Trump is asked twice if he will commit to support Lindsey Graham’s bill for a national abortion ban at 15 weeks, and he refuses to say yes

The mere fact that you think that any woman is trash, proves your misogyny.
Wow. You think women cannot be evil or faulty in any way? Especially the ones who kill their own kids for their own selfish benefit? Total insane female supremacy.

Way to disprove your own point instantly and automatically, you inhuman garbage who also is female.

Your hatred of women come shining through and every post. Calling them sluts and trash and garbage and whores.
Men can be sluts, trash, garbage, and whores.

You’re complete lack of compassion or concern for women’s health or well-being, is proof positive of your misogyny.
Shut up, lying misandrist.

Your complete lack of regard for the lives and rights of the abortion victims you hate is proof positive of your bigotry and sociopathy.

You don’t give a rats ass about babies at all. Your entire focus is on hatred of women.
Zero hatred of “women,” absolute disdain for inhuman filthy animals who belong in a prison cell until they die because they’ve murdered innocent human beings in cold blood, regardless of their sex, as I couldn’t care less.
Their victims deserve justice!

You’re the one who is wrong and mentally damaged for not hating these scum who attack the innocent because of your bigotry and biases.
Dumb Drumpf can't and could never think for himself in regards to politics - that is why he and so many other politicians have "political advisors"
Those advisors are still doing the math for him, - if a yes, or maybe a no, will contribute more to Dumb Drumpf's wallet. Since that is ALL this narcissist jerk is, and was ever interested in.

Pure feelings and fantasy. Grow up.
Pure feelings and fantasy. Grow up.
Try for yourself - anyone who can't realize that Dumb Drumpf is a pathological liar, narcissist, demagogue, criminal; and was/is simply making use of normal people who get and got sick and tired with lefty/Libs &greens running US politics, - purely for his own personal ego benefit and financial gains, is a lost cause anyway. - As such Dumb Drumpf turned out to be the greatest hidden asset the libs/lefties&greens ever had. - just my 2 cents.

Heck, the Dumb Fuck couldn't even build a 1000ml fence-wall in 4 years - maybe he should have subcontracted it to a construction company belonging to his North Korean buddy.
Before you try to refute facts - enjoy reading this: especially those typical Trump ego-narcissist statements; "Someday, when I’m gone, they’ll name it the Trump wall.”

Anyway, I don't want to waste my time talking about a human scumbag - just take notice of my personal opinion as it is.
Try for yourself - anyone who can't realize that Dumb Drumpf is a pathological liar, narcissist, demagogue, criminal; and was/is simply making use of normal people who get and got sick and tired with lefty/Libs &greens running US politics, - purely for his own personal ego benefit and financial gains, is a lost cause anyway. - As such Dumb Drumpf turned out to be the greatest hidden asset the libs/lefties&greens ever had. - just my 2 cents.

Heck, the Dumb Fuck couldn't even build a 1000ml fence-wall in 4 years - maybe he should have subcontracted it to a construction company belonging to his North Korean buddy.
Before you try to refute facts - enjoy reading this: especially those typical Trump ego-narcissist statements; "Someday, when I’m gone, they’ll name it the Trump wall.”

Anyway, I don't want to waste my time talking about a human scumbag - just take notice of my personal opinion as it is.
You’re funny.

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