Trump is DOJ target

Laughing.....You've never actually looked at your own link, have you?

Not one of criminal charge listed there were for taxes that had already been paid.

Again, for the cheap seats....the IRS almost never levies criminal charges for taxes that have already been paid. Hunter paid his back taxes in 2021.

Keep those eyes screwed shut, Hollie. Y'all always have to be the victim.
Tax fraud is independent of taxes paid.

Do try to understand context.

Your conspiracy theories won't help you here.
Tax fraud is independent of taxes paid.

And again -and this is where your silly conspiracy just breaks to pieces- the IRS almost never criminally charges folks for taxes that have already been paid.

Not one case you've cited involved taxes that already been paid.

And you're still fleeing from Roger Stone, with 10 times the back taxes than Hunter Biden.

Keep running.
That would be Hillary. 6 as first lady and 4 more as Secretary of State.

They found jack shit.

Trump is in year 6....and has already been impeached twice and indicted for over 30 felonies.
In a two tiered justice system as we have what you pointed out does not surprise me in the least.

Remember how Hillary destroyed 30,000 subpoenaed emails as wiped computer drives with BleachBIt?


“A Clinton Standard.”

Clinton objects that she’s held to a different standard. That’s true — but not for the reason she cites. She’s long been subject to her own standard in brushing off alleged criminal conduct.

Clinton has repeatedly avoided criminal charges even as close associates were charged. Many believe she used insider information from a friend at Tyson Foods to reap a huge windfall on cattle futures in the 1970s. No charge. Then there was Whitewater. Bill Clinton later pardoned Susan McDougal, who went to jail in connection to the fraudulent land scheme that involved both Clintons. For Hillary, no charge.

Then there were the key long-sought Whitewater documents. After the case was effectively over, they suddenly appeared. The New York Times called the documents “elusive,” as if they moved by free will. Investigators specifically sought those records, and Clinton’s team denied possession only for them to be found later outside her office. Sound familiar? No charge.

The Clinton Standard is most evident in the email scandal. Clinton’s staff unilaterally destroyed thousands of emails with BleachBit despite being aware in 2014 that Congress and the State Department were seeking the evidence. I know few clients who would have the temerity to order such a unilateral destruction. Her lawyers turned over about 30,000 work-related emails to the State Department and deleted 33,000 others, unilaterally deeming them “personal.”

For a surprisingly long period, Clinton and her staff did not fully cooperate with investigators in refusing to turn over her emails and other evidence to State and DOJ investigators, including laptops holding suspected classified information. That delayed efforts to estimate any national-security damage, but there was no raid.

The FBI cut deals with her aides to secure their cooperation, and even then more classified material was found on the laptop of former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY), who was married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin — 49,000 emails potentially relevant to the Clinton investigation. Again, no charges.

So Hillary inadvertently hit upon one demonstrably true statement. There is a Hillary Clinton Standard, and that’s not good for anything other than hat sales.
In a two tiered justice system as we have what you pointed out does not surprise me in the least.

Remember how Hillary destroyed 30,000 subpoenaed emails as wiped computer drives with BleachBIt?

And what was Trump charged with do you believe Hillary should have been?
Not for back taxes that have already been paid they don't. The IRS almost always leads with fines and seeks a settlement on the taxes.

Only if the settlement talks fail do they typically move on to criminal charges.

Again, Roger Stone owed 10 times that amount and he negotiated a settlement with the IRS in 2022. Just like Hunter Biden did in 2021.

What 'crimes'? Y'all start with the assumption of criminal activity and then desperately scramble to find any evidence to back that claim up.

Show me, don't tell me.

Just remember......I almost certainly know your conspiracy better than you do.

Hollie needs her conspiracy theories. She also has the need to project her theories on to others.
Langley agents like candyass and leftwinger,surada and the paid shills for the DNC like idiot4all,smellybozo,billo really will be on the suiicide hotline watch when trump walks free and never goes to prison.:auiqs.jpg:
Democracy will be on suicide watch , It allready is. If Trump gets away with this all that this nation suposidly stands for will be lost forever
Says you, citing yourself. And you're nobody.

The grand jury, the DOJ, the indictments, the warrants and the national archive disagreed.

Why would I ignore them and instead believe you citing yourself?
And what was Trump charged with do you believe Hillary should have been?
I don’t see anything that Trump should have been charged with yet.

I do see a lot of bullshit charges the Democratic Party controlled DOJ is hurling at Trump trying to make damn sure he doesn’t win in 2024.

I also see a lot of charges that Joe Biden should face. It seems to me there is a wealth of evidence that he was busy selling his influence to the Chinese for big bucks and using his son as the bagman.

Of course because of our dual standard of justice, Joe will never be charged with anything.
Langley agents like candyass and leftwinger,surada and the paid shills for the DNC like idiot4all,smellybozo,billo really will be on the suiicide hotline watch when trump walks free and never goes to prison.:auiqs.jpg:
now time to add the kid who whines to the mods everyday unkotore to that well.LOL
Slap on the wrist? Roger Stone owed 10 times that amount in back taxes....and there were no criminal charges for him either.

Almost no one is charged on the gun offense unless the gun is used in some other crime.

Hunter got a generic plea.

But Roger is a MAGA MAGGOT GOD!
The indictment is a lie. Democrats do nothing but lie. They tried to tell us the laptop was not Hunter's, they tried to tell us Trump was a Russian spy and, the biggest lie of all, Biden is actually a real POTUS.

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