Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

President Trump* was selected by the Russians. Most Americans voted against him
Bwahahahahaha!!! Tin foil hat much, wrongwinger? The American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Just check out the map snowflake:

View attachment 106880 and everything

You only went wrong when you said the American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump
They didn't, they favored his opponent

Which makes Trump illegitimate.....not even with Putin fixing the election

You still trying to prove a bunch of illegal voters make an election?


Do you have any proof or a link Bear?
In terms of the presidency Trump is the bastard son of Putin
Question.....if Russia was such an enemy of USA.INC, how come the Hildebeast facilitated the sale of uranium to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation???
Boy Dale Smith - our friends on the left like wrongwinger sure went dead-silent after we asked 3 basic questions.
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., how come Hitlery Clinton facilitated the sale of U.S.-owned uranium mines to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her Clinton Foundation?
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., how come progressives cheered when Barack Obama promised to "repair relations" with them and cheered again when Hitlery Clinton presented them with a Staples "Reset" button?
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., why did Barack Obama mock Mitt Romney during their debates when Romney called Russia our greatest "geopolitical threat"?

Yep, and they don't give a shit about the contents of the leaked e-mails but instead try to defelct by finding someone to blame for revealing what the DNC was up to....and they wonder why so many see them as an unmitigated joke.

Dude......... That is not the point. It's the foreign intervention into my ( not yours ) country's democracy. Both republicans, democrats and with that lousy president elect all agreed.
1. Agree with Qatar and Saudi........ but where is your proof that west is supporting ISIS?
2. You are full of shit. Where is your proof that Putin shit has killed more ISIS than civilians? Or better than Obama? Putin thug is not doing a diddly shit to fight ISIS............... Putin thug enter Syria Sept.25 with full force.......... so far ISIS stronger than ever inside Syria + continue to sell oil to Syria + killings of civilians.
Russian aircraft carrier obsolete flag ship Kuznetsov left Syria Jan. 6 after murdering civilians in Aleppo. What an accomplishment. Remember the whole world are watching what Putin did in Aleppo last month. Russia will alway viewed as a NO GOOD super power. He should be charge with war crimes together with Assad.

AGAIN making an opinion based from your RACIST BULLCRAP doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility. President name is OBAMA. Racist asshole.

3. So it's okay for you that Russia can stick their nose in Iran and Syria? Which support terrorism in ME with the support of Putin. You are not loyal to the truth ............... You are a traitor and a danger to this country.
I support my country for what it stand for and NEVER side with any foreign country especially that is known to be a hostile to this country like Russia.

"1. Agree with Qatar and Saudi........ but where is your proof that west is supporting ISIS?

Google "Scott Bennett, military whistle blower". There is a shit load of other proof that ISIS/ISIL/al qaeda is a proxy army of mercenaries being used to de-stablize the Middle East and they have done a damn good job of it.

What you have never explained is what has Assad done to USA.INC to incur their wrath? It certainly hasn't been because of how he allegedly treats his people because USA.INC has supported far worse dictators and leaders than he is....but here's the deal...he's not a USA.INC puppet.

Iran and Syria are free to deal with whomever they wish to deal with....would you like another country telling USA.INC whom they may or may not deal with? As far as terrorism goes, USA.INC is the biggest terrorist threat and biggest funder of terrorism on this planet and has been for a long fucking time and that is a fucking fact. You can deal with those very saliebnt facts or's no sweat off of my ass.

P.S Barrypuppet was a tool of the banking with it.

Again let me repeat it to your thick skull. Your opinion are based from your hatred and racism and a traitor sucking Putin Dick
.Your opinion are nothing but pure garbage. Try again.

No opinion, numbnuts....those are facts. You are simply one of the brainwashed sheeple that is more pissed that someone leaked the e-mails than you are about the contents showing the utter corruption of your beloved bought and paid for political party.

Dude.... try to make sense. Try again racist asshole.

How in any way is his post racist? Is that the left's response to everything? Christ almighty.

Did you just woke up? Go back and read some of his post then comeback and talk to me. President name is Obama not barrypuppet.
[Kids.....Do yourselves a favor. Please talk to your parents why Russia will always be an enemy of America. Ask them how many nuclear missiles pointed to your states. Then comeback here when you have some experience in dealing with this kind of topics.
Also if you have so much hatred towards this country. MOVE.
Give me one good example just one example ..............

What and where did Russia's contribution towards humanity and to the world?
Oh I completely recognize that Russia (along with China, Iran, etc.) is a mortal enemy of the U.S. The question is - why don't you progressives? All of you had a raging hard-on for Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama making love until he laughed Obama out of the room and then Trump managed to achieve what Obama couldn't (respect from Putin).

So the question remains - why the 180 by you progressives?!? :dunno:
In terms of the presidency Trump is the bastard son of Putin
Question.....if Russia was such an enemy of USA.INC, how come the Hildebeast facilitated the sale of uranium to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation???
Boy Dale Smith - our friends on the left like wrongwinger sure went dead-silent after we asked 3 basic questions.
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., how come Hitlery Clinton facilitated the sale of U.S.-owned uranium mines to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her Clinton Foundation?
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., how come progressives cheered when Barack Obama promised to "repair relations" with them and cheered again when Hitlery Clinton presented them with a Staples "Reset" button?
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., why did Barack Obama mock Mitt Romney during their debates when Romney called Russia our greatest "geopolitical threat"?

Yep, and they don't give a shit about the contents of the leaked e-mails but instead try to defelct by finding someone to blame for revealing what the DNC was up to....and they wonder why so many see them as an unmitigated joke.

Dude......... That is not the point. It's the foreign intervention into my ( not yours ) country's democracy. Both republicans, democrats and with that lousy president elect all agreed.

What's the difference between foreign intervention and one of us leaking the truth?

We can't get them but Michael hasting ended up 6ft under.

Dude......... That is not the point. It's the foreign intervention into my ( not yours ) country's democracy. Both republicans, democrats and with that lousy president elect all agreed.
Actually....the point is that the truth was revealed. And that's what has progressives pissed off. Because if there is one thing that progressives hate - it's the truth.

It's a pretty fuck'n sad day when we need Russia to provide us with truth about our own damn government.
President Trump* was selected by the Russians. Most Americans voted against him
Bwahahahahaha!!! Tin foil hat much, wrongwinger? The American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Just check out the map snowflake:

View attachment 106880 and everything

You only went wrong when you said the American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump
They didn't, they favored his opponent

Which makes Trump illegitimate.....not even with Putin fixing the election

You still trying to prove a bunch of illegal voters make an election?


Do you have any proof or a link Bear?

Dont need proof it's the smoking gun giving illegals a driver license..

The criminals of our country is getting more rights then the ones born in this country.

Did you just woke up? Go back and read some of his post then comeback and talk to me. President name is Obama not barrypuppet.
In this country - we can call our president whatever the fuck we want. I know that fascist progressives hate that - but it doesn't change it. And "BarryPuppet" is hardly racist.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
You Hilarybots look even more stupid now.

Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president.
Again, it's much easier to change you silly name. It's no one's fault but your own.

Changing my name isn't necessary. Trump is not the legitimate president and the majority of Americans know it.
A majority of Americans believe UFOs from other planets have visited earth too. So what?
[Kids.....Do yourselves a favor. Please talk to your parents why Russia will always be an enemy of America. Ask them how many nuclear missiles pointed to your states. Then comeback here when you have some experience in dealing with this kind of topics.
Also if you have so much hatred towards this country. MOVE.
Give me one good example just one example ..............

What and where did Russia's contribution towards humanity and to the world?
Oh I completely recognize that Russia (along with China, Iran, etc.) is a mortal enemy of the U.S. The question is - why don't you progressives? All of you had a raging hard-on for Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama making love until he laughed Obama out of the room and then Trump managed to achieve what Obama couldn't (respect from Putin).

So the question remains - why the 180 by you progressives?!? :dunno:

Answer my question before I will answer yours.
[Kids.....Do yourselves a favor. Please talk to your parents why Russia will always be an enemy of America. Ask them how many nuclear missiles pointed to your states. Then comeback here when you have some experience in dealing with this kind of topics.
Also if you have so much hatred towards this country. MOVE.
Give me one good example just one example ..............

What and where did Russia's contribution towards humanity and to the world?
Oh I completely recognize that Russia (along with China, Iran, etc.) is a mortal enemy of the U.S. The question is - why don't you progressives? All of you had a raging hard-on for Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama making love until he laughed Obama out of the room and then Trump managed to achieve what Obama couldn't (respect from Putin).

So the question remains - why the 180 by you progressives?!? :dunno:

Answer my question before I will answer yours.
I already did! "I completely recognize that Russia (along with China, Iran, etc.) is a mortal enemy of the U.S." We're not the fans of Russia - you progressives are.
In terms of the presidency Trump is the bastard son of Putin
Question.....if Russia was such an enemy of USA.INC, how come the Hildebeast facilitated the sale of uranium to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation???
Boy Dale Smith - our friends on the left like wrongwinger sure went dead-silent after we asked 3 basic questions.
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., how come Hitlery Clinton facilitated the sale of U.S.-owned uranium mines to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her Clinton Foundation?
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., how come progressives cheered when Barack Obama promised to "repair relations" with them and cheered again when Hitlery Clinton presented them with a Staples "Reset" button?
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., why did Barack Obama mock Mitt Romney during their debates when Romney called Russia our greatest "geopolitical threat"?

Yep, and they don't give a shit about the contents of the leaked e-mails but instead try to defelct by finding someone to blame for revealing what the DNC was up to....and they wonder why so many see them as an unmitigated joke.

Dude......... That is not the point. It's the foreign intervention into my ( not yours ) country's democracy. Both republicans, democrats and with that lousy president elect all agreed.

What's the difference between foreign intervention and one of us leaking the truth?

We can't get them but Michael hasting ended up 6ft under.


I'm not disagreeing what's the truth.

So you favor foreign country intervention into my country's democracy?
What if they leak Trump garbage like his tax returns? Is that acceptable? To me that is not acceptable.
Dude......... That is not the point. It's the foreign intervention into my ( not yours ) country's democracy. Both republicans, democrats and with that lousy president elect all agreed.
Actually....the point is that the truth was revealed. And that's what has progressives pissed off. Because if there is one thing that progressives hate - it's the truth.

It's a pretty fuck'n sad day when we need Russia to provide us with truth about our own damn government.

You are very wrong patriot. Very wrong. What made you think Trump is not a crooked when he doesn't even show us his business dealings. He is hiding something and the whole world knows that.

If they hacked Trump garbages which we know he has plenty............ Patriotic Americans we'll still very angry. Stick that to your thick skull.
So you favor foreign country intervention into my country's democracy?
There was no "intervention". Assuming they hacked the DNC (and Julian Assange & WikiLeaks stated they were not the source), that not "intervention". If they hacked voting machines - that would be "intervention".
What if they leak Trump garbage like his tax returns? Is that acceptable? To me that is not acceptable.
Absolutely! The American people deserve the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If Russia can hack Donald Trump's tax returns - more power to them. Neither the DNC nor Donald Trump should have anything to hide.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Sad sore fuckin loser.
Trump will not serve 4 years. Article of Impeachment will handed down at Trumps 2 years in office!!!! Enjoy him while you can.
President Trump* was selected by the Russians. Most Americans voted against him
Bwahahahahaha!!! Tin foil hat much, wrongwinger? The American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Just check out the map snowflake:

View attachment 106880 and everything

You only went wrong when you said the American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump
They didn't, they favored his opponent

Which makes Trump illegitimate.....not even with Putin fixing the election

You still trying to prove a bunch of illegal voters make an election?


Do you have any proof or a link Bear?

1. Dont need proof it's the smoking gun giving illegals a driver license..

2. The criminals of our country is getting more rights then the ones born in this country.


1. You have to provide a proof where illegals had voted. Just because they have driver license doesn't mean they are legal to vote. If you can't then .................. YOU are a bogus.
I live here in California and Florida but I cannot imagine an illegal walking to a polling place want to vote. These illegals are scared to expose themselves let alone going to a polling place. Are you aware that these are very sensitive issue for them? Are you aware that when they walk into a polling place they will be check?
How can they vote when they are not even registered to vote?

2. How, what and where?
You are very wrong patriot. Very wrong. What made you think Trump is not a crooked when he doesn't even show us his business dealings. He is hiding something and the whole world knows that.
What makes you think I don't think Trump is crooked?!? Stop making shit up. I think Trump is a genuine dirt-bag. And if anyone in the world can hack into something and produce genuine information about him - I'm all for it.

It's a damn shame we have to rely on other nations for the truth. That is what should piss you off.
So you favor foreign country intervention into my country's democracy?
There was no "intervention". Assuming they hacked the DNC (and Julian Assange & WikiLeaks stated they were not the source), that not "intervention". If they hacked voting machines - that would be "intervention".
What if they leak Trump garbage like his tax returns? Is that acceptable? To me that is not acceptable.
Absolutely! The American people deserve the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If Russia can hack Donald Trump's tax returns - more power to them. Neither the DNC nor Donald Trump should have anything to hide.
Trump is fucked! The device world will bring down Trump! Keep twitting Trump.
So you favor foreign country intervention into my country's democracy?
There was no "intervention". Assuming they hacked the DNC (and Julian Assange & WikiLeaks stated they were not the source), that not "intervention". If they hacked voting machines - that would be "intervention".
What if they leak Trump garbage like his tax returns? Is that acceptable? To me that is not acceptable.
Absolutely! The American people deserve the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If Russia can hack Donald Trump's tax returns - more power to them. Neither the DNC nor Donald Trump should have anything to hide.
Meh!! Putin has hacked the Republican RNC as well. He's got dirt on a lot of Republicans.

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