Trump is getting roasted on Chinese Twitter for his virus response, highlighting a consensus there: USA disastrously faltered while China outperformed

Chinese twitter? Do angry TDS lefties really want to go there? China just cracked down and censured anyone critical of the regime on Chinese internet.

China has had most probably ten to twenty times more casualties than they have admitted to. Additionally reports from Wuhan early on indicated that whole neighborhoods were simply starved to death taking out the healthy people with the infected people. This is what lefty admires.

America is a laughing stock my friends

And you're the idiot troll regurgitating Chinese propaganda.
propaganda has a nationality? that's racist!

Well....if ever Propaganda was to take on a nationality.....China would sure as hell be a good place to begin. You can't seriously be thinking that you did anything clever here right?

China has had most probably ten to twenty times more casualties than they have admitted to. Additionally reports from Wuhan early on indicated that whole neighborhoods were simply starved to death taking out the healthy people with the infected people. This is what lefty admires.

Undoubtedly. They have been lying to the world for years about the tragedies that occur within their borders. Remember the Kunming machete attacks in 2014? The official death toll by the ChiComs were 35 dead. I was in Beijing in 2017 and met a couple of from Australia who had just visited that city. The locals told them the actual death count was closer to 150. The Chinese Communist Party lies to maintain stability and control over the people.
"Trump's about to lead this country down a path of slaughter" - Democrat Sen Chris Murphy
Putting aside the propaganda war Xi and Trump are waging against each other.............the sad, horrible truth is the US response makes us look like a banana republic. Only Trump cultists can't see that.

What should Trump have done and when.

Give us a specific timeline and action plan.

Trump should have desisted from being a grifter, liar, loudmouth, and idiot.

Timeline: when he took the oath of office.

So you have nothing. Thanks for admitting it.
China owns Diane Feinstein - has for decades. Where there is one treasonous Democrat there are always more.
The article is NOT propaganda for or from Communists. It is a sober and revealing look at changes going on within China, its youth, its intellectuals and among China’s political and military elites. I find it very accurate. Chinese popular (and elite) opinion toward the U.S. has dramatically shifted in recent years. The cause for this shift is not Trump, not just China’s relative success in stopping Covid-19. It has deeper roots.

As the article explains, already during the 2008 Financial Crisis, many Chinese were beginning to believe the U.S. might be “more paper than tiger.” China is now an increasingly authoritarian society, whereas before it was introducing more democratic reforms. There is no “Chinese Gorbachev” on the horizon right now. Most Chinese in all classes once admired the U.S., its successes, also many of its values, but today even Chinese students in the U.S. tend to be suspicious of us and skeptical of our system and widely proclaimed “human rights values.” Chinese “wolf warrior” mentality is growing, and Chinese in general are becoming not only more cynical about U.S. motivations and values, but more willing to adopt aggressive and disruptive anti-American propaganda, political, and even military postures — just as Russia has — in different areas of the world.

Those who say: “Who cares?” are just showing they have no sense at all. They do not even appreciate the old proverb, “Know your enemy.“ Which of course is not to say the Chinese themselves are our enemy. Or that we are not often our own greatest enemy. If one wants China to resume its progress toward democratic reforms, reverse errors associated with XiJinping’s strengthening CP censorship, or even overthrow Xi and his group, knowing what is happening and more carefully modulating our response to China is necessary.

China just commemorated its “May 4th Movement,” when in 1919 anti-imperialist students celebrating “Mr. Democracy” and “Mr. Science” set in motion forces that were soon to transform their country. From the White House a special May 4th message (in their own language) was broadcast. I liked it — at first. But good or bad, its appeal was drowned out by Pompeo’s still unsubstantiated ravings about Covid-19. Educated Chinese have ways to hear American propaganda, to read our newspapers and watch our TV. They watch carefully what we say, and even more what we do.

As somebody who knows China and Chinese people well, who lived there for many years and who has seen China develop and change, I am horrified by recent developments and the growing Cold War between our two countries.
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America is a laughing stock my friends

Shhhh... the truth will upset trump's voters

America is a laughing stock my friends

China has hidden their real numbers and they are a lot higher than what they are saying. China is the reason for the lockdowns, they knew early on how bad the virus was and said nothing.
China has hidden their real numbers and they are a lot higher than what they are saying.
China is telling obvious lies and libs in America believe every word
Are we that much better since Trump is telling obvious lies and his cultists in America believe every word?
Trump is not lying about the death toll from the chinese disease

and could not lie even if he wanted to

bit you rely on chinese lies to inform you about the virus

Are Trump's lies inferior to Chinese lies?

Trump's America can't even manufacture quality lies.
You are really eaten up with hate toward trump

china is your real enemy and you are too blind to see it

China is a competitor, it has had an interesting history with the West, but the Chinese are studious, and take the long road; trump isn't capable of seeing consequences, and when they don't meet his expectation by intuition, he denies it or he attacks it.
'Chinese Twitter'?! Hey snowflakes, what are the Russians saying on 'Russian Twitter'?

Forget it - I was kidding. I don't give a shit. Only TDS-suffering Trump-hating snowflakes are monitoring CHINESE Twitter and giving a damn what the Chicom govt is posting about Trump!

America is a laughing stock my friends

You wish America was a laughing stock

and in typically lib fashion you let America’s worst enemy influence your opinion.

China is playing 3D chess while many Americans like you are playing Checkers
We all know the idiot in the White House is the one playing checkers, and he is doing that pathetically, like everything else he does.
The bodies testifying to Dopey Donald Trump's failure are still piling up.
Bodies created by the Chinese disease not trump

Bodies testifying to Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence.
Progs have created more diseases amongst each other for you to spew your garbage. And you cost a lot of money also. You better pray if you have a faith that our economy bounces back. Cause there will be medical cutbacks.
America is a laughing stock my friends

China has hidden their real numbers and they are a lot higher than what they are saying. China is the reason for the lockdowns, they knew early on how bad the virus was and said nothing.
China has hidden their real numbers and they are a lot higher than what they are saying.
China is telling obvious lies and libs in America believe every word
Are we that much better since Trump is telling obvious lies and his cultists in America believe every word?
Trump is not lying about the death toll from the chinese disease

and could not lie even if he wanted to

bit you rely on chinese lies to inform you about the virus

Are Trump's lies inferior to Chinese lies?

Trump's America can't even manufacture quality lies.
You are really eaten up with hate toward trump

china is your real enemy and you are too blind to see it

China is a competitor, it has had an interesting history with the West, but the Chinese are studious, and take the long road; trump isn't capable of seeing consequences, and when they don't meet his expectation by intuition, he denies it or he attacks it.
trump has the attention span of a gnat.
Here is an English translation of the interesting speech delivered yesterday in Chinese by Deputy National Security Advisor Matt Pottinger. Of course in the present atmosphere most Chinese only pay attention to the widely circulated, still unsubstantiated charges the U.S. has made regarding the Corona-SARS2 virus.


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