Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

No you didn't let me repeat it for you. What and where is Russia's contributions towards humanity and the world?
We are never fans of Russia but your buddies are supporters of Russia. Stop deflecting.
Man - you have a serious reading comprehension problem. Allow me to reword it for you since you are struggling:

Russia sucks. Russia is awful. Russia is terrible. Russia is one of the worst nations in the world. Is there any other way I can word this so that your very fragile snowflake ass will be satisfied? I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make you happy on this one.

Let me repeat it again ........ Whoever fuck with my country by foreign country either true or not........ That is not fucking acceptable. Stick that to your thick skull. There is no way you can satisfy me with your bullshit. Try again.

Your beloved corporate "gubermint" interferes in the affairs of other countries all the fucking time...especially if they have resources their corporate masters covet. You = Dense, stupid bastard.
I understand the truth but that is not the point dude............. The point is foreign intervention into my country and that is not acceptable. Stick with that.
The point is - it's not "intervention" into my country and it's not only 100% acceptable but wonderful that they exposed Hitlery Clinton and the DNC for the miserable liars that they are. If Hitlery Clinton and the DNC conducted themselves as they should - hacking them would mean nothing. It would just tell us what we already knew.

Apparently you are butt hurt over Hitlery's loss and looking for any reason to whine about it. There was no "intervention". Period.

Read my post #879. Dude election is over get over it.
So you expect Americans will just roll and die and let Russians intervene into my democracy.

We were formed as a republic, dumb ass......guess how that was lost? Again, you are not pissed about what was in the leaked are simply pissed that they were revealed and someone has to be blamed....what a dumb fuck.
I like some things about Russia, In fact, I am thankful to Russia for being free. Every American Citizen should be thankful to Russia. That does not mean they are our friends at this point, vladimir putin IS a strong leader and he wants to regain the entire USSR boundaries, and expand their borders. That means he is a very dangerous enemy, Trump Has RESPECT for putin, He thinks putin is a good leader. He has not said they were friends, allies or anything else. He said putin was a far superior, and smarter leader than obama which is exactly correct. putin has moved the obama-clinton cartel in and out of the toilet like a pawn on a chessboard and laughed at them like the keystone cops they are.

That's a lot of bull. You cannot even demonstrate in Russia. What are you talking about Dude? There is a massive brain drain and putin is trying hard to stop it. Population is going down not going up.
Yes Putin trying to expand his territories........ that's fuck up dude. That is why his neighbors are seeking help from NATO.
Putin is authoritarian like a dictator........ that is not a good sign and also killing his political opponents. Give me one good example that putin thug is good leader or better than Obama.
Boy Dale Smith - our friends on the left like wrongwinger sure went dead-silent after we asked 3 basic questions.
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., how come Hitlery Clinton facilitated the sale of U.S.-owned uranium mines to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her Clinton Foundation?
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., how come progressives cheered when Barack Obama promised to "repair relations" with them and cheered again when Hitlery Clinton presented them with a Staples "Reset" button?
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., why did Barack Obama mock Mitt Romney during their debates when Romney called Russia our greatest "geopolitical threat"?

Yep, and they don't give a shit about the contents of the leaked e-mails but instead try to defelct by finding someone to blame for revealing what the DNC was up to....and they wonder why so many see them as an unmitigated joke.

Dude......... That is not the point. It's the foreign intervention into my ( not yours ) country's democracy. Both republicans, democrats and with that lousy president elect all agreed.

What's the difference between foreign intervention and one of us leaking the truth?

We can't get them but Michael hasting ended up 6ft under.


I'm not disagreeing what's the truth.

So you favor foreign country intervention into my country's democracy?
What if they leak Trump garbage like his tax returns? Is that acceptable? To me that is not acceptable.

You see, this is just another example of what a brain dead stupid fuck that you are. The DNC, the Hildebeast and the press conspiring and conniving to deny Bernie Sanders a fair shot at the nomination for the DNC isn't a usurpation of the democratic process. The revelations that the DNC was conspiring with the press, hiring agent provocateurs to interfere at Trump rallies and commit voter fraud wasn't a usurpation of the democratic process but REVEALING the dirty, illegal plans of the leftard clown posse was??? You are one fucked up individual. You are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails and the are pissed because they were busted. You have no integrity or character AT all.

Dude you are one fucked defective human being. A real traitor.
I'm very angry about your country intervention into my country's democracy. That is called integrity, dignity, decency and patriotism.
That is what I'm trying to stick that your ass. Dude grow the fuck up.
In terms of the presidency Trump is the bastard son of Putin
Question.....if Russia was such an enemy of USA.INC, how come the Hildebeast facilitated the sale of uranium to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation???
Second question...if Russia was such an enemy of the USA, how come progressives were cheering wildly when Barack Obama promised to "repair" relations with them and then cheered even louder when Hitlery Clinton hysterically presented them with a Staples "Reset" button?!? :dunno:

Kids.....Do yourselves a favor. Please talk to your parents why Russia will always be an enemy of America. Ask them how many nuclear missiles pointed to your states. Then comeback here when you have some experience in dealing with this kind of topics.
Also if you have so much hatred towards this country. MOVE.
Give me one good example just one example ..............

What and where did Russia's contribution towards humanity and to the world?

You know nothing about Russia or how the banking oligarchs funded the Bolshevik Revolution..... how the military industrial complex built the USSR into being a strong foe while funding and backing leaders like Lenin and Stalin that slaughtered MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people by starving them to death. The wall fell when having the USSR was no longer any use to them...of course the parasites came in and illegally bought up natural resources when the Ruble crashed in 1991 because that is what these globalists do....rape, pillage and plunder. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to whom the enemy are just that fucking dense.

Another conspiracy bullshit. Answer my question.
Did you just woke up? Go back and read some of his post then comeback and talk to me. President name is Obama not barrypuppet.
In this country - we can call our president whatever the fuck we want. I know that fascist progressives hate that - but it doesn't change it. And "BarryPuppet" is hardly racist.

Then prove a link where obama is a puppet. His real name a respectable one is Obama. Your callousness of names make it obvious that you are the same with Dalesmith.

Barrypuppet was being ran by the deep state...the banking oligarchs and their multi-national corporations. He waged war with Libya and Syria per his orders...that equals "puppet" to

No. You are just pure racist piece of shit. The reality is Trump is labeled as Putin puppet here and abroad. Read the 2 links as an example.

If Trump isn't Putin's puppet, why does he act like he is?

Has Trump Become Adelson’s “Perfect Little Puppet”?
Yep, and they don't give a shit about the contents of the leaked e-mails but instead try to defelct by finding someone to blame for revealing what the DNC was up to....and they wonder why so many see them as an unmitigated joke.

Dude......... That is not the point. It's the foreign intervention into my ( not yours ) country's democracy. Both republicans, democrats and with that lousy president elect all agreed.

What's the difference between foreign intervention and one of us leaking the truth?

We can't get them but Michael hasting ended up 6ft under.


I'm not disagreeing what's the truth.

So you favor foreign country intervention into my country's democracy?
What if they leak Trump garbage like his tax returns? Is that acceptable? To me that is not acceptable.

You see, this is just another example of what a brain dead stupid fuck that you are. The DNC, the Hildebeast and the press conspiring and conniving to deny Bernie Sanders a fair shot at the nomination for the DNC isn't a usurpation of the democratic process. The revelations that the DNC was conspiring with the press, hiring agent provocateurs to interfere at Trump rallies and commit voter fraud wasn't a usurpation of the democratic process but REVEALING the dirty, illegal plans of the leftard clown posse was??? You are one fucked up individual. You are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails and the are pissed because they were busted. You have no integrity or character AT all.

Dude you are one fucked defective human being. A real traitor.
I'm very angry about your country intervention into my country's democracy. That is called integrity, dignity, decency and patriotism.
That is what I'm trying to stick that your ass. Dude grow the fuck up.

AGAIN!!!! I repeat.......

You see, this is just another example of what a brain dead stupid fuck that you are. The DNC, the Hildebeast and the press conspiring and conniving to deny Bernie Sanders a fair shot at the nomination for the DNC isn't a usurpation of the democratic process. The revelations that the DNC was conspiring with the press, hiring agent provocateurs to interfere at Trump rallies and commit voter fraud wasn't a usurpation of the democratic process but REVEALING the dirty, illegal plans of the leftard clown posse was??? You are one fucked up individual. You are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails and the are pissed because they were busted. You have no integrity or character AT all.

How much plainer can I make that? And I am going to keep busting and beating you down with those facts until you acknowledge it..........
I understand the truth but that is not the point dude............. The point is foreign intervention into my country and that is not acceptable. Stick with that.
The point is - it's not "intervention" into my country and it's not only 100% acceptable but wonderful that they exposed Hitlery Clinton and the DNC for the miserable liars that they are. If Hitlery Clinton and the DNC conducted themselves as they should - hacking them would mean nothing. It would just tell us what we already knew.

Apparently you are butt hurt over Hitlery's loss and looking for any reason to whine about it. There was no "intervention". Period.

Read my post #879. Dude election is over get over it.
So you expect Americans will just roll and die and let Russians intervene into my democracy.

We were formed as a republic, dumb ass......guess how that was lost? Again, you are not pissed about what was in the leaked are simply pissed that they were revealed and someone has to be blamed....what a dumb fuck.

Really dude? Then explain why republicans are also pissed.
Apparently you are stuck stupid........... Try again.
Did you just woke up? Go back and read some of his post then comeback and talk to me. President name is Obama not barrypuppet.
In this country - we can call our president whatever the fuck we want. I know that fascist progressives hate that - but it doesn't change it. And "BarryPuppet" is hardly racist.

Then prove a link where obama is a puppet. His real name a respectable one is Obama. Your callousness of names make it obvious that you are the same with Dalesmith.

Barrypuppet was being ran by the deep state...the banking oligarchs and their multi-national corporations. He waged war with Libya and Syria per his orders...that equals "puppet" to

No. You are just pure racist piece of shit. The reality is Trump is labeled as Putin puppet here and abroad. Read the 2 links as an example.

If Trump isn't Putin's puppet, why does he act like he is?

Has Trump Become Adelson’s “Perfect Little Puppet”?

MSNBC????????? ROTFLMAO! Being "labeled" by a knows-nothing" uneducated hypocrite like you carries no sting at all.
Did you just woke up? Go back and read some of his post then comeback and talk to me. President name is Obama not barrypuppet.
In this country - we can call our president whatever the fuck we want. I know that fascist progressives hate that - but it doesn't change it. And "BarryPuppet" is hardly racist.

Then prove a link where obama is a puppet. His real name a respectable one is Obama. Your callousness of names make it obvious that you are the same with Dalesmith.
I proudly stand with Dale Smith...
Dude......... That is not the point. It's the foreign intervention into my ( not yours ) country's democracy. Both republicans, democrats and with that lousy president elect all agreed.

What's the difference between foreign intervention and one of us leaking the truth?

We can't get them but Michael hasting ended up 6ft under.


I'm not disagreeing what's the truth.

So you favor foreign country intervention into my country's democracy?
What if they leak Trump garbage like his tax returns? Is that acceptable? To me that is not acceptable.

You see, this is just another example of what a brain dead stupid fuck that you are. The DNC, the Hildebeast and the press conspiring and conniving to deny Bernie Sanders a fair shot at the nomination for the DNC isn't a usurpation of the democratic process. The revelations that the DNC was conspiring with the press, hiring agent provocateurs to interfere at Trump rallies and commit voter fraud wasn't a usurpation of the democratic process but REVEALING the dirty, illegal plans of the leftard clown posse was??? You are one fucked up individual. You are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails and the are pissed because they were busted. You have no integrity or character AT all.

Dude you are one fucked defective human being. A real traitor.
I'm very angry about your country intervention into my country's democracy. That is called integrity, dignity, decency and patriotism.
That is what I'm trying to stick that your ass. Dude grow the fuck up.

AGAIN!!!! I repeat.......

You see, this is just another example of what a brain dead stupid fuck that you are. The DNC, the Hildebeast and the press conspiring and conniving to deny Bernie Sanders a fair shot at the nomination for the DNC isn't a usurpation of the democratic process. The revelations that the DNC was conspiring with the press, hiring agent provocateurs to interfere at Trump rallies and commit voter fraud wasn't a usurpation of the democratic process but REVEALING the dirty, illegal plans of the leftard clown posse was??? You are one fucked up individual. You are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails and the are pissed because they were busted. You have no integrity or character AT all.

How much plainer can I make that? And I am going to keep busting and beating you down with those facts until you acknowledge it..........

Again let me repeat it to your fucked up brain.................. I don't like your country intervention into my country. That's the bottom line.............. Stick with that stupid fuck.
You are very wrong patriot. Very wrong. What made you think Trump is not a crooked when he doesn't even show us his business dealings. He is hiding something and the whole world knows that.
What makes you think I don't think Trump is crooked?!? Stop making shit up. I think Trump is a genuine dirt-bag. And if anyone in the world can hack into something and produce genuine information about him - I'm all for it.

It's a damn shame we have to rely on other nations for the truth. That is what should piss you off.

So what are you trying to say dude.
I'm saying that we need to drain the swamp. And I will be thankful for anyone who exposes the truth about the American government and the people who work in it. Why aren't you likewise thankful?
Did you just woke up? Go back and read some of his post then comeback and talk to me. President name is Obama not barrypuppet.
In this country - we can call our president whatever the fuck we want. I know that fascist progressives hate that - but it doesn't change it. And "BarryPuppet" is hardly racist.

Then prove a link where obama is a puppet. His real name a respectable one is Obama. Your callousness of names make it obvious that you are the same with Dalesmith.
I proudly stand with Dale Smith...

Good for you move to Russia together with Dalesmith.
Factually and historically incorrect. Donald Trump will be sworn is as the 45th President of the United States. Nothing will change that from being historical fact. However, one can hold an opinion that he's 'illegitimate.' That's their right. But it isn't factual.
Dalesmith I enjoy kicking your ass as always.

You couldn't kick your own duck, you avoid answering any pertinent swing your little cyber purse and point a gnarled finger at anyone that isn't a leftard. I hate to break this to you....but that's not "ass kicking" nor is it debating nor is it "discussing". You lack the intellect to explain your lack the knowledge and intelligence to defend what it is you believe.......sorry, kiddo...but thems be the facts.
You are very wrong patriot. Very wrong. What made you think Trump is not a crooked when he doesn't even show us his business dealings. He is hiding something and the whole world knows that.
What makes you think I don't think Trump is crooked?!? Stop making shit up. I think Trump is a genuine dirt-bag. And if anyone in the world can hack into something and produce genuine information about him - I'm all for it.

It's a damn shame we have to rely on other nations for the truth. That is what should piss you off.

So what are you trying to say dude.
I'm saying that we need to drain the swamp. And I will be thankful for anyone who exposes the truth about the American government and the people who work in it. Why aren't you likewise thankful?

That is not my point Dude.... I don't like tour country intervention into my democracy. Why can't you stick that to your thick skull?

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