Trump is a rare phenomenon that is fun to watch.

Right. Post offices. Your a funny guy. The wall is coming, the healthcare is coming, the tax reform is coming.

Maybe you want Trump to stand on one leg with one arm behind his back while he reinvents the wheel that no one else got done in the past 60 years? Seems that if the Democrats really WANTED Trump to get these things done, they'd be WORKING WITH HIM, ALREADY DID IT THEMSELVES, or at least stop tying him up with empty, futile, baseless allegations 7 days a week.
You mean like Repubs did to Obama worked with him???

obummer had both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his Admin. What did he accomplish when he had TOTAL control?

Are you stupid? Did you fail Civics or never pass a Poli Sci survey course on the Constitution? Don't know much about Congress, their rules and current events either? It sure seems so, or else you're a liar.

The president never has "total control"; of course, wag the dog is available to him (or her, someday) and that is why we need a mentally stable person setting our course. Trump's wake goes in circles and the drift is taking us onto the rocks, and fools like you continue to dance to the ship's band.

The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.
Only enemy I have is the republican party

Why? Is it not possible for the repubs to actually do something positive for the country, or are you so wrapped up in hatred that even if they did do something good you would ignore it?
You mean like Repubs did to Obama worked with him???

obummer had both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his Admin. What did he accomplish when he had TOTAL control?

Are you stupid? Did you fail Civics or never pass a Poli Sci survey course on the Constitution? Don't know much about Congress, their rules and current events either? It sure seems so, or else you're a liar.

The president never has "total control"; of course, wag the dog is available to him (or her, someday) and that is why we need a mentally stable person setting our course. Trump's wake goes in circles and the drift is taking us onto the rocks, and fools like you continue to dance to the ship's band.

The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.
Only enemy I have is the republican party
So you will not send us Christmas Cards............I'm Heart Broken
You mean like Repubs did to Obama worked with him???

obummer had both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his Admin. What did he accomplish when he had TOTAL control?

Are you stupid? Did you fail Civics or never pass a Poli Sci survey course on the Constitution? Don't know much about Congress, their rules and current events either? It sure seems so, or else you're a liar.

The president never has "total control"; of course, wag the dog is available to him (or her, someday) and that is why we need a mentally stable person setting our course. Trump's wake goes in circles and the drift is taking us onto the rocks, and fools like you continue to dance to the ship's band.

The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.
Only enemy I have is the republican party

Why? Is it not possible for the repubs to actually do something positive for the country, or are you so wrapped up in hatred that even if they did do something good you would ignore it?
Well truth be told I;d like illegals out and tax cuts and tax reform too But it seems like even with your majority you can get nothing done
obummer had both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his Admin. What did he accomplish when he had TOTAL control?

Are you stupid? Did you fail Civics or never pass a Poli Sci survey course on the Constitution? Don't know much about Congress, their rules and current events either? It sure seems so, or else you're a liar.

The president never has "total control"; of course, wag the dog is available to him (or her, someday) and that is why we need a mentally stable person setting our course. Trump's wake goes in circles and the drift is taking us onto the rocks, and fools like you continue to dance to the ship's band.

The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.
Only enemy I have is the republican party
So you will not send us Christmas Cards............I'm Heart Broken
obummer had both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his Admin. What did he accomplish when he had TOTAL control?

Are you stupid? Did you fail Civics or never pass a Poli Sci survey course on the Constitution? Don't know much about Congress, their rules and current events either? It sure seems so, or else you're a liar.

The president never has "total control"; of course, wag the dog is available to him (or her, someday) and that is why we need a mentally stable person setting our course. Trump's wake goes in circles and the drift is taking us onto the rocks, and fools like you continue to dance to the ship's band.

The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.
Only enemy I have is the republican party

Why? Is it not possible for the repubs to actually do something positive for the country, or are you so wrapped up in hatred that even if they did do something good you would ignore it?
Well truth be told I;d like illegals out and tax cuts and tax reform too But it seems like even with your majority you can get nothing done
That would be do to the Swamp...........they resist change for the better..........and that is from both sides.............
Are you stupid? Did you fail Civics or never pass a Poli Sci survey course on the Constitution? Don't know much about Congress, their rules and current events either? It sure seems so, or else you're a liar.

The president never has "total control"; of course, wag the dog is available to him (or her, someday) and that is why we need a mentally stable person setting our course. Trump's wake goes in circles and the drift is taking us onto the rocks, and fools like you continue to dance to the ship's band.

The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.
Only enemy I have is the republican party
So you will not send us Christmas Cards............I'm Heart Broken
Are you stupid? Did you fail Civics or never pass a Poli Sci survey course on the Constitution? Don't know much about Congress, their rules and current events either? It sure seems so, or else you're a liar.

The president never has "total control"; of course, wag the dog is available to him (or her, someday) and that is why we need a mentally stable person setting our course. Trump's wake goes in circles and the drift is taking us onto the rocks, and fools like you continue to dance to the ship's band.

The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.
Only enemy I have is the republican party

Why? Is it not possible for the repubs to actually do something positive for the country, or are you so wrapped up in hatred that even if they did do something good you would ignore it?
Well truth be told I;d like illegals out and tax cuts and tax reform too But it seems like even with your majority you can get nothing done
That would be do to the Swamp...........they resist change for the better..........and that is from both sides.............
You have the majority keep playing with your schwantzes and Dems will be back
It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done..

Nothing done? Ended the Bush recession, started the longest sustined private sector job creation in history, picked up a nobel prize, and all those other accomplishments you cry about at night.
If Trump wasn't so crazy, his policies so bad for the country, then he might be fun to watch.
But this dude who appears to be on the cusp of dementia, is too dangerous to be considered
" fun."
Anything that damages the federal government is a good thing…
The federal government is We the People
Not at all, the federal government and the country or not one in the same. Only a fool would think so…

We the People of the United States, in order to create a more perfect union....

The people created the Government. They are us
------------------------------------------------------------------- government needs fixing and TRUMP is doing it much to you lefties chagrin and tears RWinger !!
Trump is a rare phenomenon that is fun to watch.
You and I have very different notions of what is fun to watch.

For me, watching Trump is the opposite of fun. I felt that less way before he became POTUS; he was easy laugh at when he was merely a bombastic TV entertainer and crass rich guy. He's not changed, but his job has, and because it has, it's not at all fun to watch him.
----------------------------------------- its fun to hear you and lefties crying though Xelor !!
regarding new laws , seems to me that LESS laws are better . Anyway i don't know what all you needy people want , can't you people take care of yourself VShandel ??

As a matter of fact, I am a huge success, myself, based on your reasoning. I have been retired for 12 years, and have not done a thing! In fact, I have high expectations that Trump will do the same!
----------------------------------------------------- as i said and asked . Who wants more laws and legislation ?? What is it that beggars want gov to makes more laws for VShandel .

That is off the subject. I am talking about the OP's bragging about what a success trump is in getting things done as president.
Well vandal you have to admit he HAS done something well What comes to mind is him getting our old friends canada mexico germany france to hate us
---------------------------------------------------------- Trump simply put that crew of wusses in their places !! And Russia and Putin might like getting along with the USA Eddie .
Since some try to mock Trump's work and accomplishments claiming it has been nothing so far (though the world disagrees), let's take a closer look at just what the great Obama actually did during his first hundred days:

Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 making it easier for people to sue employers long after they were gone.
Signed into law the expanded State Children's Health Insurance Program that allowed non-welfare families to get the state to pay their kid's healthcare anyway instead of themselves, making it easier for them to have even more babies.
Implementing new ethics guidelines designed to curtail the influence of lobbyists on the executive branch while actually increasing it.
Obama followed through on the Iraq withdrawal of U.S. troops which led to the creation of ISIS.
Supported an EU-mandated UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity expanding LGBT rights over straight people.
Lifting a 7½-year ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research using aborted fetuses, making abortion and dead babies an even more profitable business.
He also ordered the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, which like so many other things, he never actually followed through on (like red lines in the sand).

There is nothing in there about border control, jobs, economy, or foreign issues. In fact, his last act, that of returning prisoners from Gitmo actually made the world less safe.

Obama was a danger to this country and to the world and at least 400,000 are estimated dead through his inaction in Syria alone, and it will take years, if not decades to repair the harm he did.
Last edited:
regarding new laws , seems to me that LESS laws are better . Anyway i don't know what all you needy people want , can't you people take care of yourself VShandel ??

As a matter of fact, I am a huge success, myself, based on your reasoning. I have been retired for 12 years, and have not done a thing! In fact, I have high expectations that Trump will do the same!
----------------------------------------------------- as i said and asked . Who wants more laws and legislation ?? What is it that beggars want gov to makes more laws for VShandel .

That is off the subject. I am talking about the OP's bragging about what a success trump is in getting things done as president.
Well vandal you have to admit he HAS done something well What comes to mind is him getting our old friends canada mexico germany france to hate us
---------------------------------------------------------- Trump simply put that crew of wusses in their places !! And Russia and Putin might like getting along with the USA Eddie .
you think getting along with a KGB murderer is a good thing ???
obummer had both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his Admin. What did he accomplish when he had TOTAL control?

Are you stupid? Did you fail Civics or never pass a Poli Sci survey course on the Constitution? Don't know much about Congress, their rules and current events either? It sure seems so, or else you're a liar.

The president never has "total control"; of course, wag the dog is available to him (or her, someday) and that is why we need a mentally stable person setting our course. Trump's wake goes in circles and the drift is taking us onto the rocks, and fools like you continue to dance to the ship's band.

The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.
Only enemy I have is the republican party
So you will not send us Christmas Cards............I'm Heart Broken
obummer had both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his Admin. What did he accomplish when he had TOTAL control?

Are you stupid? Did you fail Civics or never pass a Poli Sci survey course on the Constitution? Don't know much about Congress, their rules and current events either? It sure seems so, or else you're a liar.

The president never has "total control"; of course, wag the dog is available to him (or her, someday) and that is why we need a mentally stable person setting our course. Trump's wake goes in circles and the drift is taking us onto the rocks, and fools like you continue to dance to the ship's band.

The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.
Only enemy I have is the republican party

Why? Is it not possible for the repubs to actually do something positive for the country, or are you so wrapped up in hatred that even if they did do something good you would ignore it?
Well truth be told I;d like illegals out and tax cuts and tax reform too But it seems like even with your majority you can get nothing done

Exactly, Edds and why is it that nothing ever gets done of worth? Because the majority of politicians do not work for us and never have...any bright-eyed idealist that wants to make a difference is told how the system works and if they don't learn how to "play ball"? Their political careers have short shelf lives. This is what we are dealing with and it's bigger than most could ever fathom. Politics is nothing but theater to give us the illusion that we have a choice in how we are "ruled"......what a fucking joke it is.
Are you stupid? Did you fail Civics or never pass a Poli Sci survey course on the Constitution? Don't know much about Congress, their rules and current events either? It sure seems so, or else you're a liar.

The president never has "total control"; of course, wag the dog is available to him (or her, someday) and that is why we need a mentally stable person setting our course. Trump's wake goes in circles and the drift is taking us onto the rocks, and fools like you continue to dance to the ship's band.

The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.
Only enemy I have is the republican party
So you will not send us Christmas Cards............I'm Heart Broken
Are you stupid? Did you fail Civics or never pass a Poli Sci survey course on the Constitution? Don't know much about Congress, their rules and current events either? It sure seems so, or else you're a liar.

The president never has "total control"; of course, wag the dog is available to him (or her, someday) and that is why we need a mentally stable person setting our course. Trump's wake goes in circles and the drift is taking us onto the rocks, and fools like you continue to dance to the ship's band.

The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.
Only enemy I have is the republican party

Why? Is it not possible for the repubs to actually do something positive for the country, or are you so wrapped up in hatred that even if they did do something good you would ignore it?
Well truth be told I;d like illegals out and tax cuts and tax reform too But it seems like even with your majority you can get nothing done

Exactly, Edds and why is it that nothing ever gets done of worth? Because the majority of politicians do not work for us and never have...any bright-eyed idealist that wants to make a difference is told how the system works and if they don't learn how to "play ball"? Their political careers have short shelf lives. This is what we are dealing with and it's bigger than most could ever fathom. Politics is nothing but theater to give us the illusion that we have a choice in how we are "ruled"......what a fucking joke it is.
It's like 2 enemies fighting each other I get you and then you get me Don't remember it being different
You mean like Repubs did to Obama worked with him???

obummer had both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his Admin. What did he accomplish when he had TOTAL control?

Are you stupid? Did you fail Civics or never pass a Poli Sci survey course on the Constitution? Don't know much about Congress, their rules and current events either? It sure seems so, or else you're a liar.

The president never has "total control"; of course, wag the dog is available to him (or her, someday) and that is why we need a mentally stable person setting our course. Trump's wake goes in circles and the drift is taking us onto the rocks, and fools like you continue to dance to the ship's band.

The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.
Only enemy I have is the republican party

Why? Is it not possible for the repubs to actually do something positive for the country, or are you so wrapped up in hatred that even if they did do something good you would ignore it?

It has not been possible for the GOP, once removed, to have done anything to benefit the country, i.e. the general population, since Newt Gingrich created the current schism, ending civil discourse.

The GOP has (had) one goal, to unite under the Republican Party, the White House, both Chambers of Congress and have control of the Supreme Court. They have accomplished what they wanted; once Trump is able to pack the lower courts, Tom Delay's dream will come to fruition - an on going control of government for decades into the future by a single party.

One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for the few, at the expense of the many. It will last until they overreach; already they are planing to restore liberty to the Banking and Insurance Industries, and undo the efforts of two generations to restore clean air, clean water and soil to the earth.
It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done..

Nothing done? Ended the Bush recession, started the longest sustined private sector job creation in history, picked up a nobel prize, and all those other accomplishments you cry about at night.

Picked up a Nobel for what? Exactly? The boosh recession was actually a long time coming, and was ultimately the fault of career politicians who refused to act on well known problems. And, obummer didn't end it. He merely prolonged it. If trump is able to get this country going you will see what a booming economy is like. You have no clue what a good economy is like because I doubt you've ever experienced one.

Please, by all means start a thread and list out all of obummers accomplishments. In detail if you please.
The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.
Only enemy I have is the republican party
So you will not send us Christmas Cards............I'm Heart Broken
The person who is provably stupid, and or untruthful about how the government works is you dude. It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done.

If nothing else trump was able to expose the "political class" and how they run the country through their choices of who gets to run for POTUS. Both the RNC and the DNC, but especially the DNC, control who gets to be the nominee, that is a clear debasement of our political process. They ARE the enemies, "domestic" who are trying to subvert this country.

Idiots, like you, ignore their propaganda because you too are either an enemy of the Republic, or just plain dumb.
Only enemy I have is the republican party

Why? Is it not possible for the repubs to actually do something positive for the country, or are you so wrapped up in hatred that even if they did do something good you would ignore it?
Well truth be told I;d like illegals out and tax cuts and tax reform too But it seems like even with your majority you can get nothing done

Exactly, Edds and why is it that nothing ever gets done of worth? Because the majority of politicians do not work for us and never have...any bright-eyed idealist that wants to make a difference is told how the system works and if they don't learn how to "play ball"? Their political careers have short shelf lives. This is what we are dealing with and it's bigger than most could ever fathom. Politics is nothing but theater to give us the illusion that we have a choice in how we are "ruled"......what a fucking joke it is.
It's like 2 enemies fighting each other I get you and then you get me Don't remember it being different

I have done a lot of reading and a lot of research about the past history of not only this country but all the other countries and their interactions with USA.INC and I do mean A LOT of reading....the number of books that I have downloaded and read or listened to while at work is so voluminous that I had to delete some because I was running out of hard-drive space but I keep the ones that has the best source material to refer back to. Watching this whole "dog and pony" show with Comey and the "Rooskies did it" bullshit and how Trump has surrounded himself with "Deep State" operatives pretending to fight other "Deep State" operatives tells me that we are being set up for some bad shit. The cancer this country and the rest of the world has (called "debt") is the means to an end of the current economic model and when it collapses, the very ones that caused it will wait for enough suffering and outcry of the masses to introduce the last segment of the program.....a cashless society where everyone is chipped and it will be hailed as the greatest thing ever....but it's the total control of people. Look at the data mining, the police state we live in and it grows daily. This is "1984" on steroids and it's not a world that I will live in.
It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done..

Nothing done? Ended the Bush recession, started the longest sustined private sector job creation in history, picked up a nobel prize, and all those other accomplishments you cry about at night.

Picked up a Nobel for what? Exactly? The boosh recession was actually a long time coming, and was ultimately the fault of career politicians who refused to act on well known problems. And, obummer didn't end it. He merely prolonged it. If trump is able to get this country going you will see what a booming economy is like. You have no clue what a good economy is like because I doubt you've ever experienced one.

Please, by all means start a thread and list out all of obummers accomplishments. In detail if you please.

Please, by all means start a thread and list out all of obummers accomplishments. In detail if you please.

Oh, I can't wait. May be we all learn something new from that thread, ha?
As a matter of fact, I am a huge success, myself, based on your reasoning. I have been retired for 12 years, and have not done a thing! In fact, I have high expectations that Trump will do the same!
----------------------------------------------------- as i said and asked . Who wants more laws and legislation ?? What is it that beggars want gov to makes more laws for VShandel .

That is off the subject. I am talking about the OP's bragging about what a success trump is in getting things done as president.
Well vandal you have to admit he HAS done something well What comes to mind is him getting our old friends canada mexico germany france to hate us
---------------------------------------------------------- Trump simply put that crew of wusses in their places !! And Russia and Putin might like getting along with the USA Eddie .
you think getting along with a KGB murderer is a good thing ???
------------------------------------------ sure , 'roosevelt' allied with 'stalin' to fight the 'nazis' . Reagan talked to 'gorbachev' . Your 'hilary' tried to do a reset with the Russians but the silly woman was laughed at . mrobama said to Putins boy 'medvedyev' that he would be more flexible / traitorous towards the USA and favorable to the Russians after his reelection . ---------------- so sure , if Trump and the USA can get along with Russia thats a good thing and is better than getting along with mrobamas muslim freinds Eddie !!
Only enemy I have is the republican party
So you will not send us Christmas Cards............I'm Heart Broken
Only enemy I have is the republican party

Why? Is it not possible for the repubs to actually do something positive for the country, or are you so wrapped up in hatred that even if they did do something good you would ignore it?
Well truth be told I;d like illegals out and tax cuts and tax reform too But it seems like even with your majority you can get nothing done

Exactly, Edds and why is it that nothing ever gets done of worth? Because the majority of politicians do not work for us and never have...any bright-eyed idealist that wants to make a difference is told how the system works and if they don't learn how to "play ball"? Their political careers have short shelf lives. This is what we are dealing with and it's bigger than most could ever fathom. Politics is nothing but theater to give us the illusion that we have a choice in how we are "ruled"......what a fucking joke it is.
It's like 2 enemies fighting each other I get you and then you get me Don't remember it being different

I have done a lot of reading and a lot of research about the past history of not only this country but all the other countries and their interactions with USA.INC and I do mean A LOT of reading....the number of books that I have downloaded and read or listened to while at work is so voluminous that I had to delete some because I was running out of hard-drive space but I keep the ones that has the best source material to refer back to. Watching this whole "dog and pony" show with Comey and the "Rooskies did it" bullshit and how Trump has surrounded himself with "Deep State" operatives pretending to fight other "Deep State" operatives tells me that we are being set up for some bad shit. The cancer this country and the rest of the world has (called "debt") is the means to an end of the current economic model and when it collapses, the very ones that caused it will wait for enough suffering and outcry of the masses to introduce the last segment of the program.....a cashless society where everyone is chipped and it will be hailed as the greatest thing ever....but it's the total control of people. Look at the data mining, the police state we live in and it grows daily. This is "1984" on steroids and it's not a world that I will live in.

Those chips you are talking about may have been described in the Apocalypses chapter of the Bible: special writing on the people's hands. We may be closer to the end than we think.
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It has been laid out chapter and verse how this government has been corrupted. For the first two years of his admin obummer could have done almost anything. It says a lot about him, as a person, and as POTUS that he got nothing done..

Nothing done? Ended the Bush recession, started the longest sustined private sector job creation in history, picked up a nobel prize, and all those other accomplishments you cry about at night.

Picked up a Nobel for what? Exactly? The boosh recession was actually a long time coming, and was ultimately the fault of career politicians who refused to act on well known problems. And, obummer didn't end it. He merely prolonged it. If trump is able to get this country going you will see what a booming economy is like. You have no clue what a good economy is like because I doubt you've ever experienced one.

Please, by all means start a thread and list out all of obummers accomplishments. In detail if you please.

Please, by all means start a thread and list out all of obummers accomplishments. In detail if you please.

Oh, I can't wait. May be we all learn something new from that thread, ha?
You send us on a fools errand You're gonna bash 75 straight months of triple digit job gains the great markets under his reign so why give you a list when all you'll say false false false??
Since some try to mock Trump's work and accomplishments claiming it has been nothing so far (though the world disagrees), let's take a closer look at just what the great Obama actually did during his first hundred days:

Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 making it easier for people to sue employers long after they were gone.
Signed into law the expanded State Children's Health Insurance Program that allowed non-welfare families to get the state to pay their kid's healthcare anyway instead of themselves, making it easier for them to have even more babies.
Implementing new ethics guidelines designed to curtail the influence of lobbyists on the executive branch while actually increasing it.
Obama followed through on the Iraq withdrawal of U.S. troops which led to the creation of ISIS.
Supported an EU-mandated UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity expanding LGBT rights over straight people.
Lifting a 7½-year ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research using aborted fetuses, making abortion and dead babies an even more profitable business.
He also ordered the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, which like so many other things, he never actually followed through on (like red lines in the sand).

There is nothing in there about border control, jobs, economy, or foreign issues. In fact, his last act, that of returning prisoners from Gitmo actually made the world less safe.

Obama was a danger to this country and to the world and at least 400,000 are estimated dead through his inaction in Syria alone, and it will take years, if not decades to repair the harm he did.

Well, then, instead of deflecting on this thread, you should start another one on how little Obama accomplished. i am sure that the 24-30 million people on ACA will get a kick out of it!

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