China keeps ramming Philippines ships

Um, yeah, it's pretty important that we respect international borders.

Until we have a dispute with someone, then we go running to them.

I kind of don't have to.

Here's the thing, Chamberlain walked away from Munich thinking he got a pretty good deal, while Hitler was disappointed, because he really WANTED a war with Czechoslovakia. Hitler won out in the long run because the Hungarians and Slovaks didn't want to be ruled by Prague, either. But instead of getting all of Czechoslovakia like he wanted, he only ended up with the Sudetenland. Hungary got Subcarpathia, Slovakia got independence, and Bohemia became a German protectorate. Even Poland snagged a chunk of Czechslovakia.

None of this has anything to so with avoiding a war over the Spratleys, Islands where no one actually lives and there's barely enough land to stand on.

Hell, the Phillippines didn't even make a claim to the Spratleys until 1956.

Except our own of walked into that one dippy.


And then he got the rest through war, are you really this retarded?

It. Has. Oil. You. Fucking. Dunderhead.

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