Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.


And the Trumpholes know it. Hence their immediate, spastic replies and desperate "funny" ratings on your post.

That's nervous laughter, folks.


Another butt hurt leftist who doesn't grasp that NO ONE RAN FOR THE POPULAR VOTE. Unless you're saying the dumb ho Hillary did. Seriously, she ran for the popular vote? Maybe you and she can take a civics class together. What a dumb ass. If you wonder which one of you I mean, the answer is yes.

No one gives a shit that Carolina got 20 first down to Denver's 11. Do you know why?

Trump didn't run an ad in California, New York or Illinois. Do you know why? Probably not, you're stupid as shit. But here's the 411, Karl. The tens of millions of Republicans in those States alone had no presidential reason to show up at the polls while the Democrats in those States are well oiled machines and control the local elections.

Jesus, the dumb skank Hillary ran for the popular vote, what a dumb ass. Thank the Lord the woman isn't going to be in the White House. No one that dumb should be allowed to tour the place
Dude, seriously (and I do not say this in a cruel manner) but you are one of the most uninformed posters here. If God forbid I was to succumb to an illness and find myself coming out of a month long coma and I wanted to know what was going on in the world and I had to pick from a list of posters here? You wouldn't even make the cut of the top 100. There are some posters here that I don't agree with and we differ on what it takes to turn this corporate entity around but I would at least trust them to get the "low down" on what has transpired. You, on the other hand, are are absolutely clueless.........

Nano Nano....... Sorry Mork you've post nothing but pure garbage. You can now go back to your spaceship.
You like our corrupt government exposed by Wikileaks's that's sad pup

Glad to hear you patronize wikiwiki like Trump.
well they did more to give me the truth than our own MSM did. Why? Why can't the MSM deliver balanced news? I'll tell you why, they are in the DNC back pocket. And you think that's grand. Well, wikileaks showed you how to get around their collusion.

Now the question to you is why you aren't upset first at the collusion and second the fact the DNC has corrupted our election process?

I will still be upset if Wikileaks and Putin hack RNC....... my issue is and was the interference of foreign nationals into our democracy.
It's not bc of DNC.
Corruption....... what made you think Trump is not corrupted? Where is his tax returns? What is he hiding?
Why aren't you concern the intrusions foreign nationals into our system? Instead you are protecting and supporting them together with that dude.

Did you ever wonder what is Trump motivation supporting Wikileaks and Putin?
During primaries and election Trump consistently praised and kiss Putin ass........ Why is that? Or you just don't care bc of your fascination to Trump.
you have no proof of interference. nice thought though, you're issue is fake.
Dude, seriously (and I do not say this in a cruel manner) but you are one of the most uninformed posters here. If God forbid I was to succumb to an illness and find myself coming out of a month long coma and I wanted to know what was going on in the world and I had to pick from a list of posters here? You wouldn't even make the cut of the top 100. There are some posters here that I don't agree with and we differ on what it takes to turn this corporate entity around but I would at least trust them to get the "low down" on what has transpired. You, on the other hand, are are absolutely clueless.........

Nano Nano....... Sorry Mork you've post nothing but pure garbage. You can now go back to your spaceship.
You like our corrupt government exposed by Wikileaks's that's sad pup

Glad to hear you patronize wikiwiki like Trump.
well they did more to give me the truth than our own MSM did. Why? Why can't the MSM deliver balanced news? I'll tell you why, they are in the DNC back pocket. And you think that's grand. Well, wikileaks showed you how to get around their collusion.

Now the question to you is why you aren't upset first at the collusion and second the fact the DNC has corrupted our election process?

I will still be upset if Wikileaks and Putin hack RNC....... my issue is and was the interference of foreign nationals into our democracy.
It's not bc of DNC.
Corruption....... what made you think Trump is not corrupted? Where is his tax returns? What is he hiding?
Why aren't you concern the intrusions foreign nationals into our system? Instead you are protecting and supporting them together with that dude.

Did you ever wonder what is Trump motivation supporting Wikileaks and Putin?
During primaries and election Trump consistently praised and kiss Putin ass........ Why is that? Or you just don't care bc of your fascination to Trump.

Look, fuckwad........

#1 It wasn't Russia that revealed that the DNC and the lamestream media was rigging the indisputable poroof at all....none, nada, zilch....

#2 If they had done this? Did they get on Hitlery's bad side before or after the uranium deal that put cash in Hitlery's pockets?

#3 What has Russia done that has put them in the cross hairs of USA.INC and NATO??????

None of you stupid fucks can give a legitimate answer other than recite what you have heard from the lamestream media..........
Dude all I'm telling you are the reality.............. Your post are nothing but pure ignorance in support of Putin. Move to Russia and take DaleS with you.

Where did you move when Trump won? Seriously, at some point you're going to have to see a doctor about that butt hurt. What a jackass.

What you have is, oh yeah, well I'm losing this argument, so move to Russia! It's the disingenuous hack you are.

That and that you don't know that one of the two named objectives in the NAME of ISIS is taking down the Syrian government, exactly what Obama has been fighting for

You are one of the sore winner Trump won the election get over it.

This is the problem when idiots like you rely on USMB as your source of information or Hannity. You don't have faintest clue what is happening in Syria let alone come here and argue about your murderer comrade.
Since you are so fascinated and defending your comrade Putin .......... Why don't you move to Russia.

The butt hurt over your beloved Hillary is just oozing from you. OK, tell me which point you didn't know.

1) One of the objectives in the name of ISIS is overthrowing the Syrian government

2) Obama tried to overthrow the Syrian government

What in the world are you talking about Dude? Are you taking something? I never mentioned Hillary and election is over get over it.

1. ISIS objective is to overthrow any government that includes America. Not just Syria. Main Putin objective in Syria is NOT to fight ISIS but to make sure Assad the murderer dictator remain in power.

2. If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that very EASILY.

Doesn't answer the question.

1. Do you know overthrowing Syria is in the NAME of ISIS? Do you know that? Answer the question.

2. Empty claim, he tried and failed, Putin, who is actually fighting against ISIS, won. I know you're all sqeezing out the butt hurt and all, but it's a fact Putin is fighting against ISIS and Obama was fighting for them. You can try spinning it all you want, it's a fail

Why are you protecting foreign nationals? Are you even an American?

Gotcha, if I loved America, I'd be on the side of ISIS with you and the trained liberal monkey in the White House who obeys his elitist, white, liberal, New England liberal masters.

I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Just for the sake of your ignorance I will repeat for you. You are totally out of wack.
1. ISIS goal is to overthrow any government even US not only Syria. Keep that in mind.
Obama wants to end Assad regime not to destroy Syria. All he has to do is bomb the heck of Syria and that will be the end of Assad regime but he didn't do that.
2. Putin has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria. See link below dated August 2016 and I doesn't even count they murdered in November and December 2016 in Aleppo. If Putin is really fighting ISIS...... Why is the ISIS head quarter still exist in Syria and stronger than ever and sell oil to Syrian government?

NO YOU don't love America. You are very wrong. If you really love America. Then why are you supporting Putin and Assad interest? We do not have a monkey in the White House......... Okay I'm reading you right..... Your opinion is based from your hatred and racism. That makes your opinion WORTHLESS.

Russia has killed more civilians than ISIS as Putin's jets blitz war-ravaged Syria
The Moon Bats want to do the election over again because their filthy little corrupt dishonest bitch didn't win.
Where did you move when Trump won? Seriously, at some point you're going to have to see a doctor about that butt hurt. What a jackass.

What you have is, oh yeah, well I'm losing this argument, so move to Russia! It's the disingenuous hack you are.

That and that you don't know that one of the two named objectives in the NAME of ISIS is taking down the Syrian government, exactly what Obama has been fighting for

You are one of the sore winner Trump won the election get over it.

This is the problem when idiots like you rely on USMB as your source of information or Hannity. You don't have faintest clue what is happening in Syria let alone come here and argue about your murderer comrade.
Since you are so fascinated and defending your comrade Putin .......... Why don't you move to Russia.

The butt hurt over your beloved Hillary is just oozing from you. OK, tell me which point you didn't know.

1) One of the objectives in the name of ISIS is overthrowing the Syrian government

2) Obama tried to overthrow the Syrian government

What in the world are you talking about Dude? Are you taking something? I never mentioned Hillary and election is over get over it.

1. ISIS objective is to overthrow any government that includes America. Not just Syria. Main Putin objective in Syria is NOT to fight ISIS but to make sure Assad the murderer dictator remain in power.

2. If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that very EASILY.

Doesn't answer the question.

1. Do you know overthrowing Syria is in the NAME of ISIS? Do you know that? Answer the question.

2. Empty claim, he tried and failed, Putin, who is actually fighting against ISIS, won. I know you're all sqeezing out the butt hurt and all, but it's a fact Putin is fighting against ISIS and Obama was fighting for them. You can try spinning it all you want, it's a fail

Why are you protecting foreign nationals? Are you even an American?

Gotcha, if I loved America, I'd be on the side of ISIS with you and the trained liberal monkey in the White House who obeys his elitist, white, liberal, New England liberal masters.

I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Just for the sake of your ignorance I will repeat for you. You are totally out of wack.
1. ISIS goal is to overthrow any government even US not only Syria. Keep that in mind.
Obama wants to end Assad regime not to destroy Syria. All he has to do is bomb the heck of Syria and that will be the end of Assad regime but he didn't do that.
2. Putin has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria. See link below dated August 2016 and I doesn't even count they murdered in November and December 2016 in Aleppo. If Putin is really fighting ISIS...... Why is the ISIS head quarter still exist in Syria and stronger than ever and sell oil to Syrian government?

NO YOU don't love America. You are very wrong. If you really love America. Then why are you supporting Putin and Assad interest? We do not have a monkey in the White House......... Okay I'm reading you right..... Your opinion is based from your hatred and racism. That makes your opinion WORTHLESS.

Russia has killed more civilians than ISIS as Putin's jets blitz war-ravaged Syria

Where did you move when Trump won? Seriously, at some point you're going to have to see a doctor about that butt hurt. What a jackass.

What you have is, oh yeah, well I'm losing this argument, so move to Russia! It's the disingenuous hack you are.

That and that you don't know that one of the two named objectives in the NAME of ISIS is taking down the Syrian government, exactly what Obama has been fighting for

You are one of the sore winner Trump won the election get over it.

This is the problem when idiots like you rely on USMB as your source of information or Hannity. You don't have faintest clue what is happening in Syria let alone come here and argue about your murderer comrade.
Since you are so fascinated and defending your comrade Putin .......... Why don't you move to Russia.

The butt hurt over your beloved Hillary is just oozing from you. OK, tell me which point you didn't know.

1) One of the objectives in the name of ISIS is overthrowing the Syrian government

2) Obama tried to overthrow the Syrian government

What in the world are you talking about Dude? Are you taking something? I never mentioned Hillary and election is over get over it.

1. ISIS objective is to overthrow any government that includes America. Not just Syria. Main Putin objective in Syria is NOT to fight ISIS but to make sure Assad the murderer dictator remain in power.

2. If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that very EASILY.

Doesn't answer the question.

1. Do you know overthrowing Syria is in the NAME of ISIS? Do you know that? Answer the question.

2. Empty claim, he tried and failed, Putin, who is actually fighting against ISIS, won. I know you're all sqeezing out the butt hurt and all, but it's a fact Putin is fighting against ISIS and Obama was fighting for them. You can try spinning it all you want, it's a fail

Why are you protecting foreign nationals? Are you even an American?

Gotcha, if I loved America, I'd be on the side of ISIS with you and the trained liberal monkey in the White House who obeys his elitist, white, liberal, New England liberal masters.

I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Just for the sake of your ignorance I will repeat for you. You are totally out of wack.
1. ISIS goal is to overthrow any government even US not only Syria. Keep that in mind.
Obama wants to end Assad regime not to destroy Syria. All he has to do is bomb the heck of Syria and that will be the end of Assad regime but he didn't do that.
2. Putin has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria. See link below dated August 2016 and I doesn't even count they murdered in November and December 2016 in Aleppo. If Putin is really fighting ISIS...... Why is the ISIS head quarter still exist in Syria and stronger than ever and sell oil to Syrian government?

NO YOU don't love America. You are very wrong. If you really love America. Then why are you supporting Putin and Assad interest? We do not have a monkey in the White House......... Okay I'm reading you right..... Your opinion is based from your hatred and racism. That makes your opinion WORTHLESS.

Russia has killed more civilians than ISIS as Putin's jets blitz war-ravaged Syria

1: ISIS is being funded by the west and countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar....want them to go away? Stop funding them

2: Putin has done more to devastate ISIS in a few months than the Barrypuppet has the last 4 years. The insurgency that Barrypupput and the establishment is backing are the very same ones that allegedly attacked America on 9/11/01

Lastly, USA.INC has no business sticking it's nose into Syrian affairs and they wouldn't even give a shit if they didn't want Syria's oil and other resources. I am loyal to the truth and I don't blindly follow anyone or anything, moron. You are the kind of idiot that would berate people for not supporting Hitler and the Third Reich if you lived in Germany back then. Wrong is wrong, period, end of story.
You are one of the sore winner Trump won the election get over it.

This is the problem when idiots like you rely on USMB as your source of information or Hannity. You don't have faintest clue what is happening in Syria let alone come here and argue about your murderer comrade.
Since you are so fascinated and defending your comrade Putin .......... Why don't you move to Russia.

The butt hurt over your beloved Hillary is just oozing from you. OK, tell me which point you didn't know.

1) One of the objectives in the name of ISIS is overthrowing the Syrian government

2) Obama tried to overthrow the Syrian government

What in the world are you talking about Dude? Are you taking something? I never mentioned Hillary and election is over get over it.

1. ISIS objective is to overthrow any government that includes America. Not just Syria. Main Putin objective in Syria is NOT to fight ISIS but to make sure Assad the murderer dictator remain in power.

2. If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that very EASILY.

Doesn't answer the question.

1. Do you know overthrowing Syria is in the NAME of ISIS? Do you know that? Answer the question.

2. Empty claim, he tried and failed, Putin, who is actually fighting against ISIS, won. I know you're all sqeezing out the butt hurt and all, but it's a fact Putin is fighting against ISIS and Obama was fighting for them. You can try spinning it all you want, it's a fail

Why are you protecting foreign nationals? Are you even an American?

Gotcha, if I loved America, I'd be on the side of ISIS with you and the trained liberal monkey in the White House who obeys his elitist, white, liberal, New England liberal masters.

I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Just for the sake of your ignorance I will repeat for you. You are totally out of wack.
1. ISIS goal is to overthrow any government even US not only Syria. Keep that in mind.
Obama wants to end Assad regime not to destroy Syria. All he has to do is bomb the heck of Syria and that will be the end of Assad regime but he didn't do that.
2. Putin has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria. See link below dated August 2016 and I doesn't even count they murdered in November and December 2016 in Aleppo. If Putin is really fighting ISIS...... Why is the ISIS head quarter still exist in Syria and stronger than ever and sell oil to Syrian government?

NO YOU don't love America. You are very wrong. If you really love America. Then why are you supporting Putin and Assad interest? We do not have a monkey in the White House......... Okay I'm reading you right..... Your opinion is based from your hatred and racism. That makes your opinion WORTHLESS.

Russia has killed more civilians than ISIS as Putin's jets blitz war-ravaged Syria

You are one of the sore winner Trump won the election get over it.

This is the problem when idiots like you rely on USMB as your source of information or Hannity. You don't have faintest clue what is happening in Syria let alone come here and argue about your murderer comrade.
Since you are so fascinated and defending your comrade Putin .......... Why don't you move to Russia.

The butt hurt over your beloved Hillary is just oozing from you. OK, tell me which point you didn't know.

1) One of the objectives in the name of ISIS is overthrowing the Syrian government

2) Obama tried to overthrow the Syrian government

What in the world are you talking about Dude? Are you taking something? I never mentioned Hillary and election is over get over it.

1. ISIS objective is to overthrow any government that includes America. Not just Syria. Main Putin objective in Syria is NOT to fight ISIS but to make sure Assad the murderer dictator remain in power.

2. If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that very EASILY.

Doesn't answer the question.

1. Do you know overthrowing Syria is in the NAME of ISIS? Do you know that? Answer the question.

2. Empty claim, he tried and failed, Putin, who is actually fighting against ISIS, won. I know you're all sqeezing out the butt hurt and all, but it's a fact Putin is fighting against ISIS and Obama was fighting for them. You can try spinning it all you want, it's a fail

Why are you protecting foreign nationals? Are you even an American?

Gotcha, if I loved America, I'd be on the side of ISIS with you and the trained liberal monkey in the White House who obeys his elitist, white, liberal, New England liberal masters.

I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Just for the sake of your ignorance I will repeat for you. You are totally out of wack.
1. ISIS goal is to overthrow any government even US not only Syria. Keep that in mind.
Obama wants to end Assad regime not to destroy Syria. All he has to do is bomb the heck of Syria and that will be the end of Assad regime but he didn't do that.
2. Putin has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria. See link below dated August 2016 and I doesn't even count they murdered in November and December 2016 in Aleppo. If Putin is really fighting ISIS...... Why is the ISIS head quarter still exist in Syria and stronger than ever and sell oil to Syrian government?

NO YOU don't love America. You are very wrong. If you really love America. Then why are you supporting Putin and Assad interest? We do not have a monkey in the White House......... Okay I'm reading you right..... Your opinion is based from your hatred and racism. That makes your opinion WORTHLESS.

Russia has killed more civilians than ISIS as Putin's jets blitz war-ravaged Syria

1: ISIS is being funded by the west and countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar....want them to go away? Stop funding them

2: Putin has done more to devastate ISIS in a few months than the Barrypuppet has the last 4 years. The insurgency that Barrypupput and the establishment is backing are the very same ones that allegedly attacked America on 9/11/01

3. Lastly, USA.INC has no business sticking it's nose into Syrian affairs and they wouldn't even give a shit if they didn't want Syria's oil and other resources. I am loyal to the truth and I don't blindly follow anyone or anything, moron. You are the kind of idiot that would berate people for not supporting Hitler and the Third Reich if you lived in Germany back then. Wrong is wrong, period, end of story.

1. Agree with Qatar and Saudi........ but where is your proof that west is supporting ISIS?
2 You are full of shit. Where is your proof that Putin shit has killed more ISIS than civilians? Or better than Obama? Putin thug is not doing a diddly shit to fight ISIS............... Putin thug enter Syria Sept.25 with full force.......... so far ISIS stronger than ever inside Syria + continue to sell oil to Syria + killings of civilians.
Russian aircraft carrier obsolete flag ship Kuznetsov left Syria Jan. 6 after murdering civilians in Aleppo last month. What an accomplishment. Remember the whole world are watching what Putin did in Aleppo last month. Russia will alway viewed as a NO GOOD super power. He should be charge with war crimes together with Assad. You don't know shit stupid.

AGAIN making an opinion based from your RACIST BULLCRAP doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility. President name is OBAMA. Racist asshole.

3. So it's okay for you that Russia can stick their nose in Iran and Syria? Which support terrorism in ME with the support of Putin. You are not loyal to the truth ............... You are a traitor and a danger to this country.
I support my country for what it stand for and will never side with any foreign country that is a hostile to this country like Russia.
Last edited:
The butt hurt over your beloved Hillary is just oozing from you. OK, tell me which point you didn't know.

1) One of the objectives in the name of ISIS is overthrowing the Syrian government

2) Obama tried to overthrow the Syrian government

What in the world are you talking about Dude? Are you taking something? I never mentioned Hillary and election is over get over it.

1. ISIS objective is to overthrow any government that includes America. Not just Syria. Main Putin objective in Syria is NOT to fight ISIS but to make sure Assad the murderer dictator remain in power.

2. If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that very EASILY.

Doesn't answer the question.

1. Do you know overthrowing Syria is in the NAME of ISIS? Do you know that? Answer the question.

2. Empty claim, he tried and failed, Putin, who is actually fighting against ISIS, won. I know you're all sqeezing out the butt hurt and all, but it's a fact Putin is fighting against ISIS and Obama was fighting for them. You can try spinning it all you want, it's a fail

Why are you protecting foreign nationals? Are you even an American?

Gotcha, if I loved America, I'd be on the side of ISIS with you and the trained liberal monkey in the White House who obeys his elitist, white, liberal, New England liberal masters.

I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Just for the sake of your ignorance I will repeat for you. You are totally out of wack.
1. ISIS goal is to overthrow any government even US not only Syria. Keep that in mind.
Obama wants to end Assad regime not to destroy Syria. All he has to do is bomb the heck of Syria and that will be the end of Assad regime but he didn't do that.
2. Putin has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria. See link below dated August 2016 and I doesn't even count they murdered in November and December 2016 in Aleppo. If Putin is really fighting ISIS...... Why is the ISIS head quarter still exist in Syria and stronger than ever and sell oil to Syrian government?

NO YOU don't love America. You are very wrong. If you really love America. Then why are you supporting Putin and Assad interest? We do not have a monkey in the White House......... Okay I'm reading you right..... Your opinion is based from your hatred and racism. That makes your opinion WORTHLESS.

Russia has killed more civilians than ISIS as Putin's jets blitz war-ravaged Syria

The butt hurt over your beloved Hillary is just oozing from you. OK, tell me which point you didn't know.

1) One of the objectives in the name of ISIS is overthrowing the Syrian government

2) Obama tried to overthrow the Syrian government

What in the world are you talking about Dude? Are you taking something? I never mentioned Hillary and election is over get over it.

1. ISIS objective is to overthrow any government that includes America. Not just Syria. Main Putin objective in Syria is NOT to fight ISIS but to make sure Assad the murderer dictator remain in power.

2. If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that very EASILY.

Doesn't answer the question.

1. Do you know overthrowing Syria is in the NAME of ISIS? Do you know that? Answer the question.

2. Empty claim, he tried and failed, Putin, who is actually fighting against ISIS, won. I know you're all sqeezing out the butt hurt and all, but it's a fact Putin is fighting against ISIS and Obama was fighting for them. You can try spinning it all you want, it's a fail

Why are you protecting foreign nationals? Are you even an American?

Gotcha, if I loved America, I'd be on the side of ISIS with you and the trained liberal monkey in the White House who obeys his elitist, white, liberal, New England liberal masters.

I already answered your question but you didn't like it. Just for the sake of your ignorance I will repeat for you. You are totally out of wack.
1. ISIS goal is to overthrow any government even US not only Syria. Keep that in mind.
Obama wants to end Assad regime not to destroy Syria. All he has to do is bomb the heck of Syria and that will be the end of Assad regime but he didn't do that.
2. Putin has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria. See link below dated August 2016 and I doesn't even count they murdered in November and December 2016 in Aleppo. If Putin is really fighting ISIS...... Why is the ISIS head quarter still exist in Syria and stronger than ever and sell oil to Syrian government?

NO YOU don't love America. You are very wrong. If you really love America. Then why are you supporting Putin and Assad interest? We do not have a monkey in the White House......... Okay I'm reading you right..... Your opinion is based from your hatred and racism. That makes your opinion WORTHLESS.

Russia has killed more civilians than ISIS as Putin's jets blitz war-ravaged Syria

1: ISIS is being funded by the west and countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar....want them to go away? Stop funding them

2: Putin has done more to devastate ISIS in a few months than the Barrypuppet has the last 4 years. The insurgency that Barrypupput and the establishment is backing are the very same ones that allegedly attacked America on 9/11/01

Lastly, USA.INC has no business sticking it's nose into Syrian affairs and they wouldn't even give a shit if they didn't want Syria's oil and other resources. I am loyal to the truth and I don't blindly follow anyone or anything, moron. You are the kind of idiot that would berate people for not supporting Hitler and the Third Reich if you lived in Germany back then. Wrong is wrong, period, end of story.

1. Agree with Qatar and Saudi........ but where is your proof that west is supporting ISIS?
2. You are full of shit. Where is your proof that Putin shit has killed more ISIS than civilians? Or better than Obama? Putin thug is not doing a diddly shit to fight ISIS............... Putin thug enter Syria Sept.25 with full force.......... so far ISIS stronger than ever inside Syria + continue to sell oil to Syria + killings of civilians.
Russian aircraft carrier obsolete flag ship Kuznetsov left Syria Jan. 6 after murdering civilians in Aleppo. What an accomplishment. Remember the whole world are watching what Putin did in Aleppo last month. Russia will alway viewed as a NO GOOD super power. He should be charge with war crimes together with Assad.

AGAIN making an opinion based from your RACIST BULLCRAP doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility. President name is OBAMA. Racist asshole.

3. So it's okay for you that Russia can stick their nose in Iran and Syria? Which support terrorism in ME with the support of Putin. You are not loyal to the truth ............... You are a traitor and a danger to this country.
I support my country for what it stand for and NEVER side with any foreign country especially that is known to be a hostile to this country like Russia.

"1. Agree with Qatar and Saudi........ but where is your proof that west is supporting ISIS?

Google "Scott Bennett, military whistle blower". There is a shit load of other proof that ISIS/ISIL/al qaeda is a proxy army of mercenaries being used to de-stablize the Middle East and they have done a damn good job of it.

What you have never explained is what has Assad done to USA.INC to incur their wrath? It certainly hasn't been because of how he allegedly treats his people because USA.INC has supported far worse dictators and leaders than he is....but here's the deal...he's not a USA.INC puppet.

Iran and Syria are free to deal with whomever they wish to deal with....would you like another country telling USA.INC whom they may or may not deal with? As far as terrorism goes, USA.INC is the biggest terrorist threat and biggest funder of terrorism on this planet and has been for a long fucking time and that is a fucking fact. You can deal with those very saliebnt facts or's no sweat off of my ass.

P.S Barrypuppet was a tool of the banking with it.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

The only illegitimate thing I see here is your sorry ass.
Trump won the election...That makes him President

What makes him illegitimate

1. More Americans voted against him than for him
2. Russia interfered in the election to help him win
3. FBI launched a fake investigation to scuttle Hillary's campaign
Trump won the election...That makes him President

What makes him illegitimate

1. More Americans voted against him than for him
2. Russia interfered in the election to help him win
3. FBI launched a fake investigation to scuttle Hillary's campaign

Hillary scuttled her own campaign.

She was a lousy candidate and cooked her own goose.

She thought she had the election in the bag and never bothered with the rust belt. Big mistake. Her decisions and lousy campaign and Trumps good campaign got him the presidency.

Deal with it.
Trump won the race....means he gets to be President

But compare it to an athletic race where someone jumps out near the finish line and trips your opponent

That is how Trump won
Trump won the race....means he gets to be President

But compare it to an athletic race where someone jumps out near the finish line and trips your opponent

That is how Trump won

Nope. He won because he got his message out there.

Oh you can blame the Russians. The FBI or anyone or anything you like but anyone with a brain cell working knows different.

He won because he went the extra mile.

He won because his campaign was better than hers and people like what he had to say.

Hillary was so damned sure she had the election in the bag she took votes for granted and never gave a thought to the rust belt full or working Americans.

She was a lousy candidate with tons of baggage. Biden would have been much better. He was VP for eight years and is way more qualified than Hillary will ever be.

Your hero Hillary lost because she was a lousy candidate and ran a lousy campaign.

Madame President my ass.
Last edited:
Trump won the race....means he gets to be President

But compare it to an athletic race where someone jumps out near the finish line and trips your opponent

That is how Trump won

Nope. He won because he got his message out there.

Oh you can blame the Russians. The FBI or anyone or anything you like but anyone with a brain cell working knows different.

He won because he went the extra mile.

He won because his campaign was better than hers and people like what he had to say.

Hillary was so damned sure she had the election in the bag she took votes for granted and never gave a thought to the rust belt full or working Americans.

She was a lousy candidate with tons of baggage. Biden would have been much better. He was VP for eight years and is way more qualified than Hillary will ever be.

Your hero Hillary lost because she was a lousy candidate and ran a lousy campaign.

Madame President my ass.

Trump had outside help to win

Even Trump admits the Russians helped him
Trump won the race....means he gets to be President

But compare it to an athletic race where someone jumps out near the finish line and trips your opponent

That is how Trump won

Nope. He won because he got his message out there.

Oh you can blame the Russians. The FBI or anyone or anything you like but anyone with a brain cell working knows different.

He won because he went the extra mile.

He won because his campaign was better than hers and people like what he had to say.

Hillary was so damned sure she had the election in the bag she took votes for granted and never gave a thought to the rust belt full or working Americans.

She was a lousy candidate with tons of baggage. Biden would have been much better. He was VP for eight years and is way more qualified than Hillary will ever be.

Your hero Hillary lost because she was a lousy candidate and ran a lousy campaign.

Madame President my ass.

Trump had outside help to win

Even Trump admits the Russians helped him
Had that help been in the form of lies, you might have a point. It was, however, the truth that pushed the truly awful candidate, Hillary, over the edge into loser land.
Trump won the race....means he gets to be President

But compare it to an athletic race where someone jumps out near the finish line and trips your opponent

That is how Trump won

Nope. He won because he got his message out there.

Oh you can blame the Russians. The FBI or anyone or anything you like but anyone with a brain cell working knows different.

He won because he went the extra mile.

He won because his campaign was better than hers and people like what he had to say.

Hillary was so damned sure she had the election in the bag she took votes for granted and never gave a thought to the rust belt full or working Americans.

She was a lousy candidate with tons of baggage. Biden would have been much better. He was VP for eight years and is way more qualified than Hillary will ever be.

Your hero Hillary lost because she was a lousy candidate and ran a lousy campaign.

Madame President my ass.

Trump had outside help to win

Even Trump admits the Russians helped him
Had that help been in the form of lies, you might have a point. It was, however, the truth that pushed the truly awful candidate, Hillary, over the edge into loser land.

Actually, Trumps repeated lying helped him win
Trump won the race....means he gets to be President

But compare it to an athletic race where someone jumps out near the finish line and trips your opponent

That is how Trump won

Nope. He won because he got his message out there.

Oh you can blame the Russians. The FBI or anyone or anything you like but anyone with a brain cell working knows different.

He won because he went the extra mile.

He won because his campaign was better than hers and people like what he had to say.

Hillary was so damned sure she had the election in the bag she took votes for granted and never gave a thought to the rust belt full or working Americans.

She was a lousy candidate with tons of baggage. Biden would have been much better. He was VP for eight years and is way more qualified than Hillary will ever be.

Your hero Hillary lost because she was a lousy candidate and ran a lousy campaign.

Madame President my ass.

Trump had outside help to win

Even Trump admits the Russians helped him
Had that help been in the form of lies, you might have a point. It was, however, the truth that pushed the truly awful candidate, Hillary, over the edge into loser land.

Actually, Trumps repeated lying helped him win
The released emails were for real. No one made a credible case that they were fraudulent.
Trump won the election...That makes him President

What makes him illegitimate

1. More Americans voted against him than for him
2. Russia interfered in the election to help him win
3. FBI launched a fake investigation to scuttle Hillary's campaign


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