Trump is DOJ target

You were presented with facts, facts that YOU refuse to accept. Roger Stone, like H.B. paid his taxes. Neither man went to jail. Is that so fucking hard for your single digit IQ to comprehend.
You don’t understand what you’re befuddled over.
You cannot say "no one is above the law" when demonstrably, very many people are above the law and some can never get out from underneath it's persecution.

It's a running joke. Again.
The only joke...except it's that Trump could shoot someone in broad daylight a d not lose a single supporter.
Tax fraud is independent of taxes paid.

Do try to understand context.

Your conspiracy theories won't help you here.

Then explain why not ONE of the case you cited involved criminal charges after taxes had already been paid.

0 of 23 cases. Clearly there's something you're missing.

Laughing......keep running, Hollie.
Oh Dear.

Oh My.

I have NOT been put in my place.

When YOU are confronted with facts you ignore them.

YOUR will ignorance is nothing new.
You are unable to understand the facts you were presented with. If you have reading comprehension issues, that’s understandable.
Then explain why not ONE of the case you cited involved criminal charges after taxes had already been paid.

Not one.

Laughing......keep running, Hollie.
Explain why people go to jail for refusal to pay back taxes. Not one of the cases I cited involved people receiving a get out of jail card for being a member of the Biden Crime Family Syndicate.

People falsified their taxes or failed to pay their taxes and went to jail.

What a shame you can’t understand that.
Explain why people go to jail for refusal to pay back taxes.

Hunter Biden didn't refuse to pay his taxes, and in fact negotiated a settlement years ago. So your little conspiracy breaks again.

0 of 23 cases you cited involved criminal charges AFTER taxes were paid.

Keep running
Then explain why not ONE of the case you cited involved criminal charges after taxes had already been paid.

0 of 23 cases. Clearly there's something you're missing.

Laughing......keep running, Hollie.

Because, as Hollie posted earlier, she believes that another person paid for H.B.'s taxes, which is of course an important part of her conspiracy theory. Like all her conspiracy theories she has no real, verifiable proof to support her outrageous and unproven rants.

She is so far down the MAGA MAGGOT Rabbit Hole, her own Biden Derangement has taken over. She needs her conspiracy theories, without them her world is empty...much like the space between her ears.
You are unable to understand the facts you were presented with. If you have reading comprehension issues, that’s understandable.

You do not now, nor have you ever presented facts.

You presented conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality. Your whole conspiracy theory rests on H.B. NOT paying his taxes, never having paid his taxes.

Your problem is, and you have been told this by myself and other members, H.B. negotiated a settle with the I.R.S. and paid his back taxes. He did not refuse to pay his taxes. He paid his taxes after making settlement with the I.R.S.

You earlier cited Wesley Snipes. A piss poor lame ass example.

Did Snipes refuse to pay his taxes - YES.

Did Snipes present his self as an anti-tax protester and refuse to negotiate with the I.R.S. - YES.

Did Snipes go to jail for tax evasion - YES.

Did H.B. evade paying his taxes - NO HE DID NOT. He paid them late. He paid the taxes owed with whatever penalties were attached. HE PIAD HIS TAXES.

That is what YOU refuse to accept.
You do not now, nor have you ever presented facts.

You presented conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality. Your whole conspiracy theory rests on H.B. NOT paying his taxes, never having paid his taxes.

Your problem is, and you have been told this by myself and other members, H.B. negotiated a settle with the I.R.S. and paid his back taxes. He did not refuse to pay his taxes. He paid his taxes after making settlement with the I.R.S.

You earlier cited Wesley Snipes. A piss poor lame ass example.

Did Snipes refuse to pay his taxes - YES.

Did Snipes present his self as an anti-tax protester and refuse to negotiate with the I.R.S. - YES.

Did Snipes go to jail for tax evasion - YES.

Did H.B. evade paying his taxes - NO HE DID NOT. He paid them late. He paid the taxes owed with whatever penalties were attached. HE PIAD HIS TAXES.

That is what YOU refuse to accept.
I gave you the facts of people going to jail for tax evasion.

Odd you would claim I never gave you facts when you are citing the facts I gave you.

Did you know that not paying your taxes is tax evasion? That should be simple enough for you to understand.
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This is the highest-ranking former elected official to turn on his party's repeatedly indicted leader.

GRAND: Former GOP Governor flips on Trump in Special Counsel probe

The former GOP Governor of Arizona is now a key witness in DOJ Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Former Trump ally Doug Ducey has fully flipped on his former frenemy and is fully cooperating with the Department of Justice, which just this week notified Trump of impending new indictments.

Ducey had remained famously tight-lipped when it came to talking about Trump and the 2020 election until now.

GRAND: Former GOP Governor flips on Trump in Special Counsel probe
BREAKING: Trump’s attorney makes a HUGE blunder in front of a large conservative audience, accidentally exposes Trump’s role in the “fake electors” scheme that is currently being investigated by Special Counsel Jack Smith as charges against Trump loom in the near future.

Trump’s attorney, Christina Bobb, set off alarms among Trump’s inner circle when she declared today that Special Counsel Jack Smith is “threatening” the 16 “fake Michigan electors” who were just charged with multiple felonies “into testifying as witnesses against President Trump” as a part of Smith’s investigation — or else they “will be thrown in jail.”

Legal experts quickly pointed out that she made a massive mistake, because Special Counsel Jack Smith has remained tight-lipped about his investigation — and Trump has claimed that he had nothing to do with the “fake electors.” Now, his very own lawyer just let the cat out of the bag by admitting that Trump orchestrated the entire thing because the “witnesses” are being “forced” to “testify against President Trump.”

But it gets even worse for Trump…

Then, in another hilarious blunder, she then compared Trump’s “fake electors” scheme to forcing people to “forge” their signature “on a check,” which is a FELONY in the state of Michigan punishable by two years in prison.

That’s right.. Trump’s very own attorney just tried to minimize Trump’s crimes by comparing them to a serious felony that carries a prison sentence that CANNOT be pardoned by any president because it is a state crime and not a federal one.
It looks like Trump should try to find another attorney — because this one seems to be trying her hardest to ensure that he gets charged and convicted.

May be an image of 1 person and text
BREAKING: Trump’s attorney makes a HUGE blunder in front of a large conservative audience, accidentally exposes Trump’s role in the “fake electors” scheme that is currently being investigated by Special Counsel Jack Smith as charges against Trump loom in the near future.

Trump’s attorney, Christina Bobb, set off alarms among Trump’s inner circle when she declared today that Special Counsel Jack Smith is “threatening” the 16 “fake Michigan electors” who were just charged with multiple felonies “into testifying as witnesses against President Trump” as a part of Smith’s investigation — or else they “will be thrown in jail.”

Legal experts quickly pointed out that she made a massive mistake, because Special Counsel Jack Smith has remained tight-lipped about his investigation — and Trump has claimed that he had nothing to do with the “fake electors.” Now, his very own lawyer just let the cat out of the bag by admitting that Trump orchestrated the entire thing because the “witnesses” are being “forced” to “testify against President Trump.”

But it gets even worse for Trump…

Then, in another hilarious blunder, she then compared Trump’s “fake electors” scheme to forcing people to “forge” their signature “on a check,” which is a FELONY in the state of Michigan punishable by two years in prison.

That’s right.. Trump’s very own attorney just tried to minimize Trump’s crimes by comparing them to a serious felony that carries a prison sentence that CANNOT be pardoned by any president because it is a state crime and not a federal one.
It looks like Trump should try to find another attorney — because this one seems to be trying her hardest to ensure that he gets charged and convicted.

May be an image of 1 person and text

Oh, dear.

Someone has a man-crush on Trump.
“They” have been coming for him even before he took over the Oval Office the first time. The Swamp hates people they don’t own as President.

You may think you live in a constitutional republic but it is actually a modern day Yankee banana republic.

I’m watching the hearings with the two whistleblowers on TV right now. It is obvious that Hunter’s investigation was handled differently than other IRS investigations and he basically got off with a light penalty because his last name was Biden. That’s the collusion I am drawing.

The Democrats are talking about everything but how the Hunter Biden ingestion was conducted. I have heard a lot about how terrible Donald Trump is and even the details of a racial incident that happened 72 years ago.
If hunter Biden were not Joe Biden's son, he would not have been charged for the tax crimes is what all the defense lawyers talking it up on the nightly shows are saying....especially since he paid his back taxes. As exampke, recently Roger stone and his wife just got nailed for the same thing... for not paying their taxes, and they were not charged with a crime like Hunter...?

Seriously, people are not charged with tax evasion, unless they refuse to pay.... Doj would never have wasted their time with a two year long investigation in to a tom, dick, and harry for tax crimes.... His last name caused greater scrutiny, not less.
If hunter Biden were not Joe Biden's son, he would not have been charged for the tax crimes is what all the defense lawyers talking it up on the nightly shows are saying....especially since he paid his back taxes. As exampke, recently Roger stone and his wife just got nailed for the same thing... for not paying their taxes, and they were not charged with a crime like Hunter...?

Exactly. The IRS rarely if ever charges folks on back taxes they've already paid. Roger Stone owed 10 times what Hunter paid. And he wasn't subject to any criminal charges. The DOJ merely sued him for the money.

Trials are expensive. Settlement are cheap. And the IRS is about collecting taxes. They lead with fines and settlement offers. Not with criminal charges.
Again, the IRS routinely presses criminal charges against tax cheats.

Not ones that have already paid their taxes.

You gave us 23 examples. And not ONE of them had already paid the taxes in question.

The IRS is very reluctant to criminally charge those who have already paid their back taxes.

I understand you're hoping to protect the Biden Crime Family Syndicate but there's a reason why he walks away from felonies such as lies on a federal handgun purchase and filming himself smoking crack with prostitutes.

Roger Stone is part of the 'Biden Crime Family Syndicate'? Because he owed 10 times what Hunter did.

And wasn't criminally charged either.

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