Trump Is Giving An Excellent Foreign Policy Speech

After his criticism of others for using a teleprompter, Trumpery delivered that hot mess using notes on a teleprompter.

Lindsay Graham asked if the 'guy running the teleprompter had the cards in the right order'.

Lindsay's a weenie and McCain's hand puppet. That's why no one likes him, and why his campaign decked early.
He's spelling out clearly the nonsense of the last eight years.
America First....the Israel Firster idiots are going to froth at the mouth over that. Good for Trump and good for America it's a throwback to Charles Lindbergh and the America First committee. If we had only listened then the world would be so much better off now

"America first" was the slogan of those who got into WWII and Lindbergh was a fucking nazi traitor - like you.

Trumpery said he would support big business and big banks and that he would bomb innocent people. Notice he also forgot to mention that he would be bringing his own business back from China, Mexico and Bangladesh.

One thing you got right is this is really all about what is "good for Trump".
After his criticism of others for using a teleprompter, Trumpery delivered that hot mess using notes on a teleprompter.

Lindsay Graham asked if the 'guy running the teleprompter had the cards in the right order'.

Lindsay's a weenie and McCain's hand puppet. That's why no one likes him, and why his campaign decked early.

This isn't about him. Its about the lies, inconsistencies, contradictions and just plain stupidity that came from Trumpery.

When will you RWNJ traitors demand he wash the orange paint off his face, stop dying his hair blonde, release his lying tax returns, hire Americans, bring his own business back to the US, quit lying and do all the other things a president should do?
After his criticism of others for using a teleprompter, Trumpery delivered that hot mess using notes on a teleprompter.

Lindsay Graham asked if the 'guy running the teleprompter had the cards in the right order'.

Lindsay's a weenie and McCain's hand puppet. That's why no one likes him, and why his campaign decked early.

This isn't about him. Its about the lies, inconsistencies, contradictions and just plain stupidity that came from Trumpery.

When will you RWNJ traitors demand he wash the orange paint off his face, stop dying his hair blonde, release his lying tax returns, hire Americans, bring his own business back to the US, quit lying and do all the other things a president should do?

Look dude, we understand that you don't like Trump. Most of us don't like the clintoons.

After his victory speech last night, Trump took several unscripted questions from the media. Can you tell us when Hillary has ever done that? Answer: never because she has too much to hide, is not good on her feet, and is a habitual liar.
What do you think will resonate with the American people more?
America first or blaming white people for racism?
What do you think will resonate with the American people more?
America first or blaming white people for racism?

the dems can only use race because they have no record of success in any arena. So, its divide us by race, sex, age, location, income, religion, etc. they learned it from Hitler and Alinsky. If anyone doubts that, study some history, read Mein Kampf and Rules for Radicals.
He's spelling out clearly the nonsense of the last eight years.
trump probably can't even spell foreign or policy.

I'm certain you could show Trump a thing or two. How many billion dollars did you claim to have?

How many millions did daddy give you?

Its a stupid argument. If given several HUNDRED million, anyone would be wealthy.


Not nearly as stupid as saying the man can't spell either foreign nor policy. But I do consider both sources for these attacks.
Trump foreign policy ..

sell rich Chinese people overpriced condos ....
WOW guess Trump isn't the idiot the left thinks he is.

You don't get to be a billionaire without a few brain cells that work.

Hitlery on the other hand has had nothing but softball so far.

The debates should be very interesting if Trump gets the GOP nod. Wonder how Hitlery will field the hard questions???

She's incompetent as hell so it should be rollicking good fun.

"You don't get to be a billionaire without a few brain cells that work."

That's so stupid to say.

YOU would be ultra wealthy if you had started with hundreds of millions of dollars and a lifetime of privilege.

Much more important were his lies and contradictions. And that meandering, rambling nonsense.

Well he had to have the smarts to keep that money and make more. He's gone bankrupt a few times but he still a billionaire.

Lies and contradictions?? That more than fits Hitlery to a tee. She's one dishonest lying public servant who we taxpayers have been supporting for years.
After his criticism of others for using a teleprompter, Trumpery delivered that hot mess using notes on a teleprompter.

Lindsay Graham asked if the 'guy running the teleprompter had the cards in the right order'.
I read that he has a peachinspediment.

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