Trump is going to be like Reagan on steroids

In the USA, it is clear that Mr Trump is going to be like Reagan on steroids. It will be game, set and match to corporate America. The ideology of his politburo of plutocrats is outrageously transparent, and can be summed up by the expression: "The business of America is business".

This means that the budget deficit will be expanded dramatically, and the dollar is likely to go through the roof. Janet Yellen in the Federal Reserve will put up interest rates, but with the economy close to full employment, the net result will be like an America of the 1980s. Profits will soar and Chinese money escaping China will have the same effect on American asset prices that Japanese money had in the 1980s.

Obviously, with such a narrow business focus in the cabinet, legislation to drive up earnings will be enacted. In short, profits more than patriotism will dominate Mr Trump's America.

The new story that will be sold to the American people will be about explaining that in order to make America great again, Mr Trump first has to make America rich again.
In the USA, it is clear that Mr Trump is going to be like Reagan on steroids. It will be game, set and match to corporate America. The ideology of his politburo of plutocrats is outrageously transparent, and can be summed up by the expression: "The business of America is business".

This means that the budget deficit will be expanded dramatically, and the dollar is likely to go through the roof. Janet Yellen in the Federal Reserve will put up interest rates, but with the economy close to full employment, the net result will be like an America of the 1980s. Profits will soar and Chinese money escaping China will have the same effect on American asset prices that Japanese money had in the 1980s.

Obviously, with such a narrow business focus in the cabinet, legislation to drive up earnings will be enacted. In short, profits more than patriotism will dominate Mr Trump's America.

The new story that will be sold to the American people will be about explaining that in order to make America great again, Mr Trump first has to make America rich again.
"Hillary will win by a landslide"
In the USA, it is clear that Mr Trump is going to be like Reagan on steroids. It will be game, set and match to corporate America. The ideology of his politburo of plutocrats is outrageously transparent, and can be summed up by the expression: "The business of America is business".

This means that the budget deficit will be expanded dramatically, and the dollar is likely to go through the roof. Janet Yellen in the Federal Reserve will put up interest rates, but with the economy close to full employment, the net result will be like an America of the 1980s. Profits will soar and Chinese money escaping China will have the same effect on American asset prices that Japanese money had in the 1980s.

Obviously, with such a narrow business focus in the cabinet, legislation to drive up earnings will be enacted. In short, profits more than patriotism will dominate Mr Trump's America.

The new story that will be sold to the American people will be about explaining that in order to make America great again, Mr Trump first has to make America rich again.
"Hillary will win by a landslide"
No Ivanka will.
The soldiers who die for this cause will be the children of the so-called "sheeple".
But would Trump break the law by illegally selling munitions to Iran and finance right-wing death squads in Latin America with the proceeds?
Surely not.

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