Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

Why the in the world I believe your conspiracy theories?
Says the progressive wearing a tin foil hat harping on the conspiracy theory that Russia stole the U.S. election... :lol:

Even president elect admitted Russian did the hacking...... What is your point?

And your point being?

That your upset with that the truth came out?


No bastard. I am very upset about intervention of your country to my country especially supported by traitors like you.

No, you are pissed that the leftard clown posse was stone cold busted for being exposed for the corrupt and conniving entity that it is and so you direct your angst at a country that had nothing to do with the leaks because you wish to deflect attention away from the contents of the leaks. You want to deflect from the fact that very powerful people like the Podesta brothers, some high up neocons and the Clintons are involved in child trafficking. It takes a real stupid and pathetic pile of shit full of blind partisanship to avoid a topic that affects small children........aren't ya proud???
No thanks. You are the one who hates the U.S. You can leave my country.

Now you are lying. Look bastard I'm trying to defend my country. Show me why do you think I hate my country?
On the other hand you are so happy with foreign intervention. You are a traitor. Are you even an American? If you don't like it here.............. Move to Russia.

Charwin is this board's version of "Earnest T Bass"..........his "I'm defending my cuntry you bastard!!!" defense is hilarious.....

And you are a racist traitor. Move to Russia dude.

You when you have nothing else go for the race card, you stupid mother fucker


Dude I know you very well that you are a racist. Combination of racist and a traitor is a good example of garbage American.

You when someone calls you out the only thing you know what to do is use the race card

Now you are lying. Look bastard I'm trying to defend my country. Show me why do you think I hate my country?
On the other hand you are so happy with foreign intervention. You are a traitor. Are you even an American? If you don't like it here.............. Move to Russia.

Charwin is this board's version of "Earnest T Bass"..........his "I'm defending my cuntry you bastard!!!" defense is hilarious.....

And you are a racist traitor. Move to Russia dude.
Any you're a hillary panty sniffer and an Obama apoligist. Get a job, moron.

You are a Putin puppet good job......... I am retired and a business owner I don't need a job.

So know you are retired and own a business?

Do you know how stupid you sound?



No. but I know how fucked up you are.
Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Dude my profile has been the same since I joined this board and you told me what you do, without health insurance and how much you make (fuck me) which is just way below my standard.
No thanks. You are the one who hates the U.S. You can leave my country.

Now you are lying. Look bastard I'm trying to defend my country. Show me why do you think I hate my country?
On the other hand you are so happy with foreign intervention. You are a traitor. Are you even an American? If you don't like it here.............. Move to Russia.

Charwin is this board's version of "Earnest T Bass"..........his "I'm defending my cuntry you bastard!!!" defense is hilarious.....

And you are a racist traitor. Move to Russia dude.

You when you have nothing else go for the race card, you stupid mother fucker


I still can't believe you think it's your country when you go against everything we stand for..


What the fuck you stand for? You are promoting Russian interests against this country.
Show me any sign that you support this country idiot.
Charwin is this board's version of "Earnest T Bass"..........his "I'm defending my cuntry you bastard!!!" defense is hilarious.....

And you are a racist traitor. Move to Russia dude.
Any you're a hillary panty sniffer and an Obama apoligist. Get a job, moron.

You are a Putin puppet good job......... I am retired and a business owner I don't need a job.

So know you are retired and own a business?

Do you know how stupid you sound?



No. but I know how fucked up you are.
Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Dude my profile has been the same since I joined this board and you told me what you do, without health insurance and how much you make (fuck me) which is just way below my standard.

Yea and I pay a shit load less taxes then you a better quality of life and this is what pisses you off fat ass.

Now you are lying. Look bastard I'm trying to defend my country. Show me why do you think I hate my country?
On the other hand you are so happy with foreign intervention. You are a traitor. Are you even an American? If you don't like it here.............. Move to Russia.

Charwin is this board's version of "Earnest T Bass"..........his "I'm defending my cuntry you bastard!!!" defense is hilarious.....

And you are a racist traitor. Move to Russia dude.

You when you have nothing else go for the race card, you stupid mother fucker


I still can't believe you think it's your country when you go against everything we stand for..


You mother fuckers piss on the flag, kneel before the Anthem , and you want to call it your country?

Then you don't belong here in America. Grow the fuck up idiot.
I can tell that you are poor and miserable person.
Now you are lying. Look bastard I'm trying to defend my country. Show me why do you think I hate my country?
On the other hand you are so happy with foreign intervention. You are a traitor. Are you even an American? If you don't like it here.............. Move to Russia.

Charwin is this board's version of "Earnest T Bass"..........his "I'm defending my cuntry you bastard!!!" defense is hilarious.....

And you are a racist traitor. Move to Russia dude.

You when you have nothing else go for the race card, you stupid mother fucker


I still can't believe you think it's your country when you go against everything we stand for..


What the fuck you stand for? You are promoting Russian interests against this country.
Show me any sign that you support this country idiot.
Now you are lying. Look bastard I'm trying to defend my country. Show me why do you think I hate my country?
On the other hand you are so happy with foreign intervention. You are a traitor. Are you even an American? If you don't like it here.............. Move to Russia.

Charwin is this board's version of "Earnest T Bass"..........his "I'm defending my cuntry you bastard!!!" defense is hilarious.....

And you are a racist traitor. Move to Russia dude.

You when you have nothing else go for the race card, you stupid mother fucker


I still can't believe you think it's your country when you go against everything we stand for..


What the fuck you stand for? You are promoting Russian interests against this country.
Show me any sign that you support this country idiot.

What Russian interest fucktard?

You are promoting against free speech, hiding criminals.....

You promote everything this country don't stand for.

That's a lot of bull. You cannot even demonstrate in Russia. What are you talking about Dude? There is a massive brain drain and putin is trying hard to stop it. Population is going down not going up.
Yes Putin trying to expand his territories........ that's fuck up dude. That is why his neighbors are seeking help from NATO.
Putin is authoritarian like a dictator........ that is not a good sign and also killing his political opponents. Give me one good example that putin thug is good leader or better than Obama.

There are NO serious terrorist threats to Russia, the borders are secure His military is being upgraded and modernized, Shall I go on and show you how need to Know something before you post about it. As for what has Russia done for US and the world. If it were not for the Russians being in WW II you would be a citizen of the German empire run by the NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY. They, NOT the USA, and ENGLAND were the strongest most successful and gave many more of their soldiers to stop hitler, Your mess-I-ah is more like hitler and followed the tenets and methods of hitler closer than any leader in the FREE world ever has. Liberals are the dumbest most uneducated shit on earth. man go back to your indoctrination center and get some more propaganda "DUDE" After you hang ten and shoot the curl MAAAANNN!!.

Get real dude. How Putin rule Russia and neighboring countries joining NATO............ you are already out of wack.
You have a lot to learn kid. I will let you know when I think you are qualified to talk to me.
Charwin is this board's version of "Earnest T Bass"..........his "I'm defending my cuntry you bastard!!!" defense is hilarious.....

And you are a racist traitor. Move to Russia dude.

You when you have nothing else go for the race card, you stupid mother fucker


I still can't believe you think it's your country when you go against everything we stand for..


You mother fuckers piss on the flag, kneel before the Anthem , and you want to call it your country?

Then you don't belong here in America. Grow the fuck up idiot.
I can tell that you are poor and miserable person.


You piss on the flag kneel before the national anthem and say I don't belong here?

Miserable not on your life...

It is you who is miserable because you know not in your lifetime will you ever see a left leaning Supreme Court

Trump did not recognize Obama as the legitimate president for eight years

Why should he expect better treatment?
Because trump is legitimate

Deduct 65+ millions that voted for Trump from 225+ millions that didn't vote for Trump.

Then convince them............. why do you think Trump is a legitimate president.
More people voted for anyone but Hillary than voted for Hillary. Trump won under the rules in force at the time. All complaining to the contrary is simply dumb.

Im not disagreeing the result of the election. The 65+ millions that voted for Trump came in full force with heavy white voters....... Deduct that from who didn't vote for Trump.
That is how many you have to convince that trump is a legitimate. Especially Trump keep promoting Putin that intervene into the integrity of our democracy.
Dude you are one fucked defective human being. A real traitor.
I'm very angry about your country intervention into my country's democracy. That is called integrity, dignity, decency and patriotism.
That is what I'm trying to stick that your ass. Dude grow the fuck up.

AGAIN!!!! I repeat.......

You see, this is just another example of what a brain dead stupid fuck that you are. The DNC, the Hildebeast and the press conspiring and conniving to deny Bernie Sanders a fair shot at the nomination for the DNC isn't a usurpation of the democratic process. The revelations that the DNC was conspiring with the press, hiring agent provocateurs to interfere at Trump rallies and commit voter fraud wasn't a usurpation of the democratic process but REVEALING the dirty, illegal plans of the leftard clown posse was??? You are one fucked up individual. You are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails and the are pissed because they were busted. You have no integrity or character AT all.

How much plainer can I make that? And I am going to keep busting and beating you down with those facts until you acknowledge it..........

Again let me repeat it to your fucked up brain.................. I don't like your country intervention into my country. That's the bottom line.............. Stick with that stupid fuck.

What you stupid fuck?

This is not your country, what your doing is using the freedom we gave you to use it against us.


Dude. Freedom is Freedom but when a traitor and fucked up like you and others that support other countries against my country ...... You are NOT an American YOU ARE A TRAITOR.
What freedom you gave me? You didn't give me a diddly shit but I am telling you to move to Russia you piece shit.

Again this is not your country, we're a Christian nation, a capitalist one, not a faggot atheist socialist one.

Dude you have proven to me that this is not your country. You are traitor.
This thread is still going on? Is this whining ever gonna stop?

You lefties are pathetic hypocrites. I haven't heard any crying from you that Obama is illegitimate when he lost popular vote to Hillary in Democrat primaries back in 2008.

Trump did not recognize Obama as the legitimate president for eight years

Why should he expect better treatment?
Because trump is legitimate

Deduct 65+ millions that voted for Trump from 225+ millions that didn't vote for Trump.

Then convince them............. why do you think Trump is a legitimate president.
More people voted for anyone but Hillary than voted for Hillary. Trump won under the rules in force at the time. All complaining to the contrary is simply dumb.

Im not disagreeing the result of the election. The 65+ millions that voted for Trump came in full force with heavy white voters....... Deduct that from who didn't vote for Trump.
That is how many you have to convince that trump is a legitimate. Especially Trump keep promoting Putin that intervene into the integrity of our democracy.

"Im not disagreeing the result of the election. The 65+ millions that voted for Trump came in full force with heavy white voters....... Deduct that from who didn't vote for Trump."

Why? It's bullshit statement. Those numbers don't matter and they have never mattered since the ratification of the Constitution.

"That is how many you have to convince that trump is a legitimate. Especially Trump keep promoting Putin that intervene into the integrity of our democracy"

I feel sorry for you, your bitch lost and you are struggling with it. Nobody has to convince anyone of anything. Trump is your President and there is nothing you can do about it. Nobody intervened it's just something you Alt-Left idiot need to hold onto because you can't believe we voted your asses out.
Grow up and move on.
Dude you are one fucked defective human being. A real traitor.
I'm very angry about your country intervention into my country's democracy. That is called integrity, dignity, decency and patriotism.
That is what I'm trying to stick that your ass. Dude grow the fuck up.

AGAIN!!!! I repeat.......

You see, this is just another example of what a brain dead stupid fuck that you are. The DNC, the Hildebeast and the press conspiring and conniving to deny Bernie Sanders a fair shot at the nomination for the DNC isn't a usurpation of the democratic process. The revelations that the DNC was conspiring with the press, hiring agent provocateurs to interfere at Trump rallies and commit voter fraud wasn't a usurpation of the democratic process but REVEALING the dirty, illegal plans of the leftard clown posse was??? You are one fucked up individual. You are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails and the are pissed because they were busted. You have no integrity or character AT all.

How much plainer can I make that? And I am going to keep busting and beating you down with those facts until you acknowledge it..........

Again let me repeat it to your fucked up brain.................. I don't like your country intervention into my country. That's the bottom line.............. Stick with that stupid fuck.

So you don't like the truth being told?


That is not my point fucktard.
I am against any foreign intervention into my democracy and its not only me but also Republicans. Stick with that.

You protect criminals.... You are against freedom of speech, this is not your country get out.


Where in my post that I protect criminals?

What freedom are you talking about Dude?
When you are against this country.......... and side with other countries like terrorist joining ISIS.

YOU traitor that gave up your freedom in this country.
Dude you are one fucked defective human being. A real traitor.
I'm very angry about your country intervention into my country's democracy. That is called integrity, dignity, decency and patriotism.
That is what I'm trying to stick that your ass. Dude grow the fuck up.

AGAIN!!!! I repeat.......

You see, this is just another example of what a brain dead stupid fuck that you are. The DNC, the Hildebeast and the press conspiring and conniving to deny Bernie Sanders a fair shot at the nomination for the DNC isn't a usurpation of the democratic process. The revelations that the DNC was conspiring with the press, hiring agent provocateurs to interfere at Trump rallies and commit voter fraud wasn't a usurpation of the democratic process but REVEALING the dirty, illegal plans of the leftard clown posse was??? You are one fucked up individual. You are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails and the are pissed because they were busted. You have no integrity or character AT all.

How much plainer can I make that? And I am going to keep busting and beating you down with those facts until you acknowledge it..........

Again let me repeat it to your fucked up brain.................. I don't like your country intervention into my country. That's the bottom line.............. Stick with that stupid fuck.

What you stupid fuck?

This is not your country, what your doing is using the freedom we gave you to use it against us.


Dude. Freedom is Freedom but when a traitor and fucked up like you and others that support other countries against my country ...... You are NOT an American YOU ARE A TRAITOR.
What freedom you gave me? You didn't give me a diddly shit but I am telling you to move to Russia you piece shit.

Blind patriotism to a corporate entity lamely disguised as a legitimate governmental body has gotten millions of innocent people killed. You avoid the truth like a Hollywood movie vampire avoids sunlight. You are an unmitigated joke that pathetically believes everything your Operation Mockingbird media tells you. This isn't YOUR country, you are simply a servant of the state, a debt slave made surety and collateral on the debt via the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 and you have no allodial rights to STFU and read a book for a change and spare me your whine and angst. You don't have the foggiest clue as to what is going on or what has gone on. I have gone to a lot of time and trouble trying to share my THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of hours of reading and researching. I did the heavy lifting in an attempt to wake people up to the want to stay "stupid"...I "get it" but every time you lamely attempt to come at me I will always slap you down because fools like you deserve nothing less....this is what I do.


Do you expect me to read your Conspiracy bullshit?
Trump did not recognize Obama as the legitimate president for eight years

Why should he expect better treatment?
Because trump is legitimate

Deduct 65+ millions that voted for Trump from 225+ millions that didn't vote for Trump.

Then convince them............. why do you think Trump is a legitimate president.
More people voted for anyone but Hillary than voted for Hillary. Trump won under the rules in force at the time. All complaining to the contrary is simply dumb.

Im not disagreeing the result of the election. The 65+ millions that voted for Trump came in full force with heavy white voters....... Deduct that from who didn't vote for Trump.
That is how many you have to convince that trump is a legitimate. Especially Trump keep promoting Putin that intervene into the integrity of our democracy.
Putin interevened because he knows what a failure you democrats Marxist pinko commies are.

Putin loves the United States constitution and the RED WHITE AND BLUE

Putin didn't want to see Hillary destroying America..

You should thank him.

AGAIN!!!! I repeat.......

You see, this is just another example of what a brain dead stupid fuck that you are. The DNC, the Hildebeast and the press conspiring and conniving to deny Bernie Sanders a fair shot at the nomination for the DNC isn't a usurpation of the democratic process. The revelations that the DNC was conspiring with the press, hiring agent provocateurs to interfere at Trump rallies and commit voter fraud wasn't a usurpation of the democratic process but REVEALING the dirty, illegal plans of the leftard clown posse was??? You are one fucked up individual. You are not pissed about the contents of the e-mails and the are pissed because they were busted. You have no integrity or character AT all.

How much plainer can I make that? And I am going to keep busting and beating you down with those facts until you acknowledge it..........

Again let me repeat it to your fucked up brain.................. I don't like your country intervention into my country. That's the bottom line.............. Stick with that stupid fuck.

So you don't like the truth being told?


That is not my point fucktard.
I am against any foreign intervention into my democracy and its not only me but also Republicans. Stick with that.

You protect criminals.... You are against freedom of speech, this is not your country get out.


Where in my post that I protect criminals?

What freedom are you talking about Dude?
When you are against this country.......... and side with other countries like terrorist joining ISIS.

YOU traitor that gave up your freedom in this country.

You're upset that Russia exposed Hillary, you're for cities that protect illegals..

And kill little girls.

Why the in the world I believe your conspiracy theories?
Says the progressive wearing a tin foil hat harping on the conspiracy theory that Russia stole the U.S. election... :lol:

Even president elect admitted Russian did the hacking...... What is your point?

And your point being?

That your upset with that the truth came out?


No bastard. I am very upset about intervention of your country to my country especially supported by traitors like you.

You're upset that Russia provided transparency that Obama failed to deliver, you're upset Hillary once again got her hand caught in the cookie jar.


Drink my piss again idiot and try to stick this to your dumb skull.
If they hack Trump which I suspect they did I still very upset. Its the foreign intervention I'm very upset.
Again let me repeat it to your fucked up brain.................. I don't like your country intervention into my country. That's the bottom line.............. Stick with that stupid fuck.

So you don't like the truth being told?


That is not my point fucktard.
I am against any foreign intervention into my democracy and its not only me but also Republicans. Stick with that.

You protect criminals.... You are against freedom of speech, this is not your country get out.


Where in my post that I protect criminals?

What freedom are you talking about Dude?
When you are against this country.......... and side with other countries like terrorist joining ISIS.

YOU traitor that gave up your freedom in this country.

You're upset that Russia exposed Hillary, you're for cities that protect illegals..

And kill little girls.


You know her last words were "daddy help me"

And you protect the scum that did it to her..

No it's not your country.
Why the in the world I believe your conspiracy theories?
Says the progressive wearing a tin foil hat harping on the conspiracy theory that Russia stole the U.S. election... :lol:

Even president elect admitted Russian did the hacking...... What is your point?

And your point being?

That your upset with that the truth came out?


No bastard. I am very upset about intervention of your country to my country especially supported by traitors like you.

No, you are pissed that the leftard clown posse was stone cold busted for being exposed for the corrupt and conniving entity that it is and so you direct your angst at a country that had nothing to do with the leaks because you wish to deflect attention away from the contents of the leaks. You want to deflect from the fact that very powerful people like the Podesta brothers, some high up neocons and the Clintons are involved in child trafficking. It takes a real stupid and pathetic pile of shit full of blind partisanship to avoid a topic that affects small children........aren't ya proud???

Wrong again. And stop putting words into my mouth and stop wasting my time.

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