Trump Is Considering A Federal Quarantine Of NYC -- Totally Owning The Libs

-- when you are talking about enforcing a federal quarantine of the largest city in the US and you haven't even mentioned it to the governor or mayor there??

Coumo is an idiot... his handling of this by telling people to go out and congregate in large numbers was CRIMINAL knowing what he and his administration knew at the time..

Coumo is derelict in his duties to the point of criminal culpability in the number of deaths and spread he allowed. I wouldn't tell that idiot shit either... He is INCOMPETENT!

Once again, Trump continues to own the libs......this is the libs fault for making such a big deal about this made up virus which is nothing more than a seasonal Trump is thinking about placing the whole city of NYC under quarantine in addition to New Jersey and parts of Connecticut ....all liberal shit holes.......take that Dems!!!

"We might not have to do it, but there's a possibility that sometime today we'll do a quarantine, short-term, two weeks on New York. Probably New Jersey, certain parts of Connecticut," he told reporters as he departed the White House -- 'Restrict travel, because they're having problems down in Florida, a lot of New Yorkers going down. We don't want that," he said."

Dems were so triggered that Gov. Cuomo tried to dismiss what Trump said by saying....."I don't even know what that means. I don't know how that could be legally enforceable," --- oh come on Cuomo..legally enforceable?? Trump is the commander of this country, of course it is legal if this is something he needs to do -- he is a war time president and this is the war and your city is enemy territory....Remember how for years Dems have tried to use FEMA detention centers so they could restrict conservative areas and possibly put Christians in concentration camps -- Remember Jade Helm??? But now Trump is actually using their own plans against them, but he is doing it for freedom....#MAGA

Why is Trump thinking of quarantining NYC for the flu? He said it's just the flu right? I guess this is what happens when you down play a PANDEMIC for political games. That orange clown will cost many lives and will be the ruin of America.

The same question could be asked on Cuomo who says he needs 30,000 ventilators because the virus is do deadly, so why isn't he quarantining his whole state?
This is so fucking funny. Trump is now pretending that his quarantine threat "will not be necessary". Actually, smart people let him know that the constitution doesn't grant him the authority shut down states without an act of war.

But since when has that ever stopped him from lying has fat ass off? :cool:

What I want to know is when did America become such a pathetic country?

When you were born. National IQ average crashed and integrity declined across. They asked the doctor "is if a boy or a girl," the doctor said "it appears to be some sort of lying fuck Marxist."

Americans are now too incompetent to manage a pandemic when in the past they were the leaders in worldwide pandemic response.
Americans are now too frail and fearful to suffer a little hardship so that they can contain the virus like China did.
Americans are now so weak that they are willing to sacrifice their parents and grandparents to the virus so they can make money.
What is the point of America if they can't even protect their elderly. May as well disband their Union now from a pointless republic.
America, the richest and most powerful country and yet refuses to protect their people. Why would a third of Americans still support Republicans and Trump. It really boggles the mind

Ah yes, China is perfect. You lied about the virus when it showed up in Wuhan, you lied that it could not be transmitted from person to person, while you sent thousands of Chinese citizens from the Wuhan region across the globe. When Chinese doctors tried to warn the world, you murdered them to keep them silent. You destroyed spore samples to keep the West from working on vaccines and treatments.

Yes, we should praise you Chinese fucks and the filthy democrat party that is in your hip pocket.
Makes one still wonder if this was an attack... Doesn't Wuhan have these biological labs there ?? If China wanted to retaliate against us while hiding it's hand, then this would have been the best way to do it without us being suspicious about it until way after the fact.
-- when you are talking about enforcing a federal quarantine of the largest city in the US and you haven't even mentioned it to the governor or mayor there??

Coumo is an idiot... his handling of this by telling people to go out and congregate in large numbers was CRIMINAL knowing what he and his administration knew at the time..

Coumo is derelict in his duties to the point of criminal culpability in the number of deaths and spread he allowed. I wouldn't tell that idiot shit either... He is INCOMPETENT!
Really, Trump sat on his ass while the coronavirus spread..downplayed it...ridiculed it and here you are with one of the most inane posts I have read. Trump has shown complete incompetence in handling this crisis. His saving grace is having people like Dr. Fauci on his team. Even then you have right-wing Trumpist asshats going after Fauci. You even have right-wing asswipes stating that Dr. Fauci is part of "the Deep State" intent on undermining Trump. You're not of these fools are you? LOL.

Cuomo acts like a leader in a crisis. Trump looks like a stumbling old fool surrounded by nursing staff every time he speaks.
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What I want to know is when did America become such a pathetic country?

When you were born. National IQ average crashed and integrity declined across. They asked the doctor "is if a boy or a girl," the doctor said "it appears to be some sort of lying fuck Marxist."

Americans are now too incompetent to manage a pandemic when in the past they were the leaders in worldwide pandemic response.
Americans are now too frail and fearful to suffer a little hardship so that they can contain the virus like China did.
Americans are now so weak that they are willing to sacrifice their parents and grandparents to the virus so they can make money.
What is the point of America if they can't even protect their elderly. May as well disband their Union now from a pointless republic.
America, the richest and most powerful country and yet refuses to protect their people. Why would a third of Americans still support Republicans and Trump. It really boggles the mind

Ah yes, China is perfect. You lied about the virus when it showed up in Wuhan, you lied that it could not be transmitted from person to person, while you sent thousands of Chinese citizens from the Wuhan region across the globe. When Chinese doctors tried to warn the world, you murdered them to keep them silent. You destroyed spore samples to keep the West from working on vaccines and treatments.

Yes, we should praise you Chinese fucks and the filthy democrat party that is in your hip pocket.
Makes one still wonder if this was an attack... Doesn't Wuhan have these biological labs there ?? If China wanted to retaliate against us while hiding it's hand, then this would have been the best way to do it without us being suspicious about it until way after the fact.

Level 4 biological weapons lab. It was a weapon, but not intended for us. This was designed to infect the protesters in Hong Kong, which if you remember, were a serious threat to Beijing in the November time frame.
-- when you are talking about enforcing a federal quarantine of the largest city in the US and you haven't even mentioned it to the governor or mayor there??

Coumo is an idiot... his handling of this by telling people to go out and congregate in large numbers was CRIMINAL knowing what he and his administration knew at the time..

Coumo is derelict in his duties to the point of criminal culpability in the number of deaths and spread he allowed. I wouldn't tell that idiot shit either... He is INCOMPETENT!
Really, Trump sat on his ass while the coronavirus spread..downplayed it...ridiculed it and here you are with one of the most inane posts I have read. Trump has shown complete incompetence in handling this crisis. His saving grace is having people like Dr. Fauci on his team. Even then you have right-wing Trumpist asshats going after Fauci.

Cuiomo acts like a leader in a crisis. Trump looks like a stumbling old fool surrounded by nursing staff.

Say shitfuck, weren't you filthy fuck traitors impeaching him during the initial outbreak? Think your attempt to overthrow the government might have just a TINY impact on his ability to act? :dunno:
-- when you are talking about enforcing a federal quarantine of the largest city in the US and you haven't even mentioned it to the governor or mayor there??

Coumo is an idiot... his handling of this by telling people to go out and congregate in large numbers was CRIMINAL knowing what he and his administration knew at the time..

Coumo is derelict in his duties to the point of criminal culpability in the number of deaths and spread he allowed. I wouldn't tell that idiot shit either... He is INCOMPETENT!
Really, Trump sat on his ass while the coronavirus spread..downplayed it...ridiculed it and here you are with one of the most inane posts I have read. Trump has shown complete incompetence in handling this crisis. His saving grace is having people like Dr. Fauci on his team. Even then you have right-wing Trumpist asshats going after Fauci.

Cuiomo acts like a leader in a crisis. Trump looks like a stumbling old fool surrounded by nursing staff.

Say shitfuck, weren't you filthy fuck traitors impeaching him during the initial outbreak? Think your attempt to overthrow the government might have just a TINY impact on his ability to act? :dunno:
It is friggin Trumpist morons like yourself that have brought up sacrificing grandma and grandpa for the economy. You Trumpist asswipes are all the same. Trump caused his own problems, but you idiots have to blame everyone but Trump.
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Isn't it telling that the big centers for the epidemic are in Democrat controlled big city shitholes that are sanctuary cities?

Put Democrats in control of the government, What could possibly go wrong?
It is friggin Trumpist morons like yourself that have brought up sacrificing grandma and grandpa for the economy. You asswipes are all the same. Trump caused his own problems, but you idiots have to blame everyone but Trump.

So your treason with the fake impeachment because you refused to accept the results of the 2016 election had what impact, then? Rather than being focused on the threat from your masters in China, he was fighting a coup by you vile, traitorous scum.
It is friggin Trumpist morons like yourself that have brought up sacrificing grandma and grandpa for the economy. You asswipes are all the same. Trump caused his own problems, but you idiots have to blame everyone but Trump.

So your treason with the fake impeachment because you refused to accept the results of the 2016 election had what impact, then? Rather than being focused on the threat from your masters in China, he was fighting a coup by you vile, traitorous scum.
You obviously don't have a clue what the definition of treason is. As far as China, the only person I know that has praised communist China, Mao and the cultural revolution is Trump himself:

[B]Donald J. Trump[/B]‏Verified account @[B]realDonaldTrump[/B]

Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China!

3:54 AM - 1 Oct 2019
-- when you are talking about enforcing a federal quarantine of the largest city in the US and you haven't even mentioned it to the governor or mayor there??

Coumo is an idiot... his handling of this by telling people to go out and congregate in large numbers was CRIMINAL knowing what he and his administration knew at the time..

Coumo is derelict in his duties to the point of criminal culpability in the number of deaths and spread he allowed. I wouldn't tell that idiot shit either... He is INCOMPETENT!
Really, Trump sat on his ass while the coronavirus spread..downplayed it...ridiculed it and here you are with one of the most inane posts I have read. Trump has shown complete incompetence in handling this crisis. His saving grace is having people like Dr. Fauci on his team. Even then you have right-wing Trumpist asshats going after Fauci. You even have right-wing asswipes stating that Dr. Fauci is part of "the Deep State" intent on undermining Trump. You're not of these fools are you? LOL.

Cuomo acts like a leader in a crisis. Trump looks like a stumbling old fool surrounded by nursing staff every time he speaks.
You are one leftist hack from la-la land. Your political hackery drips from every ounce of your leftist body. Give it up already, because this thing caught everybody off gaurd even you, but never let a good crisis go to waste eh ?
Trumpism is ugly.

This is ugly:

Isn't it telling that the big centers for the epidemic are in Democrat controlled big city shitholes that are sanctuary cities?

Put Democrats in control of the government, What could possibly go wrong?

Corona Solution:

What I want to know is when did America become such a pathetic country?

When you were born. National IQ average crashed and integrity declined across. They asked the doctor "is if a boy or a girl," the doctor said "it appears to be some sort of lying fuck Marxist."

Americans are now too incompetent to manage a pandemic when in the past they were the leaders in worldwide pandemic response.
Americans are now too frail and fearful to suffer a little hardship so that they can contain the virus like China did.
Americans are now so weak that they are willing to sacrifice their parents and grandparents to the virus so they can make money.
What is the point of America if they can't even protect their elderly. May as well disband their Union now from a pointless republic.
America, the richest and most powerful country and yet refuses to protect their people. Why would a third of Americans still support Republicans and Trump. It really boggles the mind

Ah yes, China is perfect. You lied about the virus when it showed up in Wuhan, you lied that it could not be transmitted from person to person, while you sent thousands of Chinese citizens from the Wuhan region across the globe. When Chinese doctors tried to warn the world, you murdered them to keep them silent. You destroyed spore samples to keep the West from working on vaccines and treatments.

Yes, we should praise you Chinese fucks and the filthy democrat party that is in your hip pocket.
Makes one still wonder if this was an attack... Doesn't Wuhan have these biological labs there ?? If China wanted to retaliate against us while hiding it's hand, then this would have been the best way to do it without us being suspicious about it until way after the fact.

Level 4 biological weapons lab. It was a weapon, but not intended for us. This was designed to infect the protesters in Hong Kong, which if you remember, were a serious threat to Beijing in the November time frame.
Wow, and if so then that means the lab had it's antidote or cure awaiting the outcome before it got out of hand ?? Did China have the anti-virus shot amidst or during the trials of the contagion or after how long maybe or during it's development and trial stages that it lasted if it was the case ? I hope this isn't some sci-fi movie but playing out in real life with real people involved.
What I want to know is when did America become such a pathetic country?

When you were born. National IQ average crashed and integrity declined across. They asked the doctor "is if a boy or a girl," the doctor said "it appears to be some sort of lying fuck Marxist."

Americans are now too incompetent to manage a pandemic when in the past they were the leaders in worldwide pandemic response.
Americans are now too frail and fearful to suffer a little hardship so that they can contain the virus like China did.
Americans are now so weak that they are willing to sacrifice their parents and grandparents to the virus so they can make money.
What is the point of America if they can't even protect their elderly. May as well disband their Union now from a pointless republic.
America, the richest and most powerful country and yet refuses to protect their people. Why would a third of Americans still support Republicans and Trump. It really boggles the mind

Ah yes, China is perfect. You lied about the virus when it showed up in Wuhan, you lied that it could not be transmitted from person to person, while you sent thousands of Chinese citizens from the Wuhan region across the globe. When Chinese doctors tried to warn the world, you murdered them to keep them silent. You destroyed spore samples to keep the West from working on vaccines and treatments.

Yes, we should praise you Chinese fucks and the filthy democrat party that is in your hip pocket.
Makes one still wonder if this was an attack... Doesn't Wuhan have these biological labs there ?? If China wanted to retaliate against us while hiding it's hand, then this would have been the best way to do it without us being suspicious about it until way after the fact.

Level 4 biological weapons lab. It was a weapon, but not intended for us. This was designed to infect the protesters in Hong Kong, which if you remember, were a serious threat to Beijing in the November time frame.
Wow, and if so then that means the lab had it's antidote or cure awaiting the outcome before it got out of hand ?? Did China have the anti-virus shot amidst or during the trials of the contagion or after how long maybe or during it's development and trial stages that it lasted if it was the case ? I hope this isn't some sci-fi movie but playing out in real life with real people involved.
He offered no proof of his delusional claim -- and you believed it 100% --- this is why Trumpers are so utterly pathetic
Wow, and if so then that means the lab had it's antidote or cure awaiting the outcome before it got out of hand ?? Did China have the anti-virus shot amidst or during the trials of the contagion or after how long maybe or during it's development and trial stages that it lasted if it was the case ? I hope this isn't some sci-fi movie but playing out in real life with real people involved.

Nope, it got away from them in Wuhan, because everyone in the supply chain cheated, lied, and embezzled - as is the nature of Communism.
What I want to know is when did America become such a pathetic country?

When you were born. National IQ average crashed and integrity declined across. They asked the doctor "is if a boy or a girl," the doctor said "it appears to be some sort of lying fuck Marxist."

Americans are now too incompetent to manage a pandemic when in the past they were the leaders in worldwide pandemic response.
Americans are now too frail and fearful to suffer a little hardship so that they can contain the virus like China did.
Americans are now so weak that they are willing to sacrifice their parents and grandparents to the virus so they can make money.
What is the point of America if they can't even protect their elderly. May as well disband their Union now from a pointless republic.
America, the richest and most powerful country and yet refuses to protect their people. Why would a third of Americans still support Republicans and Trump. It really boggles the mind

Ah yes, China is perfect. You lied about the virus when it showed up in Wuhan, you lied that it could not be transmitted from person to person, while you sent thousands of Chinese citizens from the Wuhan region across the globe. When Chinese doctors tried to warn the world, you murdered them to keep them silent. You destroyed spore samples to keep the West from working on vaccines and treatments.

Yes, we should praise you Chinese fucks and the filthy democrat party that is in your hip pocket.
Makes one still wonder if this was an attack... Doesn't Wuhan have these biological labs there ?? If China wanted to retaliate against us while hiding it's hand, then this would have been the best way to do it without us being suspicious about it until way after the fact.

Level 4 biological weapons lab. It was a weapon, but not intended for us. This was designed to infect the protesters in Hong Kong, which if you remember, were a serious threat to Beijing in the November time frame.
Wow, and if so then that means the lab had it's antidote or cure awaiting the outcome before it got out of hand ?? Did China have the anti-virus shot amidst or during the trials of the contagion or after how long maybe or during it's development and trial stages that it lasted if it was the case ? I hope this isn't some sci-fi movie but playing out in real life with real people involved.
He offered no proof of his delusional claim -- and you believed it 100% --- this is why Trumpers are so utterly pathetic

What, that Wuhan has a level 4 biological lab?

You fucking retard.

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