Trump is getting roasted on Chinese Twitter for his virus response, highlighting a consensus there: USA disastrously faltered while China outperformed

The "verdict" is NOT in on how many cases and deaths in China. I sure the fuck am not going to take anything they or the WHO have to say about China.
we need rightful vengeance against the Chinese who have committed crimes against all of humanity

unfortunately, we're stuck with tiny kitten Trump
America is a laughing stock my friends

China has hidden their real numbers and they are a lot higher than what they are saying. China is the reason for the lockdowns, they knew early on how bad the virus was and said nothing.
China has hidden their real numbers and they are a lot higher than what they are saying.
China is telling obvious lies and libs in America believe every word
Are we that much better since Trump is telling obvious lies and his cultists in America believe every word?
Trump is not lying about the death toll from the chinese disease

and could not lie even if he wanted to

bit you rely on chinese lies to inform you about the virus

Are Trump's lies inferior to Chinese lies?

Trump's America can't even manufacture quality lies.
You are really eaten up with hate toward trump

china is your real enemy and you are too blind to see it

China is a competitor, it has had an interesting history with the West, but the Chinese are studious, and take the long road; trump isn't capable of seeing consequences, and when they don't meet his expectation by intuition, he denies it or he attacks it.

Inferior products, shoddy wallboard, lead in toys, they are a low quality first country and the seem to like to screw consumers over. I’m glad you accept inferior products.
America is a laughing stock my friends

China has hidden their real numbers and they are a lot higher than what they are saying. China is the reason for the lockdowns, they knew early on how bad the virus was and said nothing.
China has hidden their real numbers and they are a lot higher than what they are saying.
China is telling obvious lies and libs in America believe every word
Are we that much better since Trump is telling obvious lies and his cultists in America believe every word?
Trump is not lying about the death toll from the chinese disease

and could not lie even if he wanted to

bit you rely on chinese lies to inform you about the virus

Are Trump's lies inferior to Chinese lies?

Trump's America can't even manufacture quality lies.
You are really eaten up with hate toward trump

china is your real enemy and you are too blind to see it

China is a competitor, it has had an interesting history with the West, but the Chinese are studious, and take the long road; trump isn't capable of seeing consequences, and when they don't meet his expectation by intuition, he denies it or he attacks it.
being a politically divided country like ours is the biggest advantage china has

they are an inhumane dictatorship who can maintain their mercantilist policy for as long a Xi remains dictator

if globalists in America cannot be made to understand the true cost of cheap chinese trinkets we are indeed doomed
Putting aside the propaganda war Xi and Trump are waging against each other.............the sad, horrible truth is the US response makes us look like a banana republic. Only Trump cultists can't see that.

What should Trump have done and when.

Give us a specific timeline and action plan.

Trump should have desisted from being a grifter, liar, loudmouth, and idiot.

Timeline: when he took the oath of office.

So you have nothing. Thanks for admitting it.

You have been Trumped.
America is a laughing stock my friends

China has hidden their real numbers and they are a lot higher than what they are saying. China is the reason for the lockdowns, they knew early on how bad the virus was and said nothing.
China has hidden their real numbers and they are a lot higher than what they are saying.
China is telling obvious lies and libs in America believe every word
Are we that much better since Trump is telling obvious lies and his cultists in America believe every word?
Trump is not lying about the death toll from the chinese disease

and could not lie even if he wanted to

bit you rely on chinese lies to inform you about the virus

Are Trump's lies inferior to Chinese lies?

Trump's America can't even manufacture quality lies.
You are really eaten up with hate toward trump

china is your real enemy and you are too blind to see it

China is a competitor, it has had an interesting history with the West, but the Chinese are studious, and take the long road; trump isn't capable of seeing consequences, and when they don't meet his expectation by intuition, he denies it or he attacks it.

The idiocy of Dopey Donald Trump will spur technological development in China as they accelerate their programs due to the negative messages Dopey Donald Trump has been propagating.

MAGA will not commence until Dopey Donald Trump is expunged.
The bodies testifying to Dopey Donald Trump's failure are still piling up.
Bodies created by the Chinese disease not trump

Bodies testifying to Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence.
Progs have created more diseases amongst each other for you to spew your garbage. And you cost a lot of money also. You better pray if you have a faith that our economy bounces back. Cause there will be medical cutbacks.

I am praying for you. Please look at the bright side and get the best price for your cadaver before the burgeoning supply pushes the price down.
So China the country that caused this tried to downplay it cover it up and outright lied about it allowed international flights in and out of China to continue even after they banned travel to and from Wuhan are claiming they did a great job dealing with it and some here actually believe it.
The fact that snowflakes are monitoring CHICOM govt propaganda Twitter to get material to use against their own President says everything you need to know about snowflakes....
Putting aside the propaganda war Xi and Trump are waging against each other.............the sad, horrible truth is the US response makes us look like a banana republic. Only Trump cultists can't see that.

What should Trump have done and when.

Give us a specific timeline and action plan.

Trump should have desisted from being a grifter, liar, loudmouth, and idiot.

Timeline: when he took the oath of office.

So you have nothing. Thanks for admitting it.

You have been Trumped.

Nope, I just know stupid when I read it.
So China ... allowed international flights in and out of China to continue even after they banned travel to and from Wuhan ...
This is echoing the slanderous LIE — one that infuriates Chinese to hear repeated by American politicians — that China allowed international flights out of Wuhan after stopping domestic flights out. The lockdown of the city came right before the Chinese New Year, and it applied to ALL commercial flights from that city. Of course it did not effect all cities in China.

There was still a great need for emergency aid to be flown into Wuhan, often by military planes, plus there were special cases like the thousands of Americans and other Westerners trapped in the city. Special flights were arranged by the U.S. embassy and facilitated by Chinese authorities to safely evacuate Westerners from Wuhan and nearby cities. It was all covered in the newspapers. Just yesterday I heard this lie (specifying flights from Wuhan) again repeated by a prominent Republican Congressman. Disgraceful and transparent propaganda.
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So China ... allowed international flights in and out of China to continue even after they banned travel to and from Wuhan ...
This is echoing the slanderous LIE — one that infuriates Chinese to hear repeated by American politicians — that China allowed international flights out of Wuhan after stopping domestic flights out. The lockdown of the city came right before the Chinese New Year, and it applied to ALL commercial flights from that city. Of course it did not effect all cities in China.

There was still a great need for emergency aid to be flown into Wuhan, often by military planes, plus there were special cases like the thousands of Americans and other Westerners trapped in the city. Special flights were arranged by the U.S. embassy and facilitated by Chinese authorities to safely evacuate Westerners from Wuhan and nearby cities. It was all covered in the newspapers. Just yesterday I heard this lie (specifying flights from Wuhan) again repeated by a prominent Republican Congressman. Disgraceful and transparent propaganda.
I did not say they allowed international flights out of Wuhan I said they allowed international flights out of China so either learn to read or stop lying about what I said.
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America is a laughing stock my friends

Let me check. What are the odds that Trump could give a fat hairy rats ass what the fucking chinks in China think? Oh that's right, zero because he only really cares about America and Americans! How refreshing!

BINGO :2up:

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