Trump is cleaning up in the polls

...Sooner or later, he'll get around to offending everyone. The more of a side-show you are, the more cameras you get.
It would be more accurate to say that Trump was currently occupying the Center Ring, rather than a Sideshow.

I, too, agree, that sooner or later, Mister Big Mouth will get around to offending everyone, and lose his Center Ring billing.

But, in the meantime, he does good service, in making some of the Professional Panderers and Vote-Whores highly uncomfortable, on both sides of the aisle.

'Most everyone already knows what the primary issues are, and has ideas on what needs to be done, to fix what's wrong, and to move forward in the best possible fashion.

What a Center-Stager like Trump does, is to shake-up the Panderers (especially those trying to bury the Illegal Aliens issue) and to get America talking about it again...

So that the Panderers have little choice but to emphasize such things a bit more, and to take note of Middle America's attitudes on the subject, to a greater extent than they probably would have done, had Mister Big Mouth not backed them into a metaphorical corner on the subject...

Dragging the topic out into the light of day again, and making it, once again, OK, to throw caution and Political Correctness to the wind, and to publicly demonstrate a harsher attitude towards the presence of those 12,000,000 invaders, is going to prove beneficial to the American political process this next time around.

Donald will shoot himself in the foot soon enough; meanwhile, many of us are enjoying the new emphasis on a few key issues such as so-called Immigration Reform (Shamnesty).
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And you Hillary supporters didn't learn yours in 2008.

Hillary is untrustworthy and unlikeable.
Yet voters prefer Hillary over Trump 66% to 33% and she hasn't really begun to campaign.

2016 is an eternity away in politics.......

But being "untrustworthy" is permanent.

She's too sleazy and opportunistic.

If she is the nominee, she'll lose to whomever the GOP nominates.

Bookmark it!

And you Hillary supporters didn't learn yours in 2008.

Hillary is untrustworthy and unlikeable.
Yet voters prefer Hillary over Trump 66% to 33% and she hasn't really begun to campaign.

2016 is an eternity away in politics.......

But being "untrustworthy" is permanent.

She's too sleazy and opportunistic.

If she is the nominee, she'll lose to whomever the GOP nominates.

Bookmark it!

Bookmark it? Oh believe me, I will.

Just like this:
Hilary is a dried up old fart who's better days are well behind her. She really needs to be put out to pasture. Thanks Hilary- you showed up and muddled through the job with as much fake joy and optimism as you could muster out of your dark miserable soul. Thanks a bunch, now go away.... and take your Husband with you. Yeah, we appreciate it. We really do. Now. Go. A. WAY! :lol:

As for the fool that currently occupies the White House - BO is facing an uphill battle regardless of the Republican nominee. Obamacare was passed in such a sleazy, disgusting way that it may end up hanging him.

He's a terrible leader to boot....Things get tough- he goes on vacation. Japan is melting down- he's making NCAA picks. Qadaffi is murdering thousands of his own citizens - BO's out playing golf.

He's shown himself to be a dilettante that is WAY over his head. Voters can be dumb, but they aren't stupid. He's got a lot of 'splainin' to do and he will be facing a major battle to get re-elected.

He's shown himself to be a dilettante that is WAY over his head. Voters can be dumb, but they aren't stupid. He's got a lot of 'splainin' to do and he will be facing a major battle to get re-elected.

He kicked Romney's ass in every way possible in nearly every demographic, in every growing demographic that is of any importance, in the West, the Mid West, the East and the South.

The only dilettante is you and your idiotic prognostications of what will happen.

You're so desperate.... :lol:

The polls are the polls- and they show she is untrustworthy. Sorry.

Good luck with hiLIARy!! I'm sure the criminal investigation into her abuse of e-mail won't hurt her a bit! She's INEVITABLE!! Just like in 2008!


Funny, "we" were supposedly desperate in 2008 and 2012 as well. How'd that work out for you?

How'd it work out for Hillary in 2008? Perfectly. She was crushed by a no-name dullard who spoke in metaphors. She didn't run in 2012, but if she did she would have lost again.
not one of your Rs can win the general
Maybe... maybe... but it's only Summer 2015... perhaps one of them will emerge as an inspirational leader... although I'm not holding my breath.

Then again... the Dems have a One-Trick Pony on their hands... Bernie et al are just there for window dressing, and Hillary's "trustworthiness" is becoming an issue.

Who knows... we may see another Anybody-But-The Democrat phenomena emerging from this rather opaque mess.

Wouldn't be the first time, and, Middle America has had a bellyful of Democrats and Social Re-engineering and Pseudo-Socialism to last it for a while.

Democrats tend to do well when things are bad and more Gubmint programming is needed.

Once the broken stuff has been fixed the Dems are oftentimes sent back to the sidelines for a while until they're needed again in that context.

Usually because they were dumb enough to go overboard, beyond the usual 'fixing', and deluding themselves that they had a mandate for pseudo-Socialism.

"It is the fate of Men that they forget, and do not learn the lessons of the past." - Kondor3 (with credit for an assist by George Santayana, et al)

That goes for Dems, just as well as the rest of the world.
He's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of any of the other GOP clowns. This is so damn awesome.

:) :) :) :)
yep. :p

Graham is stamping his feet & Cruz is in last place w/ the likes of Perry lol
Cruz isn't in last place and you moron get light in the pants when the debates haven't happened. There is also long way to go for Paul and Cruz to make a run!
He's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of any of the other GOP clowns. This is so damn awesome.

:) :) :) :)

That actually concerns me, and it should concern you too. What oh what will you do if he wins the whole damned thing?:eusa_think: If it comes down to him vs anyone but Hillary he'll crush them. If she is the nominee, and it sure looks like my party has no interest in presenting an actual good candidate, she will be no better than a 50/50 shot against him.

He has shown that he won't play nice so you can bet your ass that every bad thing she has ever done will be trotted out front and center for the world, and the voter to see.....

I truly doubt she could survive that level of scrutiny. She has a lot of bones in her closet and Trum isn't afraid to expose them.

You should be very concerned if he wins the nomination.
You will never see anything even close to that. Immigration is an issue that doesn't follow party lines. There is plenty of room for negotiations. Obama will be a lot easier to negotiate with than Hilary. Republicans are missing an opportunity here.

We will never see any of that as long as we let Democrats and spineless Republicans control the dialog.
If your answer to illegal immigration and border security is make what is illegal, legal and leave the border unsecured ... Well stuff that plan up your ass and quit pretended it is worth considering.

See how that works ... Your feel good bullshit is old, tired and represents a failure some of us are no longer interested in.
Jump up and down demanding we investigate comprehensive immigration reform that isn't comprehensive at all ... Just a stupid idea that suits the Democrat's desires.

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You will never see anything even close to that. Immigration is an issue that doesn't follow party lines. There is plenty of room for negotiations. Obama will be a lot easier to negotiate with than Hilary. Republicans are missing an opportunity here.

We will never see any of that as long as we let Democrats and spineless Republicans control the dialog.
If your answer to illegal immigration and border security is make what is illegal, legal and leave the border unsecured ... Well stuff that plan up your ass and quit pretended it is worth considering.

See how that works ... Your feel good bullshit is old, tired and represents a failure some of us are no longer interested in.
Jump up and down demanding we investigate comprehensive immigration reform that isn't comprehensive at all ... Just a stupid idea that suits the Democrat's desires.

I've never supported unsecured borders and I have seen no serious proposal from Democrats or Republicans that do. Every bill I have seen in congress increases boarder security.

As far as making legal what is illegal, I support plans that include a path to citizenship for those that were brought into this country illegally as children. They should not be punished for the actions of others.

I support a plan to document illegal immigrants with work permits for those who have can prove they have lived in the US for over 5 years and have a clean record. I would like to see realistic immigration quotas. No one should have to wait 10 years or more to immigrate to the US.

I support additional boarder security, increased enforcement of expired visas, enhancing E-Verify with stiffer penalties for hiring illegals.
I've never supported unsecured borders and I have seen no serious proposal from Democrats or Republicans that do. Every bill I have seen in congress increases boarder security.

As far as making legal what is illegal, I support plans that include a path to citizenship for those that were brought into this country illegally as children. They should not be punished for the actions of others.

I support a plan to document illegal immigrants with work permits for those who have can prove they have lived in the US for over 5 years and have a clean record. I would like to see realistic immigration quotas. No one should have to wait 10 years or more to immigrate to the US.

I support additional boarder security, increased enforcement of expired visas, enhancing E-Verify with stiffer penalties for hiring illegals.

... Those who can prove they have lived here [illegally] for 5 years ... That is what I am talking about.

Plus ...

You can support and prioritize your initiatives any way you want ... But only as long as you have control of the dialog.
If someone comes along and says "secure the border" and this is how we are going to do it ... Then I don't care what else you want to tack on to it.

As a nation ... We don't have to make all the other concessions you may desire ... To do one thing correctly.
And ... Only through controlling the dialog can you give everything the same priority.

I've never supported unsecured borders and I have seen no serious proposal from Democrats or Republicans that do. Every bill I have seen in congress increases boarder security.

As far as making legal what is illegal, I support plans that include a path to citizenship for those that were brought into this country illegally as children. They should not be punished for the actions of others.

I support a plan to document illegal immigrants with work permits for those who have can prove they have lived in the US for over 5 years and have a clean record. I would like to see realistic immigration quotas. No one should have to wait 10 years or more to immigrate to the US.

I support additional boarder security, increased enforcement of expired visas, enhancing E-Verify with stiffer penalties for hiring illegals.

... Those who can prove they have lived here [illegally] for 5 years ... That is what I am talking about.

Plus ...

You can support and prioritize your initiatives any way you want ... But only as long as you have control of the dialog.
If someone comes along and says "secure the border" and this is how we are going to do it ... Then I don't care what else you want to tack on to it.

As a nation ... We don't have to make all the other concessions you may desire ... To do one thing correctly.
And ... Only through controlling the dialog can you give everything the same priority.

I agree securing the boarders are important but that is not the biggest problem. Almost half of the illegal immigrants in this country came here legally. They did not walk across the desert, swim the Rio Grande, or hide in the back of a truck. They came here legally and when their visa expired they stayed. We need real penalties in the law for overstaying visas, real investigations to track them down in a timely manner. I'm not saying we need mass deportations of people that have been living here for many years but we need stop this.
of COURSE the Left is afraid of Trump; so are many mainstream Republicans. all of the clowns are afraid of anybody speaking the blunt truth.
although nobody can PANDER like the Jackass Party; Republicans bashing Trump sure are trying to

There is nothing to fear in truth. However, there is a great deal to fear in hopelessly misguided stupidity parroting its own "truth" with the conviction of religion.
I've never supported unsecured borders and I have seen no serious proposal from Democrats or Republicans that do. Every bill I have seen in congress increases boarder security.

As far as making legal what is illegal, I support plans that include a path to citizenship for those that were brought into this country illegally as children. They should not be punished for the actions of others.

I support a plan to document illegal immigrants with work permits for those who have can prove they have lived in the US for over 5 years and have a clean record. I would like to see realistic immigration quotas. No one should have to wait 10 years or more to immigrate to the US.

I support additional boarder security, increased enforcement of expired visas, enhancing E-Verify with stiffer penalties for hiring illegals.

... Those who can prove they have lived here [illegally] for 5 years ... That is what I am talking about.

Plus ...

You can support and prioritize your initiatives any way you want ... But only as long as you have control of the dialog.
If someone comes along and says "secure the border" and this is how we are going to do it ... Then I don't care what else you want to tack on to it.

As a nation ... We don't have to make all the other concessions you may desire ... To do one thing correctly.
And ... Only through controlling the dialog can you give everything the same priority.

I agree securing the boarders are important but that is not the biggest problem. Almost half of the illegal immigrants in this country came here legally. They did not walk across the desert, swim the Rio Grande, or hide in the back of a truck. They came here legally and when their visa expired they stayed. We need real penalties in the law for overstaying visas, real investigations to track them down in a timely manner. I'm not saying we need mass deportations of people that have been living here for many years but we need stop this.

And to be tougher on those employers who hire them. I thought that the national ID card was a good idea.

The case for a national ID card - The Washington Post
...Sooner or later, he'll get around to offending everyone. The more of a side-show you are, the more cameras you get.
It would be more accurate to say that Trump was currently occupying the Center Ring, rather than a Sideshow.

I, too, agree, that sooner or later, Mister Big Mouth will get around to offending everyone, and lose his Center Ring billing.

But, in the meantime, he does good service, in making some of the Professional Panderers and Vote-Whores highly uncomfortable, on both sides of the aisle.

'Most everyone already knows what the primary issues are, and has ideas on what needs to be done, to fix what's wrong, and to move forward in the best possible fashion.

What a Center-Stager like Trump does, is to shake-up the Panderers (especially those trying to bury the Illegal Aliens issue) and to get America talking about it again...

So that the Panderers have little choice but to emphasize such things a bit more, and to take note of Middle America's attitudes on the subject, to a greater extent than they probably would have done, had Mister Big Mouth not backed them into a metaphorical corner on the subject...

Dragging the topic out into the light of day again, and making it, once again, OK, to throw caution and Political Correctness to the wind, and to publicly demonstrate a harsher attitude towards the presence of those 12,000,000 invaders, is going to prove beneficial to the American political process this next time around.

Donald will shoot himself in the foot soon enough; meanwhile, many of us are enjoying the new emphasis on a few key issues such as so-called Immigration Reform (Shamnesty).

I doubt any Democrats are made uncomfortable by Trump. Primarily because the Senate passed a bill that the GOP leader of the House refuses to act on.
Yet voters prefer Hillary over Trump 66% to 33% and she hasn't really begun to campaign.

2016 is an eternity away in politics.......

But being "untrustworthy" is permanent.

She's too sleazy and opportunistic.

If she is the nominee, she'll lose to whomever the GOP nominates.

Bookmark it!

Yet voters prefer Hillary over Trump 66% to 33% and she hasn't really begun to campaign.

2016 is an eternity away in politics.......

But being "untrustworthy" is permanent.

She's too sleazy and opportunistic.

If she is the nominee, she'll lose to whomever the GOP nominates.

Bookmark it!

Bookmark it? Oh believe me, I will.

Just like this:
Hilary is a dried up old fart who's better days are well behind her. She really needs to be put out to pasture. Thanks Hilary- you showed up and muddled through the job with as much fake joy and optimism as you could muster out of your dark miserable soul. Thanks a bunch, now go away.... and take your Husband with you. Yeah, we appreciate it. We really do. Now. Go. A. WAY! :lol:

As for the fool that currently occupies the White House - BO is facing an uphill battle regardless of the Republican nominee. Obamacare was passed in such a sleazy, disgusting way that it may end up hanging him.

He's a terrible leader to boot....Things get tough- he goes on vacation. Japan is melting down- he's making NCAA picks. Qadaffi is murdering thousands of his own citizens - BO's out playing golf.

He's shown himself to be a dilettante that is WAY over his head. Voters can be dumb, but they aren't stupid. He's got a lot of 'splainin' to do and he will be facing a major battle to get re-elected.

He's shown himself to be a dilettante that is WAY over his head. Voters can be dumb, but they aren't stupid. He's got a lot of 'splainin' to do and he will be facing a major battle to get re-elected.

He kicked Romney's ass in every way possible in nearly every demographic, in every growing demographic that is of any importance, in the West, the Mid West, the East and the South.

The only dilettante is you and your idiotic prognostications of what will happen.

You're so desperate.... :lol:

The polls are the polls- and they show she is untrustworthy. Sorry.

Good luck with hiLIARy!! I'm sure the criminal investigation into her abuse of e-mail won't hurt her a bit! She's INEVITABLE!! Just like in 2008!


Funny, "we" were supposedly desperate in 2008 and 2012 as well. How'd that work out for you?

How'd it work out for Hillary in 2008? Perfectly. She was crushed by a no-name dullard who spoke in metaphors. She didn't run in 2012, but if she did she would have lost again.

She ran into a buzz saw named Obama at the same time she ran a very bad campaign. Its well documented but that would mean you'd have to open your mind and realize you're wrong. Opening a conservative's mind to anything is sort of like moving Thor's hammer. Not going to happen. Anyway, by the end of the campaign season, she was hitting her stride and winning all the large contests (TX, OH, etc...). We had two gold medal winners and only one gold medal to award. She'll probably get it this time around because There are no buzz saws on the GOP side. Every one of them are committed (so they say) to cutting government to the bone so they can't propose anything new. Every one of them (including the ones who voted for her for SoS) will have to veer to the right so they can get the approval of "dullards" like you then try to come back to the center. Americans are not going to buy it. As you may remember from 2008 and 2012. How'd those work out for you again?

he he he
...I doubt any Democrats are made uncomfortable by Trump. Primarily because the Senate passed a bill that the GOP leader of the House refuses to act on.
That is because The House knows that The People do not want the Bill - as constituted - to pass.

Democrats are becoming increasingly defensive about the swift rise of harsh talk in connection with Illegal Aliens.

Fun Time is over.
...I doubt any Democrats are made uncomfortable by Trump. Primarily because the Senate passed a bill that the GOP leader of the House refuses to act on.
That is because The House knows that The People do not want the Bill - as constituted - to pass.

Democrats are becoming increasingly defensive about the swift rise of harsh talk in connection with Illegal Aliens.

Fun Time is over.

You're wrong on 2 counts.

"The people" represented by the Senate passed it. There was little reprocussions (sp) in the insuing election from those who voted for it. As I recall, a couple of them are now running for President. Strange how they could be for something so unpopular and still think they have a chance. Hmmm.

Secondly, the politics of the bill drowns out whether or not it is a good bill or not. Hence it won't be an issue because the Democrats just have to say, "The GOP helped pass it in the Senate" and talk up the bill's popular points.

Lastly, if they do say that the bill is not a good bill (like you are saying), that is the easiest argument to blow all to hell...Just say, If "The House" knows it won't pass, why not just have a vote?"

Bottom line: The GOP can't bring up immigration as an issue when it's styming immigration reform. It isn't a game changer anyway.
...You're wrong on 2 counts...
A chance one takes when public voicing one's opinions.

..."The people" represented by the Senate passed it...
Based upon Trump's surging popularity, it would appear that the Senate, although representing The People de jure, was not representing The People, de facto, in this matter, as the Republican side of the aisle is beginning to understand, thanks to Mister Big Mouth (Trump).

...There was little reprocussions (sp) in the insuing election from those who voted for it. As I recall, a couple of them are now running for President. Strange how they could be for something so unpopular and still think they have a chance. Hmmm.
Until somebody shows up with the balls to throw Political Correctness and Vote-Pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc out the window, and to call a spade a spade.

...Secondly, the politics of the bill drowns out whether or not it is a good bill or not. Hence it won't be an issue because the Democrats just have to say, "The GOP helped pass it in the Senate" and talk up the bill's popular points...
You are basing your projections on old data.

Trump's racheting-up of a harsher dialogue regarding Illegal Aliens, and his warm reception in doing so, is changing the dynamic more and more with each passing day.

...Lastly, if they do say that the bill is not a good bill (like you are saying), that is the easiest argument to blow all to hell...Just say, If "The House" knows it won't pass, why not just have a vote?"...
To be doubly-sure that it doesn't.

This isn't a game of 'chicken' in the street.

This is about setting the stage so that we do NOT reward Illegal Aliens for their trespass upon American Soil, and about setting the stage so as to discourage future waves of Invaders... issues that are far too serious to play 'chicken' with.

There is always the chance that Liberals could twist enough arms (including scaring Congress-Folk with the HIspanic vote) to actually push that nightmare through.

Consequently... regardless of the ODDS... keeping it off the floor GUARANTEES that it won't pass.

Triple-Dog-Care-Ya's from the Left won't cut it, this time.

As I said... Fun Time's over.

...Bottom line: The GOP can't bring up immigration as an issue when it's styming immigration reform...
Sure they can... by saying that they'll do it better, on their own, once they get the White House back.

...It isn't a game changer anyway.
Which is why it can wait until after January 20, 2017.

Meanwhile, the National Conversation on the subject is once again underway, and totally up-for-grabs.

A very healthy thing for the Republic and its People.
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Trump at 25% in a field of 16 is virtually meaningless.

75% of the vote is somewhere else. When the field starts to thin, and those candidates dropping out endorse someone other than Trump, he'll be finished.

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