Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

Putin doesn't deserve any respect. Reading your whole post......... Only prove one thing you are a traitor.
BTW Trump is being called Putin puppet by Americans and so with other foreign nationals.

#1 Why is it that no leftard can answer the question of what has Putin OR Assad done to put them in the cross hairs of the globalist POS outside of the fact that they wanted to partner up and build an oil pipeline.

#2 Putin has punked the Barrypuppet at every turn. Barrypuppet's famous "line in the sand" when he claimed that Assad was using chemical weapons against the moderate terrorists when it was actually the moderate terrorists i.e ISIS/CI-Al qeada that did it....the very ones the west is financing to wage a proxy war against them.

#3 I will never care or even concern myself with what a bunch of limp-wristed fabian socialists have to say on any topic.

1. I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo.
2. Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that.
Line in the sand ........... Do you want to go to war just like Gen. Flynn and SOD Hagel wants?
3. Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?

"I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo."

Really? Do tell? What source do you have that backs that claim? Is it that same news sourtce that declared that Iran wanted to eradicate Israel? And that Iraq had WMDs??? Give me a source so I can do the proper vetting because I believe otherwise.......

"Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that."

What you claim and what comes out of my dog's ass bears a striking would be hard to tell the two apart......
And Barry Soetoro is a puppet...a queer puppet that was compromised before he ever took and learn, my friend...these are hard lessons for you to digest.

"Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?"

Your opinions are like a little snot-nosed kid that defiantly declares that there is a "Santa Claus" after the bigger kids tell him he has been played for an idiot......learn, grow, evolve.
I know more than you and I am here to help...I can lead you to water but I cannot make you drink...wanna die of thirst?

There is nothing in your post that impressed me except your conspiracy theories, sucking into Putin, traitor and racist dog.
I really didn't know that a dog could be racist. yet here you are stating that as a fact. wow. I love losers who have but one technique of calling out racism and bigotry as an argument cause without it you got nothing to say. Yep you are a nothing posting nothing. A zero in fact. Yep, you're a zero!!!! Got nothing to say. Thanks for your contribution of nothing, it is well noted in here.

Did you just woke up Dude? Why don't you read the whole thread instead of picking one post? Another Putin lover.
1. I cannot control what is coming out from Trump or Hillary's mouth. And so are you. But I love this country. Not a traitor.
Obama fighting on the side of ISIS...... Really? Like what?
2. Why do you think I'm here? Against you and your buddies here protecting Putin. Move to Russia.

That's all your stupid butt hurt brain can come up with. Oh yeah, move to RUSSIA! Um ... yeah ... whatever tyke.

And as for Obama, damn you're ignorant. One of the two objectives in ISIS name is removing the Syrian government. Obama is trying to remove the Syrian government. How stupid are you? Do you watch the news at all?

1. You are displaying your ignorance..... This is the problem when you are only getting your information here USMB.
Assad senior and junior has been murdering his own people for decades, supporting terrorism against Israel, Turkey etc. with the help of Putin............. Syrians are sick and tired of dictatorship either we get involved or not....... civil war is bound to happen. Someone has to stop them and that will be Obama.

2. ISIS main objectives is to create terror world wide and create their own Islamic state ....... it's not just bc is Syria or Iraq. Get your act together.
Did Obama supplied ISIS tanks or any arms?

3. You disgust me. What is your motivation is supporting Putin against your own country?

Syria is in the name of the organization, moron. The problem is you're parroting the DNC. You don't have any intellectual integrity or motivation, which is why you favor redistribution ... to your open arms ...

Dude all I'm telling you are the reality.............. Your post are nothing but pure ignorance in support of Putin. Move to Russia and take DaleS with you.

Where did you move when Trump won? Seriously, at some point you're going to have to see a doctor about that butt hurt. What a jackass.

What you have is, oh yeah, well I'm losing this argument, so move to Russia! It's the disingenuous hack you are.

That and that you don't know that one of the two named objectives in the NAME of ISIS is taking down the Syrian government, exactly what Obama has been fighting for

You are one of the sore winner Trump won the election get over it.

This is the problem when idiots like you rely on USMB as your source of information or Hannity. You don't have faintest clue what is happening in Syria let alone come here and argue about your murderer comrade.
Since you are so fascinated and defending your comrade Putin .......... Why don't you move to Russia.
Putin doesn't deserve any respect. Reading your whole post......... Only prove one thing you are a traitor.
BTW Trump is being called Putin puppet by Americans and so with other foreign nationals.

#1 Why is it that no leftard can answer the question of what has Putin OR Assad done to put them in the cross hairs of the globalist POS outside of the fact that they wanted to partner up and build an oil pipeline.

#2 Putin has punked the Barrypuppet at every turn. Barrypuppet's famous "line in the sand" when he claimed that Assad was using chemical weapons against the moderate terrorists when it was actually the moderate terrorists i.e ISIS/CI-Al qeada that did it....the very ones the west is financing to wage a proxy war against them.

#3 I will never care or even concern myself with what a bunch of limp-wristed fabian socialists have to say on any topic.

1. I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo.
2. Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that.
Line in the sand ........... Do you want to go to war just like Gen. Flynn and SOD Hagel wants?
3. Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?

"I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo."

Really? Do tell? What source do you have that backs that claim? Is it that same news sourtce that declared that Iran wanted to eradicate Israel? And that Iraq had WMDs??? Give me a source so I can do the proper vetting because I believe otherwise.......

"Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that."

What you claim and what comes out of my dog's ass bears a striking would be hard to tell the two apart......
And Barry Soetoro is a puppet...a queer puppet that was compromised before he ever took and learn, my friend...these are hard lessons for you to digest.

"Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?"

Your opinions are like a little snot-nosed kid that defiantly declares that there is a "Santa Claus" after the bigger kids tell him he has been played for an idiot......learn, grow, evolve.
I know more than you and I am here to help...I can lead you to water but I cannot make you drink...wanna die of thirst?

There is nothing in your post that impressed me except your conspiracy theories, sucking into Putin, traitor and racist dog.

My mission isn't to impress but rather to's not my problem if you lack the brain matter to put the pieces together. You can either STFU or keep getting your cyber ass kicked..........your choice.

Kick my ass like what? You have not impressed me nor informed with your ridiculous false conspiracy theories.

Reading your very long post only 1 or 2 of your sentences make sense. The rest are pure garbage with your conspiracy theories.
Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Obong's presidency is/was a total joke before it has even got started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans now know this is true.



democrats are out to bankrupt the country. It's why they passed obummerfail. They are looking at stopping the American dream in anyway possible. Even if it violates fundamental laws in the country. They don't care. Ask them. They will call each of us racists, bigots, homophobe and on and on. They are the lowest form of human that exists on the planet outside ISIS. And they can't even call them terrorists. Funny eh?

What cracks me up about the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies is that they are pissed that the e-mails were exposed instead of being pissed about what was in them and how it revealed what a bunch of corrupt pieces of shit the party they cling to is..........speaks volumes to how little character they have.

Sorry Dale, but there just wasn't anything worthwhile in the DNC emails. You've been had. You're another victim of very carefully orchestrated "e-outrage."
That's all your stupid butt hurt brain can come up with. Oh yeah, move to RUSSIA! Um ... yeah ... whatever tyke.

And as for Obama, damn you're ignorant. One of the two objectives in ISIS name is removing the Syrian government. Obama is trying to remove the Syrian government. How stupid are you? Do you watch the news at all?

1. You are displaying your ignorance..... This is the problem when you are only getting your information here USMB.
Assad senior and junior has been murdering his own people for decades, supporting terrorism against Israel, Turkey etc. with the help of Putin............. Syrians are sick and tired of dictatorship either we get involved or not....... civil war is bound to happen. Someone has to stop them and that will be Obama.

2. ISIS main objectives is to create terror world wide and create their own Islamic state ....... it's not just bc is Syria or Iraq. Get your act together.
Did Obama supplied ISIS tanks or any arms?

3. You disgust me. What is your motivation is supporting Putin against your own country?

Syria is in the name of the organization, moron. The problem is you're parroting the DNC. You don't have any intellectual integrity or motivation, which is why you favor redistribution ... to your open arms ...

Dude all I'm telling you are the reality.............. Your post are nothing but pure ignorance in support of Putin. Move to Russia and take DaleS with you.

Where did you move when Trump won? Seriously, at some point you're going to have to see a doctor about that butt hurt. What a jackass.

What you have is, oh yeah, well I'm losing this argument, so move to Russia! It's the disingenuous hack you are.

That and that you don't know that one of the two named objectives in the NAME of ISIS is taking down the Syrian government, exactly what Obama has been fighting for

You are one of the sore winner Trump won the election get over it.

This is the problem when idiots like you rely on USMB as your source of information or Hannity. You don't have faintest clue what is happening in Syria let alone come here and argue about your murderer comrade.
Since you are so fascinated and defending your comrade Putin .......... Why don't you move to Russia.

That's all your stupid butt hurt brain can come up with. Oh yeah, move to RUSSIA! Um ... yeah ... whatever tyke.

And as for Obama, damn you're ignorant. One of the two objectives in ISIS name is removing the Syrian government. Obama is trying to remove the Syrian government. How stupid are you? Do you watch the news at all?

1. You are displaying your ignorance..... This is the problem when you are only getting your information here USMB.
Assad senior and junior has been murdering his own people for decades, supporting terrorism against Israel, Turkey etc. with the help of Putin............. Syrians are sick and tired of dictatorship either we get involved or not....... civil war is bound to happen. Someone has to stop them and that will be Obama.

2. ISIS main objectives is to create terror world wide and create their own Islamic state ....... it's not just bc is Syria or Iraq. Get your act together.
Did Obama supplied ISIS tanks or any arms?

3. You disgust me. What is your motivation is supporting Putin against your own country?

Syria is in the name of the organization, moron. The problem is you're parroting the DNC. You don't have any intellectual integrity or motivation, which is why you favor redistribution ... to your open arms ...

Dude all I'm telling you are the reality.............. Your post are nothing but pure ignorance in support of Putin. Move to Russia and take DaleS with you.

Where did you move when Trump won? Seriously, at some point you're going to have to see a doctor about that butt hurt. What a jackass.

What you have is, oh yeah, well I'm losing this argument, so move to Russia! It's the disingenuous hack you are.

That and that you don't know that one of the two named objectives in the NAME of ISIS is taking down the Syrian government, exactly what Obama has been fighting for

You are one of the sore winner Trump won the election get over it.

This is the problem when idiots like you rely on USMB as your source of information or Hannity. You don't have faintest clue what is happening in Syria let alone come here and argue about your murderer comrade.
Since you are so fascinated and defending your comrade Putin .......... Why don't you move to Russia.
Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Obong's presidency is/was a total joke before it has even got started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans now know this is true.



democrats are out to bankrupt the country. It's why they passed obummerfail. They are looking at stopping the American dream in anyway possible. Even if it violates fundamental laws in the country. They don't care. Ask them. They will call each of us racists, bigots, homophobe and on and on. They are the lowest form of human that exists on the planet outside ISIS. And they can't even call them terrorists. Funny eh?

What cracks me up about the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies is that they are pissed that the e-mails were exposed instead of being pissed about what was in them and how it revealed what a bunch of corrupt pieces of shit the party they cling to is..........speaks volumes to how little character they have.

Sorry Dale, but there just wasn't anything worthwhile in the DNC emails. You've been had. You're another victim of very carefully orchestrated "e-outrage."

Go pull someone else's legs.....mine are long enough as it is. There is no spin that you can put on this at all......
#1 Why is it that no leftard can answer the question of what has Putin OR Assad done to put them in the cross hairs of the globalist POS outside of the fact that they wanted to partner up and build an oil pipeline.

#2 Putin has punked the Barrypuppet at every turn. Barrypuppet's famous "line in the sand" when he claimed that Assad was using chemical weapons against the moderate terrorists when it was actually the moderate terrorists i.e ISIS/CI-Al qeada that did it....the very ones the west is financing to wage a proxy war against them.

#3 I will never care or even concern myself with what a bunch of limp-wristed fabian socialists have to say on any topic.

1. I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo.
2. Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that.
Line in the sand ........... Do you want to go to war just like Gen. Flynn and SOD Hagel wants?
3. Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?

"I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo."

Really? Do tell? What source do you have that backs that claim? Is it that same news sourtce that declared that Iran wanted to eradicate Israel? And that Iraq had WMDs??? Give me a source so I can do the proper vetting because I believe otherwise.......

"Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that."

What you claim and what comes out of my dog's ass bears a striking would be hard to tell the two apart......
And Barry Soetoro is a puppet...a queer puppet that was compromised before he ever took and learn, my friend...these are hard lessons for you to digest.

"Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?"

Your opinions are like a little snot-nosed kid that defiantly declares that there is a "Santa Claus" after the bigger kids tell him he has been played for an idiot......learn, grow, evolve.
I know more than you and I am here to help...I can lead you to water but I cannot make you drink...wanna die of thirst?

There is nothing in your post that impressed me except your conspiracy theories, sucking into Putin, traitor and racist dog.

My mission isn't to impress but rather to's not my problem if you lack the brain matter to put the pieces together. You can either STFU or keep getting your cyber ass kicked..........your choice.

Kick my ass like what? You have not impressed me nor informed with your ridiculous false conspiracy theories.

Reading your very long post only 1 or 2 of your sentences make sense. The rest are pure garbage with your conspiracy theories.

Dude, seriously (and I do not say this in a cruel manner) but you are one of the most uninformed posters here. If God forbid I was to succumb to an illness and find myself coming out of a month long coma and I wanted to know what was going on in the world and I had to pick from a list of posters here? You wouldn't even make the cut of the top 100. There are some posters here that I don't agree with and we differ on what it takes to turn this corporate entity around but I would at least trust them to get the "low down" on what has transpired. You, on the other hand, are are absolutely clueless.........
1. I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo.
2. Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that.
Line in the sand ........... Do you want to go to war just like Gen. Flynn and SOD Hagel wants?
3. Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?

"I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo."

Really? Do tell? What source do you have that backs that claim? Is it that same news sourtce that declared that Iran wanted to eradicate Israel? And that Iraq had WMDs??? Give me a source so I can do the proper vetting because I believe otherwise.......

"Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that."

What you claim and what comes out of my dog's ass bears a striking would be hard to tell the two apart......
And Barry Soetoro is a puppet...a queer puppet that was compromised before he ever took and learn, my friend...these are hard lessons for you to digest.

"Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?"

Your opinions are like a little snot-nosed kid that defiantly declares that there is a "Santa Claus" after the bigger kids tell him he has been played for an idiot......learn, grow, evolve.
I know more than you and I am here to help...I can lead you to water but I cannot make you drink...wanna die of thirst?

There is nothing in your post that impressed me except your conspiracy theories, sucking into Putin, traitor and racist dog.

My mission isn't to impress but rather to's not my problem if you lack the brain matter to put the pieces together. You can either STFU or keep getting your cyber ass kicked..........your choice.

Kick my ass like what? You have not impressed me nor informed with your ridiculous false conspiracy theories.

Reading your very long post only 1 or 2 of your sentences make sense. The rest are pure garbage with your conspiracy theories.

Dude, seriously (and I do not say this in a cruel manner) but you are one of the most uninformed posters here. If God forbid I was to succumb to an illness and find myself coming out of a month long coma and I wanted to know what was going on in the world and I had to pick from a list of posters here? You wouldn't even make the cut of the top 100. There are some posters here that I don't agree with and we differ on what it takes to turn this corporate entity around but I would at least trust them to get the "low down" on what has transpired. You, on the other hand, are are absolutely clueless.........

Nano Nano....... Sorry Mork you've post nothing but pure garbage. You can now go back to your spaceship.
Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Obong's presidency is/was a total joke before it has even got started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans now know this is true.



democrats are out to bankrupt the country. It's why they passed obummerfail. They are looking at stopping the American dream in anyway possible. Even if it violates fundamental laws in the country. They don't care. Ask them. They will call each of us racists, bigots, homophobe and on and on. They are the lowest form of human that exists on the planet outside ISIS. And they can't even call them terrorists. Funny eh?

What cracks me up about the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies is that they are pissed that the e-mails were exposed instead of being pissed about what was in them and how it revealed what a bunch of corrupt pieces of shit the party they cling to is..........speaks volumes to how little character they have.
Libturds are ok with our government being corrupt! Can't be anything else
"I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo."

Really? Do tell? What source do you have that backs that claim? Is it that same news sourtce that declared that Iran wanted to eradicate Israel? And that Iraq had WMDs??? Give me a source so I can do the proper vetting because I believe otherwise.......

"Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that."

What you claim and what comes out of my dog's ass bears a striking would be hard to tell the two apart......
And Barry Soetoro is a puppet...a queer puppet that was compromised before he ever took and learn, my friend...these are hard lessons for you to digest.

"Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?"

Your opinions are like a little snot-nosed kid that defiantly declares that there is a "Santa Claus" after the bigger kids tell him he has been played for an idiot......learn, grow, evolve.
I know more than you and I am here to help...I can lead you to water but I cannot make you drink...wanna die of thirst?

There is nothing in your post that impressed me except your conspiracy theories, sucking into Putin, traitor and racist dog.

My mission isn't to impress but rather to's not my problem if you lack the brain matter to put the pieces together. You can either STFU or keep getting your cyber ass kicked..........your choice.

Kick my ass like what? You have not impressed me nor informed with your ridiculous false conspiracy theories.

Reading your very long post only 1 or 2 of your sentences make sense. The rest are pure garbage with your conspiracy theories.

Dude, seriously (and I do not say this in a cruel manner) but you are one of the most uninformed posters here. If God forbid I was to succumb to an illness and find myself coming out of a month long coma and I wanted to know what was going on in the world and I had to pick from a list of posters here? You wouldn't even make the cut of the top 100. There are some posters here that I don't agree with and we differ on what it takes to turn this corporate entity around but I would at least trust them to get the "low down" on what has transpired. You, on the other hand, are are absolutely clueless.........

Nano Nano....... Sorry Mork you've post nothing but pure garbage. You can now go back to your spaceship.
You like our corrupt government exposed by Wikileaks's that's sad pup
There is nothing in your post that impressed me except your conspiracy theories, sucking into Putin, traitor and racist dog.

My mission isn't to impress but rather to's not my problem if you lack the brain matter to put the pieces together. You can either STFU or keep getting your cyber ass kicked..........your choice.

Kick my ass like what? You have not impressed me nor informed with your ridiculous false conspiracy theories.

Reading your very long post only 1 or 2 of your sentences make sense. The rest are pure garbage with your conspiracy theories.

Dude, seriously (and I do not say this in a cruel manner) but you are one of the most uninformed posters here. If God forbid I was to succumb to an illness and find myself coming out of a month long coma and I wanted to know what was going on in the world and I had to pick from a list of posters here? You wouldn't even make the cut of the top 100. There are some posters here that I don't agree with and we differ on what it takes to turn this corporate entity around but I would at least trust them to get the "low down" on what has transpired. You, on the other hand, are are absolutely clueless.........

Nano Nano....... Sorry Mork you've post nothing but pure garbage. You can now go back to your spaceship.
You like our corrupt government exposed by Wikileaks's that's sad pup

Glad to hear you patronize wikiwiki like Trump.
My mission isn't to impress but rather to's not my problem if you lack the brain matter to put the pieces together. You can either STFU or keep getting your cyber ass kicked..........your choice.

Kick my ass like what? You have not impressed me nor informed with your ridiculous false conspiracy theories.

Reading your very long post only 1 or 2 of your sentences make sense. The rest are pure garbage with your conspiracy theories.

Dude, seriously (and I do not say this in a cruel manner) but you are one of the most uninformed posters here. If God forbid I was to succumb to an illness and find myself coming out of a month long coma and I wanted to know what was going on in the world and I had to pick from a list of posters here? You wouldn't even make the cut of the top 100. There are some posters here that I don't agree with and we differ on what it takes to turn this corporate entity around but I would at least trust them to get the "low down" on what has transpired. You, on the other hand, are are absolutely clueless.........

Nano Nano....... Sorry Mork you've post nothing but pure garbage. You can now go back to your spaceship.
You like our corrupt government exposed by Wikileaks's that's sad pup

Glad to hear you patronize wikiwiki like Trump.
well they did more to give me the truth than our own MSM did. Why? Why can't the MSM deliver balanced news? I'll tell you why, they are in the DNC back pocket. And you think that's grand. Well, wikileaks showed you how to get around their collusion.

Now the question to you is why you aren't upset first at the collusion and second the fact the DNC has corrupted our election process?
Last edited:
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

Hillary's votes came from California.
Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Obong's presidency is/was a total joke before it has even got started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans now know this is true.



democrats are out to bankrupt the country. It's why they passed obummerfail. They are looking at stopping the American dream in anyway possible. Even if it violates fundamental laws in the country. They don't care. Ask them. They will call each of us racists, bigots, homophobe and on and on. They are the lowest form of human that exists on the planet outside ISIS. And they can't even call them terrorists. Funny eh?

What cracks me up about the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies is that they are pissed that the e-mails were exposed instead of being pissed about what was in them and how it revealed what a bunch of corrupt pieces of shit the party they cling to is..........speaks volumes to how little character they have.

Sorry Dale, but there just wasn't anything worthwhile in the DNC emails. You've been had. You're another victim of very carefully orchestrated "e-outrage."

So how was the election "hacked" ?
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

Hillary's votes came from California.

Originating in Mexico.
"I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo."

Really? Do tell? What source do you have that backs that claim? Is it that same news sourtce that declared that Iran wanted to eradicate Israel? And that Iraq had WMDs??? Give me a source so I can do the proper vetting because I believe otherwise.......

"Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that."

What you claim and what comes out of my dog's ass bears a striking would be hard to tell the two apart......
And Barry Soetoro is a puppet...a queer puppet that was compromised before he ever took and learn, my friend...these are hard lessons for you to digest.

"Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?"

Your opinions are like a little snot-nosed kid that defiantly declares that there is a "Santa Claus" after the bigger kids tell him he has been played for an idiot......learn, grow, evolve.
I know more than you and I am here to help...I can lead you to water but I cannot make you drink...wanna die of thirst?

There is nothing in your post that impressed me except your conspiracy theories, sucking into Putin, traitor and racist dog.

My mission isn't to impress but rather to's not my problem if you lack the brain matter to put the pieces together. You can either STFU or keep getting your cyber ass kicked..........your choice.

Kick my ass like what? You have not impressed me nor informed with your ridiculous false conspiracy theories.

Reading your very long post only 1 or 2 of your sentences make sense. The rest are pure garbage with your conspiracy theories.

Dude, seriously (and I do not say this in a cruel manner) but you are one of the most uninformed posters here. If God forbid I was to succumb to an illness and find myself coming out of a month long coma and I wanted to know what was going on in the world and I had to pick from a list of posters here? You wouldn't even make the cut of the top 100. There are some posters here that I don't agree with and we differ on what it takes to turn this corporate entity around but I would at least trust them to get the "low down" on what has transpired. You, on the other hand, are are absolutely clueless.........

Nano Nano....... Sorry Mork you've post nothing but pure garbage. You can now go back to your spaceship.

Wow, the 70's called and they want back their obscure reference to a sit-com that was as irrelevant today as it is now. Creativity isn't one of your strong points, obviously.....
That's all your stupid butt hurt brain can come up with. Oh yeah, move to RUSSIA! Um ... yeah ... whatever tyke.

And as for Obama, damn you're ignorant. One of the two objectives in ISIS name is removing the Syrian government. Obama is trying to remove the Syrian government. How stupid are you? Do you watch the news at all?

1. You are displaying your ignorance..... This is the problem when you are only getting your information here USMB.
Assad senior and junior has been murdering his own people for decades, supporting terrorism against Israel, Turkey etc. with the help of Putin............. Syrians are sick and tired of dictatorship either we get involved or not....... civil war is bound to happen. Someone has to stop them and that will be Obama.

2. ISIS main objectives is to create terror world wide and create their own Islamic state ....... it's not just bc is Syria or Iraq. Get your act together.
Did Obama supplied ISIS tanks or any arms?

3. You disgust me. What is your motivation is supporting Putin against your own country?

Syria is in the name of the organization, moron. The problem is you're parroting the DNC. You don't have any intellectual integrity or motivation, which is why you favor redistribution ... to your open arms ...

Dude all I'm telling you are the reality.............. Your post are nothing but pure ignorance in support of Putin. Move to Russia and take DaleS with you.

Where did you move when Trump won? Seriously, at some point you're going to have to see a doctor about that butt hurt. What a jackass.

What you have is, oh yeah, well I'm losing this argument, so move to Russia! It's the disingenuous hack you are.

That and that you don't know that one of the two named objectives in the NAME of ISIS is taking down the Syrian government, exactly what Obama has been fighting for

You are one of the sore winner Trump won the election get over it.

This is the problem when idiots like you rely on USMB as your source of information or Hannity. You don't have faintest clue what is happening in Syria let alone come here and argue about your murderer comrade.
Since you are so fascinated and defending your comrade Putin .......... Why don't you move to Russia.

The butt hurt over your beloved Hillary is just oozing from you. OK, tell me which point you didn't know.

1) One of the objectives in the name of ISIS is overthrowing the Syrian government

2) Obama tried to overthrow the Syrian government
Kick my ass like what? You have not impressed me nor informed with your ridiculous false conspiracy theories.

Reading your very long post only 1 or 2 of your sentences make sense. The rest are pure garbage with your conspiracy theories.

Dude, seriously (and I do not say this in a cruel manner) but you are one of the most uninformed posters here. If God forbid I was to succumb to an illness and find myself coming out of a month long coma and I wanted to know what was going on in the world and I had to pick from a list of posters here? You wouldn't even make the cut of the top 100. There are some posters here that I don't agree with and we differ on what it takes to turn this corporate entity around but I would at least trust them to get the "low down" on what has transpired. You, on the other hand, are are absolutely clueless.........

Nano Nano....... Sorry Mork you've post nothing but pure garbage. You can now go back to your spaceship.
You like our corrupt government exposed by Wikileaks's that's sad pup

Glad to hear you patronize wikiwiki like Trump.
well they did more to give me the truth than our own MSM did. Why? Why can't the MSM deliver balanced news? I'll tell you why, they are in the DNC back pocket. And you think that's grand. Well, wikileaks showed you how to get around their collusion.

Now the question to you is why you aren't upset first at the collusion and second the fact the DNC has corrupted our election process?

I will still be upset if Wikileaks and Putin hack RNC....... my issue is and was the interference of foreign nationals into our democracy.
It's not bc of DNC.
Corruption....... what made you think Trump is not corrupted? Where is his tax returns? What is he hiding?
Why aren't you concern the intrusions foreign nationals into our system? Instead you are protecting and supporting them together with that dude.

Did you ever wonder what is Trump motivation supporting Wikileaks and Putin?
During primaries and election Trump consistently praised and kiss Putin ass........ Why is that? Or you just don't care bc of your fascination to Trump.
1. You are displaying your ignorance..... This is the problem when you are only getting your information here USMB.
Assad senior and junior has been murdering his own people for decades, supporting terrorism against Israel, Turkey etc. with the help of Putin............. Syrians are sick and tired of dictatorship either we get involved or not....... civil war is bound to happen. Someone has to stop them and that will be Obama.

2. ISIS main objectives is to create terror world wide and create their own Islamic state ....... it's not just bc is Syria or Iraq. Get your act together.
Did Obama supplied ISIS tanks or any arms?

3. You disgust me. What is your motivation is supporting Putin against your own country?

Syria is in the name of the organization, moron. The problem is you're parroting the DNC. You don't have any intellectual integrity or motivation, which is why you favor redistribution ... to your open arms ...

Dude all I'm telling you are the reality.............. Your post are nothing but pure ignorance in support of Putin. Move to Russia and take DaleS with you.

Where did you move when Trump won? Seriously, at some point you're going to have to see a doctor about that butt hurt. What a jackass.

What you have is, oh yeah, well I'm losing this argument, so move to Russia! It's the disingenuous hack you are.

That and that you don't know that one of the two named objectives in the NAME of ISIS is taking down the Syrian government, exactly what Obama has been fighting for

You are one of the sore winner Trump won the election get over it.

This is the problem when idiots like you rely on USMB as your source of information or Hannity. You don't have faintest clue what is happening in Syria let alone come here and argue about your murderer comrade.
Since you are so fascinated and defending your comrade Putin .......... Why don't you move to Russia.

The butt hurt over your beloved Hillary is just oozing from you. OK, tell me which point you didn't know.

1) One of the objectives in the name of ISIS is overthrowing the Syrian government

2) Obama tried to overthrow the Syrian government

What in the world are you talking about Dude? Are you taking something? I never mentioned Hillary and election is over get over it.

1. ISIS objective is to overthrow any government that includes America. Not just Syria. Main Putin objective in Syria is NOT to fight ISIS but to make sure Assad the murderer dictator remain in power.

2. If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that very EASILY.

Why are you protecting foreign nationals? Are you even an American?
Syria is in the name of the organization, moron. The problem is you're parroting the DNC. You don't have any intellectual integrity or motivation, which is why you favor redistribution ... to your open arms ...

Dude all I'm telling you are the reality.............. Your post are nothing but pure ignorance in support of Putin. Move to Russia and take DaleS with you.

Where did you move when Trump won? Seriously, at some point you're going to have to see a doctor about that butt hurt. What a jackass.

What you have is, oh yeah, well I'm losing this argument, so move to Russia! It's the disingenuous hack you are.

That and that you don't know that one of the two named objectives in the NAME of ISIS is taking down the Syrian government, exactly what Obama has been fighting for

You are one of the sore winner Trump won the election get over it.

This is the problem when idiots like you rely on USMB as your source of information or Hannity. You don't have faintest clue what is happening in Syria let alone come here and argue about your murderer comrade.
Since you are so fascinated and defending your comrade Putin .......... Why don't you move to Russia.

The butt hurt over your beloved Hillary is just oozing from you. OK, tell me which point you didn't know.

1) One of the objectives in the name of ISIS is overthrowing the Syrian government

2) Obama tried to overthrow the Syrian government

What in the world are you talking about Dude? Are you taking something? I never mentioned Hillary and election is over get over it.

1. ISIS objective is to overthrow any government that includes America. Not just Syria. Main Putin objective in Syria is NOT to fight ISIS but to make sure Assad the murderer dictator remain in power.

2. If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that very EASILY.

Doesn't answer the question.

1. Do you know overthrowing Syria is in the NAME of ISIS? Do you know that? Answer the question.

2. Empty claim, he tried and failed, Putin, who is actually fighting against ISIS, won. I know you're all sqeezing out the butt hurt and all, but it's a fact Putin is fighting against ISIS and Obama was fighting for them. You can try spinning it all you want, it's a fail

Why are you protecting foreign nationals? Are you even an American?

Gotcha, if I loved America, I'd be on the side of ISIS with you and the trained liberal monkey in the White House who obeys his elitist, white, liberal, New England liberal masters.

Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.


And the Trumpholes know it. Hence their immediate, spastic replies and desperate "funny" ratings on your post.

That's nervous laughter, folks.

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