Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

Trump won the race....means he gets to be President

But compare it to an athletic race where someone jumps out near the finish line and trips your opponent

That is how Trump won

No trump won by the same rules as they all won, your Ilk tried to change the game after the whistle blew


Well if you consider the rules to be getting Russia to help you win, then I guess he did

More like Hillary lost the whole thing all on her own. Which she did.

Of course you would never admit that. Its much easier to blame anyone and anything as being the reason she lost.

Carry on desperate. LOL
So you say. Got proof? Of course not.
Liberals Lie about EVERYTHING.

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

California Alone is issuing about a Million Drivers Licenses a Year to Illegals at the cost of about $141 Million a year to California Taxpayers (2015) figures.

12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally
(as of Feb. 3, 2016)
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

So from 2015 and through 2016, California gave Drivers Licenses to at least 2 Million Illegals, Illegally that they are willing to admit to.

And there are 12 other states doing this.

5-7 Million Illegals Registered to Vote Illegally is a very conservative estimate, and since these Dem controlled states won't let anyone look at their records to show that Illegals are Not being Illegally Registered to vote, and all have AUTOMATIC MOTOR VOTER REGISTRATION, then we can only rightly assume that they are breaking the law, and gaming the system, otherwise, there is no reason to deny inspection of their records.

Same with THE DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server.

Why shouldn't illegal have a drivers license?

Don't you want people on our roads to be trained and certified to operate a motor vehicle?

Priceless irony, the funniest part of it is that he has no earthly idea what's wrong with his statement. :)

You seem to have no perception of the purpose of a drivers license

dude, you have no idea what the word ILLEGAL means.


BTW, do you give a criminal keys to your car?

You still have not identified the purpose of a drivers license
Criminals are allowed to have drivers licenses
dude, your form of stupid can't be reasoned with. There is no explanation for you. you don't know what a criminal is or an illegal. your form of stupid is beyond normal common sense. So I could write all kinds of responses, but you won't understand cause you don't know your own country's laws.
So you say. Got proof? Of course not.
Liberals Lie about EVERYTHING.

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

California Alone is issuing about a Million Drivers Licenses a Year to Illegals at the cost of about $141 Million a year to California Taxpayers (2015) figures.

12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally
(as of Feb. 3, 2016)
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

So from 2015 and through 2016, California gave Drivers Licenses to at least 2 Million Illegals, Illegally that they are willing to admit to.

And there are 12 other states doing this.

5-7 Million Illegals Registered to Vote Illegally is a very conservative estimate, and since these Dem controlled states won't let anyone look at their records to show that Illegals are Not being Illegally Registered to vote, and all have AUTOMATIC MOTOR VOTER REGISTRATION, then we can only rightly assume that they are breaking the law, and gaming the system, otherwise, there is no reason to deny inspection of their records.

Same with THE DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server.

Why shouldn't illegal have a drivers license?

Don't you want people on our roads to be trained and certified to operate a motor vehicle?

Priceless irony, the funniest part of it is that he has no earthly idea what's wrong with his statement. :)

You seem to have no perception of the purpose of a drivers license

Looks like everybody reads you like a book.

Care to define the purpose of a driving license?

In California it is meant to allow illegal aliens to vote for Democrats.

Didn't you know that???
8 U.S. Code § 1324a - Unlawful employment of aliens

(b)Employment verification systemThe requirements referred to in paragraphs (1)(B) and (3) of subsection (a) are, in the case of a person or other entity hiring, recruiting, or referring an individual for employment in the United States, the requirements specified in the following three paragraphs:
(1)Attestation after examination of documentation
(A)In generalThe person or entity must attest, under penalty of perjury and on a form designated or established by the Attorney General by regulation, that it has verified that the individual is not an unauthorized alien by examining—
a document described in subparagraph (B), or
a document described in subparagraph (C) and a document described in subparagraph (D).
Such attestation may be manifested by either a hand-written or an electronic signature. A person or entity has complied with the requirement of this paragraph with respect to examination of a document if the document reasonably appears on its face to be genuine. If an individual provides a document or combination of documents that reasonably appears on its face to be genuine and that is sufficient to meet the requirements of the first sentence of this paragraph, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as requiring the person or entity to solicit the production of any other document or as requiring the individual to produce such another document.

(a)Making employment of unauthorized aliens unlawful
section 1802 of title 29), to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in the United States an individual without complying with the requirements of subsection (b).
(ii)resident alien card, alien registration card, or other document designated by the Attorney General, if the document—
contains a photograph of the individual and such other personal identifying information relating to the individual as the Attorney General finds, by regulation, sufficient for purposes of this subsection,
is evidence of authorization of employment in the United States, and
contains security features to make it resistant to tampering, counterfeiting, and fraudulent use.
(C)Documents evidencing employment authorizationA document described in this subparagraph is an individual’s—
social security account number card (other than such a card which specifies on the face that the issuance of the card does not authorize employment in the United States); or
other documentation evidencing authorization of employment in the United States which the Attorney General finds, by regulation, to be acceptable for purposes of this section.
(D)Documents establishing identity of individualA document described in this subparagraph is an individual’s—
driver’s license or similar document issued for the purpose of identification by a State, if it contains a photograph of the individual or such other personal identifying information relating to the individual as the Attorney General finds, by regulation, sufficient for purposes of this section; or
8 U.S. Code § 1324a - Unlawful employment of aliens
Last edited:
So you say. Got proof? Of course not.
Liberals Lie about EVERYTHING.

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

California Alone is issuing about a Million Drivers Licenses a Year to Illegals at the cost of about $141 Million a year to California Taxpayers (2015) figures.

12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally
(as of Feb. 3, 2016)
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

So from 2015 and through 2016, California gave Drivers Licenses to at least 2 Million Illegals, Illegally that they are willing to admit to.

And there are 12 other states doing this.

5-7 Million Illegals Registered to Vote Illegally is a very conservative estimate, and since these Dem controlled states won't let anyone look at their records to show that Illegals are Not being Illegally Registered to vote, and all have AUTOMATIC MOTOR VOTER REGISTRATION, then we can only rightly assume that they are breaking the law, and gaming the system, otherwise, there is no reason to deny inspection of their records.

Same with THE DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server.

Why shouldn't illegal have a drivers license?

Don't you want people on our roads to be trained and certified to operate a motor vehicle?

Priceless irony, the funniest part of it is that he has no earthly idea what's wrong with his statement. :)

You seem to have no perception of the purpose of a drivers license

Looks like everybody reads you like a book.

Care to define the purpose of a driving license?
how does one get a drivers license pup? what kind of documentation is necessary to get one?
They do if you legitimize illegal votes by giving illegals driver's licenses and illegally register 5-7 million illegals through motor voter registration.
This is how The Dems are getting away with Massive Voter Fraud.
Did not happen. Just made up bullshit. Been discussed and debated here at length. Your side fails to make a viable case every time.

So you say. Got proof? Of course not.
Liberals Lie about EVERYTHING.

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

California Alone is issuing about a Million Drivers Licenses a Year to Illegals at the cost of about $141 Million a year to California Taxpayers (2015) figures.

12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally
(as of Feb. 3, 2016)
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

So from 2015 and through 2016, California gave Drivers Licenses to at least 2 Million Illegals, Illegally that they are willing to admit to.

And there are 12 other states doing this.

5-7 Million Illegals Registered to Vote Illegally is a very conservative estimate, and since these Dem controlled states won't let anyone look at their records to show that Illegals are Not being Illegally Registered to vote, and all have AUTOMATIC MOTOR VOTER REGISTRATION, then we can only rightly assume that they are breaking the law, and gaming the system, otherwise, there is no reason to deny inspection of their records.

Same with THE DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server.

Why shouldn't illegal have a drivers license?

Don't you want people on our roads to be trained and certified to operate a motor vehicle?

Priceless irony, the funniest part of it is that he has no earthly idea what's wrong with his statement. :)

You seem to have no perception of the purpose of a drivers license

You have absolutely no idea why your statement is silly at best :)
8 U.S. Code § 1324a - Unlawful employment of aliens

(a)Making employment of unauthorized aliens unlawful
section 1802 of title 29), to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in the United States an individual without complying with the requirements of subsection (b).
(ii)resident alien card, alien registration card, or other document designated by the Attorney General, if the document—
contains a photograph of the individual and such other personal identifying information relating to the individual as the Attorney General finds, by regulation, sufficient for purposes of this subsection,
is evidence of authorization of employment in the United States, and
contains security features to make it resistant to tampering, counterfeiting, and fraudulent use.
(C)Documents evidencing employment authorizationA document described in this subparagraph is an individual’s—
social security account number card (other than such a card which specifies on the face that the issuance of the card does not authorize employment in the United States); or
other documentation evidencing authorization of employment in the United States which the Attorney General finds, by regulation, to be acceptable for purposes of this section.
(D)Documents establishing identity of individualA document described in this subparagraph is an individual’s—
driver’s license or similar document issued for the purpose of identification by a State, if it contains a photograph of the individual or such other personal identifying information relating to the individual as the Attorney General finds, by regulation, sufficient for purposes of this section; or
8 U.S. Code § 1324a - Unlawful employment of aliens

You misunderstand the relationship between laws and Democrats.

Why shouldn't illegal have a drivers license?

Don't you want people on our roads to be trained and certified to operate a motor vehicle?

Priceless irony, the funniest part of it is that he has no earthly idea what's wrong with his statement. :)

You seem to have no perception of the purpose of a drivers license

Looks like everybody reads you like a book.

Care to define the purpose of a driving license?
how does one get a drivers license pup? what kind of documentation is necessary to get one?

One need clearly pronounce the word "DEMOCRAT."
Why shouldn't illegal have a drivers license?

Don't you want people on our roads to be trained and certified to operate a motor vehicle?

Priceless irony, the funniest part of it is that he has no earthly idea what's wrong with his statement. :)

You seem to have no perception of the purpose of a drivers license

dude, you have no idea what the word ILLEGAL means.


BTW, do you give a criminal keys to your car?

You still have not identified the purpose of a drivers license
Criminals are allowed to have drivers licenses
dude, your form of stupid can't be reasoned with. There is no explanation for you. you don't know what a criminal is or an illegal. your form of stupid is beyond normal common sense. So I could write all kinds of responses, but you won't understand cause you don't know your own country's laws.

It is illegal to issue a Driver's License to an Illegal Alien.
A Valid Driver's License is one of the documents that is to be used to verify Legal Immigration Status of an Immigrant for purposes of employment.
Per US Code 8, sec 1324

And per US Code 18 sec 1028 issuance of legal and authentic identification documents to ineligible person constitutes Defrauding The US Government.

In other words you have to be a legal resident of THE US for a STATE to issue you a driver's license. If you are not a legal resident, this Constitutes FRAUD.
Same with Sanctuary Cities which is covered under the "harboring" provision of the law Totally Illegal.

Providing Transportation to an Illegal Alien is qualified as Harboring An Illegal Alien which is a violation of US Code 8 Sec 1324, so A Driver's License for an Illegal constitutes 'providing transportation'!

Allowing an illegal to get behind the wheel of a car, or ride in any vehicle even as a passenger is a Federal Offense.

Driver Licenses for Illegals ARE ILLEGAL.

Providing Transportation in any form to an Illegal Alien is a crime requiring a mandatory 10 year Prison Sentence.
Last edited:
They do if you legitimize illegal votes by giving illegals driver's licenses and illegally register 5-7 million illegals through motor voter registration.
This is how The Dems are getting away with Massive Voter Fraud.
Did not happen. Just made up bullshit. Been discussed and debated here at length. Your side fails to make a viable case every time.

So you say. Got proof? Of course not.
Liberals Lie about EVERYTHING.

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

California Alone is issuing about a Million Drivers Licenses a Year to Illegals at the cost of about $141 Million a year to California Taxpayers (2015) figures.

12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally
(as of Feb. 3, 2016)
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

So from 2015 and through 2016, California gave Drivers Licenses to at least 2 Million Illegals, Illegally that they are willing to admit to.

And there are 12 other states doing this.

5-7 Million Illegals Registered to Vote Illegally is a very conservative estimate, and since these Dem controlled states won't let anyone look at their records to show that Illegals are Not being Illegally Registered to vote, and all have AUTOMATIC MOTOR VOTER REGISTRATION, then we can only rightly assume that they are breaking the law, and gaming the system, otherwise, there is no reason to deny inspection of their records.

Same with THE DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server.

Why shouldn't illegal have a drivers license?

Don't you want people on our roads to be trained and certified to operate a motor vehicle?

They are illegal, and it is actually illegal to give an illegal immigrant legitimate documents, such as a Social Security Card, Taxpayer ID, and Driver's License. I say write a Federal Law that The States not only have to cease and desist in this, but have to turn over their records of all The Illegals who they allowed to apply for driver's licenses, and registered to vote, and then track them down and deport all of them. A State giving an illegal a valid driver's license is a violation of US CODE and Immigration Law.

We are safer having licensed drivers on our roads than unlicensed drivers

A drivers license does not bestow citizenship, it only identifies you as a driver who has passed the necessary tests

You may be on to something here, how about we make them prove they are citizens in able to apply, and if they can't...we deport them?
Yes, this is tongue in cheek as a good little Globalist you want completely open borders.
Priceless irony, the funniest part of it is that he has no earthly idea what's wrong with his statement. :)

You seem to have no perception of the purpose of a drivers license

Looks like everybody reads you like a book.

Care to define the purpose of a driving license?
how does one get a drivers license pup? what kind of documentation is necessary to get one?

One need clearly pronounce the word "DEMOCRAT."
I expect crickets from the stupid fk.
Why shouldn't illegal have a drivers license?

Don't you want people on our roads to be trained and certified to operate a motor vehicle?

Priceless irony, the funniest part of it is that he has no earthly idea what's wrong with his statement. :)

You seem to have no perception of the purpose of a drivers license

dude, you have no idea what the word ILLEGAL means.


BTW, do you give a criminal keys to your car?

You still have not identified the purpose of a drivers license
Criminals are allowed to have drivers licenses
dude, your form of stupid can't be reasoned with. There is no explanation for you. you don't know what a criminal is or an illegal. your form of stupid is beyond normal common sense. So I could write all kinds of responses, but you won't understand cause you don't know your own country's laws.

You still fail to provide the purpose of a driving license
Did not happen. Just made up bullshit. Been discussed and debated here at length. Your side fails to make a viable case every time.

So you say. Got proof? Of course not.
Liberals Lie about EVERYTHING.

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

California Alone is issuing about a Million Drivers Licenses a Year to Illegals at the cost of about $141 Million a year to California Taxpayers (2015) figures.

12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally
(as of Feb. 3, 2016)
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

So from 2015 and through 2016, California gave Drivers Licenses to at least 2 Million Illegals, Illegally that they are willing to admit to.

And there are 12 other states doing this.

5-7 Million Illegals Registered to Vote Illegally is a very conservative estimate, and since these Dem controlled states won't let anyone look at their records to show that Illegals are Not being Illegally Registered to vote, and all have AUTOMATIC MOTOR VOTER REGISTRATION, then we can only rightly assume that they are breaking the law, and gaming the system, otherwise, there is no reason to deny inspection of their records.

Same with THE DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server.

Why shouldn't illegal have a drivers license?

Don't you want people on our roads to be trained and certified to operate a motor vehicle?

Priceless irony, the funniest part of it is that he has no earthly idea what's wrong with his statement. :)

You seem to have no perception of the purpose of a drivers license

You have absolutely no idea why your statement is silly at best :)

Another moron failing do define the purpose of a drivers license

Any more of you out there?
Did not happen. Just made up bullshit. Been discussed and debated here at length. Your side fails to make a viable case every time.

So you say. Got proof? Of course not.
Liberals Lie about EVERYTHING.

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

California Alone is issuing about a Million Drivers Licenses a Year to Illegals at the cost of about $141 Million a year to California Taxpayers (2015) figures.

12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally
(as of Feb. 3, 2016)
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

So from 2015 and through 2016, California gave Drivers Licenses to at least 2 Million Illegals, Illegally that they are willing to admit to.

And there are 12 other states doing this.

5-7 Million Illegals Registered to Vote Illegally is a very conservative estimate, and since these Dem controlled states won't let anyone look at their records to show that Illegals are Not being Illegally Registered to vote, and all have AUTOMATIC MOTOR VOTER REGISTRATION, then we can only rightly assume that they are breaking the law, and gaming the system, otherwise, there is no reason to deny inspection of their records.

Same with THE DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server.

Why shouldn't illegal have a drivers license?

Don't you want people on our roads to be trained and certified to operate a motor vehicle?

They are illegal, and it is actually illegal to give an illegal immigrant legitimate documents, such as a Social Security Card, Taxpayer ID, and Driver's License. I say write a Federal Law that The States not only have to cease and desist in this, but have to turn over their records of all The Illegals who they allowed to apply for driver's licenses, and registered to vote, and then track them down and deport all of them. A State giving an illegal a valid driver's license is a violation of US CODE and Immigration Law.

We are safer having licensed drivers on our roads than unlicensed drivers

A drivers license does not bestow citizenship, it only identifies you as a driver who has passed the necessary tests

You may be on to something here, how about we make them prove they are citizens in able to apply, and if they can't...we deport them?
Yes, this is tongue in cheek as a good little Globalist you want completely open borders.
why isn't Mexico handing out US drivers licenses?
The trump people sure are butthurt about not getting the majority of voters. Trump won the election. That should make them happy. He didn't get the majority of voters support. Even his current approval ratings show how disliked he is. His approval ratings are lower than any President-elect in history.
Why shouldn't illegal have a drivers license?

Don't you want people on our roads to be trained and certified to operate a motor vehicle?

Priceless irony, the funniest part of it is that he has no earthly idea what's wrong with his statement. :)

You seem to have no perception of the purpose of a drivers license

Looks like everybody reads you like a book.

Care to define the purpose of a driving license?
how does one get a drivers license pup? what kind of documentation is necessary to get one?

Another moron unable to describe the purpose of a drivers license
Priceless irony, the funniest part of it is that he has no earthly idea what's wrong with his statement. :)

You seem to have no perception of the purpose of a drivers license

dude, you have no idea what the word ILLEGAL means.


BTW, do you give a criminal keys to your car?

You still have not identified the purpose of a drivers license
Criminals are allowed to have drivers licenses
dude, your form of stupid can't be reasoned with. There is no explanation for you. you don't know what a criminal is or an illegal. your form of stupid is beyond normal common sense. So I could write all kinds of responses, but you won't understand cause you don't know your own country's laws.

You still fail to provide the purpose of a driving license
I do? why? why does one need one if it isn't your country? explain how they get it first pup. I know you won't cause you have no fking idea how they get them, cause they are illegal. look up the word illegal alien you stupid fk.
The trump people sure are butthurt about not getting the majority of voters. Trump won the election. That should make them happy. He didn't get the majority of voters support. Even his current approval ratings show how disliked he is. His approval ratings are lower than any President-elect in history.

They are not happy with just winning, they want to pretend that Trump is loved and admired and that somehow the American public voted to affirm their policies.....THEY DIDN'T
The trump people sure are butthurt about not getting the majority of voters. Trump won the election. That should make them happy. He didn't get the majority of voters support. Even his current approval ratings show how disliked he is. His approval ratings are lower than any President-elect in history.
say what :lmao:? Trump won with the majority vote stupid fk. you didn't know that? wow dude, derp!!! yep, Donald is the president elect. The law makes him such cause he won a majority of votes. need any other lessons on the electoral process?
8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

(a)Criminal penalties
(A)Any person who—
knowing that a person is an alien, brings to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever such person at a place other than a designated port of entry or place other than as designated by the Commissioner, regardless of whether such alien has received prior official authorization to come to, enter, or reside in the United States and regardless of any future official action which may be taken with respect to such alien;
knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law;
knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation;
encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law; or

section 1365 of title 18) to, or places in jeopardy the life of, any person, be fined under title 18, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both; and
[1] (ii) or (iii) of subparagraph (A), or of clause (iv) of subparagraph (A) except where a person encourages or induces an alien to come to or enter the United States, for a religious denomination having a bona fide nonprofit, religious organization in the United States, or the agents or officers of such denomination or organization, to encourage, invite, call, allow, or enable an alien who is present in the United States to perform the vocation of a minister or missionary for the denomination or organization in the United States as a volunteer who is not compensated as an employee, notwithstanding the provision of room, board, travel, medical assistance, and other basic living expenses, provided the minister or missionary has been a member of the denomination for at least one year.
section 1324a(h)(3) of this title), and
has been brought into the United States in violation of this subsection.
(4)In the case of a person who has brought aliens into the United States in violation of this subsection, the sentence otherwise provided for may be increased by up to 10 years if—
the offense was part of an ongoing commercial organization or enterprise;
aliens were transported in groups of 10 or more; and
aliens were transported in a manner that endangered their lives; or
the aliens presented a life-threatening health risk to people in the United States.

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

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