Trump Is Coming Back!!! :D

The Bidens are owned by China and Russia. But you don't care, do you?

Are you on some Troll Farm in Moscow furiously typing out your troll propaganda?

Speaking of legs, did you ever feel Joe's hairy legs when you were a kid at a swimming pool?

Biden Inc.: Hunter, Joe, and the Mexican Oligarchs​

Nah. He is not owned by China or Russia. Of course Trump was. Why do you think he had all transcipts, even the interpreters transcripts destroyed, so nobody could prove what was said in a private meeting with Putin? Not exactly the standard handling of diplomatic meetings between any president of our country and any foreign heads of state, was it? Interesting about China. I am sure an old tree, like yourself remembers, it was trump at the beginning of the pandemic, who authorized large amounts of PPE and medical supplies we would desperately need within weeks, to be sold or given the China, and of course you have not forgotten how he publicly and effusively praised China for their fight against the virus and their cooperation shortly afterward, right?
Nice try though. Thanks for playing. :auiqs.jpg:
Even though we don't know exactly when, this was an early Christmas present and Christmas miracle to hear him speak these words. :D

TRUMP: We're gonna take back the Senate (which I lost), take back the House (which I also lost), we're gonna take back the White House (which I also lost).

The last time a President lost all three was Herbert Hoover, who was also our last businessman president.
TRUMP: We're gonna take back the Senate (which I lost), take back the House (which I also lost), we're gonna take back the White House (which I also lost).

The last time a President lost all three was Herbert Hoover, who was also our last businessman president.

Trump GAVE the Democrats the Senate
TRUMP: We're gonna take back the Senate (which I lost), take back the House (which I also lost), we're gonna take back the White House (which I also lost).

The last time a President lost all three was Herbert Hoover, who was also our last businessman president.

Rolling in the dough, and siphoning off a bundle for his own interests.
Lucky for us his interest is in keeping America First.

Nothing like fleecing the sheep . The sheep on the right side of the pasture never seem to learn.
Says the boob whose Poopy President is trying to gouge him of 6,000 Billion dollars as we speak to make him and all his buddies permanent rulers of the planet.
Rolling in the dough, and siphoning off a bundle for his own interests. Nothing like fleecing the sheep and having accountants make your Big Mac.toothpaste or monthly electric bill look like a campaign expense. The sheep on the right side of the pasture never seem to learn.
Clinton Foundation ring a bell?

Trump Is Coming Back!!! :D

Coming back to where??
I discuss Trumpism regularly here because it is absolutely fascinating to me as a psychological, sociological and anthropological study, although it is also very troubling as an indication of where my country now is.

^^^^ Mac is concerned about a billionaire who spends his own money to try to keep America the promise it was meant to be for average, hard-working people, but isn't at all concerned by a feckless idiot who shits himself, can't read, talk or walk, loses track of people, direction and important dates, farts loudly in their face, confuses running for the presidency with running for the Senate, used the military to bar America from entering their own capitol, lost a war with a bunch of unarmed people just pulling out while giving terrorists 28 billion in brand new military gear, has made Covid worse, increased fuel cost by 50%, increased food by 20%, cut supply in half, made us energy dependent and now wants to borrow 6,000 Billion dollars he can't even afford to pay the interest on in order to build a future that will bankrupt the country.

Trump Is Coming Back!!! :D

Coming back to where??

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