it, you really can't just up and shoot and kill large numbers of unarmed people.
This isn't North Korea. Frankly, if I were an Emperor or King, I would indeed put the military along our border (both north and south). But, I'm not an Emperor or King and our leaders are elected for various lengths of service.
I have to admit though, that this was the most clever idea for an invasion. Just send unarmed citizens over a foreign border and change that government from within. This method is going to change western Europe into a group of Islamic nations and the European so-called leaders are naïve and on, ignoring what WILL happen, or are complicit and don't care. Either way, western Europe is going to be gone. If the populace hadn't have been disarmed, the citizens, at least some of them, would have risen up by now and Civil Wars would be underway.
Pacifists Are Piñatas

The only effective Wall is a hail of bullets.

The best wall is no wall at all. Made up of bullets or whatever. Just make it illegal to be a mexican and here in the U.S. And deport them all! That way, any false expectations would be removed. And the strife it causes with it. That way if mexicans want our land and want to benefit from what White people create, let them fight for it through warfare. Just as nature intended.
Depends.....are we takin' folks wanting to get in, or out Sailor? :5_1_12024:~S~
Depends.....are we takin' folks wanting to get in, or out Sailor? :5_1_12024:~S~

If you stop people from getting in, what is to stop the government from keeping people from leaving as well? A militarized border is a slippery slope for a free country in my opinion.
But then again, so is the U.S. I say this as a descendant of a long line of Americans. The reason I say it is because I recently heard it is against the law to have U.S. troops protecting the border. But in the long list of things the U.S. military should be allowed to do, that should be at the top of the list!!! If they aren't allowed to do at least that, what in the fu*k is the sense of them doing anything else!
I have heard them say on the news basically that having U.S. troops guarding the border would be a policing action. Well the Korean war was a policing action. So was the Vietnamese war. If our troops were allowed to do such things there, it is ludicrous to not allow them to do so here.
As for that POS Trump, I'm still waiting for him to deport those 11 million illegals. That lying scumbag has the legal authority to do so. He just didn't want to pursue it in court. Also, I recently heard that hordes of "people" from Honduras are making their way towards the U.S. There is only one reason they are doing so. Which is that despite what you may have heard, somewhere along the line the U.S. has given them the green light. Our country will talk the talk and put up a big stink about it. But they won't walk the walk as far as doing something that will really work to stop it.
The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, forbids our government from using actual federal troops from enforcing internal domestic policies, of which border control is one. As it would take a 60% majority to repeal the law and the Republicans don't have a 60% majority, the Posse Comitatus Act stands and only the individual states Army National Guard units can be used and they can't detain and arrest, only report to the Border Patrol any illegals crossing over. Although, in my opinion it would be good if they could at least detain the illegals until the Border Patrol could arrive.
Democracies are messy things and things run sluggishly, but it beats living under communism/socialism.
Fu*k the PC act of 1878. Our government and our nationhood isn't a domestic policy. It is our country! If our country was being invaded through military force, would it be illegal for U.S. troops to stop it? Well our country IS being invaded! Just because mexicans choose to not do so through military means is their problem. They should be shot on sight!
Next, what in the hell makes you think that republicans would want to repeal the law. They and the democrats are just two sides of the same coin. And with the republicans siding with the wealthy, I can tell you that the wealthy love nothing better than having slaves in the form of cheap foreign labor. They would pimp their own mothers out to mexicans with HIV if it meant they could buy that yacht they've always wanted.
As for detaining illegals until the border patrol arrived, what good would that do. Not long ago people crossing illegally with children actually LOOKED for border patrol to turn themselves over to! Knowing that they wouldn't be sent back. At least not right away. Giving their little spicklings time to dream for the "dream act."
Next, nothing can beat National Socialism. That's why it is so universally slandered and continuously lied about. I'll bet you just can't wait to hit that "report" button.
Aaaaah, now we're getting to the crux of where you are.....a bloody Nazi (NATIONAL SOCIALIST German Workers Party). Or, perhaps you actually mean Communism.
Even the Russian government admits to the barbarity of their socialist policies of the past. Perhaps you are thinking China. The Chinese government doesn't deny it killed millions to achieve its goal and over time, realized that pure socialism wasn't working and adopted a policy of "whatever works" to get ahead, thus they introduced Capitalism into the system. Or, perhaps Venezuela.....people are deserting Venezuela and fleeing to surrounding countries as they realized that true socialism just wasn't working.
Now, there is, Norway and Sweden, however, they are not true National Socialist countries. They are Capitalist countries with a number of social programs. The trouble is that because they let in vast numbers of migrants, doing so has overwhelmed their available services and they are floundering as they can't serve the numbers that came in and as the numbers increase via more migration and births, they will collapse.
Socialism is at its core, immoral. If you believe that someone walking up to you and demanding your wallet, which is yours, you bought it, you earned it through your work, is committing an immoral act, then so too it is if a group of people walked up to you and demanding your wallet. It's still an immoral act. If huge numbers demand you give up a portion of what you worked for and thus earned, even if they run the government, it too is an immoral act. You worked for whatever money you earned and no one, or group, has the right to take the money you earned and give it to others. I would like to have a mansion, a Lamborghini and a Yacht. But hey, I can't get one. My income doesn't entitle me to have them and taking money from someone else so that I can have nicer things, is immoral. I didn't work for it, I didn't earn it.
As for the really poor, if you are in the US and you have the following: A car, a television, a refrigerator, food in the refrigerator, a cellphone and heat in the winter, you....are not really poor. As for the homeless, interviews were conducted with many of them. They fall into the following niches: mentally-ill (they would have a roof over their head and guaranteed food, except for the interference of the ACLU, they managed to get them out of institutions and on to the streets). Alcoholics/drug addicts, they put themselves into that life. For the drug addicts, they knew the drugs they were going to take were addicting and they didn't care and thus, I'm personally not particularly sympathetic. Runaways, some have made it clear that they just like the nomadic life on the streets and if the boyfriend they won't leave is himself homeless, she has only herself to blame for sticking with him. Hobos/nomads, they just like living off the grid and moving around. Some of these people are criminals that stay on the move to avoid capture. No matter which group some fall in to, I've worked all my life (brought in money for the household, mowing lawns as a kid, worked as a dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant while attending high school, painted fences, dug post holes, moved furniture, worked with fiberglass, property guard, bartender, janitorial, military, and on and on) But, I always "worked" for what I earned, I never accepted "handouts." I'm now retired and damn sure ain't rich, but my life's choices has allowed me to retire, with a modest income so that I will have a roof over my head, some health care and food on the table.
So, get yourself a job and stop dreaming about stealing other peoples money and getting perks, via National Socialism.

Blah blah blah. You say a lot without saying at all. But I read enough of your crap to get the gist of it. Now get the gist of this. In far fewer words. The U.S. is basically a third world country. And any despicable thing that any other country has done throughout history, the U.S. is also guilty of. Also, keep in mind what was basically said by JBA Karr. "The more things change, the more they stay the same."
Was that short and to the point enough? Now. How would you like to take the "RED PILL." (The Matrix reference) Download and read what you will find here. It is only about 100 pages long. | free easy unlimited filehosting are an anonymous person on a message board. WTF makes you think that anyone is gonna be stupid enough to download your crap? You tried this in another thread, and got the same response.

Why can't you just give us the cliffs notes version, rather than expect us to leave our computers vulnerable to whatever crappy virus that might be hiding in the stuff you want us to download?

If you want to remain a brainwashed sucker-slave-fool, I will not stand in your way. Also, doing so is the only to get the truth UNFORBIDDEN! Speaking it here wouldn't be allowed. Another thing is that if there is any virus connected to it, it wouldn't be me who out it there. Also, it is a pdf file. Though I'm no computer expert, I don't think you could write a virus into a pdf file and have it do anything.
The file is only about 100 pages long. Take a walk on the wild side. Download it. Read it. If you find anything in it that you think is wrong, feel free to bring it up here. I will reply to you. If you don't get banned for doing so.
The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, forbids our government from using actual federal troops from enforcing internal domestic policies, of which border control is one. As it would take a 60% majority to repeal the law and the Republicans don't have a 60% majority, the Posse Comitatus Act stands and only the individual states Army National Guard units can be used and they can't detain and arrest, only report to the Border Patrol any illegals crossing over. Although, in my opinion it would be good if they could at least detain the illegals until the Border Patrol could arrive.
Democracies are messy things and things run sluggishly, but it beats living under communism/socialism.
Fu*k the PC act of 1878. Our government and our nationhood isn't a domestic policy. It is our country! If our country was being invaded through military force, would it be illegal for U.S. troops to stop it? Well our country IS being invaded! Just because mexicans choose to not do so through military means is their problem. They should be shot on sight!
Next, what in the hell makes you think that republicans would want to repeal the law. They and the democrats are just two sides of the same coin. And with the republicans siding with the wealthy, I can tell you that the wealthy love nothing better than having slaves in the form of cheap foreign labor. They would pimp their own mothers out to mexicans with HIV if it meant they could buy that yacht they've always wanted.
As for detaining illegals until the border patrol arrived, what good would that do. Not long ago people crossing illegally with children actually LOOKED for border patrol to turn themselves over to! Knowing that they wouldn't be sent back. At least not right away. Giving their little spicklings time to dream for the "dream act."
Next, nothing can beat National Socialism. That's why it is so universally slandered and continuously lied about. I'll bet you just can't wait to hit that "report" button.
Aaaaah, now we're getting to the crux of where you are.....a bloody Nazi (NATIONAL SOCIALIST German Workers Party). Or, perhaps you actually mean Communism.
Even the Russian government admits to the barbarity of their socialist policies of the past. Perhaps you are thinking China. The Chinese government doesn't deny it killed millions to achieve its goal and over time, realized that pure socialism wasn't working and adopted a policy of "whatever works" to get ahead, thus they introduced Capitalism into the system. Or, perhaps Venezuela.....people are deserting Venezuela and fleeing to surrounding countries as they realized that true socialism just wasn't working.
Now, there is, Norway and Sweden, however, they are not true National Socialist countries. They are Capitalist countries with a number of social programs. The trouble is that because they let in vast numbers of migrants, doing so has overwhelmed their available services and they are floundering as they can't serve the numbers that came in and as the numbers increase via more migration and births, they will collapse.
Socialism is at its core, immoral. If you believe that someone walking up to you and demanding your wallet, which is yours, you bought it, you earned it through your work, is committing an immoral act, then so too it is if a group of people walked up to you and demanding your wallet. It's still an immoral act. If huge numbers demand you give up a portion of what you worked for and thus earned, even if they run the government, it too is an immoral act. You worked for whatever money you earned and no one, or group, has the right to take the money you earned and give it to others. I would like to have a mansion, a Lamborghini and a Yacht. But hey, I can't get one. My income doesn't entitle me to have them and taking money from someone else so that I can have nicer things, is immoral. I didn't work for it, I didn't earn it.
As for the really poor, if you are in the US and you have the following: A car, a television, a refrigerator, food in the refrigerator, a cellphone and heat in the winter, you....are not really poor. As for the homeless, interviews were conducted with many of them. They fall into the following niches: mentally-ill (they would have a roof over their head and guaranteed food, except for the interference of the ACLU, they managed to get them out of institutions and on to the streets). Alcoholics/drug addicts, they put themselves into that life. For the drug addicts, they knew the drugs they were going to take were addicting and they didn't care and thus, I'm personally not particularly sympathetic. Runaways, some have made it clear that they just like the nomadic life on the streets and if the boyfriend they won't leave is himself homeless, she has only herself to blame for sticking with him. Hobos/nomads, they just like living off the grid and moving around. Some of these people are criminals that stay on the move to avoid capture. No matter which group some fall in to, I've worked all my life (brought in money for the household, mowing lawns as a kid, worked as a dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant while attending high school, painted fences, dug post holes, moved furniture, worked with fiberglass, property guard, bartender, janitorial, military, and on and on) But, I always "worked" for what I earned, I never accepted "handouts." I'm now retired and damn sure ain't rich, but my life's choices has allowed me to retire, with a modest income so that I will have a roof over my head, some health care and food on the table.
So, get yourself a job and stop dreaming about stealing other peoples money and getting perks, via National Socialism.

Blah blah blah. You say a lot without saying at all. But I read enough of your crap to get the gist of it. Now get the gist of this. In far fewer words. The U.S. is basically a third world country. And any despicable thing that any other country has done throughout history, the U.S. is also guilty of. Also, keep in mind what was basically said by JBA Karr. "The more things change, the more they stay the same."
Was that short and to the point enough? Now. How would you like to take the "RED PILL." (The Matrix reference) Download and read what you will find here. It is only about 100 pages long. | free easy unlimited filehosting are an anonymous person on a message board. WTF makes you think that anyone is gonna be stupid enough to download your crap? You tried this in another thread, and got the same response.

Why can't you just give us the cliffs notes version, rather than expect us to leave our computers vulnerable to whatever crappy virus that might be hiding in the stuff you want us to download?

If you want to remain a brainwashed sucker-slave-fool, I will not stand in your way. Also, doing so is the only to get the truth UNFORBIDDEN! Speaking it here wouldn't be allowed. Another thing is that if there is any virus connected to it, it wouldn't be me who out it there. Also, it is a pdf file. Though I'm no computer expert, I don't think you could write a virus into a pdf file and have it do anything.
The file is only about 100 pages long. Take a walk on the wild side. Download it. Read it. If you find anything in it that you think is wrong, feel free to bring it up here. I will reply to you. If you don't get banned for doing so.

Nope, sorry, but my family taught me better than that. I don't take candy from strangers, nor do I download something that some anonymous person on a message board says is "good stuff". And yes, you can contain a virus in damn near any kind of computer file or program.

Nope, not gonna download it. Especially because of some of the posts you've written here that sounded crazy. Why do I want to waste 100 pages of computer space on the rantings and scrawls of a crazy person?
Lol! The military CAN stop a foreign invasion.
The problem we and other western nations are dealing with, is that the people flowing in, aren't carrying weapons, accompanied by tanks and howitzers and wearing military-style uniforms. While I sometimes quip that our border should have land mines place on it, you really can't just up and shoot and kill large numbers of unarmed people.
This isn't North Korea. Frankly, if I were an Emperor or King, I would indeed put the military along our border (both north and south). But, I'm not an Emperor or King and our leaders are elected for various lengths of service.
I have to admit though, that this was the most clever idea for an invasion. Just send unarmed citizens over a foreign border and change that government from within. This method is going to change western Europe into a group of Islamic nations and the European so-called leaders are naïve and on, ignoring what WILL happen, or are complicit and don't care. Either way, western Europe is going to be gone. If the populace hadn't have been disarmed, the citizens, at least some of them, would have risen up by now and Civil Wars would be underway.
Your leaders have no spine. Position the military at the borders. Warn them to stop. If they don't, shoot them.
You are someone who isn't wanted in the US. You are more suited for North Korea. They like to shoot both those who attempt to go in and those who seek to leave. You'd have fun there.

I really hate your homosexual approach. Screw North Korea. What we need here is the Vlad the Impaler approach. Also, don't give me your BS brainwashed ideas on what it means to be an American. I AM an American! And a White one at that. I come from a long line of Americans. I know better than anybody what I want for the country I live in. And will continue to live in.

Quick question there many years of service do you have in the military? Me? I'm a 20 year retiree. Anyone who says to militarize the border and shoot to kill anyone who crosses over doesn't really understand what the military is or what it is used for.

Besides.................if we militarize our borders, are we still a truly free country?

Interesting. 20 years in the military and you are still clueless about what it is all about. It is about protecting the U.S. Who are you to say what the military should do. Take this old saying. "Yours is not to question why. Yours is but to do or die!" Also, do you think the military has something better to do? Another thing is that I have heard of life on military bases. There is a saying that goes, "If it doesn't move, paint it. If it does move, salute it."
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Depends.....are we takin' folks wanting to get in, or out Sailor? :5_1_12024:~S~

If you stop people from getting in, what is to stop the government from keeping people from leaving as well? A militarized border is a slippery slope for a free country in my opinion.

Oh yeah. I forgot that one in your last reply. Freedom is bullshit! It is a sucker word used to fool the gullible. There is no way you can have true freedom without it infringing on somebody else's freedom to not be exposed to it.
Also, are you free to own a house here in the U.S.? No! Stop paying taxes on it. You will soon find out who really owns it. Are you free to drive? No! Without paying for a drivers test and a drivers licence, plates and insurance, let a cop pull you over. You will find that you have the "freedom" to pay a huge fine. Are you free to go fishing? No! If you don't pay for a fishing license and the DNR checks you for one while you're fishing, you will find that you most likely will be given the freedom to pay another fine. Need I go on?
Fu*k the PC act of 1878. Our government and our nationhood isn't a domestic policy. It is our country! If our country was being invaded through military force, would it be illegal for U.S. troops to stop it? Well our country IS being invaded! Just because mexicans choose to not do so through military means is their problem. They should be shot on sight!
Next, what in the hell makes you think that republicans would want to repeal the law. They and the democrats are just two sides of the same coin. And with the republicans siding with the wealthy, I can tell you that the wealthy love nothing better than having slaves in the form of cheap foreign labor. They would pimp their own mothers out to mexicans with HIV if it meant they could buy that yacht they've always wanted.
As for detaining illegals until the border patrol arrived, what good would that do. Not long ago people crossing illegally with children actually LOOKED for border patrol to turn themselves over to! Knowing that they wouldn't be sent back. At least not right away. Giving their little spicklings time to dream for the "dream act."
Next, nothing can beat National Socialism. That's why it is so universally slandered and continuously lied about. I'll bet you just can't wait to hit that "report" button.
Aaaaah, now we're getting to the crux of where you are.....a bloody Nazi (NATIONAL SOCIALIST German Workers Party). Or, perhaps you actually mean Communism.
Even the Russian government admits to the barbarity of their socialist policies of the past. Perhaps you are thinking China. The Chinese government doesn't deny it killed millions to achieve its goal and over time, realized that pure socialism wasn't working and adopted a policy of "whatever works" to get ahead, thus they introduced Capitalism into the system. Or, perhaps Venezuela.....people are deserting Venezuela and fleeing to surrounding countries as they realized that true socialism just wasn't working.
Now, there is, Norway and Sweden, however, they are not true National Socialist countries. They are Capitalist countries with a number of social programs. The trouble is that because they let in vast numbers of migrants, doing so has overwhelmed their available services and they are floundering as they can't serve the numbers that came in and as the numbers increase via more migration and births, they will collapse.
Socialism is at its core, immoral. If you believe that someone walking up to you and demanding your wallet, which is yours, you bought it, you earned it through your work, is committing an immoral act, then so too it is if a group of people walked up to you and demanding your wallet. It's still an immoral act. If huge numbers demand you give up a portion of what you worked for and thus earned, even if they run the government, it too is an immoral act. You worked for whatever money you earned and no one, or group, has the right to take the money you earned and give it to others. I would like to have a mansion, a Lamborghini and a Yacht. But hey, I can't get one. My income doesn't entitle me to have them and taking money from someone else so that I can have nicer things, is immoral. I didn't work for it, I didn't earn it.
As for the really poor, if you are in the US and you have the following: A car, a television, a refrigerator, food in the refrigerator, a cellphone and heat in the winter, you....are not really poor. As for the homeless, interviews were conducted with many of them. They fall into the following niches: mentally-ill (they would have a roof over their head and guaranteed food, except for the interference of the ACLU, they managed to get them out of institutions and on to the streets). Alcoholics/drug addicts, they put themselves into that life. For the drug addicts, they knew the drugs they were going to take were addicting and they didn't care and thus, I'm personally not particularly sympathetic. Runaways, some have made it clear that they just like the nomadic life on the streets and if the boyfriend they won't leave is himself homeless, she has only herself to blame for sticking with him. Hobos/nomads, they just like living off the grid and moving around. Some of these people are criminals that stay on the move to avoid capture. No matter which group some fall in to, I've worked all my life (brought in money for the household, mowing lawns as a kid, worked as a dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant while attending high school, painted fences, dug post holes, moved furniture, worked with fiberglass, property guard, bartender, janitorial, military, and on and on) But, I always "worked" for what I earned, I never accepted "handouts." I'm now retired and damn sure ain't rich, but my life's choices has allowed me to retire, with a modest income so that I will have a roof over my head, some health care and food on the table.
So, get yourself a job and stop dreaming about stealing other peoples money and getting perks, via National Socialism.

Blah blah blah. You say a lot without saying at all. But I read enough of your crap to get the gist of it. Now get the gist of this. In far fewer words. The U.S. is basically a third world country. And any despicable thing that any other country has done throughout history, the U.S. is also guilty of. Also, keep in mind what was basically said by JBA Karr. "The more things change, the more they stay the same."
Was that short and to the point enough? Now. How would you like to take the "RED PILL." (The Matrix reference) Download and read what you will find here. It is only about 100 pages long. | free easy unlimited filehosting are an anonymous person on a message board. WTF makes you think that anyone is gonna be stupid enough to download your crap? You tried this in another thread, and got the same response.

Why can't you just give us the cliffs notes version, rather than expect us to leave our computers vulnerable to whatever crappy virus that might be hiding in the stuff you want us to download?

If you want to remain a brainwashed sucker-slave-fool, I will not stand in your way. Also, doing so is the only to get the truth UNFORBIDDEN! Speaking it here wouldn't be allowed. Another thing is that if there is any virus connected to it, it wouldn't be me who out it there. Also, it is a pdf file. Though I'm no computer expert, I don't think you could write a virus into a pdf file and have it do anything.
The file is only about 100 pages long. Take a walk on the wild side. Download it. Read it. If you find anything in it that you think is wrong, feel free to bring it up here. I will reply to you. If you don't get banned for doing so.

Nope, sorry, but my family taught me better than that. I don't take candy from strangers, nor do I download something that some anonymous person on a message board says is "good stuff". And yes, you can contain a virus in damn near any kind of computer file or program.

Nope, not gonna download it. Especially because of some of the posts you've written here that sounded crazy. Why do I want to waste 100 pages of computer space on the rantings and scrawls of a crazy person?

You're the crazy one. Otherwise you would have tried to refute any "crazy" thing you think you saw me write. And you're being crazy isn't the bad thing. The bad thing is that you enjoy being that way. Which is why you won't download the link. Feel free to lie to yourself. But don't lie to me. Also, let me translate your refusal to download the file. "Run Away!!! Run Away!!!"
Another thing is that if you're worried about any virus, download Avira anti-virus. It's free. Unless you're afraid it has a virus too. It won't let you download anything that has a virus in it.
But then again, so is the U.S. I say this as a descendant of a long line of Americans. The reason I say it is because I recently heard it is against the law to have U.S. troops protecting the border. But in the long list of things the U.S. military should be allowed to do, that should be at the top of the list!!! If they aren't allowed to do at least that, what in the fu*k is the sense of them doing anything else!
I have heard them say on the news basically that having U.S. troops guarding the border would be a policing action. Well the Korean war was a policing action. So was the Vietnamese war. If our troops were allowed to do such things there, it is ludicrous to not allow them to do so here.
As for that POS Trump, I'm still waiting for him to deport those 11 million illegals. That lying scumbag has the legal authority to do so. He just didn't want to pursue it in court. Also, I recently heard that hordes of "people" from Honduras are making their way towards the U.S. There is only one reason they are doing so. Which is that despite what you may have heard, somewhere along the line the U.S. has given them the green light. Our country will talk the talk and put up a big stink about it. But they won't walk the walk as far as doing something that will really work to stop it.
The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, forbids our government from using actual federal troops from enforcing internal domestic policies, of which border control is one. As it would take a 60% majority to repeal the law and the Republicans don't have a 60% majority, the Posse Comitatus Act stands and only the individual states Army National Guard units can be used and they can't detain and arrest, only report to the Border Patrol any illegals crossing over. Although, in my opinion it would be good if they could at least detain the illegals until the Border Patrol could arrive.
Democracies are messy things and things run sluggishly, but it beats living under communism/socialism.
Fu*k the PC act of 1878. Our government and our nationhood isn't a domestic policy. It is our country! If our country was being invaded through military force, would it be illegal for U.S. troops to stop it? Well our country IS being invaded! Just because mexicans choose to not do so through military means is their problem. They should be shot on sight!
Next, what in the hell makes you think that republicans would want to repeal the law. They and the democrats are just two sides of the same coin. And with the republicans siding with the wealthy, I can tell you that the wealthy love nothing better than having slaves in the form of cheap foreign labor. They would pimp their own mothers out to mexicans with HIV if it meant they could buy that yacht they've always wanted.
As for detaining illegals until the border patrol arrived, what good would that do. Not long ago people crossing illegally with children actually LOOKED for border patrol to turn themselves over to! Knowing that they wouldn't be sent back. At least not right away. Giving their little spicklings time to dream for the "dream act."
Next, nothing can beat National Socialism. That's why it is so universally slandered and continuously lied about. I'll bet you just can't wait to hit that "report" button.
Aaaaah, now we're getting to the crux of where you are.....a bloody Nazi (NATIONAL SOCIALIST German Workers Party). Or, perhaps you actually mean Communism.
Even the Russian government admits to the barbarity of their socialist policies of the past. Perhaps you are thinking China. The Chinese government doesn't deny it killed millions to achieve its goal and over time, realized that pure socialism wasn't working and adopted a policy of "whatever works" to get ahead, thus they introduced Capitalism into the system. Or, perhaps Venezuela.....people are deserting Venezuela and fleeing to surrounding countries as they realized that true socialism just wasn't working.
Now, there is, Norway and Sweden, however, they are not true National Socialist countries. They are Capitalist countries with a number of social programs. The trouble is that because they let in vast numbers of migrants, doing so has overwhelmed their available services and they are floundering as they can't serve the numbers that came in and as the numbers increase via more migration and births, they will collapse.
Socialism is at its core, immoral. If you believe that someone walking up to you and demanding your wallet, which is yours, you bought it, you earned it through your work, is committing an immoral act, then so too it is if a group of people walked up to you and demanding your wallet. It's still an immoral act. If huge numbers demand you give up a portion of what you worked for and thus earned, even if they run the government, it too is an immoral act. You worked for whatever money you earned and no one, or group, has the right to take the money you earned and give it to others. I would like to have a mansion, a Lamborghini and a Yacht. But hey, I can't get one. My income doesn't entitle me to have them and taking money from someone else so that I can have nicer things, is immoral. I didn't work for it, I didn't earn it.
As for the really poor, if you are in the US and you have the following: A car, a television, a refrigerator, food in the refrigerator, a cellphone and heat in the winter, you....are not really poor. As for the homeless, interviews were conducted with many of them. They fall into the following niches: mentally-ill (they would have a roof over their head and guaranteed food, except for the interference of the ACLU, they managed to get them out of institutions and on to the streets). Alcoholics/drug addicts, they put themselves into that life. For the drug addicts, they knew the drugs they were going to take were addicting and they didn't care and thus, I'm personally not particularly sympathetic. Runaways, some have made it clear that they just like the nomadic life on the streets and if the boyfriend they won't leave is himself homeless, she has only herself to blame for sticking with him. Hobos/nomads, they just like living off the grid and moving around. Some of these people are criminals that stay on the move to avoid capture. No matter which group some fall in to, I've worked all my life (brought in money for the household, mowing lawns as a kid, worked as a dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant while attending high school, painted fences, dug post holes, moved furniture, worked with fiberglass, property guard, bartender, janitorial, military, and on and on) But, I always "worked" for what I earned, I never accepted "handouts." I'm now retired and damn sure ain't rich, but my life's choices has allowed me to retire, with a modest income so that I will have a roof over my head, some health care and food on the table.
So, get yourself a job and stop dreaming about stealing other peoples money and getting perks, via National Socialism.
Karl Marx Was the Sex Slave of a Patty Hearst Type Duchess

Anti-semitism is a tool of the plutocracy, whom you worship. Socialism is your idols' spoiled-putrid sons' scheme to take over democratic movements. Calling the Nazis "Socialist" just because that is in their official name is as silly as calling the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the People's Republic of China "Republicans."

What you mentioned makes me wonder. Did you download the file THE TRUTH: UNFORBIDDEN!" Because there are some antisemitic things in it. Such as a picture and quote by a Rothschild saying that his family was worth over 500 trillion dollars. Plutocracy is rule by the wealthy. With that jew's family being worth so much, don't you think they would qualify? So how can they be antisemitic.
But then again, so is the U.S. I say this as a descendant of a long line of Americans. The reason I say it is because I recently heard it is against the law to have U.S. troops protecting the border. But in the long list of things the U.S. military should be allowed to do, that should be at the top of the list!!! If they aren't allowed to do at least that, what in the fu*k is the sense of them doing anything else!
I have heard them say on the news basically that having U.S. troops guarding the border would be a policing action. Well the Korean war was a policing action. So was the Vietnamese war. If our troops were allowed to do such things there, it is ludicrous to not allow them to do so here.
As for that POS Trump, I'm still waiting for him to deport those 11 million illegals. That lying scumbag has the legal authority to do so. He just didn't want to pursue it in court. Also, I recently heard that hordes of "people" from Honduras are making their way towards the U.S. There is only one reason they are doing so. Which is that despite what you may have heard, somewhere along the line the U.S. has given them the green light. Our country will talk the talk and put up a big stink about it. But they won't walk the walk as far as doing something that will really work to stop it.
The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, forbids our government from using actual federal troops from enforcing internal domestic policies, of which border control is one. As it would take a 60% majority to repeal the law and the Republicans don't have a 60% majority, the Posse Comitatus Act stands and only the individual states Army National Guard units can be used and they can't detain and arrest, only report to the Border Patrol any illegals crossing over. Although, in my opinion it would be good if they could at least detain the illegals until the Border Patrol could arrive.
Democracies are messy things and things run sluggishly, but it beats living under communism/socialism.
Fu*k the PC act of 1878. Our government and our nationhood isn't a domestic policy. It is our country! If our country was being invaded through military force, would it be illegal for U.S. troops to stop it? Well our country IS being invaded! Just because mexicans choose to not do so through military means is their problem. They should be shot on sight!
Next, what in the hell makes you think that republicans would want to repeal the law. They and the democrats are just two sides of the same coin. And with the republicans siding with the wealthy, I can tell you that the wealthy love nothing better than having slaves in the form of cheap foreign labor. They would pimp their own mothers out to mexicans with HIV if it meant they could buy that yacht they've always wanted.
As for detaining illegals until the border patrol arrived, what good would that do. Not long ago people crossing illegally with children actually LOOKED for border patrol to turn themselves over to! Knowing that they wouldn't be sent back. At least not right away. Giving their little spicklings time to dream for the "dream act."
Next, nothing can beat National Socialism. That's why it is so universally slandered and continuously lied about. I'll bet you just can't wait to hit that "report" button.
Aaaaah, now we're getting to the crux of where you are.....a bloody Nazi (NATIONAL SOCIALIST German Workers Party). Or, perhaps you actually mean Communism.
Even the Russian government admits to the barbarity of their socialist policies of the past. Perhaps you are thinking China. The Chinese government doesn't deny it killed millions to achieve its goal and over time, realized that pure socialism wasn't working and adopted a policy of "whatever works" to get ahead, thus they introduced Capitalism into the system. Or, perhaps Venezuela.....people are deserting Venezuela and fleeing to surrounding countries as they realized that true socialism just wasn't working.
Now, there is, Norway and Sweden, however, they are not true National Socialist countries. They are Capitalist countries with a number of social programs. The trouble is that because they let in vast numbers of migrants, doing so has overwhelmed their available services and they are floundering as they can't serve the numbers that came in and as the numbers increase via more migration and births, they will collapse.
Socialism is at its core, immoral. If you believe that someone walking up to you and demanding your wallet, which is yours, you bought it, you earned it through your work, is committing an immoral act, then so too it is if a group of people walked up to you and demanding your wallet. It's still an immoral act. If huge numbers demand you give up a portion of what you worked for and thus earned, even if they run the government, it too is an immoral act. You worked for whatever money you earned and no one, or group, has the right to take the money you earned and give it to others. I would like to have a mansion, a Lamborghini and a Yacht. But hey, I can't get one. My income doesn't entitle me to have them and taking money from someone else so that I can have nicer things, is immoral. I didn't work for it, I didn't earn it.
As for the really poor, if you are in the US and you have the following: A car, a television, a refrigerator, food in the refrigerator, a cellphone and heat in the winter, you....are not really poor. As for the homeless, interviews were conducted with many of them. They fall into the following niches: mentally-ill (they would have a roof over their head and guaranteed food, except for the interference of the ACLU, they managed to get them out of institutions and on to the streets). Alcoholics/drug addicts, they put themselves into that life. For the drug addicts, they knew the drugs they were going to take were addicting and they didn't care and thus, I'm personally not particularly sympathetic. Runaways, some have made it clear that they just like the nomadic life on the streets and if the boyfriend they won't leave is himself homeless, she has only herself to blame for sticking with him. Hobos/nomads, they just like living off the grid and moving around. Some of these people are criminals that stay on the move to avoid capture. No matter which group some fall in to, I've worked all my life (brought in money for the household, mowing lawns as a kid, worked as a dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant while attending high school, painted fences, dug post holes, moved furniture, worked with fiberglass, property guard, bartender, janitorial, military, and on and on) But, I always "worked" for what I earned, I never accepted "handouts." I'm now retired and damn sure ain't rich, but my life's choices has allowed me to retire, with a modest income so that I will have a roof over my head, some health care and food on the table.
So, get yourself a job and stop dreaming about stealing other peoples money and getting perks, via National Socialism.

Blah blah blah. You say a lot without saying at all. But I read enough of your crap to get the gist of it. Now get the gist of this. In far fewer words. The U.S. is basically a third world country. And just about any despicable thing that any other country has done throughout history, the U.S. is also guilty of. Also, keep in mind what was basically said by JBA Karr. "The more things change, the more they stay the same."
Was that short and to the point enough? Now. How would you like to take the "RED PILL." (The Matrix reference) Download and read what you will find here. It is only about 100 pages long. | free easy unlimited filehosting

I always get suspicious when someone blurts out a statement like "The U.S. is basically a third world country."

So which "third world" country do you claim as home?
But then again, so is the U.S. I say this as a descendant of a long line of Americans. The reason I say it is because I recently heard it is against the law to have U.S. troops protecting the border. But in the long list of things the U.S. military should be allowed to do, that should be at the top of the list!!! If they aren't allowed to do at least that, what in the fu*k is the sense of them doing anything else!
I have heard them say on the news basically that having U.S. troops guarding the border would be a policing action. Well the Korean war was a policing action. So was the Vietnamese war. If our troops were allowed to do such things there, it is ludicrous to not allow them to do so here.
As for that POS Trump, I'm still waiting for him to deport those 11 million illegals. That lying scumbag has the legal authority to do so. He just didn't want to pursue it in court. Also, I recently heard that hordes of "people" from Honduras are making their way towards the U.S. There is only one reason they are doing so. Which is that despite what you may have heard, somewhere along the line the U.S. has given them the green light. Our country will talk the talk and put up a big stink about it. But they won't walk the walk as far as doing something that will really work to stop it.
The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, forbids our government from using actual federal troops from enforcing internal domestic policies, of which border control is one. As it would take a 60% majority to repeal the law and the Republicans don't have a 60% majority, the Posse Comitatus Act stands and only the individual states Army National Guard units can be used and they can't detain and arrest, only report to the Border Patrol any illegals crossing over. Although, in my opinion it would be good if they could at least detain the illegals until the Border Patrol could arrive.
Democracies are messy things and things run sluggishly, but it beats living under communism/socialism.
Lol! The military CAN stop a foreign invasion.
The problem we and other western nations are dealing with, is that the people flowing in, aren't carrying weapons, accompanied by tanks and howitzers and wearing military-style uniforms. While I sometimes quip that our border should have land mines place on it, you really can't just up and shoot and kill large numbers of unarmed people.
This isn't North Korea. Frankly, if I were an Emperor or King, I would indeed put the military along our border (both north and south). But, I'm not an Emperor or King and our leaders are elected for various lengths of service.
I have to admit though, that this was the most clever idea for an invasion. Just send unarmed citizens over a foreign border and change that government from within. This method is going to change western Europe into a group of Islamic nations and the European so-called leaders are naïve and on, ignoring what WILL happen, or are complicit and don't care. Either way, western Europe is going to be gone. If the populace hadn't have been disarmed, the citizens, at least some of them, would have risen up by now and Civil Wars would be underway.
Without Likud, Israel Is Licked

The Paleonasties are trying the same tactic, using innocent looking pre-teens throwing rocks. By sissy logic, a military response is inappropriate. But the Israelis have had enough of this charade; now they are at least shooting to wound. When will American citizens assert what they claim are their Second Amendment rights?
But then again, so is the U.S. I say this as a descendant of a long line of Americans. The reason I say it is because I recently heard it is against the law to have U.S. troops protecting the border. But in the long list of things the U.S. military should be allowed to do, that should be at the top of the list!!! If they aren't allowed to do at least that, what in the fu*k is the sense of them doing anything else!
I have heard them say on the news basically that having U.S. troops guarding the border would be a policing action. Well the Korean war was a policing action. So was the Vietnamese war. If our troops were allowed to do such things there, it is ludicrous to not allow them to do so here.
As for that POS Trump, I'm still waiting for him to deport those 11 million illegals. That lying scumbag has the legal authority to do so. He just didn't want to pursue it in court. Also, I recently heard that hordes of "people" from Honduras are making their way towards the U.S. There is only one reason they are doing so. Which is that despite what you may have heard, somewhere along the line the U.S. has given them the green light. Our country will talk the talk and put up a big stink about it. But they won't walk the walk as far as doing something that will really work to stop it.
The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, forbids our government from using actual federal troops from enforcing internal domestic policies, of which border control is one. As it would take a 60% majority to repeal the law and the Republicans don't have a 60% majority, the Posse Comitatus Act stands and only the individual states Army National Guard units can be used and they can't detain and arrest, only report to the Border Patrol any illegals crossing over. Although, in my opinion it would be good if they could at least detain the illegals until the Border Patrol could arrive.
Democracies are messy things and things run sluggishly, but it beats living under communism/socialism.
Fu*k the PC act of 1878. Our government and our nationhood isn't a domestic policy. It is our country! If our country was being invaded through military force, would it be illegal for U.S. troops to stop it? Well our country IS being invaded! Just because mexicans choose to not do so through military means is their problem. They should be shot on sight!
Next, what in the hell makes you think that republicans would want to repeal the law. They and the democrats are just two sides of the same coin. And with the republicans siding with the wealthy, I can tell you that the wealthy love nothing better than having slaves in the form of cheap foreign labor. They would pimp their own mothers out to mexicans with HIV if it meant they could buy that yacht they've always wanted.
As for detaining illegals until the border patrol arrived, what good would that do. Not long ago people crossing illegally with children actually LOOKED for border patrol to turn themselves over to! Knowing that they wouldn't be sent back. At least not right away. Giving their little spicklings time to dream for the "dream act."
Next, nothing can beat National Socialism. That's why it is so universally slandered and continuously lied about. I'll bet you just can't wait to hit that "report" button.
Aaaaah, now we're getting to the crux of where you are.....a bloody Nazi (NATIONAL SOCIALIST German Workers Party). Or, perhaps you actually mean Communism.
Even the Russian government admits to the barbarity of their socialist policies of the past. Perhaps you are thinking China. The Chinese government doesn't deny it killed millions to achieve its goal and over time, realized that pure socialism wasn't working and adopted a policy of "whatever works" to get ahead, thus they introduced Capitalism into the system. Or, perhaps Venezuela.....people are deserting Venezuela and fleeing to surrounding countries as they realized that true socialism just wasn't working.
Now, there is, Norway and Sweden, however, they are not true National Socialist countries. They are Capitalist countries with a number of social programs. The trouble is that because they let in vast numbers of migrants, doing so has overwhelmed their available services and they are floundering as they can't serve the numbers that came in and as the numbers increase via more migration and births, they will collapse.
Socialism is at its core, immoral. If you believe that someone walking up to you and demanding your wallet, which is yours, you bought it, you earned it through your work, is committing an immoral act, then so too it is if a group of people walked up to you and demanding your wallet. It's still an immoral act. If huge numbers demand you give up a portion of what you worked for and thus earned, even if they run the government, it too is an immoral act. You worked for whatever money you earned and no one, or group, has the right to take the money you earned and give it to others. I would like to have a mansion, a Lamborghini and a Yacht. But hey, I can't get one. My income doesn't entitle me to have them and taking money from someone else so that I can have nicer things, is immoral. I didn't work for it, I didn't earn it.
As for the really poor, if you are in the US and you have the following: A car, a television, a refrigerator, food in the refrigerator, a cellphone and heat in the winter, you....are not really poor. As for the homeless, interviews were conducted with many of them. They fall into the following niches: mentally-ill (they would have a roof over their head and guaranteed food, except for the interference of the ACLU, they managed to get them out of institutions and on to the streets). Alcoholics/drug addicts, they put themselves into that life. For the drug addicts, they knew the drugs they were going to take were addicting and they didn't care and thus, I'm personally not particularly sympathetic. Runaways, some have made it clear that they just like the nomadic life on the streets and if the boyfriend they won't leave is himself homeless, she has only herself to blame for sticking with him. Hobos/nomads, they just like living off the grid and moving around. Some of these people are criminals that stay on the move to avoid capture. No matter which group some fall in to, I've worked all my life (brought in money for the household, mowing lawns as a kid, worked as a dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant while attending high school, painted fences, dug post holes, moved furniture, worked with fiberglass, property guard, bartender, janitorial, military, and on and on) But, I always "worked" for what I earned, I never accepted "handouts." I'm now retired and damn sure ain't rich, but my life's choices has allowed me to retire, with a modest income so that I will have a roof over my head, some health care and food on the table.
So, get yourself a job and stop dreaming about stealing other peoples money and getting perks, via National Socialism.
Karl Marx Was the Sex Slave of a Patty Hearst Type Duchess

Anti-semitism is a tool of the plutocracy, whom you worship. Socialism is your idols' spoiled-putrid sons' scheme to take over democratic movements. Calling the Nazis "Socialist" just because that is in their official name is as silly as calling the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the People's Republic of China "Republicans."

What you mentioned makes me wonder. Did you download the file THE TRUTH: UNFORBIDDEN!" Because there are some antisemitic things in it. Such as a picture and quote by a Rothschild saying

Plutocracy is rule by the wealthy. With that jew's family being worth so much, don't you think they would qualify? So how can they be antisemitic?
Designer Scapegoats

The exception proves the rule. No tyranny is united. Some of the Gentile HeirHeads throw their Jewish classmates under the bus to deflect the democratic revolution they are obsessed with suffocating.

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