Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump. Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

Was going to respond to this turd but see they've been banned. Culling the herd, cleaning the gene pool, addition by subtraction - all apply perfectly.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. You have the brain of an 8 year old.

Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin. You're emotional similar women in menopause.

who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. What did Obama do about it considering we know this has taken place since creation of the internet?

And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump. You're emotional similar little girls in kindergarten. "No fair".

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started Who'd have saw that coming?

and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Of course he is legit. You're just an irrational person, immature and easily swayed.

Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true. A statement if insecurity.

YOU are a blithering idiot....if we were to do a total recount of the votes and toss out the illegal ones or the intentional miscounting of them? I would hazard to guess that the Hildebeast only garnered maybe 30 million votes at best. The recounts in Wisconsin added MORE votes to Trump while Hitlery actually lost some. Wayne county in Michigan was awash in voter fraud which was a country that leaned heavily to the Hildebeast. It was only the huge voter turnout that saved us from that lying, conniving bitch because the fix was in. The rigged polls, the lamestream media fawning over her and covering up what she did and trying to plant the idea in the heads of voters that voting for Trump was a waste oif time, etc, etc. The Wikileaks revelations that were intentionally mis-characterized and then turned the focus of who leaked them instead of focusing on the contents. Bite me, you piece of shit. You know nothing and you seem fucking proud of it. Your fellow leftard pals are making me become a Trump supporter because if you hate him THAT much, it must mean he has something that will actually help this country in spite of the Deep State. Four years, stretches out before commie asswipes like 30 miles of bad road.

In just a few deep blue States alone including California, New York and Illinois there are tens of millions of Republicans with no reason to vote as the Republican can't win the Presidential vote and Democrats are a well oiled machine who dominate State elections. A three million vote win when no one was campaigning for that is irrelevant.

It's more just the flaming butt hurt that leftists are focused on that irrelevant point

They are pissed that their attempts to steal the election didn't pan out but what pisses them off the most is that the plans and all the dirty laundry of the DNC was laid out in front of the entire country. The leftard clown posse here are not pissed about the contents some of which referred to them as basically sheeple....oh no, they are pissed because it was exposed and leftards wonder why they are not taken seriously??????

That is the funniest part of the hack. The Democrats knew she was a corrupt, lying political hack, they didn't even bat an eye. They are just angry that it was exposed that they already knew that ...
Eight years they designed that campaign and why the loss was so monumental and Trump's win so gigantic
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. You have the brain of an 8 year old.

Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin. You're emotional similar women in menopause.

who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. What did Obama do about it considering we know this has taken place since creation of the internet?

And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump. You're emotional similar little girls in kindergarten. "No fair".

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started Who'd have saw that coming?

and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Of course he is legit. You're just an irrational person, immature and easily swayed.

Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true. A statement if insecurity.

YOU are a blithering idiot....if we were to do a total recount of the votes and toss out the illegal ones or the intentional miscounting of them? I would hazard to guess that the Hildebeast only garnered maybe 30 million votes at best. The recounts in Wisconsin added MORE votes to Trump while Hitlery actually lost some. Wayne county in Michigan was awash in voter fraud which was a country that leaned heavily to the Hildebeast. It was only the huge voter turnout that saved us from that lying, conniving bitch because the fix was in. The rigged polls, the lamestream media fawning over her and covering up what she did and trying to plant the idea in the heads of voters that voting for Trump was a waste oif time, etc, etc. The Wikileaks revelations that were intentionally mis-characterized and then turned the focus of who leaked them instead of focusing on the contents. Bite me, you piece of shit. You know nothing and you seem fucking proud of it. Your fellow leftard pals are making me become a Trump supporter because if you hate him THAT much, it must mean he has something that will actually help this country in spite of the Deep State. Four years, stretches out before commie asswipes like 30 miles of bad road.

In just a few deep blue States alone including California, New York and Illinois there are tens of millions of Republicans with no reason to vote as the Republican can't win the Presidential vote and Democrats are a well oiled machine who dominate State elections. A three million vote win when no one was campaigning for that is irrelevant.

It's more just the flaming butt hurt that leftists are focused on that irrelevant point

They are pissed that their attempts to steal the election didn't pan out but what pisses them off the most is that the plans and all the dirty laundry of the DNC was laid out in front of the entire country. The leftard clown posse here are not pissed about the contents some of which referred to them as basically sheeple....oh no, they are pissed because it was exposed and leftards wonder why they are not taken seriously??????

That is the funniest part of the hack. The Democrats knew she was a corrupt, lying political hack, they didn't even bat an eye. They are just angry that it was exposed that they already knew that ...
Eight years they designed that campaign and why the loss was so monumental and Trump's win so gigantic

Yep...and had it not been for an overwhelming turnout of Trump voters, they would have gotten away with it. The lamestream media has been totally discredited which is why they are playing the "fake news" angle when they are the biggest purveyors of fake news and now they have been busted over this "golden showers" try and deflect from what they perpetrated by carrying water for the Hildebeast.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. You have the brain of an 8 year old.

Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin. You're emotional similar women in menopause.

who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. What did Obama do about it considering we know this has taken place since creation of the internet?

And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump. You're emotional similar little girls in kindergarten. "No fair".

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started Who'd have saw that coming?

and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Of course he is legit. You're just an irrational person, immature and easily swayed.

Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true. A statement if insecurity.

YOU are a blithering idiot....if we were to do a total recount of the votes and toss out the illegal ones or the intentional miscounting of them? I would hazard to guess that the Hildebeast only garnered maybe 30 million votes at best. The recounts in Wisconsin added MORE votes to Trump while Hitlery actually lost some. Wayne county in Michigan was awash in voter fraud which was a country that leaned heavily to the Hildebeast. It was only the huge voter turnout that saved us from that lying, conniving bitch because the fix was in. The rigged polls, the lamestream media fawning over her and covering up what she did and trying to plant the idea in the heads of voters that voting for Trump was a waste oif time, etc, etc. The Wikileaks revelations that were intentionally mis-characterized and then turned the focus of who leaked them instead of focusing on the contents. Bite me, you piece of shit. You know nothing and you seem fucking proud of it. Your fellow leftard pals are making me become a Trump supporter because if you hate him THAT much, it must mean he has something that will actually help this country in spite of the Deep State. Four years, stretches out before commie asswipes like 30 miles of bad road.

In just a few deep blue States alone including California, New York and Illinois there are tens of millions of Republicans with no reason to vote as the Republican can't win the Presidential vote and Democrats are a well oiled machine who dominate State elections. A three million vote win when no one was campaigning for that is irrelevant.

It's more just the flaming butt hurt that leftists are focused on that irrelevant point

They are pissed that their attempts to steal the election didn't pan out but what pisses them off the most is that the plans and all the dirty laundry of the DNC was laid out in front of the entire country. The leftard clown posse here are not pissed about the contents some of which referred to them as basically sheeple....oh no, they are pissed because it was exposed and leftards wonder why they are not taken seriously??????

That is the funniest part of the hack. The Democrats knew she was a corrupt, lying political hack, they didn't even bat an eye. They are just angry that it was exposed that they already knew that ...
Eight years they designed that campaign and why the loss was so monumental and Trump's win so gigantic
Right? They fking rigged all kinds of shit to assure that victory, and they got caught! Fking got caught. It's why I don't buy into any Russians shit. Excuse excuse excuse. Hey but wait, all of what was exposed was fking right!!!!
YOU are a blithering idiot....if we were to do a total recount of the votes and toss out the illegal ones or the intentional miscounting of them? I would hazard to guess that the Hildebeast only garnered maybe 30 million votes at best. The recounts in Wisconsin added MORE votes to Trump while Hitlery actually lost some. Wayne county in Michigan was awash in voter fraud which was a country that leaned heavily to the Hildebeast. It was only the huge voter turnout that saved us from that lying, conniving bitch because the fix was in. The rigged polls, the lamestream media fawning over her and covering up what she did and trying to plant the idea in the heads of voters that voting for Trump was a waste oif time, etc, etc. The Wikileaks revelations that were intentionally mis-characterized and then turned the focus of who leaked them instead of focusing on the contents. Bite me, you piece of shit. You know nothing and you seem fucking proud of it. Your fellow leftard pals are making me become a Trump supporter because if you hate him THAT much, it must mean he has something that will actually help this country in spite of the Deep State. Four years, stretches out before commie asswipes like 30 miles of bad road.

In just a few deep blue States alone including California, New York and Illinois there are tens of millions of Republicans with no reason to vote as the Republican can't win the Presidential vote and Democrats are a well oiled machine who dominate State elections. A three million vote win when no one was campaigning for that is irrelevant.

It's more just the flaming butt hurt that leftists are focused on that irrelevant point

They are pissed that their attempts to steal the election didn't pan out but what pisses them off the most is that the plans and all the dirty laundry of the DNC was laid out in front of the entire country. The leftard clown posse here are not pissed about the contents some of which referred to them as basically sheeple....oh no, they are pissed because it was exposed and leftards wonder why they are not taken seriously??????

That is the funniest part of the hack. The Democrats knew she was a corrupt, lying political hack, they didn't even bat an eye. They are just angry that it was exposed that they already knew that ...
Eight years they designed that campaign and why the loss was so monumental and Trump's win so gigantic
Right? They fking rigged all kinds of shit to assure that victory, and they got caught! Fking got caught. It's why I don't buy into any Russians shit. Excuse excuse excuse. Hey but wait, all of what was exposed was fking right!!!!

Like I have stated earlier...leftards are not pissed about what was revealed...they are simply pissed at those that revealed it and that speaks volumes to me as to how little integrity the commie left has.
In just a few deep blue States alone including California, New York and Illinois there are tens of millions of Republicans with no reason to vote as the Republican can't win the Presidential vote and Democrats are a well oiled machine who dominate State elections. A three million vote win when no one was campaigning for that is irrelevant.

It's more just the flaming butt hurt that leftists are focused on that irrelevant point

They are pissed that their attempts to steal the election didn't pan out but what pisses them off the most is that the plans and all the dirty laundry of the DNC was laid out in front of the entire country. The leftard clown posse here are not pissed about the contents some of which referred to them as basically sheeple....oh no, they are pissed because it was exposed and leftards wonder why they are not taken seriously??????

That is the funniest part of the hack. The Democrats knew she was a corrupt, lying political hack, they didn't even bat an eye. They are just angry that it was exposed that they already knew that ...
Eight years they designed that campaign and why the loss was so monumental and Trump's win so gigantic
Right? They fking rigged all kinds of shit to assure that victory, and they got caught! Fking got caught. It's why I don't buy into any Russians shit. Excuse excuse excuse. Hey but wait, all of what was exposed was fking right!!!!

Like I have stated earlier...leftards are not pissed about what was revealed...they are simply pissed at those that revealed it and that speaks volumes to me as to how little integrity the commie left has.
They got caught!
Trump did not recognize Obama as the legitimate president for eight years

Why should he expect better treatment?
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president.
Again, it's much easier to change you silly name. It's no one's fault but your own.

Changing my name isn't necessary. Trump is not the legitimate president and the majority of Americans know it.

Really? So who won the ec? Cause that's how we determine who the legitimate president is.

You're wasting your time and effort? Lefturds will never, ever accept that argument.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. You have the brain of an 8 year old.

Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin. You're emotional similar women in menopause.

who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. What did Obama do about it considering we know this has taken place since creation of the internet?

And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump. You're emotional similar little girls in kindergarten. "No fair".

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started Who'd have saw that coming?

and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Of course he is legit. You're just an irrational person, immature and easily swayed.

Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true. A statement if insecurity.

Another butthurt Lefturd who simply will never get over it. You lost!!! Donald J. Trump will be POTUS in less than one week!!!!!
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. You have the brain of an 8 year old.

Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin. You're emotional similar women in menopause.

who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. What did Obama do about it considering we know this has taken place since creation of the internet?

And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump. You're emotional similar little girls in kindergarten. "No fair".

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started Who'd have saw that coming?

and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Of course he is legit. You're just an irrational person, immature and easily swayed.

Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true. A statement if insecurity.

YOU are a blithering idiot....if we were to do a total recount of the votes and toss out the illegal ones or the intentional miscounting of them? I would hazard to guess that the Hildebeast only garnered maybe 30 million votes at best. The recounts in Wisconsin added MORE votes to Trump while Hitlery actually lost some. Wayne county in Michigan was awash in voter fraud which was a country that leaned heavily to the Hildebeast. It was only the huge voter turnout that saved us from that lying, conniving bitch because the fix was in. The rigged polls, the lamestream media fawning over her and covering up what she did and trying to plant the idea in the heads of voters that voting for Trump was a waste oif time, etc, etc. The Wikileaks revelations that were intentionally mis-characterized and then turned the focus of who leaked them instead of focusing on the contents. Bite me, you piece of shit. You know nothing and you seem fucking proud of it. Your fellow leftard pals are making me become a Trump supporter because if you hate him THAT much, it must mean he has something that will actually help this country in spite of the Deep State. Four years, stretches out before commie asswipes like 30 miles of bad road.

Wow! Right on.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
This is precisely how I see things. Donald Trump will be a minority president for as long as he remains in the Oval Office. Something tells me he will not stay there for his complete term of four years.

Just what in the heck does that mean? Is he changing his race?
Trump is a minority president which everyone knows means he got elected with a minority of the popular votes.

Wow! That makes Bill Clinton a super minority!

Words have meanings and you don't get to make them up as you go along. Find me a source to back up that idiotic reasoning.
He is the first black president
President Trump*

Will never be legitimate until he can win an election without outside help
Trump did not recognize Obama as the legitimate president for eight years

Why should he expect better treatment?

Why wouldn't people question the legitimacy of the Barrypuppet? His certificate of live birth was a badly done forgery. I am not claiming that the Barrypuppet didn't have American parents because Frank Marshall Davis is his real father but here is the could the globalists sell Barrypuppet as a legit president if it was revealed that Barrypuppet's father was a card carrying communist? Wouldn't bode well for his

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