Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

Good for you move to Russia together with Dalesmith.
No thanks. You are the one who hates the U.S. You can leave my country.

Now you are lying. Look bastard I'm trying to defend my country. Show me why do you think I hate my country?
On the other hand you are so happy with foreign intervention. You are a traitor. Are you even an American? If you don't like it here.............. Move to Russia.

Charwin is this board's version of "Earnest T Bass"..........his "I'm defending my cuntry you bastard!!!" defense is hilarious.....

And you are a racist traitor. Move to Russia dude.

You when you have nothing else go for the race card, you stupid mother fucker

No thanks. You are the one who hates the U.S. You can leave my country.

Now you are lying. Look bastard I'm trying to defend my country. Show me why do you think I hate my country?
On the other hand you are so happy with foreign intervention. You are a traitor. Are you even an American? If you don't like it here.............. Move to Russia.

Charwin is this board's version of "Earnest T Bass"..........his "I'm defending my cuntry you bastard!!!" defense is hilarious.....

And you are a racist traitor. Move to Russia dude.
Any you're a hillary panty sniffer and an Obama apoligist. Get a job, moron.

You are a Putin puppet good job......... I am retired and a business owner I don't need a job.

So know you are retired and own a business?

Do you know how stupid you sound?


Good for you move to Russia together with Dalesmith.
No thanks. You are the one who hates the U.S. You can leave my country.

Now you are lying. Look bastard I'm trying to defend my country. Show me why do you think I hate my country?
On the other hand you are so happy with foreign intervention. You are a traitor. Are you even an American? If you don't like it here.............. Move to Russia.

Charwin is this board's version of "Earnest T Bass"..........his "I'm defending my cuntry you bastard!!!" defense is hilarious.....

And you are a racist traitor. Move to Russia dude.

You when you have nothing else go for the race card, you stupid mother fucker


I still can't believe you think it's your country when you go against everything we stand for..

No thanks. You are the one who hates the U.S. You can leave my country.

Now you are lying. Look bastard I'm trying to defend my country. Show me why do you think I hate my country?
On the other hand you are so happy with foreign intervention. You are a traitor. Are you even an American? If you don't like it here.............. Move to Russia.

Charwin is this board's version of "Earnest T Bass"..........his "I'm defending my cuntry you bastard!!!" defense is hilarious.....

And you are a racist traitor. Move to Russia dude.

You when you have nothing else go for the race card, you stupid mother fucker


I still can't believe you think it's your country when you go against everything we stand for..


You mother fuckers piss on the flag, kneel before the Anthem , and you want to call it your country?
I'm looking forward to everyone involved with the Clinton Foundation being put on trial for money laundering, extortion, and influence peddling. They should be in prison, and I don't mean white collar country club prison either. Put them away in daily ass rape prison.
That's a lot of bull. You cannot even demonstrate in Russia. What are you talking about Dude? There is a massive brain drain and putin is trying hard to stop it. Population is going down not going up.
Yes Putin trying to expand his territories........ that's fuck up dude. That is why his neighbors are seeking help from NATO.
Putin is authoritarian like a dictator........ that is not a good sign and also killing his political opponents. Give me one good example that putin thug is good leader or better than Obama.

There are NO serious terrorist threats to Russia, the borders are secure His military is being upgraded and modernized, Shall I go on and show you how need to Know something before you post about it. As for what has Russia done for US and the world. If it were not for the Russians being in WW II you would be a citizen of the German empire run by the NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY. They, NOT the USA, and ENGLAND were the strongest most successful and gave many more of their soldiers to stop hitler, Your mess-I-ah is more like hitler and followed the tenets and methods of hitler closer than any leader in the FREE world ever has. Liberals are the dumbest most uneducated shit on earth. man go back to your indoctrination center and get some more propaganda "DUDE" After you hang ten and shoot the curl MAAAANNN!!.
Bla, bla, bla, Clinton got more votes and Trump is now standing with less than a 40% approval rating even before he takes the oath. Lowest rating and most despised President-elect in history.
And yet, he's STILL going to be your president.
Bla, bla, bla, Clinton got more votes and Trump is now standing with less than a 40% approval rating even before he takes the oath. Lowest rating and most despised President-elect in history.

Clinton only appealed to a narrow cross section of the country.
Namely densely populated Democrat Strongholds.
She was only able to win 15.6% of US Counties in The States.
And that more than anything is the Closing Line on The Election.
She not only lost, she lost big in our Electoral System.
Clinton did not lose big. That is the delusion you have. Obama won both his elections with much larger EC vote margins and popular vote margins as well. And counties mean very little. You need some cross country road trips to get a grasp of what counties are. Most of them are sparsely populated so that unless corn plants, cattle or vacant land votes, means nothing. People votes count, not cows and corn plants.
And yet, he's STILL going to be your president.
Trump did not recognize Obama as the legitimate president for eight years

Why should he expect better treatment?
And, just as Trump's opinion did nothing to change Obama's status as POTUS, these opinions will do nothing to change Trump's status.
Trump did not recognize Obama as the legitimate president for eight years

Why should he expect better treatment?
Because trump is legitimate

Deduct 65+ millions that voted for Trump from 225+ millions that didn't vote for Trump.

Then convince them............. why do you think Trump is a legitimate president.
More people voted for anyone but Hillary than voted for Hillary. Trump won under the rules in force at the time. All complaining to the contrary is simply dumb.
President Trump* was selected by the Russians. Most Americans voted against him
Bwahahahahaha!!! Tin foil hat much, wrongwinger? The American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Just check out the map snowflake:

View attachment 106880 and everything

You only went wrong when you said the American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump
They didn't, they favored his opponent

Which makes Trump illegitimate.....not even with Putin fixing the election
The U.S. is covered in red in the electoral map junior. Red = voted for Trump.

View attachment 106887
Land does not vote
People vote

Most people voted for Hillary
Incorrect. She got less than half the vote.
In terms of the presidency Trump is the bastard son of Putin
Question.....if Russia was such an enemy of USA.INC, how come the Hildebeast facilitated the sale of uranium to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation???
Boy Dale Smith - our friends on the left like wrongwinger sure went dead-silent after we asked 3 basic questions.
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., how come Hitlery Clinton facilitated the sale of U.S.-owned uranium mines to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her Clinton Foundation?
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., how come progressives cheered when Barack Obama promised to "repair relations" with them and cheered again when Hitlery Clinton presented them with a Staples "Reset" button?
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., why did Barack Obama mock Mitt Romney during their debates when Romney called Russia our greatest "geopolitical threat"?

Yep, and they don't give a shit about the contents of the leaked e-mails but instead try to defelct by finding someone to blame for revealing what the DNC was up to....and they wonder why so many see them as an unmitigated joke.

Dude......... That is not the point. It's the foreign intervention into my ( not yours ) country's democracy. Both republicans, democrats and with that lousy president elect all agreed.
At least they didn't do what we have done, not bother influencing an election. We just send the bombers in, wipe out a government we don't like and install one we do.
Good for you move to Russia together with Dalesmith.
No thanks. You are the one who hates the U.S. You can leave my country.

Now you are lying. Look bastard I'm trying to defend my country. Show me why do you think I hate my country?
On the other hand you are so happy with foreign intervention. You are a traitor. Are you even an American? If you don't like it here.............. Move to Russia.

No mother fucker you are the traitor

You're the enemy with in

Yup it is you.
Commiecrat terrorists.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

Every time you post, I am reminded how fucking STUPID most dimocrap scum are --

Dubya Da Last Repug Prez

If you weren't you'd at least change your Forum Name by now.
At the end of the day, Trump is your president-elect. By Friday, he will be your definite president. Don't get me wrong here, you certainly can have your opinion on trump and you can say that he is a lap dog and a puppet of Putin, but that will not change the fact he is your president. I am all for people voicing their opinion on public policies and legitimate issues. On the other hand, it gets extremely annoying to see people, like you in this case, to complain and say that he is not your president. I don't agree with Barack Obama and his policies, yet I don't deny that he is my president (as of now until Friday). If you're really that upset about Donald Trump in charge of the executive branch, move. You can move and then he won't be your president. Problem solved. :))

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And to everyone else, don't fight fire with fire. Just because you say one thing, it's very unlikely this individual will change their mind about the issue.

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