Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

In terms of the presidency Trump is the bastard son of Putin
Question.....if Russia was such an enemy of USA.INC, how come the Hildebeast facilitated the sale of uranium to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation???[/QUOTE]
Third question...if Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., why did Barack Obama mock and ridicule Mitt Romney for calling them our "greatest geopolitical threat" during their debate? :dunno:
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

Listen, and listen tight. First thing- lower the gun from your temple, put down the glass of Clorox, turn off the car and open the garage door.
Now- the orange clown won, he won fair and square, he won 50% more states, the Ruskies did not hack our election, they may have disclosed some inconvenient truths about the bulldyke which may have caused some people to decide not to vote for her. Got it? Ok, you may now restart your car, lower the garage door, chug that bottle of Clorox, and pull the trigger. At least you'll end your miserable life knowing the truth.

All this blather, yet nothing that changes the fact that Trump is an illegitimate president. He lost by 3 million votes, even with Russia's help.

Trump is a traitor to this country who praises a murderer like Putin, and you won't touch that topic with a 10 foot pole because you're an intellectually dishonest Repug piece of shit.

Why do you want needless conflict with Russia?

And remember they are the "peace loving" demo_rats.

President Trump* was selected by the Russians. Most Americans voted against him
Bwahahahahaha!!! Tin foil hat much, wrongwinger? The American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Just check out the map snowflake:

President Trump* was selected by the Russians. Most Americans voted against him
Bwahahahahaha!!! Tin foil hat much, wrongwinger? The American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Just check out the map snowflake:

View attachment 106880
Does anyone live in Wyoming these days?
Yeah! This might come as a shock to you - but it's not 1789 right now. It's 2017 and Wyoming is quite populated. And it is exponentially more educated than the filthy libtards crawling around New York City. If you added up the entire IQ of the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn it would equal about one citizen of Wyoming.
President Trump* was selected by the Russians. Most Americans voted against him
Bwahahahahaha!!! Tin foil hat much, wrongwinger? The American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Just check out the map snowflake:

View attachment 106880
Does anyone live in Wyoming these days?
Yeah! This might come as a shock to you - but it's not 1789 right now. It's 2017 and Wyoming is quite populated. And it is exponentially more educated than the filthy libtards crawling around New York City. If you added up the entire IQ of the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn it would equal about one citizen of Wyoming.
Would that one citizen be Wyoming's only member of the House of Representatives, I wonder.
Representative "Liz" Cheney Republican.
President Trump* was selected by the Russians. Most Americans voted against him
Bwahahahahaha!!! Tin foil hat much, wrongwinger? The American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Just check out the map snowflake:

View attachment 106880
Does anyone live in Wyoming these days?
Yeah! This might come as a shock to you - but it's not 1789 right now. It's 2017 and Wyoming is quite populated. And it is exponentially more educated than the filthy libtards crawling around New York City. If you added up the entire IQ of the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn it would equal about one citizen of Wyoming.
Would that one citizen be Wyoming's only member of the House of Representatives, I wonder.
Representative "Liz" Cheney Republican.
Not necessarily. Any one Wyoming citizen. That's not saying much of course - if there is one thing the left knows how to do, it's destroy communities (including education).
President Trump* was selected by the Russians. Most Americans voted against him
Bwahahahahaha!!! Tin foil hat much, wrongwinger? The American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Just check out the map snowflake:

View attachment 106880 and everything

You only went wrong when you said the American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump
They didn't, they favored his opponent

Which makes Trump illegitimate.....not even with Putin fixing the election
President Trump* was selected by the Russians. Most Americans voted against him
Bwahahahahaha!!! Tin foil hat much, wrongwinger? The American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Just check out the map snowflake:

View attachment 106880 and everything

You only went wrong when you said the American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump
They didn't, they favored his opponent

Which makes Trump illegitimate.....not even with Putin fixing the election

You still trying to prove a bunch of illegal voters make an election?

President Trump* was selected by the Russians. Most Americans voted against him
Bwahahahahaha!!! Tin foil hat much, wrongwinger? The American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Just check out the map snowflake:

View attachment 106880 and everything

You only went wrong when you said the American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump
They didn't, they favored his opponent

Which makes Trump illegitimate.....not even with Putin fixing the election
The U.S. is covered in red in the electoral map junior. Red = voted for Trump.

President Trump* was selected by the Russians. Most Americans voted against him
Bwahahahahaha!!! Tin foil hat much, wrongwinger? The American people overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Just check out the map snowflake:

View attachment 106880
Does anyone live in Wyoming these days?
Yeah! This might come as a shock to you - but it's not 1789 right now. It's 2017 and Wyoming is quite populated. And it is exponentially more educated than the filthy libtards crawling around New York City. If you added up the entire IQ of the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn it would equal about one citizen of Wyoming.
Would that one citizen be Wyoming's only member of the House of Representatives, I wonder.
Representative "Liz" Cheney Republican.
Not necessarily. Any one Wyoming citizen. That's not saying much of course - if there is one thing the left knows how to do, it's destroy communities (including education).
"Liz" Cheney got the best education oil money could buy and became a lawyer.
Then used her name to get to Congress.
That's the American way.
"Liz" Cheney got the best education oil money could buy and became a lawyer. Then used her name to get to Congress. That's the American way.
Certainly better than the progressive way of getting the worst education stolen money could buy and then wasting their degree by mooching off of society for the rest of their lives.
In terms of the presidency Trump is the bastard son of Putin
Question.....if Russia was such an enemy of USA.INC, how come the Hildebeast facilitated the sale of uranium to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation???
Boy Dale Smith - our friends on the left like wrongwinger sure went dead-silent after we asked 3 basic questions.
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., how come Hitlery Clinton facilitated the sale of U.S.-owned uranium mines to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her Clinton Foundation?
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., how come progressives cheered when Barack Obama promised to "repair relations" with them and cheered again when Hitlery Clinton presented them with a Staples "Reset" button?
  • If Russia was such an enemy of the U.S., why did Barack Obama mock Mitt Romney during their debates when Romney called Russia our greatest "geopolitical threat"?
"Liz" Cheney got the best education oil money could buy and became a lawyer. Then used her name to get to Congress. That's the American way.
Certainly better than the progressive way of getting the worst education stolen money could buy and then wasting their degree by mooching off of society for the rest of their lives.
The Founding Fathers would be proud of Haliburton and invading countries in the Middle East to make profits from the deaths of thousands of innocent children and families. Yep; the world envies people like Cheney and what the USA stands for these days I can't wait for the next chapter of horrors beginning this week. I understand people with cover for cancer therapy will lose it when the Republicans take 20,000,000 Americans off Obama Care. Blood on their hands, both foreign and domestic.
The Founding Fathers would be proud of Haliburton and invading countries in the Middle East to make profits from the deaths of thousands of innocent children and families.
The Founding Fathers would be mortified over how you get your "information" from Hollywood movies. :lmao:
Yep; the world envies people like Cheney and what the USA stands for these days I can't wait for the next chapter of horrors beginning this week. I understand people with cover for cancer therapy will lose it when the Republicans take 20,000,000 Americans off Obama Care. Blood on their hands, both foreign and domestic.
But those people are but a small portion of people who lost their coverage for cancer therapy when Obamacare was enacted. And that was after Obama stood in front of the world and adamantly declared "if you like your coverage - you can keep your coverage, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" over and over and over again despite White House e-mails showing him discussing that he knew that was an egregious lie.

Funny - you didn't seem to give a shit about those cancer patients. I guess when the left does it, it's ok. When the right does it, it's time to shed crocodile tears, uh?

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