Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

Good for you move to Russia together with Dalesmith.
No thanks. You are the one who hates the U.S. You can leave my country.

Now you are lying. Look bastard I'm trying to defend my country. Show me why do you think I hate my country?
On the other hand you are so happy with foreign intervention. You are a traitor. Are you even an American? If you don't like it here.............. Move to Russia.

Charwin is this board's version of "Earnest T Bass"..........his "I'm defending my cuntry you bastard!!!" defense is hilarious.....

And you are a racist traitor. Move to Russia dude.
Any you're a hillary panty sniffer and an Obama apoligist. Get a job, moron.

You are a Putin puppet good job......... I am retired and a business owner I don't need a job.
Kids.....Do yourselves a favor. Please talk to your parents why Russia will always be an enemy of America. Ask them how many nuclear missiles pointed to your states. Then comeback here when you have some experience in dealing with this kind of topics.
Also if you have so much hatred towards this country. MOVE.
Give me one good example just one example ..............

What and where did Russia's contribution towards humanity and to the world?

You know nothing about Russia or how the banking oligarchs funded the Bolshevik Revolution..... how the military industrial complex built the USSR into being a strong foe while funding and backing leaders like Lenin and Stalin that slaughtered MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people by starving them to death. The wall fell when having the USSR was no longer any use to them...of course the parasites came in and illegally bought up natural resources when the Ruble crashed in 1991 because that is what these globalists do....rape, pillage and plunder. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to whom the enemy are just that fucking dense.

Another conspiracy bullshit. Answer my question.

Go to Google and put in " Leon Trotsky, Canada, Woodrow Wilson" in the search feature and let me know what you find. Trotsky was detained in Canada and was released to go on his way due to the urging of Wilson.......

Why the in the world I believe your conspiracy theories?
You are not even qualified to talk to me.

You betcha, "Earnest T"......

"Why the in the world I believe your conspiracy theories?"

Yeah, you are a real "whiz kid" that makes such incredible arguments and defends what he believes........said no one ever.

This proves you are a defective dishonest human being.
I believe in defending my country against your country. That is what I stand for idiot.
What goes around, comes around.

Ah yes, the 'many, many people are saying' meme is going to bite the orange clown in the ass.
You know nothing about Russia or how the banking oligarchs funded the Bolshevik Revolution..... how the military industrial complex built the USSR into being a strong foe while funding and backing leaders like Lenin and Stalin that slaughtered MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people by starving them to death. The wall fell when having the USSR was no longer any use to them...of course the parasites came in and illegally bought up natural resources when the Ruble crashed in 1991 because that is what these globalists do....rape, pillage and plunder. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to whom the enemy are just that fucking dense.

Another conspiracy bullshit. Answer my question.

Go to Google and put in " Leon Trotsky, Canada, Woodrow Wilson" in the search feature and let me know what you find. Trotsky was detained in Canada and was released to go on his way due to the urging of Wilson.......

Why the in the world I believe your conspiracy theories?
You are not even qualified to talk to me.

You betcha, "Earnest T"......

"Why the in the world I believe your conspiracy theories?"

Yeah, you are a real "whiz kid" that makes such incredible arguments and defends what he believes........said no one ever.

This proves you are a defective dishonest human being.
I believe in defending my country against your country. That is what I stand for idiot.

Yeah, I get it......someone revealed the leftard clown posse was corroborating and coordinating to steal the's not the fact that this was revealed but rather that someone did and so you are playing the "It was the Rooskies" card....that even if true (which it isn't) somehow wipes away the lies, deceits and out right thievery by your political affiliation that totally undermines that beloved and precious "democracy" you claim to hold so near and dear to your heart.

Dude, throw in the fucking towel already.....stop rising off the cyber canvas for yet another from the movie "Cool Hand Luke"....stay the fuck down.......
What goes around, comes around.


What was found was that Barrypuppet's live birth certificate was a fraudulent document...fact.
All we know for a fact is that you are a retard.

"We"??? You have a gerbil in your pocket? You couldn't take me in a debate on the best day that you ever had. In your little leftard world? Anyone that doesn't fall in line with the commie manifesto or simply questions the status quo shakes a limp-wristed, purse swing leftard like you to their very core. I know more than you....infinitely more.....and I prove it daily. You should "thank me" for having done the heavy lifting and then having the good grace to share it, dumb fuck.....
What's the difference between foreign intervention and one of us leaking the truth?

We can't get them but Michael hasting ended up 6ft under.


I'm not disagreeing what's the truth.

So you favor foreign country intervention into my country's democracy?
What if they leak Trump garbage like his tax returns? Is that acceptable? To me that is not acceptable.

You see, this is just another example of what a brain dead stupid fuck that you are. The DNC, the Hildebeast and the press conspiring and conniving to deny Bernie Sanders a fair shot at the nomination for the DNC isn't a usurpation of the democratic process. The revelations that the DNC was conspiring with the press, hiring agent provocateurs to interfere at Trump rallies and commit voter fraud wasn't a usurpation of the democratic process but REVEALING the dirty, illegal plans of the leftard clown posse was??? You are one fucked up individual. You are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails and the are pissed because they were busted. You have no integrity or character AT all.

Dude you are one fucked defective human being. A real traitor.
I'm very angry about your country intervention into my country's democracy. That is called integrity, dignity, decency and patriotism.
That is what I'm trying to stick that your ass. Dude grow the fuck up.

AGAIN!!!! I repeat.......

You see, this is just another example of what a brain dead stupid fuck that you are. The DNC, the Hildebeast and the press conspiring and conniving to deny Bernie Sanders a fair shot at the nomination for the DNC isn't a usurpation of the democratic process. The revelations that the DNC was conspiring with the press, hiring agent provocateurs to interfere at Trump rallies and commit voter fraud wasn't a usurpation of the democratic process but REVEALING the dirty, illegal plans of the leftard clown posse was??? You are one fucked up individual. You are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails and the are pissed because they were busted. You have no integrity or character AT all.

How much plainer can I make that? And I am going to keep busting and beating you down with those facts until you acknowledge it..........

Again let me repeat it to your fucked up brain.................. I don't like your country intervention into my country. That's the bottom line.............. Stick with that stupid fuck.

What you stupid fuck?

This is not your country, what your doing is using the freedom we gave you to use it against us.

Good for you move to Russia together with Dalesmith.
No thanks. You are the one who hates the U.S. You can leave my country.

Now you are lying. Look bastard I'm trying to defend my country. Show me why do you think I hate my country?
On the other hand you are so happy with foreign intervention. You are a traitor. Are you even an American? If you don't like it here.............. Move to Russia.

Yes he is American asshole , your the dumb mother fuckers who think it's OK to hide criminals..

What makes you think I don't think Trump is crooked?!? Stop making shit up. I think Trump is a genuine dirt-bag. And if anyone in the world can hack into something and produce genuine information about him - I'm all for it.

It's a damn shame we have to rely on other nations for the truth. That is what should piss you off.

So what are you trying to say dude.
I'm saying that we need to drain the swamp. And I will be thankful for anyone who exposes the truth about the American government and the people who work in it. Why aren't you likewise thankful?

That is not my point Dude.... I don't like tour country intervention into my democracy. Why can't you stick that to your thick skull?

Charmain Sez that someone (not Russia) stuck their nose in the business of the leftard clown posse that revealed their lying, conniving ways and he doesn't appreciate it one damn bit!


I'm Defending my country. Meaning you are a traitor.

You are not defending anything except to steal other people's money

To put grown men in little girls bathrooms..

This is not your country asshole.

You don't defend what is morally right

What's the difference between foreign intervention and one of us leaking the truth?

We can't get them but Michael hasting ended up 6ft under.


I'm not disagreeing what's the truth.

So you favor foreign country intervention into my country's democracy?
What if they leak Trump garbage like his tax returns? Is that acceptable? To me that is not acceptable.

You see, this is just another example of what a brain dead stupid fuck that you are. The DNC, the Hildebeast and the press conspiring and conniving to deny Bernie Sanders a fair shot at the nomination for the DNC isn't a usurpation of the democratic process. The revelations that the DNC was conspiring with the press, hiring agent provocateurs to interfere at Trump rallies and commit voter fraud wasn't a usurpation of the democratic process but REVEALING the dirty, illegal plans of the leftard clown posse was??? You are one fucked up individual. You are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails and the are pissed because they were busted. You have no integrity or character AT all.

Dude you are one fucked defective human being. A real traitor.
I'm very angry about your country intervention into my country's democracy. That is called integrity, dignity, decency and patriotism.
That is what I'm trying to stick that your ass. Dude grow the fuck up.

AGAIN!!!! I repeat.......

You see, this is just another example of what a brain dead stupid fuck that you are. The DNC, the Hildebeast and the press conspiring and conniving to deny Bernie Sanders a fair shot at the nomination for the DNC isn't a usurpation of the democratic process. The revelations that the DNC was conspiring with the press, hiring agent provocateurs to interfere at Trump rallies and commit voter fraud wasn't a usurpation of the democratic process but REVEALING the dirty, illegal plans of the leftard clown posse was??? You are one fucked up individual. You are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails and the are pissed because they were busted. You have no integrity or character AT all.

How much plainer can I make that? And I am going to keep busting and beating you down with those facts until you acknowledge it..........

Again let me repeat it to your fucked up brain.................. I don't like your country intervention into my country. That's the bottom line.............. Stick with that stupid fuck.

So you don't like the truth being told?

Good for you move to Russia together with Dalesmith.
No thanks. You are the one who hates the U.S. You can leave my country.

Now you are lying. Look bastard I'm trying to defend my country. Show me why do you think I hate my country?
On the other hand you are so happy with foreign intervention. You are a traitor. Are you even an American? If you don't like it here.............. Move to Russia.

No mother fucker you are the traitor

You're the enemy with in

Yup it is you.

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