Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

Trump won the race....means he gets to be President

But compare it to an athletic race where someone jumps out near the finish line and trips your opponent

That is how Trump won

No trump won by the same rules as they all won, your Ilk tried to change the game after the whistle blew

Trump won the election...That makes him President

What makes him illegitimate

1. More Americans voted against him than for him
2. Russia interfered in the election to help him win
3. FBI launched a fake investigation to scuttle Hillary's campaign

And you are decision maker of who IS, or IS NOT legitimate. :wtf:
WOW Talk about someone who is desperate for any explanation as to why Hillary lost. So desperate that any excuse will do.

All except the real one.

Hillary was a lousy candidate who ran an elitist lousy campaign where she believed what the pollsters, pundits and media "experts" were telling her. That being that she would win and Trump was nothing but a joke.

RW just can't believe her hero isn't Madame President. LOL
LOL. Hey The Russians gave Hillary those 3 million votes. If she won the popular vote, then please explain to me how they impacted the election? They did not. Also please show proof that The DNC emails were hacked and not leaked. Oh, they won't let anyone look at the server? I guess there is no proof then.

According to our Espionage laws, she is barred from running for any political office.

But she didn't mean it so they didn't indict her. LMFAO. Please find the word "intent" in the following law. It does not exist.

Our Government committed a crime by not indicting her. They just wagged their fingers at her and told her not to do it again.

Trump and Bernie Sanders were The Only Legitimate Candidates that should have been running in this election. Clinton was automatically disqualified, but the DOJ and FBI refused to enforce the law. Not only that, Clinton and The DNC rigged the primaries for Hillary Clinton, which again disqualifies her TWICE.

18 U.S. Code § 2071


Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.


Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
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Trump won the election...That makes him President

What makes him illegitimate

1. More Americans voted against him than for him
2. Russia interfered in the election to help him win
3. FBI launched a fake investigation to scuttle Hillary's campaign

Illegal aliens don't count as 'American votes.'
Trump won the election...That makes him President

What makes him illegitimate

1. More Americans voted against him than for him
2. Russia interfered in the election to help him win
3. FBI launched a fake investigation to scuttle Hillary's campaign

Illegal aliens don't count as 'American votes.'

They do if you legitimize illegal votes by giving illegals driver's licenses and illegally register 5-7 million illegals through motor voter registration.
This is how The Dems are getting away with Massive Voter Fraud.
Trump won the election...That makes him President

What makes him illegitimate

1. More Americans voted against him than for him
2. Russia interfered in the election to help him win
3. FBI launched a fake investigation to scuttle Hillary's campaign

Illegal aliens don't count as 'American votes.'

They do if you legitimize illegal votes by giving illegals driver's licenses and illegally register 5-7 million illegals through motor voter registration.
This is how The Dems are getting away with Massive Voter Fraud.

And if the President of the United States prostitutes himself for votes by promising the illegals no investigation if they follow his instructions and vote.
Trump won the election...That makes him President

What makes him illegitimate

1. More Americans voted against him than for him
2. Russia interfered in the election to help him win
3. FBI launched a fake investigation to scuttle Hillary's campaign

Illegal aliens don't count as 'American votes.'

They do if you legitimize illegal votes by giving illegals driver's licenses and illegally register 5-7 million illegals through motor voter registration.
This is how The Dems are getting away with Massive Voter Fraud.
Did not happen. Just made up bullshit. Been discussed and debated here at length. Your side fails to make a viable case every time.
Trump won the election...That makes him President

What makes him illegitimate

1. More Americans voted against him than for him
2. Russia interfered in the election to help him win
3. FBI launched a fake investigation to scuttle Hillary's campaign
Trump won the election...That makes him President

What makes him illegitimate

1. More Americans voted against him than for him
2. Russia interfered in the election to help him win
3. FBI launched a fake investigation to scuttle Hillary's campaign

Illegal aliens don't count as 'American votes.'

They do if you legitimize illegal votes by giving illegals driver's licenses and illegally register 5-7 million illegals through motor voter registration.
This is how The Dems are getting away with Massive Voter Fraud.
Did not happen. Just made up bullshit. Been discussed and debated here at length. Your side fails to make a viable case every time.

Of course it happened, you lying dolt.

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015
Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -
Trump won the race....means he gets to be President

But compare it to an athletic race where someone jumps out near the finish line and trips your opponent

That is how Trump won

Nope. He won because he got his message out there.

Oh you can blame the Russians. The FBI or anyone or anything you like but anyone with a brain cell working knows different.

He won because he went the extra mile.

He won because his campaign was better than hers and people like what he had to say.

Hillary was so damned sure she had the election in the bag she took votes for granted and never gave a thought to the rust belt full or working Americans.

She was a lousy candidate with tons of baggage. Biden would have been much better. He was VP for eight years and is way more qualified than Hillary will ever be.

Your hero Hillary lost because she was a lousy candidate and ran a lousy campaign.

Madame President my ass.

Trump had outside help to win

Even Trump admits the Russians helped him
Had that help been in the form of lies, you might have a point. It was, however, the truth that pushed the truly awful candidate, Hillary, over the edge into loser land.

Actually, Trumps repeated lying helped him win
Mary Poppins? Is that you?
Trump won the election...That makes him President

What makes him illegitimate

1. More Americans voted against him than for him
2. Russia interfered in the election to help him win
3. FBI launched a fake investigation to scuttle Hillary's campaign

Illegal aliens don't count as 'American votes.'

They do if you legitimize illegal votes by giving illegals driver's licenses and illegally register 5-7 million illegals through motor voter registration.
This is how The Dems are getting away with Massive Voter Fraud.
Did not happen. Just made up bullshit. Been discussed and debated here at length. Your side fails to make a viable case every time.
Sorry, but it is a fact.
Trump won the race....means he gets to be President

But compare it to an athletic race where someone jumps out near the finish line and trips your opponent

That is how Trump won

Nope. He won because he got his message out there.

Oh you can blame the Russians. The FBI or anyone or anything you like but anyone with a brain cell working knows different.

He won because he went the extra mile.

He won because his campaign was better than hers and people like what he had to say.

Hillary was so damned sure she had the election in the bag she took votes for granted and never gave a thought to the rust belt full or working Americans.

She was a lousy candidate with tons of baggage. Biden would have been much better. He was VP for eight years and is way more qualified than Hillary will ever be.

Your hero Hillary lost because she was a lousy candidate and ran a lousy campaign.

Madame President my ass.

Trump had outside help to win

Even Trump admits the Russians helped him
what was the help?
Trump won the race....means he gets to be President

But compare it to an athletic race where someone jumps out near the finish line and trips your opponent

That is how Trump won

Nope. He won because he got his message out there.

Oh you can blame the Russians. The FBI or anyone or anything you like but anyone with a brain cell working knows different.

He won because he went the extra mile.

He won because his campaign was better than hers and people like what he had to say.

Hillary was so damned sure she had the election in the bag she took votes for granted and never gave a thought to the rust belt full or working Americans.

She was a lousy candidate with tons of baggage. Biden would have been much better. He was VP for eight years and is way more qualified than Hillary will ever be.

Your hero Hillary lost because she was a lousy candidate and ran a lousy campaign.

Madame President my ass.

Trump had outside help to win

Even Trump admits the Russians helped him
what was the help?
Trump won the election...That makes him President

What makes him illegitimate

1. More Americans voted against him than for him
2. Russia interfered in the election to help him win
3. FBI launched a fake investigation to scuttle Hillary's campaign

Illegal aliens don't count as 'American votes.'

They do if you legitimize illegal votes by giving illegals driver's licenses and illegally register 5-7 million illegals through motor voter registration.
This is how The Dems are getting away with Massive Voter Fraud.
Did not happen. Just made up bullshit. Been discussed and debated here at length. Your side fails to make a viable case every time.

So you say. Got proof? Of course not.
Liberals Lie about EVERYTHING.

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

California Alone is issuing about a Million Drivers Licenses a Year to Illegals at the cost of about $141 Million a year to California Taxpayers (2015) figures.

12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally
(as of Feb. 3, 2016)
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

So from 2015 and through 2016, California gave Drivers Licenses to at least 2 Million Illegals, Illegally that they are willing to admit to.

And there are 12 other states doing this.

5-7 Million Illegals Registered to Vote Illegally is a very conservative estimate, and since these Dem controlled states won't let anyone look at their records to show that Illegals are Not being Illegally Registered to vote, and all have AUTOMATIC MOTOR VOTER REGISTRATION, then we can only rightly assume that they are breaking the law, and gaming the system, otherwise, there is no reason to deny inspection of their records.

Same with THE DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server.
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Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

Dumbass alert^^^^^^^
Trump won the race....means he gets to be President

But compare it to an athletic race where someone jumps out near the finish line and trips your opponent

That is how Trump won

No trump won by the same rules as they all won, your Ilk tried to change the game after the whistle blew


Well if you consider the rules to be getting Russia to help you win, then I guess he did
Trump won the election...That makes him President

What makes him illegitimate

1. More Americans voted against him than for him
2. Russia interfered in the election to help him win
3. FBI launched a fake investigation to scuttle Hillary's campaign

Illegal aliens don't count as 'American votes.'

They do if you legitimize illegal votes by giving illegals driver's licenses and illegally register 5-7 million illegals through motor voter registration.
This is how The Dems are getting away with Massive Voter Fraud.
Did not happen. Just made up bullshit. Been discussed and debated here at length. Your side fails to make a viable case every time.

So you say. Got proof? Of course not.
Liberals Lie about EVERYTHING.

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

Almost Half Of California Driver’s Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015

California Alone is issuing about a Million Drivers Licenses a Year to Illegals at the cost of about $141 Million a year to California Taxpayers (2015) figures.

12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally
(as of Feb. 3, 2016)
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

So from 2015 and through 2016, California gave Drivers Licenses to at least 2 Million Illegals, Illegally that they are willing to admit to.

And there are 12 other states doing this.

5-7 Million Illegals Registered to Vote Illegally is a very conservative estimate, and since these Dem controlled states won't let anyone look at their records to show that Illegals are Not being Illegally Registered to vote, and all have AUTOMATIC MOTOR VOTER REGISTRATION, then we can only rightly assume that they are breaking the law, and gaming the system, otherwise, there is no reason to deny inspection of their records.

Same with THE DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server.

Why shouldn't illegal have a drivers license?

Don't you want people on our roads to be trained and certified to operate a motor vehicle?

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