Trump is DOJ target

Why didn't the cops just arrest her? Murder, period.
Have you seen the videos? The crowd was violent. If she would have made it through that window, who was next? How many were following her?

She got too close to our politicians. If they would have never broken that glass and tried entering she would have never got shot. I'm so glad she's in hell right now burning eternally.
If "always", you shouldn't have a problem citing one example..
Just work back through our discussions. That shouldn’t be so hard for you to do. :itsok:
Bear in mind that your insistence on how things should be don't trump what they actually are.

Keep in mind, that your denials are meaningless. Things remain what they are, just the same. :itsok:
I should first note that I can't quite believe that you are laboring the topic of bias with me.

I majored in Studies, rather than History, in my belief that contemporaneous fiction revealed more than "perspective".

But let me drown this crap in the tub. The panel was comprised of 170+ respondents.

When the rankings of those identifying as Republ8can or Conservative were isolated, Grifty finished at #41
This isn't difficult, I don't care if there was a 1000. True historians are not writing about Obama
place in the history books. They haven't even been born yet.
And if they called on can't even give the respect of writing his name.
What kind of historian would you're just too emotionally involved with the venom
you feel towards Trump.
I'm done with this silly conversation, you're 65 and should understand this.
This isn't difficult, I don't care if there was a 1000. True historians are not writing about Obama
place in the history books. They haven't even been born yet.
And if they called on can't even give the respect of writing his name.
What kind of historian would you're just too emotionally involved with the venom
you feel towards Trump.
I'm done with this silly conversation, you're 65 and should understand this.
True historians

I hope you can appreciate why it was pretty much over, right here..

you're just too emotionally involved with the venom
you feel towards Trump

Why do you think everyone who has actually dealt with him thinks he is a moron?

The reason for Jarvanka is because Grifty literally has no adult friends of merit.

Adam Schiff Lied and made false claims when he said he had irrefutable and direct evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia. And he never came forward with that evidence. All to take out a sitting U.S. president.

If you want to go down that road of arresting politicians for making false or wrong statements, then you are going to need to build a separate prison for them all because there will be a lot.

Trump told the crowd to march peacefully and have their voices heard. There is no way he could have known some of them would Break into the capitol, nor did he tell people to enter the capitol building. If anything he had wanted National Guard troops there that day for added security. Democrats did not allow that extra security to happen.. so you know what?

We all know the bullshit is about the upcoming election. Good luck with all that.
I hope you can appreciate why it was pretty much over, right here..

Why do you think everyone who has actually dealt with him thinks he is a moron?

The reason for Jarvanka is because Grifty literally has no adult friends of merit.
Well, thanks for proving my point. This is exactly why the historians are not writing about this political era. :eusa_whistle:
I see a lot of Liberals here wetting themselves in excitement. Your wet dreams are really about Trump. You obsess about him and have done so for 6 years now. Stop fantasizing about him. Time for you to go outside and play now.
Trump wee wee's up his worshipers, but his principle legal nemeses about whom he raves hysterically - Comey, Mueller, Garland, Smith, Wray, etc. - have never been "liberals," and none has ever been a Democrat.

Consider all the Republicans who served in his regime and were repulsed by his behavior, including dozens who provided damning testimony under oath before the January 6 Commission, and his cult's whining that "liberals" and "Democrats" are being very mean to him is particularly irrational.

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So that's it? You're just going to run from your rediculous claim that Dems are Maexists? You're going to continue to harp on Hunter and ignore the extensive and now verified criminal history of Trump and his minions? Damn! you're just a lightweight troll , You might want to have a look at this:

When you cut and paste nonsense from leftist rags such as H.P, you're pressing a Dem / Marxist agenda. Impress us all by wearing your Che Guevara tee shirt

I suppose it escapes you that a predictable pattern of behavior for Marxist retrogrades is the persecution of political enemies. That pattern precisely describes the Dem / Marxist politburo managed by the Biden Crime Syndicate.

You people ran a 4 year long fraud of lies and deceit as you pressed the ridiculous Russia collusion hoax and the Biden Politburo is now training its lap dogs on Trump, solely for political purposes. The Biden Crime Syndicate had their lackeys in social media suppress the voices of those not speaking the Dem / Marxist propaganda.

It's really evident that the Dems / Marxists have adopted the tactics of third world dictators. Their vision of changing America as stated by Chuck Schumer is in progress. The Dem / Marxist endorsememt of censoring free speech, rioting for Dem / Marxist causes, weaponizaton of the legal system, youth indoctrination, etc., it's all out of the Marxist / Leninist playbook.
I just heard his Midnight Twitter Shitter rant. Donnie feels the burn. Yet another federal indictment, I'm loving it.
All you little minion's hoping and praying (wait y'all don't pray), but, but, but TRUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMP, we gotta stop TRUMP is you all's favorite bitter pass time anymore. I hope he survives just to aggravate and torments y'all's ace forever............ 😬
Trump wee wee's up his worshipers, but his principle legal nemeses about whom he raves hysterically - Comey, Mueller, Garland, Smith, Wray, etc. - have never been "liberals," and none has ever been a Democrat.

Consider all the Republicans who served in his regime and were repulsed by his behavior, including dozens who provided damning testimony under oath before the January 6 Commission, and his cult's whining that "liberals" and "Democrats" are being very mean to him is particularly irrational.

All rhino's who love to kiss the ace of Democrat's while undermining their own.
Biden, Hillary and Pence have not been charged at all. Isn't that ironic?

And what crime that Trump was charged with do you think that Hillary, Pence or Biden should be charged with?

Just inexplicable. The more he behaves like a spoiled child, the happier they are with him.

It's a central element in their love and devotion. He is the living, breathing expression of their paranoid, manipulated rage.
For his cult he is a teething christ child in need of megadoses of Guanfacine.​

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