"Trump Is crapping all over us." Alex Jones of Info Wars

I was watching his entire broadcast from that night for shits and giggles. At one point they suggested Trump was either drugged or brainwashed. While watching Trump's speech Alex said, "His right eye looks really funny." I was laughing my ass off.
ty 4 the working link

it's obvious that Jones is on the Russian payroll....

I bet RT (Russia Today) is his number one sponsor...


Animals of such short stature only survive because of low-hanging fruit. If we're not "racists", then we're "bigots". If we're not "bigots", then we're "misogynists". If we're not "misogynists", then we're "homophobes".

If none of those time-worn disparagements work any more, then just imply that they're "Russian collaborators." and call it a day.
That's adorable, but it doesn't really have any bearing on the fact that you, in particular, ARE all of those things.

Only in the feverish dreams and demented minds of the American leftist.
Now, see, I admit...I don't get this. You are a proud jerkoff who is proud of his own racism and homophobia. You wear them like a badge of honor (on the safety of anonymous internet forums, of course). Then, when someone points them out, instead of proudly taking credit...you whine like a little bitch.

My hypothesis is that all of you little pukes are as cowardly as the day is long, and blessedly so. Otherwise, we would have to be in the streets, cracking your skulls.
the time cover is obviously a fake

no article to get in to either

Here is one, Fake Time cover created by Trump to hang in his country clubs! Time has demanded he take them down!

Time asks Trump golf clubs to take down fake magazine cover
ty 4 the working link

it's obvious that Jones is on the Russian payroll....

I bet RT (Russia Today) is his number one sponsor...


Animals of such short stature only survive because of low-hanging fruit. If we're not "racists", then we're "bigots". If we're not "bigots", then we're "misogynists". If we're not "misogynists", then we're "homophobes".

If none of those time-worn disparagements work any more, then just imply that they're "Russian collaborators." and call it a day.
That's adorable, but it doesn't really have any bearing on the fact that you, in particular, ARE all of those things.

Only in the feverish dreams and demented minds of the American leftist.
Now, see, I admit...I don't get this. You are a proud jerkoff who is proud 9f his own racist and homophobia. Then when someone points them out, instead of proudly taking credit...you whine like a little bitch.

My hypothesis is that all of you little pukes are as cowardly as the day is long, and blessedly so. Otherwise, we would have to be in the streets, cracking your skulls.

With all respect sire, you're the one doing all of the bitchy little whining and autistic screeching. You might want to take a Xanax before you pop a vessel. :biggrin:
ty 4 the working link

it's obvious that Jones is on the Russian payroll....

I bet RT (Russia Today) is his number one sponsor...


Animals of such short stature only survive because of low-hanging fruit. If we're not "racists", then we're "bigots". If we're not "bigots", then we're "misogynists". If we're not "misogynists", then we're "homophobes".

If none of those time-worn disparagements work any more, then just imply that we're "Russian collaborators." and call it a day.

But deep down inside, everyone know who communism's real friends are.
only those who have eyes that do not see,

and ears that do not hear.

But you know damned well the left takes him seriously. :laughing0301:

They are a flat earth society. Anyone who repeats the stupid bullshit they are programmed to believe is their friend.

What is truly amazing is how quickly someone can go from one extreme to another in their opinion.

If Hitler came back from the dead and promised free college they would have a cult of personality behind him.


Now bed wetters love Alex Jones again?

That was quick. When he was running around insisting Bush did 9/11 was the last time I recall their fondness for Captain Bullshit and the Tin Foil Hat Brigade. So nice to see old love affairs rekindled.


poor triggered little trumpflake.
ty 4 the working link

it's obvious that Jones is on the Russian payroll....

I bet RT (Russia Today) is his number one sponsor...


Animals of such short stature only survive because of low-hanging fruit. If we're not "racists", then we're "bigots". If we're not "bigots", then we're "misogynists". If we're not "misogynists", then we're "homophobes".

If none of those time-worn disparagements work any more, then just imply that they're "Russian collaborators." and call it a day.
That's adorable, but it doesn't really have any bearing on the fact that you, in particular, ARE all of those things.

Only in the feverish dreams and demented minds of the American leftist.
Now, see, I admit...I don't get this. You are a proud jerkoff who is proud 9f his own racist and homophobia. Then when someone points them out, instead of proudly taking credit...you whine like a little bitch.

My hypothesis is that all of you little pukes are as cowardly as the day is long, and blessedly so. Otherwise, we would have to be in the streets, cracking your skulls.

With all respect sire, you're the one doing all of the bitchy little whining and autistic screeching. You might want to take a Xanax before you pop a vessel. :biggrin:

That's nice. Yet, despite your self soothing, here we are...an educated, rational person(me) , and an ignorant, under educated little bigot (you).

Again, it's probably best for you that you are an ineffectual little coward...you'll live longer. ;)
ty 4 the working link

it's obvious that Jones is on the Russian payroll....

I bet RT (Russia Today) is his number one sponsor...


Animals of such short stature only survive because of low-hanging fruit. If we're not "racists", then we're "bigots". If we're not "bigots", then we're "misogynists". If we're not "misogynists", then we're "homophobes".

If none of those time-worn disparagements work any more, then just imply that we're "Russian collaborators." and call it a day.

But deep down inside, everyone know who communism's real friends are.
only those who have eyes that do not see,

and ears that do not hear.


Those like yourself who don't understand the Democrat Party's and American liberal's affinity with all things communistic, is not only a poor scholar of history, but oblivious to what's going on around them.
Animals of such short stature only survive because of low-hanging fruit. If we're not "racists", then we're "bigots". If we're not "bigots", then we're "misogynists". If we're not "misogynists", then we're "homophobes".

If none of those time-worn disparagements work any more, then just imply that they're "Russian collaborators." and call it a day.
That's adorable, but it doesn't really have any bearing on the fact that you, in particular, ARE all of those things.

Only in the feverish dreams and demented minds of the American leftist.
Now, see, I admit...I don't get this. You are a proud jerkoff who is proud 9f his own racist and homophobia. Then when someone points them out, instead of proudly taking credit...you whine like a little bitch.

My hypothesis is that all of you little pukes are as cowardly as the day is long, and blessedly so. Otherwise, we would have to be in the streets, cracking your skulls.

With all respect sire, you're the one doing all of the bitchy little whining and autistic screeching. You might want to take a Xanax before you pop a vessel. :biggrin:

That's nice. Yet, despite your self soothing, here we are...an educated, rational person(me) , and an ignorant, under educated little bigot (you).

Again, it's probably best for you that you are an ineffectual little coward...you'll live longer. ;)

Don't let your alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass, my little pussy. You don't really come across as educated, rational, or brave. Just another asshole with an internet account, whose pissed off about losing an election.
With all respect sire, you're the one doing all of the bitchy little whining and autistic screeching. You might want to take a Xanax before you pop a vessel. :biggrin:

I'd go so far as to recommend he stop huffing paint. Then again I don't care how bed wetters remove themselves from the gene pool.

That's adorable, but it doesn't really have any bearing on the fact that you, in particular, ARE all of those things.

Only in the feverish dreams and demented minds of the American leftist.
Now, see, I admit...I don't get this. You are a proud jerkoff who is proud 9f his own racist and homophobia. Then when someone points them out, instead of proudly taking credit...you whine like a little bitch.

My hypothesis is that all of you little pukes are as cowardly as the day is long, and blessedly so. Otherwise, we would have to be in the streets, cracking your skulls.

With all respect sire, you're the one doing all of the bitchy little whining and autistic screeching. You might want to take a Xanax before you pop a vessel. :biggrin:

That's nice. Yet, despite your self soothing, here we are...an educated, rational person(me) , and an ignorant, under educated little bigot (you).

Again, it's probably best for you that you are an ineffectual little coward...you'll live longer. ;)

Don't let your alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass, my little pussy. You don't really come across as educated, rational, or brave. Just another asshole with an internet account.
That's adorable.

However, the fact remains that I would not have to hide behind a monitor in order to say what I believe. The fact remains that you are an undereducated,ineffectual little bigot . The fact remains that you are an abject coward who has to keep his true thoughts to himself, while outside his protective little bubble. Your tough guy fantasies are part and parcel of your embarrassing little existence.
Jones and Trump are birds of a fucking feather - they're both self-promoting bullshit artists. Right-wing jerkoffs are reluctant to admit it.
With all respect sire, you're the one doing all of the bitchy little whining and autistic screeching. You might want to take a Xanax before you pop a vessel. :biggrin:

I'd go so far as to recommend he stop huffing paint. Then again I don't care how bed wetters remove themselves from the gene pool.

Actually, you little twat, you would go so far as to PM me, suggesting I commit suicide. Remember?

But what should we expect from little cowardly pukes like the two of you..
With all respect sire, you're the one doing all of the bitchy little whining and autistic screeching. You might want to take a Xanax before you pop a vessel. :biggrin:

I'd go so far as to recommend he stop huffing paint. Then again I don't care how bed wetters remove themselves from the gene pool.


I'd much rather they douse themselves with gasoline and torch themselves en masse. Not only would it make a strong political statement, it would make the night a little brighter.
With all respect sire, you're the one doing all of the bitchy little whining and autistic screeching. You might want to take a Xanax before you pop a vessel. :biggrin:

I'd go so far as to recommend he stop huffing paint. Then again I don't care how bed wetters remove themselves from the gene pool.

Actually, you little twat, you would go so far as to PM me, suggesting I commit suicide. Remember?

But what should we expect from little cowardly pukes like the two of you..

No shit? He actually did that?

I'd much rather they douse themselves with gasoline and torch themselves en masse. Not only would it make a strong political statement, it would make the night a little brighter.

Ultimately it would make the earth a much cooler place after the accelerants burned off, because of the massive reduction in libturd hot air. Not only that the human race would loose it's lowest intellectual rungs.

I can only see a benefit if such protests become as trendy as being an obozo zealot was.

With all respect sire, you're the one doing all of the bitchy little whining and autistic screeching. You might want to take a Xanax before you pop a vessel. :biggrin:

I'd go so far as to recommend he stop huffing paint. Then again I don't care how bed wetters remove themselves from the gene pool.

Actually, you little twat, you would go so far as to PM me, suggesting I commit suicide. Remember?

But what should we expect from little cowardly pukes like the two of you..

No shit? He actually did that?


I sincerely meant it too.

I feel bad for the plants that waste so much energy creating the oxygen parasites like him waste.

With all respect sire, you're the one doing all of the bitchy little whining and autistic screeching. You might want to take a Xanax before you pop a vessel. :biggrin:

I'd go so far as to recommend he stop huffing paint. Then again I don't care how bed wetters remove themselves from the gene pool.

Actually, you little twat, you would go so far as to PM me, suggesting I commit suicide. Remember?

But what should we expect from little cowardly pukes like the two of you..

No shit? He actually did that?


I sincerely meant it too.

I feel bad for the plants that waste so much energy creating the oxygen parasites like him waste.

Damn, mang. You got more balls than I do. :happy-1:
Just make sure you stock up on your overpriced Alex Jones supplements and his end of times survivalist supplies... He needs another Rolex.

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