Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

I voted for Bernie in the NY primary, and Hillary in the election, but one should remember that Trump didn't really campaign at all in Dem states, concentrated totally on battleground states. If it had been a popular vote election, he would have campaigned everywhere and may very well have done a lot better or even won the popular vote. The election was wrecked by Putin and Comey, and Hillary never had a 2008 NH moment of sincerity. drat. I'm still hoping that Trump continues to dump the issues he campaigned on, and the many misinformed GOP voters, and grows as a person, but recognize it's probably hopeless he's some sort of NYC Dem genius savant lol. But here's hoping. At least the total GOP obstruction and disfunction of the last 8 years is ending. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. And let's cooperate on the domestic issues he seems to agree with Dems on...Arrrggghhhhhhh. lol
well factually it was wrecked by Clinton for having an illegal email server that warranted warrants and attention and all the shit that went with it. It's all on her.
All fruit for a giant mountain of GOP hate propaganda, misinformation, and fake news and bs punditry. Putin and Comey.

He said not from the russian GOVERNMENT. Who WOULD, dupe?

Trump is my president until he isn't. He told the nutter GOP to shut up today. And he wouldn't have won without Putin OR Comey. tough.

What the hell difference does it really make Moon Bat?

Assange exposed the corruption of the DNC and that filthy ass bitch Crooked Hillary. That is a good thing. Isn't exposure of corruption always a good thing? Maybe you think that exposure of Republican corruption is a good thing and exposure of Democrat corruption is a bad thing, eh Moon Bat?

Are you so devoid of any moral foundation that you don't think it is good that corruption by a national political party and candidate was exposed? Are you that much of a partisan asshole?

Assange said it didn't come from the Russian government so there was no foreign conspiracy to influence an American election. However, even it it was then it is a good thing that we learned the dirty tricks that Podesta, the DNC and Crooked Hillary were trying to pull on the American people.

Whoever it was that either leaked or tapped into the server did a great service to America. A service that our Libtard MSM was too chickenshit and biased to do.

Grow up Moon Bat. Stop your stupid bitching. It just makes you look like a little pussy pissant crybaby. Trump won. He will be your President and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. He will be a far better President than that failure Obama was and better than that asshole Crooked Hillary could ever hope to be.
No illegalities uncovered, dupe. Just bsing by staffers, unmarked classified, certainly no intent. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...
I voted for Bernie in the NY primary, and Hillary in the election, but one should remember that Trump didn't really campaign at all in Dem states, concentrated totally on battleground states. If it had been a popular vote election, he would have campaigned everywhere and may very well have done a lot better or even won the popular vote. The election was wrecked by Putin and Comey, and Hillary never had a 2008 NH moment of sincerity. drat. I'm still hoping that Trump continues to dump the issues he campaigned on, and the many misinformed GOP voters, and grows as a person, but recognize it's probably hopeless he's some sort of NYC Dem genius savant lol. But here's hoping. At least the total GOP obstruction and disfunction of the last 8 years is ending. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. And let's cooperate on the domestic issues he seems to agree with Dems on...Arrrggghhhhhhh. lol
well factually it was wrecked by Clinton for having an illegal email server that warranted warrants and attention and all the shit that went with it. It's all on her.
All fruit for a giant mountain of GOP hate propaganda, misinformation, and fake news and bs punditry. Putin and Comey.
Comey doing his job had no obligation to her for any favors. Sorry loser. Clinton is her own enemy period

He said not from the russian GOVERNMENT. Who WOULD, dupe?

Trump is my president until he isn't. He told the nutter GOP to shut up today. And he wouldn't have won without Putin OR Comey. tough.

What the hell difference does it really make Moon Bat?

Assange exposed the corruption of the DNC and that filthy ass bitch Crooked Hillary. That is a good thing. Isn't exposure of corruption always a good thing? Maybe you think that exposure of Republican corruption is a good thing and exposure of Democrat corruption is a bad thing, eh Moon Bat?

Are you so devoid of any moral foundation that you don't think it is good that corruption by a national political party and candidate was exposed? Are you that much of a partisan asshole?

Assange said it didn't come from the Russian government so there was no foreign conspiracy to influence an American election. However, even it it was then it is a good thing that we learned the dirty tricks that Podesta, the DNC and Crooked Hillary were trying to pull on the American people.

Whoever it was that either leaked or tapped into the server did a great service to America. A service that our Libtard MSM was too chickenshit and biased to do.

Grow up Moon Bat. Stop your stupid bitching. It just makes you look like a little pussy pissant crybaby. Trump won. He will be your President and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. He will be a far better President than that failure Obama was and better than that asshole Crooked Hillary could ever hope to be.
No illegalities uncovered, dupe. Just bsing by staffers, unmarked classified, certainly no intent. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...
Yeah that's after secret meeting with the DOJ on an airplane. Wait till competent DOJ in office. Ouch!

He said not from the russian GOVERNMENT. Who WOULD, dupe?

Trump is my president until he isn't. He told the nutter GOP to shut up today. And he wouldn't have won without Putin OR Comey. tough.

What the hell difference does it really make Moon Bat?

Assange exposed the corruption of the DNC and that filthy ass bitch Crooked Hillary. That is a good thing. Isn't exposure of corruption always a good thing? Maybe you think that exposure of Republican corruption is a good thing and exposure of Democrat corruption is a bad thing, eh Moon Bat?

Are you so devoid of any moral foundation that you don't think it is good that corruption by a national political party and candidate was exposed? Are you that much of a partisan asshole?

Assange said it didn't come from the Russian government so there was no foreign conspiracy to influence an American election. However, even it it was then it is a good thing that we learned the dirty tricks that Podesta, the DNC and Crooked Hillary were trying to pull on the American people.

Whoever it was that either leaked or tapped into the server did a great service to America. A service that our Libtard MSM was too chickenshit and biased to do.

Grow up Moon Bat. Stop your stupid bitching. It just makes you look like a little pussy pissant crybaby. Trump won. He will be your President and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. He will be a far better President than that failure Obama was and better than that asshole Crooked Hillary could ever hope to be.
No illegalities uncovered, dupe. Just bsing by staffers, unmarked classified, certainly no intent. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...
Yeah that's after secret meeting with the DOJ on an airplane. Wait till competent DOJ in office. Ouch!
Real secret, dupe. Gosh, bs propaganda is exciting...

He said not from the russian GOVERNMENT. Who WOULD, dupe?

Trump is my president until he isn't. He told the nutter GOP to shut up today. And he wouldn't have won without Putin OR Comey. tough.

What the hell difference does it really make Moon Bat?

Assange exposed the corruption of the DNC and that filthy ass bitch Crooked Hillary. That is a good thing. Isn't exposure of corruption always a good thing? Maybe you think that exposure of Republican corruption is a good thing and exposure of Democrat corruption is a bad thing, eh Moon Bat?

Are you so devoid of any moral foundation that you don't think it is good that corruption by a national political party and candidate was exposed? Are you that much of a partisan asshole?

Assange said it didn't come from the Russian government so there was no foreign conspiracy to influence an American election. However, even it it was then it is a good thing that we learned the dirty tricks that Podesta, the DNC and Crooked Hillary were trying to pull on the American people.

Whoever it was that either leaked or tapped into the server did a great service to America. A service that our Libtard MSM was too chickenshit and biased to do.

Grow up Moon Bat. Stop your stupid bitching. It just makes you look like a little pussy pissant crybaby. Trump won. He will be your President and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. He will be a far better President than that failure Obama was and better than that asshole Crooked Hillary could ever hope to be.
No illegalities uncovered, dupe. Just bsing by staffers, unmarked classified, certainly no intent. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...
Yeah that's after secret meeting with the DOJ on an airplane. Wait till competent DOJ in office. Ouch!
Real secret, dupe. Gosh, bs propaganda is exciting...
Oh, no!!
It's the internet dupe guy!!!

He said not from the russian GOVERNMENT. Who WOULD, dupe?

Trump is my president until he isn't. He told the nutter GOP to shut up today. And he wouldn't have won without Putin OR Comey. tough.

What the hell difference does it really make Moon Bat?

Assange exposed the corruption of the DNC and that filthy ass bitch Crooked Hillary. That is a good thing. Isn't exposure of corruption always a good thing? Maybe you think that exposure of Republican corruption is a good thing and exposure of Democrat corruption is a bad thing, eh Moon Bat?

Are you so devoid of any moral foundation that you don't think it is good that corruption by a national political party and candidate was exposed? Are you that much of a partisan asshole?

Assange said it didn't come from the Russian government so there was no foreign conspiracy to influence an American election. However, even it it was then it is a good thing that we learned the dirty tricks that Podesta, the DNC and Crooked Hillary were trying to pull on the American people.

Whoever it was that either leaked or tapped into the server did a great service to America. A service that our Libtard MSM was too chickenshit and biased to do.

Grow up Moon Bat. Stop your stupid bitching. It just makes you look like a little pussy pissant crybaby. Trump won. He will be your President and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. He will be a far better President than that failure Obama was and better than that asshole Crooked Hillary could ever hope to be.
No illegalities uncovered, dupe. Just bsing by staffers, unmarked classified, certainly no intent. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...
Yeah that's after secret meeting with the DOJ on an airplane. Wait till competent DOJ in office. Ouch!
Real secret, dupe. Gosh, bs propaganda is exciting...
It happened the DOJ admitted it. It was secret back when it happened. It's why it was secret so no one knew!
Understand the differences and disagreements but fucktard like Dalesmith who is a traitor adoring Russia before his own country and a racist bullshit just make puke.

"Don't Squeeze The Charmin SEZ??" :

That dalesmith is a trader and he don' like my beloved gubermint or mmy cuntry because he is a RACIST!!!!"

Good job, Charwin......very rarely can I cause a leftard have a total melt down after one post......but allow me to reply so STFU, turn around, face the chalkboard and pay attention.

Do I love my country and fellow countrymen? You can bet your ever lovin' ass that I most certainly do.....which is why I write the things I's an up at dawn, late to bed voyage every fucking day trying to absorb as much information as I can and do the proper vetting and then try and explain it to dumb fucks like you hoping that you don't blow a friggin''s a thankless task. Now, as far as the corporate owned entity that has disguised it'self as a legitimate governmental body that is owned by foreign born bankers? No, I have no loyalty to them at all or the corporate officers disguised as politicians and I PROUDLY declare that.Should a plantation slave weep whenm his "massa" is getting a beat down or should he run to defend the veryt entity that enslaved him???? Thoughts?

Here are a few home truths for you to digest and research...Russia has done nothing to USA>INC to be in their crosshairs....neither has Assad. Your beloved "gubermint" is funding the very terrorist clan that we were allegedly fighting aginst after 9/11/01 that put us in this police state and launched wars of aggression against countries that had nothing to do with the inside job that was 9/11 but because they made the mistake of having resources these globalist pieces of pedophile, child trafficking shit coveted and believe that those resources are rightfully theirs via "divine right" yeah, as long as I am able to speak out and post about this? I will say exactly what the truth is....if that is a problem for you and it makes you weep....try this.......

View attachment 104687

I love it when someone is calling me a different name. I sense anger, frustration and defeat but I will not call you Daleshit.
Your post is way too long to expressed your anger. Do you mind making it short?
1. If you really love this country....... so why in the world you are protecting and defending Putin/Russia? So far you have not shown a diddly shit or care except blasting your own country in exchange of Putin/Russia.
Maybe if you haven't noticed ...... your buddy Stratford your comrade likes you so much. So NO you don't love this country.
2. There is a big difference between first class super power responsibility and third class super power Russia.
Any emergencies or try to save humanity they turned to USA not Russia. Assad and Putin has been murdering civilians in Syria and I'm sure you disagree with that.
Are you saying that we just roll and die and let the ruskie take over? If you are Obama what do you think he should or shouldn't do?

The whole world is watching what Putin /Assad murderers did in Aleppo Dec. 2016.............. Just imagine what the world is thinking about Russia is right now.

Nope, no frustration here at all...just trying to educate you which is futile. The fact of the matter is that ISIS/al qaeda has always been a tool of the west to cause destablization in the middle east. The west and the E.U destabilized the Ukraine using George Soro's funding...that is also a fact. They overthrew the duly elected government of Ukraine and then got pissy because Crimea ended up not being part of the deal and blamed Russia. Russia has been pushed and goaded in to trying to start a war and the west isn't above creating false flags top make it happen. Your understanding of the geo-political scene is lacking and you buy any bullshit you get from the lamestream media. Your opinion of whether I love my country or not doesn't mean shit to me. I know more than you...infinitely more. What is going on in Syria is a direct result of western interference in the region....the Hegelian dialectic being played right out in front of us. It's rather easy to have more respect for Putin than an outright lying sack of shit like the Bush and Clinton cabal and the barrypuppet. Learn, grow, evolve......

Putin doesn't deserve any respect. Reading your whole post......... Only prove one thing you are a traitor.
BTW Trump is being called Putin puppet by Americans and so with other foreign nationals.

#1 Why is it that no leftard can answer the question of what has Putin OR Assad done to put them in the cross hairs of the globalist POS outside of the fact that they wanted to partner up and build an oil pipeline.

#2 Putin has punked the Barrypuppet at every turn. Barrypuppet's famous "line in the sand" when he claimed that Assad was using chemical weapons against the moderate terrorists when it was actually the moderate terrorists i.e ISIS/CI-Al qeada that did it....the very ones the west is financing to wage a proxy war against them.

#3 I will never care or even concern myself with what a bunch of limp-wristed fabian socialists have to say on any topic.

1. I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo.

Obama slap Putin with crippling economic sanctions, stick a missile system in Poland next to putin ass, biggest military exercises next to putin borders last June 2016. What did putin accomplished? but supporting his Assad fellow murderer........ what an honor.

2. Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that.
Line in the sand ........... Do you want to go to war just like Gen. Flynn and SOD Hagel wants?
3. Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?
Last edited:
"Don't Squeeze The Charmin SEZ??" :

That dalesmith is a trader and he don' like my beloved gubermint or mmy cuntry because he is a RACIST!!!!"

Good job, Charwin......very rarely can I cause a leftard have a total melt down after one post......but allow me to reply so STFU, turn around, face the chalkboard and pay attention.

Do I love my country and fellow countrymen? You can bet your ever lovin' ass that I most certainly do.....which is why I write the things I's an up at dawn, late to bed voyage every fucking day trying to absorb as much information as I can and do the proper vetting and then try and explain it to dumb fucks like you hoping that you don't blow a friggin''s a thankless task. Now, as far as the corporate owned entity that has disguised it'self as a legitimate governmental body that is owned by foreign born bankers? No, I have no loyalty to them at all or the corporate officers disguised as politicians and I PROUDLY declare that.Should a plantation slave weep whenm his "massa" is getting a beat down or should he run to defend the veryt entity that enslaved him???? Thoughts?

Here are a few home truths for you to digest and research...Russia has done nothing to USA>INC to be in their crosshairs....neither has Assad. Your beloved "gubermint" is funding the very terrorist clan that we were allegedly fighting aginst after 9/11/01 that put us in this police state and launched wars of aggression against countries that had nothing to do with the inside job that was 9/11 but because they made the mistake of having resources these globalist pieces of pedophile, child trafficking shit coveted and believe that those resources are rightfully theirs via "divine right" yeah, as long as I am able to speak out and post about this? I will say exactly what the truth is....if that is a problem for you and it makes you weep....try this.......

View attachment 104687

I love it when someone is calling me a different name. I sense anger, frustration and defeat but I will not call you Daleshit.
Your post is way too long to expressed your anger. Do you mind making it short?
1. If you really love this country....... so why in the world you are protecting and defending Putin/Russia? So far you have not shown a diddly shit or care except blasting your own country in exchange of Putin/Russia.
Maybe if you haven't noticed ...... your buddy Stratford your comrade likes you so much. So NO you don't love this country.
2. There is a big difference between first class super power responsibility and third class super power Russia.
Any emergencies or try to save humanity they turned to USA not Russia. Assad and Putin has been murdering civilians in Syria and I'm sure you disagree with that.
Are you saying that we just roll and die and let the ruskie take over? If you are Obama what do you think he should or shouldn't do?

The whole world is watching what Putin /Assad murderers did in Aleppo Dec. 2016.............. Just imagine what the world is thinking about Russia is right now.

Nope, no frustration here at all...just trying to educate you which is futile. The fact of the matter is that ISIS/al qaeda has always been a tool of the west to cause destablization in the middle east. The west and the E.U destabilized the Ukraine using George Soro's funding...that is also a fact. They overthrew the duly elected government of Ukraine and then got pissy because Crimea ended up not being part of the deal and blamed Russia. Russia has been pushed and goaded in to trying to start a war and the west isn't above creating false flags top make it happen. Your understanding of the geo-political scene is lacking and you buy any bullshit you get from the lamestream media. Your opinion of whether I love my country or not doesn't mean shit to me. I know more than you...infinitely more. What is going on in Syria is a direct result of western interference in the region....the Hegelian dialectic being played right out in front of us. It's rather easy to have more respect for Putin than an outright lying sack of shit like the Bush and Clinton cabal and the barrypuppet. Learn, grow, evolve......

Putin doesn't deserve any respect. Reading your whole post......... Only prove one thing you are a traitor.
BTW Trump is being called Putin puppet by Americans and so with other foreign nationals.

#1 Why is it that no leftard can answer the question of what has Putin OR Assad done to put them in the cross hairs of the globalist POS outside of the fact that they wanted to partner up and build an oil pipeline.

#2 Putin has punked the Barrypuppet at every turn. Barrypuppet's famous "line in the sand" when he claimed that Assad was using chemical weapons against the moderate terrorists when it was actually the moderate terrorists i.e ISIS/CI-Al qeada that did it....the very ones the west is financing to wage a proxy war against them.

#3 I will never care or even concern myself with what a bunch of limp-wristed fabian socialists have to say on any topic.

1. I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo.
2. Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that.
Line in the sand ........... Do you want to go to war just like Gen. Flynn and SOD Hagel wants?
3. Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?

"I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo."

Really? Do tell? What source do you have that backs that claim? Is it that same news sourtce that declared that Iran wanted to eradicate Israel? And that Iraq had WMDs??? Give me a source so I can do the proper vetting because I believe otherwise.......

"Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that."

What you claim and what comes out of my dog's ass bears a striking would be hard to tell the two apart......
And Barry Soetoro is a puppet...a queer puppet that was compromised before he ever took and learn, my friend...these are hard lessons for you to digest.

"Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?"

Your opinions are like a little snot-nosed kid that defiantly declares that there is a "Santa Claus" after the bigger kids tell him he has been played for an idiot......learn, grow, evolve.
I know more than you and I am here to help...I can lead you to water but I cannot make you drink...wanna die of thirst?
I love it when someone is calling me a different name. I sense anger, frustration and defeat but I will not call you Daleshit.
Your post is way too long to expressed your anger. Do you mind making it short?
1. If you really love this country....... so why in the world you are protecting and defending Putin/Russia? So far you have not shown a diddly shit or care except blasting your own country in exchange of Putin/Russia.
Maybe if you haven't noticed ...... your buddy Stratford your comrade likes you so much. So NO you don't love this country.
2. There is a big difference between first class super power responsibility and third class super power Russia.
Any emergencies or try to save humanity they turned to USA not Russia. Assad and Putin has been murdering civilians in Syria and I'm sure you disagree with that.
Are you saying that we just roll and die and let the ruskie take over? If you are Obama what do you think he should or shouldn't do?

The whole world is watching what Putin /Assad murderers did in Aleppo Dec. 2016.............. Just imagine what the world is thinking about Russia is right now.

Nope, no frustration here at all...just trying to educate you which is futile. The fact of the matter is that ISIS/al qaeda has always been a tool of the west to cause destablization in the middle east. The west and the E.U destabilized the Ukraine using George Soro's funding...that is also a fact. They overthrew the duly elected government of Ukraine and then got pissy because Crimea ended up not being part of the deal and blamed Russia. Russia has been pushed and goaded in to trying to start a war and the west isn't above creating false flags top make it happen. Your understanding of the geo-political scene is lacking and you buy any bullshit you get from the lamestream media. Your opinion of whether I love my country or not doesn't mean shit to me. I know more than you...infinitely more. What is going on in Syria is a direct result of western interference in the region....the Hegelian dialectic being played right out in front of us. It's rather easy to have more respect for Putin than an outright lying sack of shit like the Bush and Clinton cabal and the barrypuppet. Learn, grow, evolve......

Putin doesn't deserve any respect. Reading your whole post......... Only prove one thing you are a traitor.
BTW Trump is being called Putin puppet by Americans and so with other foreign nationals.

#1 Why is it that no leftard can answer the question of what has Putin OR Assad done to put them in the cross hairs of the globalist POS outside of the fact that they wanted to partner up and build an oil pipeline.

#2 Putin has punked the Barrypuppet at every turn. Barrypuppet's famous "line in the sand" when he claimed that Assad was using chemical weapons against the moderate terrorists when it was actually the moderate terrorists i.e ISIS/CI-Al qeada that did it....the very ones the west is financing to wage a proxy war against them.

#3 I will never care or even concern myself with what a bunch of limp-wristed fabian socialists have to say on any topic.

1. I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo.
2. Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that.
Line in the sand ........... Do you want to go to war just like Gen. Flynn and SOD Hagel wants?
3. Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?

"I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo."

Really? Do tell? What source do you have that backs that claim? Is it that same news sourtce that declared that Iran wanted to eradicate Israel? And that Iraq had WMDs??? Give me a source so I can do the proper vetting because I believe otherwise.......

"Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that."

What you claim and what comes out of my dog's ass bears a striking would be hard to tell the two apart......
And Barry Soetoro is a puppet...a queer puppet that was compromised before he ever took and learn, my friend...these are hard lessons for you to digest.

"Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?"

Your opinions are like a little snot-nosed kid that defiantly declares that there is a "Santa Claus" after the bigger kids tell him he has been played for an idiot......learn, grow, evolve.
I know more than you and I am here to help...I can lead you to water but I cannot make you drink...wanna die of thirst?

There is nothing in your post that impressed me except your conspiracy theories, sucking into Putin, traitor and racist dog.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton.

See the them this time

Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Relax, everyone of them are going to change their minds once you post the proof of this

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

So you have nothing to be concerned about...providing any of that is meaningful or has merit of course
Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Obong's presidency is/was a total joke before it has even got started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans now know this is true.



Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president.
Again, it's much easier to change you silly name. It's no one's fault but your own.

Changing my name isn't necessary. Trump is not the legitimate president and the majority of Americans know it.
History will prove otherwise, biatch! :lol:
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

The only illegitimate person I see here is you.

You are a moron. Trump won. Hillary lost.

Get over it. Or not. I'm sure no one on this board gives a shit either way.

What a maroooonnnn.
Nope, no frustration here at all...just trying to educate you which is futile. The fact of the matter is that ISIS/al qaeda has always been a tool of the west to cause destablization in the middle east. The west and the E.U destabilized the Ukraine using George Soro's funding...that is also a fact. They overthrew the duly elected government of Ukraine and then got pissy because Crimea ended up not being part of the deal and blamed Russia. Russia has been pushed and goaded in to trying to start a war and the west isn't above creating false flags top make it happen. Your understanding of the geo-political scene is lacking and you buy any bullshit you get from the lamestream media. Your opinion of whether I love my country or not doesn't mean shit to me. I know more than you...infinitely more. What is going on in Syria is a direct result of western interference in the region....the Hegelian dialectic being played right out in front of us. It's rather easy to have more respect for Putin than an outright lying sack of shit like the Bush and Clinton cabal and the barrypuppet. Learn, grow, evolve......

Putin doesn't deserve any respect. Reading your whole post......... Only prove one thing you are a traitor.
BTW Trump is being called Putin puppet by Americans and so with other foreign nationals.

#1 Why is it that no leftard can answer the question of what has Putin OR Assad done to put them in the cross hairs of the globalist POS outside of the fact that they wanted to partner up and build an oil pipeline.

#2 Putin has punked the Barrypuppet at every turn. Barrypuppet's famous "line in the sand" when he claimed that Assad was using chemical weapons against the moderate terrorists when it was actually the moderate terrorists i.e ISIS/CI-Al qeada that did it....the very ones the west is financing to wage a proxy war against them.

#3 I will never care or even concern myself with what a bunch of limp-wristed fabian socialists have to say on any topic.

1. I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo.
2. Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that.
Line in the sand ........... Do you want to go to war just like Gen. Flynn and SOD Hagel wants?
3. Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?

"I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo."

Really? Do tell? What source do you have that backs that claim? Is it that same news sourtce that declared that Iran wanted to eradicate Israel? And that Iraq had WMDs??? Give me a source so I can do the proper vetting because I believe otherwise.......

"Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that."

What you claim and what comes out of my dog's ass bears a striking would be hard to tell the two apart......
And Barry Soetoro is a puppet...a queer puppet that was compromised before he ever took and learn, my friend...these are hard lessons for you to digest.

"Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?"

Your opinions are like a little snot-nosed kid that defiantly declares that there is a "Santa Claus" after the bigger kids tell him he has been played for an idiot......learn, grow, evolve.
I know more than you and I am here to help...I can lead you to water but I cannot make you drink...wanna die of thirst?

There is nothing in your post that impressed me except your conspiracy theories, sucking into Putin, traitor and racist dog.
I really didn't know that a dog could be racist. yet here you are stating that as a fact. wow. I love losers who have but one technique of calling out racism and bigotry as an argument cause without it you got nothing to say. Yep you are a nothing posting nothing. A zero in fact. Yep, you're a zero!!!! Got nothing to say. Thanks for your contribution of nothing, it is well noted in here.
Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Obong's presidency is/was a total joke before it has even got started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans now know this is true.



democrats are out to bankrupt the country. It's why they passed obummerfail. They are looking at stopping the American dream in anyway possible. Even if it violates fundamental laws in the country. They don't care. Ask them. They will call each of us racists, bigots, homophobe and on and on. They are the lowest form of human that exists on the planet outside ISIS. And they can't even call them terrorists. Funny eh?
1. If you really love this country, why doesn't Hillary telling them our nuclear response time on national TV bother you? Why did her putting secret and top secret e-mail on an insecure server bother you? Why does Obama fighting on the side of ISIS in Syria not bother you?

2. You're a partisan hack. You love the Democrat party. You don't give a shit about the country

1. I cannot control what is coming out from Trump or Hillary's mouth. And so are you. But I love this country. Not a traitor.
Obama fighting on the side of ISIS...... Really? Like what?
2. Why do you think I'm here? Against you and your buddies here protecting Putin. Move to Russia.

That's all your stupid butt hurt brain can come up with. Oh yeah, move to RUSSIA! Um ... yeah ... whatever tyke.

And as for Obama, damn you're ignorant. One of the two objectives in ISIS name is removing the Syrian government. Obama is trying to remove the Syrian government. How stupid are you? Do you watch the news at all?

1. You are displaying your ignorance..... This is the problem when you are only getting your information here USMB.
Assad senior and junior has been murdering his own people for decades, supporting terrorism against Israel, Turkey etc. with the help of Putin............. Syrians are sick and tired of dictatorship either we get involved or not....... civil war is bound to happen. Someone has to stop them and that will be Obama.

2. ISIS main objectives is to create terror world wide and create their own Islamic state ....... it's not just bc is Syria or Iraq. Get your act together.
Did Obama supplied ISIS tanks or any arms?

3. You disgust me. What is your motivation is supporting Putin against your own country?

Syria is in the name of the organization, moron. The problem is you're parroting the DNC. You don't have any intellectual integrity or motivation, which is why you favor redistribution ... to your open arms ...

Dude all I'm telling you are the reality.............. Your post are nothing but pure ignorance in support of Putin. Move to Russia and take DaleS with you.

Where did you move when Trump won? Seriously, at some point you're going to have to see a doctor about that butt hurt. What a jackass.

What you have is, oh yeah, well I'm losing this argument, so move to Russia! It's the disingenuous hack you are.

That and that you don't know that one of the two named objectives in the NAME of ISIS is taking down the Syrian government, exactly what Obama has been fighting for
Nope, no frustration here at all...just trying to educate you which is futile. The fact of the matter is that ISIS/al qaeda has always been a tool of the west to cause destablization in the middle east. The west and the E.U destabilized the Ukraine using George Soro's funding...that is also a fact. They overthrew the duly elected government of Ukraine and then got pissy because Crimea ended up not being part of the deal and blamed Russia. Russia has been pushed and goaded in to trying to start a war and the west isn't above creating false flags top make it happen. Your understanding of the geo-political scene is lacking and you buy any bullshit you get from the lamestream media. Your opinion of whether I love my country or not doesn't mean shit to me. I know more than you...infinitely more. What is going on in Syria is a direct result of western interference in the region....the Hegelian dialectic being played right out in front of us. It's rather easy to have more respect for Putin than an outright lying sack of shit like the Bush and Clinton cabal and the barrypuppet. Learn, grow, evolve......

Putin doesn't deserve any respect. Reading your whole post......... Only prove one thing you are a traitor.
BTW Trump is being called Putin puppet by Americans and so with other foreign nationals.

#1 Why is it that no leftard can answer the question of what has Putin OR Assad done to put them in the cross hairs of the globalist POS outside of the fact that they wanted to partner up and build an oil pipeline.

#2 Putin has punked the Barrypuppet at every turn. Barrypuppet's famous "line in the sand" when he claimed that Assad was using chemical weapons against the moderate terrorists when it was actually the moderate terrorists i.e ISIS/CI-Al qeada that did it....the very ones the west is financing to wage a proxy war against them.

#3 I will never care or even concern myself with what a bunch of limp-wristed fabian socialists have to say on any topic.

1. I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo.
2. Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that.
Line in the sand ........... Do you want to go to war just like Gen. Flynn and SOD Hagel wants?
3. Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?

"I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Let me repeat it for you .............Assad sr and jr has been murdering their own citizens for many many years supporting terrorism against Israel with the help of Putin. The whole world is watching what they did in Aleppo."

Really? Do tell? What source do you have that backs that claim? Is it that same news sourtce that declared that Iran wanted to eradicate Israel? And that Iraq had WMDs??? Give me a source so I can do the proper vetting because I believe otherwise.......

"Trump is considered by many as Putin puppet. Name of the president is Obama not barrypuppet per your racist bullshit. Making an opinion based from your racist bull crap doesn't mean any diddly shit of credibility. You start with that."

What you claim and what comes out of my dog's ass bears a striking would be hard to tell the two apart......
And Barry Soetoro is a puppet...a queer puppet that was compromised before he ever took and learn, my friend...these are hard lessons for you to digest.

"Your opinion is based from your worthless conspiracy theories. Nothing more. When are you going back to your alien spaceship?"

Your opinions are like a little snot-nosed kid that defiantly declares that there is a "Santa Claus" after the bigger kids tell him he has been played for an idiot......learn, grow, evolve.
I know more than you and I am here to help...I can lead you to water but I cannot make you drink...wanna die of thirst?

There is nothing in your post that impressed me except your conspiracy theories, sucking into Putin, traitor and racist dog.

My mission isn't to impress but rather to's not my problem if you lack the brain matter to put the pieces together. You can either STFU or keep getting your cyber ass kicked..........your choice.
Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Obong's presidency is/was a total joke before it has even got started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans now know this is true.



democrats are out to bankrupt the country. It's why they passed obummerfail. They are looking at stopping the American dream in anyway possible. Even if it violates fundamental laws in the country. They don't care. Ask them. They will call each of us racists, bigots, homophobe and on and on. They are the lowest form of human that exists on the planet outside ISIS. And they can't even call them terrorists. Funny eh?

What cracks me up about the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies is that they are pissed that the e-mails were exposed instead of being pissed about what was in them and how it revealed what a bunch of corrupt pieces of shit the party they cling to is..........speaks volumes to how little character they have.

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