Trump is a Shameless, Anti Gay Bigot and this Crusade by His State Department Proves it

What interest do they have in pursuing this other than a wish to discriminate!?

Derek Mize and Jonathan Gregg filed a lawsuit in July 2019 after the State Department refused to recognize their daughter Simone as a U.S. citizen. Simone was born in July 2018, three years after the couple got married.
Both Mize and Gregg are U.S. citizens and are listed as her parents on the birth certificate, but the State Department treated her as if she was born outside of marriage, since only one of them has a biological connection to her, and that triggered additional conditions for the recognition of citizenship.

This would never happen to a heterosexual couple regardless of whether they are both the biological parents.
Under Joe Biden's America 99 gays were shot 50 killed and it was considered work place violence. This is Joe Biden's America.

The State Department....Career bureaucrats who have been there for decades are now the proxies for the evil Orange Man.
No, it would be his political appointee who run the department that will do his bidding, just the DOJ
Oh bullshit....The State Department is filled with bureaucrats who have been a thorn in Trump's side since day one.

You just saw an opportunity to bitch about the evil Orange Man and wave your virtue beacon in everyone's faces, and reached around to grab it.
My wife's cousin works for The State is a bastion of Republican, Christian, White and Jew hatred.
the faggot rights fans and 'Progressives' are very pedo friendly, no doubts at all about that.

Be careful saying that. Everyone knows that it's true, of course, and he cannot help proving it over and over and over again, with almost every thread; but it is against the rules on this forum to come out and say it.
You can't call a member a pedo...Even so, the agenda of the degenerate homo lobby of being in favor of pedophilia is now out in the open.
“The State Department’s policy treats married same-sex couples as if their marriages do not exist, treating them differently from married straight couples in violation of the law and the Constitution, the lawsuit said.” ibid


Of course, most conservatives have nothing but contempt for the law and Constitution – placing their fear, bigotry, and hate before both.
The State Department....Career bureaucrats who have been there for decades are now the proxies for the evil Orange Man.
No, it would be his political appointee who run the department that will do his bidding, just the DOJ
Oh bullshit....The State Department is filled with bureaucrats who have been a thorn in Trump's side since day one.

You just saw an opportunity to bitch about the evil Orange Man and wave your virtue beacon in everyone's faces, and reached around to grab it.
My wife's cousin works for The State is a bastion of Republican, Christian, White and Jew hatred.
It's also the entranced bureaucracy...The bastion of "just following the prescribed protocols".
“The State Department’s policy treats married same-sex couples as if their marriages do not exist, treating them differently from married straight couples in violation of the law and the Constitution, the lawsuit said.” ibid


Of course, most conservatives have nothing but contempt for the law and Constitution – placing their fear, bigotry, and hate before both.
No, we have nothing but contempt for posturing, prattling, know-it-all liberoidal dickweeds like you.

oh, and....


What interest do they have in pursuing this other than a wish to discriminate!?

Derek Mize and Jonathan Gregg filed a lawsuit in July 2019 after the State Department refused to recognize their daughter Simone as a U.S. citizen. Simone was born in July 2018, three years after the couple got married.
Both Mize and Gregg are U.S. citizens and are listed as her parents on the birth certificate, but the State Department treated her as if she was born outside of marriage, since only one of them has a biological connection to her, and that triggered additional conditions for the recognition of citizenship.

This would never happen to a heterosexual couple regardless of whether they are both the biological parents.
You are a very confused fag.
“The State Department’s policy treats married same-sex couples as if their marriages do not exist, treating them differently from married straight couples in violation of the law and the Constitution, the lawsuit said.” ibid


Of course, most conservatives have nothing but contempt for the law and Constitution – placing their fear, bigotry, and hate before both.
So a marriage contract that is given by a state of the US is legal for queers to get children? Yet a conceal carry permit given by a state of the US isnt legal to use in states that ban guns? You fuckers only care about the constitution when your immorality needs to be justified, but throw it out when legal purposes are presented. May an illegal alien T-bone your car.
The State Department....Career bureaucrats who have been there for decades are now the proxies for the evil Orange Man.
No, it would be his political appointee who run the department that will do his bidding, just the DOJ
Oh bullshit....The State Department is filled with bureaucrats who have been a thorn in Trump's side since day one.

You just saw an opportunity to bitch about the evil Orange Man and wave your virtue beacon in everyone's faces, and reached around to grab it.
My wife's cousin works for The State is a bastion of Republican, Christian, White and Jew hatred.
It's also the entranced bureaucracy...The bastion of "just following the prescribed protocols".
The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion!
“The State Department’s policy treats married same-sex couples as if their marriages do not exist, treating them differently from married straight couples in violation of the law and the Constitution, the lawsuit said.” ibid


Of course, most conservatives have nothing but contempt for the law and Constitution – placing their fear, bigotry, and hate before both.
It is old rules that OBVIOUSLY were in effect under 8 years of Obama also. I don't recall any of you liberals whining then. BUT TO the OP the PRESIDENT has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this nothing nada zippo. He does not get any reports on foreign born requests and he does not get any reports on legal challenges to those rulings and the OP claims it is all Trumps fault.

As to this specific case.... The State Department is WRONG. So long as the biological parent requesting it is a US Citizen it is and should be automatic acceptance.
Over half my warnings are over pedophile fans sniveling. Too bad for them the public record is still out there on faggots and their long history with NAMBLA and their European partners, and they aren't going away.

Probably the vast majority of mine. And I bet most of yours are for calling out one, particularly-obvious example.

I understand why the rule is in place. It's a terrible accusation to make, where it isn't called for.

But some times, some child-f•••ers are so obvious, that it seems obligatory to call them out on it; and it seems wrong of a forum such as this to give them such cover.
2 gays with the same constitutional rights as every one else demanding that those rights be protected
Rights pre date the constitution- which rights are you referring to that you want protected?

He wants depraved, dangerous sexual deviants to have the same access to, and control over children, as actual parents have over their own children.

What you should be asking is why anyone would want that, or demand that it be upheld as a “right”.
Wow another virtue signaling Communist Democrats:puke3:Totally disgusting in my opinion :icon_rolleyes:
“The State Department’s policy treats married same-sex couples as if their marriages do not exist, treating them differently from married straight couples in violation of the law and the Constitution, the lawsuit said.” ibid


Of course, most conservatives have nothing but contempt for the law and Constitution – placing their fear, bigotry, and hate before both.

How awful, treating obvious and undeniable truth as if it is truth.

The fact remains that there is not, and cannot be, any such thing as a “marriage” between two people that are the same sex. To demand that a sick homosexual mockery of marriage be treated as if it is in any way comparable to a genuine marriage is madness and degeneracy.

There is nothing, anywhere in the Constitution that supports your depraved position. I dare say that there is not so much as a single word anywhere in the Constitution that was written by anyone who would have accepted this insane and immoral premise.

And any law or court ruling that declares there to be such a thing as a “same sex marriage” is as meaningless and invalid as any such law or ruling that holds two plus two to equal ten. Some truths cannot be altered nor hidden by any extravagant or insane abuse of government power.
Sounds all pretty average to me after reading the requirements.

Thank you for that research. It raises some interesting issues. I was unable to locate the entire 52 page decision by the judge but I am willing to bet that he focused on the constitutionality of the statue which was written at a time when it was inconceivable that two men could be married and the legal parents of a child.

According to Mize and Gregg–and their daughter who is also a plaintiff–consular staff used the wrong portion of the INA to interpret those original applications for citizenship documents. The State Department felt differently and moved to dismiss for various reasons. Judge Brown agreed with the family.

The decision describes the incongruity of current practice:

[W]hen a U.S. citizen wife acts as a gestational mother for a donor egg fertilized by her citizen husband’s sperm, the State Department now considers that child to have been born in wedlock of two citizens. And, when two married women who are citizens decide one of them will carry an egg donated from the other and fertilized by an anonymous sperm donor, the State Department reaches the same conclusion — that child is considered to have been born in wedlock of two U.S. citizens. In this latter instance, the State Department determines the child has a biological relationship with two women and totally ignores the citizenship of the sperm donor.

Clearly the language of the statue needs to be up dated. It will be interesting to see what the Trump Administration does next . Will they commit additional government resources to push their bigoted agenda to higher courts, or will they let it go? There is no point in this bullshit other than animosity and hate.

Basically it comes down to an issue of discrimination where two married men are being treated differently than a married heterosexual couple and or even a Lesbian couple.
Basically it comes down to an issue of discrimination where two married men are being treated differently than a married heterosexual couple and or even a Lesbian couple.

They're treated differently because they •ARE• different.

Two morally-defective sexual perverts of the same sex pretending to be “married” are not, and never will be, the same thing as an actual married couple.

By definition, and by basic biology, marriage is only possible, and can only exist, between two people of opposite sexes. No law, and no court ruling, and no other act of government, driven by the degenerate lusts of depraved sexual deviants, can ever change this.

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