Trump is an egomaniac with some good points.

Nothing more.

He does not represent me or the party I belong to anymore that ANY individual on the left represents those of you on the left and the party you belong to.

Our nation is a nation of diverse ideals, personalities & individuals. The only person that represents us is ourselves.

Stop projecting

Good post.
First Palin and now Trump.

Y'know, there can be a difference between saying goofy, simplistic, shallow stuff and being "plain spoken".

Net negatives for the party.


yeah right. if they speak on the level of the people that is bad. but if they spew shit like they are going to stop seas rising and heal the planets that makes them BRILLIANT, eloquent, STUPID in my book. but you people enjoy being talked DOWN to no problem. vote for who you want. Everyone has a RIGHT to run for President in this country. Even some of you snobs on this board
You're arguing with something I didn't say.

Plain spoken is fine, great. Don't care one way or the other. But what you actually say is important, too.

Rs and Ds say lots of stupid things. W and BO are notorious for saying stupid things. Difference is the MSM covers up for BO and goes overboard on W. Now I am fine with going overboard on that fool W, but BO is just as worthy of MSM condemnation. Unfortunately millions of Americans get misinformed by the MSM's bias.
First Palin and now Trump.

Y'know, there can be a difference between saying goofy, simplistic, shallow stuff and being "plain spoken".

Net negatives for the party.


yeah right. if they speak on the level of the people that is bad. but if they spew shit like they are going to stop seas rising and heal the planets that makes them BRILLIANT, eloquent, STUPID in my book. but you people enjoy being talked DOWN to no problem. vote for who you want. Everyone has a RIGHT to run for President in this country. Even some of you snobs on this board
You're arguing with something I didn't say.

Plain spoken is fine, great. Don't care one way or the other. But what you actually say is important, too.

Rs and Ds say lots of stupid things. W and BO are notorious for saying stupid things. Difference is the MSM covers up for BO and goes overboard on W. Now I am fine with going overboard on that fool W, but BO is just as worthy of MSM condemnation. Unfortunately millions of Americans get misinformed by the MSM's bias.

Of course they do. But unlike the left on here Republican/conservatives don't start a thread on EVERY numb nut thing a Democrat spews. And you don't see the left starting a thread on them either. why? because it's OK WITH THEM when they call us, deniers, birthers, worse than terrorist, teabaggers, and the ugly goes on and on. so they are the ones who will VOTE for people who spews hate. Not the other way around like they want to pretend it is
Trump is no different than that egomaniac/narcissist Obama

only difference is Trump tells the truth sometimes. Obama NEVER tells the truth

so you on left can just get over yourselves. it's not our fault you only have one lying corrupted old lady, an 100 year old avowed Socialist and some guy called O'Malley to vote for
I am betting Trump's campaign will soon be over..unfortunately.

The Left and their media, with help from the R party and the billionaire class are working over time to destroy him, because he committed the no-no of condemning illegal immigration. Sadly millions of Americans will easily be duped.

It might end soon. But he is hitting on something the Majority of Americans have been upset with for a long time. OUR wide open boarders and the INVASION, which is what it should be called now of the people coming in here. and then we have this administration flying them and Busing these people all over OUR COUNTRY and dumping them in our CITIES in the middle of the night.

We don't have jobs for the legal citizens in this country and they are SUCKING up resources that should go to Americans. I can't believe these citizens don't seem to care
IMO many Americans are not concerned about illegal immigration because they are uninformed or have been misinformed. The truth is we are incurring an invasion, but most Americans do not know it or refuse to believe it. The oligarchy wants lots of illegal immigration as do both political parties and the major media is owned by the oligarchy. So naturally the media refuses to tell the American people the truth and will attack anyone who exposes the truth. For example, look what they have done to Trump, Coulter, and anyone who speaks up.

Sadly you are right. and these politicians standing up for this and is involved in these attacks are Traitors to us and country in my book

this guy from UNIVISION is definitely a traitor to us and he needs to called out for it. HE stated all this with Trump

UNIVISION said NOTHING that supports Trumps xenophobic racist bloviations...

What FUSION said is women are being raped BEFORE they enter America by criminal gangs and people traffickers...

Is rape the price to pay for migrant women chasing the American Dream Fusion
Univision CEO Randy Falco says Donald Trump is not telling the truth when he claims that "Univision apologized."

Univision CEO Randy Falco says Donald Trump is not telling the truth when he claims that "Univision apologized."

In an internal memo on Monday, Falco defended the Spanish-language broadcaster's decision to break off its ties to Trump.

"I made the decision to end business relationships with the Trump Organization simply because it was the right thing to do," Falco wrote in his first public comments on the controversy. "No one approached me, asked me or pressured me to take this action."

Univision struck a long-term deal with the Trump Organization earlier this year. Through the deal, Univision was going to broadcast the Miss USA pageant in Spanish on July 12.

But Trump's remarks about Mexican immigrants -- depicting them as "rapists" and "murderers," among other things -- created a furor and offended many of Univision's employees and viewers.

So Falco decided last Thursday to cancel the Miss USA telecast and break its contract with the Trump Organization, the joint owner of the pageant. (The other owner, NBCUniversal, did the same thing on Monday.)

After Univision backed out, Trump threatened to sue the company and said that "the Mexican government and others are putting tremendous pressure on Univision."

Falco sought to correct that conspiratorial line of thinking in his memo on Monday.

"There have been a number of ridiculous assertions bordering on the bizarre, made from different people, that the Mexican government put pressure on us, that we were under political pressure to hurt a Republican candidate's chances to the nomination, or that we were trying to assist other political candidates," he wrote. "None of this is remotely true."

Falco pointed out that Univision is a "U.S. based company."

And he added, "I can also assure you that we never apologized because we have nothing to apologize for."

That was apparently a retort to Trump's claims, most recently on Twitter on Sunday, that "Univision apologized" to him privately for the public break-up.

Falco explained his thinking this way: "We cannot be associated with insulting and intolerant speech that brands an entire community of Mexican immigrants in the U.S. as people who bring drugs, crime and rape into our country. To the contrary, as I said in our statement, we see first-hand the work ethic, love for family, strong religious values and the important role Mexican immigrants and Mexican-Americans have had and will continue to have in building the future of our country."

He continued, "We took this action because it preserves the dignity of our community and our employees and our relationship with them."

Univision CEO defends dropping Trump denies apologizing - Jun. 29 2015
Mexico should be billed for what it's doing on the border. American Taxpayers have suffered enough. They need relief. It's time for Mexico to contribute to the astronomical costs of Illegal Immigration. Trump is onto something.

But he'll just get labeled a 'Racist' and be dismissed. That's how it's done in America nowadays. He makes sense, therefore he can't be allowed win. Gotta put another NWO Globalist Elite puppet in there. Gotta destroy America. They demand their New World Order.

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