Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

President Trump*

Will never be legitimate until he can win an election without outside help

The legitimate president is the one who won the ec and will be sworn in on Friday. There is no illegitimate president

Russia thinks he is legitimate
I rather think Putin knows Trump's Achilles heel; he knows Trump owes him big time and, for all we know, Putin can bring Trump down with what he has on him.
President Trump*

Will never be legitimate until he can win an election without outside help

The legitimate president is the one who won the ec and will be sworn in on Friday. There is no illegitimate president

Russia thinks he is legitimate
I rather think Putin knows Trump's Achilles heel; he knows Trump owes him big time and, for all we know, Putin can bring Trump down with what he has on him.
Based on what you know?
1. Agree with Qatar and Saudi........ but where is your proof that west is supporting ISIS?
2. You are full of shit. Where is your proof that Putin shit has killed more ISIS than civilians? Or better than Obama? Putin thug is not doing a diddly shit to fight ISIS............... Putin thug enter Syria Sept.25 with full force.......... so far ISIS stronger than ever inside Syria + continue to sell oil to Syria + killings of civilians.
Russian aircraft carrier obsolete flag ship Kuznetsov left Syria Jan. 6 after murdering civilians in Aleppo. What an accomplishment. Remember the whole world are watching what Putin did in Aleppo last month. Russia will alway viewed as a NO GOOD super power. He should be charge with war crimes together with Assad.

AGAIN making an opinion based from your RACIST BULLCRAP doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility. President name is OBAMA. Racist asshole.

3. So it's okay for you that Russia can stick their nose in Iran and Syria? Which support terrorism in ME with the support of Putin. You are not loyal to the truth ............... You are a traitor and a danger to this country.
I support my country for what it stand for and NEVER side with any foreign country especially that is known to be a hostile to this country like Russia.

"1. Agree with Qatar and Saudi........ but where is your proof that west is supporting ISIS?

Google "Scott Bennett, military whistle blower". There is a shit load of other proof that ISIS/ISIL/al qaeda is a proxy army of mercenaries being used to de-stablize the Middle East and they have done a damn good job of it.

What you have never explained is what has Assad done to USA.INC to incur their wrath? It certainly hasn't been because of how he allegedly treats his people because USA.INC has supported far worse dictators and leaders than he is....but here's the deal...he's not a USA.INC puppet.

Iran and Syria are free to deal with whomever they wish to deal with....would you like another country telling USA.INC whom they may or may not deal with? As far as terrorism goes, USA.INC is the biggest terrorist threat and biggest funder of terrorism on this planet and has been for a long fucking time and that is a fucking fact. You can deal with those very saliebnt facts or's no sweat off of my ass.

P.S Barrypuppet was a tool of the banking with it.

Again let me repeat it to your thick skull. Your opinion are based from your hatred and racism and a traitor sucking Putin Dick
.Your opinion are nothing but pure garbage. Try again.

No opinion, numbnuts....those are facts. You are simply one of the brainwashed sheeple that is more pissed that someone leaked the e-mails than you are about the contents showing the utter corruption of your beloved bought and paid for political party.

Dude.... try to make sense. Try again racist asshole.

Yeah, when you are getting your ass kicked up and down this board, always go for the "race" card regardless of it's merit. You gotta a big ol bag of nothin'.

Who is kicking my ass? Can you name just one?
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. You have the brain of an 8 year old.

Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin. You're emotional similar women in menopause.

who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. What did Obama do about it considering we know this has taken place since creation of the internet?

And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump. You're emotional similar little girls in kindergarten. "No fair".

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started Who'd have saw that coming?

and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Of course he is legit. You're just an irrational person, immature and easily swayed.

Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true. A statement if insecurity.

YOU are a blithering idiot....if we were to do a total recount of the votes and toss out the illegal ones or the intentional miscounting of them? I would hazard to guess that the Hildebeast only garnered maybe 30 million votes at best. The recounts in Wisconsin added MORE votes to Trump while Hitlery actually lost some. Wayne county in Michigan was awash in voter fraud which was a country that leaned heavily to the Hildebeast. It was only the huge voter turnout that saved us from that lying, conniving bitch because the fix was in. The rigged polls, the lamestream media fawning over her and covering up what she did and trying to plant the idea in the heads of voters that voting for Trump was a waste oif time, etc, etc. The Wikileaks revelations that were intentionally mis-characterized and then turned the focus of who leaked them instead of focusing on the contents. Bite me, you piece of shit. You know nothing and you seem fucking proud of it. Your fellow leftard pals are making me become a Trump supporter because if you hate him THAT much, it must mean he has something that will actually help this country in spite of the Deep State. Four years, stretches out before commie asswipes like 30 miles of bad road.

What a bunch of conspiracy theory bull crap. You are the idiot. Do you have a proof that millions of illegals voted?
"1. Agree with Qatar and Saudi........ but where is your proof that west is supporting ISIS?

Google "Scott Bennett, military whistle blower". There is a shit load of other proof that ISIS/ISIL/al qaeda is a proxy army of mercenaries being used to de-stablize the Middle East and they have done a damn good job of it.

What you have never explained is what has Assad done to USA.INC to incur their wrath? It certainly hasn't been because of how he allegedly treats his people because USA.INC has supported far worse dictators and leaders than he is....but here's the deal...he's not a USA.INC puppet.

Iran and Syria are free to deal with whomever they wish to deal with....would you like another country telling USA.INC whom they may or may not deal with? As far as terrorism goes, USA.INC is the biggest terrorist threat and biggest funder of terrorism on this planet and has been for a long fucking time and that is a fucking fact. You can deal with those very saliebnt facts or's no sweat off of my ass.

P.S Barrypuppet was a tool of the banking with it.

Again let me repeat it to your thick skull. Your opinion are based from your hatred and racism and a traitor sucking Putin Dick
.Your opinion are nothing but pure garbage. Try again.

No opinion, numbnuts....those are facts. You are simply one of the brainwashed sheeple that is more pissed that someone leaked the e-mails than you are about the contents showing the utter corruption of your beloved bought and paid for political party.

Dude.... try to make sense. Try again racist asshole.

Yeah, when you are getting your ass kicked up and down this board, always go for the "race" card regardless of it's merit. You gotta a big ol bag of nothin'.

Who is kicking my ass? Can you name just one?

I, for one, have been kicking your ass up and down this board since you decided to post to me. You are absolutely of the sheeple.
Trump did not recognize Obama as the legitimate president for eight years

Why should he expect better treatment?

Why wouldn't people question the legitimacy of the Barrypuppet? His certificate of live birth was a badly done forgery. I am not claiming that the Barrypuppet didn't have American parents because Frank Marshall Davis is his real father but here is the could the globalists sell Barrypuppet as a legit president if it was revealed that Barrypuppet's father was a card carrying communist? Wouldn't bode well for his

Coming from racist piece of shit like you. Sure.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. You have the brain of an 8 year old.

Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin. You're emotional similar women in menopause.

who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. What did Obama do about it considering we know this has taken place since creation of the internet?

And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump. You're emotional similar little girls in kindergarten. "No fair".

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started Who'd have saw that coming?

and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Of course he is legit. You're just an irrational person, immature and easily swayed.

Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true. A statement if insecurity.

YOU are a blithering idiot....if we were to do a total recount of the votes and toss out the illegal ones or the intentional miscounting of them? I would hazard to guess that the Hildebeast only garnered maybe 30 million votes at best. The recounts in Wisconsin added MORE votes to Trump while Hitlery actually lost some. Wayne county in Michigan was awash in voter fraud which was a country that leaned heavily to the Hildebeast. It was only the huge voter turnout that saved us from that lying, conniving bitch because the fix was in. The rigged polls, the lamestream media fawning over her and covering up what she did and trying to plant the idea in the heads of voters that voting for Trump was a waste oif time, etc, etc. The Wikileaks revelations that were intentionally mis-characterized and then turned the focus of who leaked them instead of focusing on the contents. Bite me, you piece of shit. You know nothing and you seem fucking proud of it. Your fellow leftard pals are making me become a Trump supporter because if you hate him THAT much, it must mean he has something that will actually help this country in spite of the Deep State. Four years, stretches out before commie asswipes like 30 miles of bad road.

What a bunch of conspiracy theory bull crap. You are the idiot. Do you have a proof that millions of illegals voted?

Barrypuppet encouraged illegals to vote. We also have the footage of Project Veritas where leftards were admitting that they were conniving to steal; the election....wikileaks showing collusion with the lamestream media and the "bird-dogging" of Trump supporters to try and provoke violence....typical commie tactics because the end justifies the means to leftard commies. 14 of the twenty states that the Hildebeast allegedly won had no voter ID laws.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. You have the brain of an 8 year old.

Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin. You're emotional similar women in menopause.

who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. What did Obama do about it considering we know this has taken place since creation of the internet?

And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump. You're emotional similar little girls in kindergarten. "No fair".

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started Who'd have saw that coming?

and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Of course he is legit. You're just an irrational person, immature and easily swayed.

Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true. A statement if insecurity.

YOU are a blithering idiot....if we were to do a total recount of the votes and toss out the illegal ones or the intentional miscounting of them? I would hazard to guess that the Hildebeast only garnered maybe 30 million votes at best. The recounts in Wisconsin added MORE votes to Trump while Hitlery actually lost some. Wayne county in Michigan was awash in voter fraud which was a country that leaned heavily to the Hildebeast. It was only the huge voter turnout that saved us from that lying, conniving bitch because the fix was in. The rigged polls, the lamestream media fawning over her and covering up what she did and trying to plant the idea in the heads of voters that voting for Trump was a waste oif time, etc, etc. The Wikileaks revelations that were intentionally mis-characterized and then turned the focus of who leaked them instead of focusing on the contents. Bite me, you piece of shit. You know nothing and you seem fucking proud of it. Your fellow leftard pals are making me become a Trump supporter because if you hate him THAT much, it must mean he has something that will actually help this country in spite of the Deep State. Four years, stretches out before commie asswipes like 30 miles of bad road.

What a bunch of conspiracy theory bull crap. You are the idiot. Do you have a proof that millions of illegals voted?

Barrypuppet encouraged illegals to vote. We also have the footage of Project Veritas where leftards were admitting that they were conniving to steal; the election....wikileaks showing collusion with the lamestream media and the "bird-dogging" of Trump supporters to try and provoke violence....typical commie tactics because the end justifies the means to leftard commies. 14 of the twenty states that the Hildebeast allegedly won had no voter ID laws.

Bulshit. With your racist piece of shit comments? What does it proves?
Trump did not recognize Obama as the legitimate president for eight years

Why should he expect better treatment?

Why wouldn't people question the legitimacy of the Barrypuppet? His certificate of live birth was a badly done forgery. I am not claiming that the Barrypuppet didn't have American parents because Frank Marshall Davis is his real father but here is the could the globalists sell Barrypuppet as a legit president if it was revealed that Barrypuppet's father was a card carrying communist? Wouldn't bode well for his

Coming from racist piece of shit like you. Sure.

Truth is racist to a leftard...they avoid it like the plague.
Trump did not recognize Obama as the legitimate president for eight years

Why should he expect better treatment?
Because trump is legitimate

President Trump* was selected by the Russians
Most Americans voted against him

President Trump*

Will never be legitimate until he can win an election without outside help

The legitimate president is the one who won the ec and will be sworn in on Friday. There is no illegitimate president

Russia thinks he is legitimate
I rather think Putin knows Trump's Achilles heel; he knows Trump owes him big time and, for all we know, Putin can bring Trump down with what he has on him.

In terms of the presidency

Trump is the bastard son of Putin
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. You have the brain of an 8 year old.

Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin. You're emotional similar women in menopause.

who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. What did Obama do about it considering we know this has taken place since creation of the internet?

And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump. You're emotional similar little girls in kindergarten. "No fair".

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started Who'd have saw that coming?

and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Of course he is legit. You're just an irrational person, immature and easily swayed.

Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true. A statement if insecurity.

YOU are a blithering idiot....if we were to do a total recount of the votes and toss out the illegal ones or the intentional miscounting of them? I would hazard to guess that the Hildebeast only garnered maybe 30 million votes at best. The recounts in Wisconsin added MORE votes to Trump while Hitlery actually lost some. Wayne county in Michigan was awash in voter fraud which was a country that leaned heavily to the Hildebeast. It was only the huge voter turnout that saved us from that lying, conniving bitch because the fix was in. The rigged polls, the lamestream media fawning over her and covering up what she did and trying to plant the idea in the heads of voters that voting for Trump was a waste oif time, etc, etc. The Wikileaks revelations that were intentionally mis-characterized and then turned the focus of who leaked them instead of focusing on the contents. Bite me, you piece of shit. You know nothing and you seem fucking proud of it. Your fellow leftard pals are making me become a Trump supporter because if you hate him THAT much, it must mean he has something that will actually help this country in spite of the Deep State. Four years, stretches out before commie asswipes like 30 miles of bad road.

What a bunch of conspiracy theory bull crap. You are the idiot. Do you have a proof that millions of illegals voted?

Barrypuppet encouraged illegals to vote. We also have the footage of Project Veritas where leftards were admitting that they were conniving to steal; the election....wikileaks showing collusion with the lamestream media and the "bird-dogging" of Trump supporters to try and provoke violence....typical commie tactics because the end justifies the means to leftard commies. 14 of the twenty states that the Hildebeast allegedly won had no voter ID laws.

Bulshit. With your racist piece of shit comments? What does it proves?

It proves that I know more than you....your butthurtness is amusing and I enjoy it greatly.

President Trump*

Will never be legitimate until he can win an election without outside help

The legitimate president is the one who won the ec and will be sworn in on Friday. There is no illegitimate president

Russia thinks he is legitimate
I rather think Putin knows Trump's Achilles heel; he knows Trump owes him big time and, for all we know, Putin can bring Trump down with what he has on him.

In terms of the presidency

Trump is the bastard son of Putin

Question.....if Russia was such an enemy of USA.INC, how come the Hildebeast facilitated the sale of uranium to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation???
Question.....if Russia was such an enemy of USA.INC, how come the Hildebeast facilitated the sale of uranium to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation???
Ever notice how wrongwinger rates factual posts "funny"? I wonder why he finds facts so funny? :dunno:
In terms of the presidency Trump is the bastard son of Putin
Question.....if Russia was such an enemy of USA.INC, how come the Hildebeast facilitated the sale of uranium to them in exchange for a hefty donation to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation???
Second question...if Russia was such an enemy of the USA, how come progressives were cheering wildly when Barack Obama promised to "repair" relations with them and then cheered even louder when Hitlery Clinton hysterically presented them with a Staples "Reset" button?!? :dunno:

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