Trump is DOJ target

Explain why people go to jail for refusal to pay back taxes. Not one of the cases I cited involved people receiving a get out of jail card for being a member of the Biden Crime Family Syndicate.

People falsified their taxes or failed to pay their taxes and went to jail.

What a shame you can’t understand that.
You don't seem to understand the difference between refusing to pay your taxes and paying them late.
Sometimes the penalty can be jail time.
Usually that's when they're confronted and refuse to pay. It's a method of last resort. My sister got in trouble, they forgave most of the debt and she made payments on the rest of it. At first she ignored them, that doesn't work. They are relentless.
Don't believe there is anything in COTUS about that.
You don't give the founding fathers much credit. They would not have allowed such a breech in ethics to occur. They were Enlightened Men, more learned than most people on earth, even now.
You don't give the founding fathers much credit. They would not have allowed such a breech in ethics to occur. They were Enlightened Men, more learned than most people on earth, even now.
Yeah, well nothing in COTUS as far as I know.
If hunter Biden were not Joe Biden's son, he would not have been charged for the tax crimes is what all the defense lawyers talking it up on the nightly shows are saying....especially since he paid his back taxes. As exampke, recently Roger stone and his wife just got nailed for the same thing... for not paying their taxes, and they were not charged with a crime like Hunter...?

Seriously, people are not charged with tax evasion, unless they refuse to pay.... Doj would never have wasted their time with a two year long investigation in to a tom, dick, and harry for tax crimes.... His last name caused greater scrutiny, not less.
We are talking millions of dollars here not little piddling shit.

The grand jury disagreed.

And if you can't cite a single charge that Trump was indicted for that Hillary should have much for your double standard.
A grand jury? It has been said that a good prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.


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He said he was going to "drain the swamp". Did he do it?

I live in a constitutional republic. It sounds like you live in a make-believe world. Nothing you have stated is based in reality.
You are obviously a democrat and a damn good sheeple.


Then why can't you guys find any ham sandwiches? Trump must be hoarding them all in his huge ass.
It is obvious Trump does enjoy good food.,
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Yeah, not a good omen for the orange pile of shit. Trump the moron and his dollar general lawyers are kid's play, for a guy like Smith.

Well I can't disagree that Trump does like to keep dollar general type lawyers.

But..I'm of the view that Trump is part of the establishment agenda. A willing participant. I'm of the view that he's playing a role.

The fact of the matter is that the establishment needs Trump to be a constant ''bad guy.''

For without this convenience, the establishment, both in politics and from so-called ''journalists'' in mainstream media, who run interference for the establishment narrative, cannot continue to falsely create the illusion that America is under siege by the electorate itself.

And without the convenience of having Trump constantly under so-called Legal scrutiny and in the spotlight, the establishment cannot use the image they've consistently tried to create, and continue to create, of America being under siege in order to grow their agenda into a full throttle assault on things like the 1st, 2nd amendments, and just a whole bunch of tyrannies. Even going so far as to use the illusion they;re creating in order to try to remove elected representatives in Congress who don't agree with them.
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