Trump is everywhere. Anxious Dems wonder why Harris isn’t.

You think 60 Minutes and Colbert have the same audience? Haha. Let's just say it's broader audience than the nutbags and losers who get their bigot on by fawning over Dear Leader at his rallies.
There is that too by the way. Nobody is watching 2 hours of the blob’s rally on TV (are they even broadcast?). Those in attendance are blob supporters already.
Who is he really reaching?
Not only does she have a pretty intense day job, unlike the blob, she has surrogates who are well known and willing to stump for her. She doesn’t have to cover as much ground. Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, President Biden, Bernie Sanders, Hilary, Bill, etc... are on board. Trump? I hear Scott Baio is really tearing it up out there.

Its informative who is actually covering Chachi.
Really where are they hiring the road for her?

Trump is everywhere. Anxious Dems wonder why Harris isn’t.​

Myah Ward, Elena Schneider, Eli Stokols, Jonathan Lemire and Megan Messerly
Sat, October 5, 2024 at 7:00 AM EDT·11 min read


Democratic operatives, including some of Kamala Harris’ own staffers, are growing increasingly concerned about her relatively light campaign schedule, which has her holding fewer events than Donald Trump and avoiding unscripted interactions with voters and the press almost entirely.


Prediction, the imbecile will be far less often if elected. Getting a look at Harris will be equivalent to going on a safari to try and see an unicorn in the wild.

They must hide the imbecile as best they can in order to do as little damage as possible to her in the polls.

Problem for Trump is that people like him LESS the more they see of him.

All Democrats need to do is to keep checking and showcasing Trump's never ending stream of stupid, melicious, transparent lies.

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