Trump is going to FORCE democrats to work! Or adjourn them!

So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
According to the Constitution, those appointments are only temporary, until the end of their next session, so it's not going to do him much good, is it?
Article 2, Section 2
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.
Did I say something amusing, or is it the Constitution that is tickling your funny bone, JimBowie1958
These guys have been working without formal appointments for years now.

What is your concept of 'only temporary'?
What guys? I'd like to know who you're talking about.

Did you watch the briefing? Trump went on and on about people waiting two years....more than that....and how those vacancies need to be filled, especially now with the Virus. He did not give the impression these people were working.
obammy didn't get his either. all we heard about was supreme court pick. and all of his judge nominees were delayed and trump got to nominate them. It happens. obammy spoke into it as well. seems reasonable to me. So you are from the position that we should pay congress to eat, drink and shit and that's it? just curious.
When our government should put all their efforts into fixing THIS mess...what does Trump and Moscow Mitch want?


So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
According to the Constitution, those appointments are only temporary, until the end of their next session, so it's not going to do him much good, is it?
Article 2, Section 2
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.
Did I say something amusing, or is it the Constitution that is tickling your funny bone, JimBowie1958
These guys have been working without formal appointments for years now.

What is your concept of 'only temporary'?
What guys? I'd like to know who you're talking about.

Did you watch the briefing? Trump went on and on about people waiting two years....more than that....and how those vacancies need to be filled, especially now with the Virus. He did not give the impression these people were working.
obammy didn't get his either. all we heard about was supreme court pick. and all of his judge nominees were delayed and trump got to nominate them. It happens. obammy spoke into it as well. seems reasonable to me. So you are from the position that we should pay congress to eat, drink and shit and that's it? just curious.
I'm from the position of following the Constitution, which was designed to prevent one branch from becoming overly powerful. The Executive does not have the authority to do what Trump threatened. Are the Dems playing games? Seems so. They're taking hours or days to confirm his appointments instead of voting "in an hour" as Trump would prefer. Yet the Republicans actually made history by refusing to even entertain the nomination of Merrrick Garland, and there were Senators in Congress who openly admitted that they were there to oppose every. single. thing. that President Obama promoted. So I guess it's pretty even steven on that score.
So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
According to the Constitution, those appointments are only temporary, until the end of their next session, so it's not going to do him much good, is it?
Article 2, Section 2
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.
Did I say something amusing, or is it the Constitution that is tickling your funny bone, JimBowie1958
These guys have been working without formal appointments for years now.

What is your concept of 'only temporary'?
What guys? I'd like to know who you're talking about.

Did you watch the briefing? Trump went on and on about people waiting two years....more than that....and how those vacancies need to be filled, especially now with the Virus. He did not give the impression these people were working.
obammy didn't get his either. all we heard about was supreme court pick. and all of his judge nominees were delayed and trump got to nominate them. It happens. obammy spoke into it as well. seems reasonable to me. So you are from the position that we should pay congress to eat, drink and shit and that's it? just curious.
I'm from the position of following the Constitution, which was designed to prevent one branch from becoming overly powerful. The Executive does not have the authority to do what Trump threatened. Are the Dems playing games? Seems so. They're taking hours or days to confirm his appointments instead of voting "in an hour" as Trump would prefer. Yet the Republicans actually made history by refusing to even entertain the nomination of Merrrick Garland, and there were Senators in Congress who openly admitted that they were there to oppose every. single. thing. that President Obama promoted. So I guess it's pretty even steven on that score.
I didn't agree with that. don't know what to tell you.
I'm from the position of following the Constitution, which was designed to prevent one branch from becoming overly powerful. The Executive does not have the authority to do what Trump threatened. Are the Dems playing games? Seems so. They're taking hours or days to confirm his appointments instead of voting "in an hour" as Trump would prefer. Yet the Republicans actually made history by refusing to even entertain the nomination of Merrrick Garland, and there were Senators in Congress who openly admitted that they were there to oppose every. single. thing. that President Obama promoted. So I guess it's pretty even steven on that score.
Umm, they are literally taking multiple years to confirm.

Trick is, Trump has MORE freedom with 'acting' officials rather than formally appointed officials.

Trump is doing this so the Democrats, can, by reacting predictably opposite to anything Trump says, make it look like Trump really wants these appointments approved but the mean ole Dems are obstructing him, which they are, but he wants them too.


BTW, The POTUS Adjourning Congress is Constitutional, literally written in the Constitution, lol.
Trump Says He Will Use His Authority To Adjourn Both Houses of Congress

Can the president adjourn congress
Yes, the constitution gives the president the power to adjourn congress. However, this power can only be used when the upper and lower houses can not agree on a time to adjourn themselves.
Both houses agreed.....

/thread failed
Congress has been dragging their heels when it comes to confirming Trump's appointees. Trump is tired of the constant obstructionary tactics and is threatening to adjourn both the House and the Senate if they don't get their act together. MAGA!

False...Trumpers once again prove how pathetic they are...

So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
The House already shut down until May 4.

Actually what Trump is doing is to shut down the Pro Forma Session of Congress. Which means, "it is a short period of time when either the House or Senate is technically in legislative session but when no votes are held and no formal business is typically conducted. It is a Latin term meaning “in form only.”"
Therefore, at that point the President has the authority to shut it down...
So he's gonna shut down Congress in the middle of a pandemic crisis, just so he can get his officials in without a vote? Trump is going further and further off the rails in his power grabs.
The House already shut down until May 4.

Actually what Trump is doing is to shut down the Pro Forma Session of Congress. Which means, it is a short period of time when either the House or Senate is technically in legislative session but when no votes are held and no formal business is typically conducted. It is a Latin term meaning “in form only.”
Therefore, at that point the President has the authority to shut it down...
Please tell me where both houses are in disagreement?

Or are you just ignoring that part....

Funny how Trumpers claim Congress is slowing his nominations -- yet you same Trumpers were on here cheerleading the record pace of judges being confirmed.....


A clash over appointments to executive agencies is brewing after President Trump threatened to invoke an obscure constitutional power to adjourn both chambers of Congress under certain circumstances as a way to allow himself to make recess appointments — filling vacancies in jobs he says are needed to help fight the coronavirus without the advice and consent of the Senate.
Presidents have the power under the U.S. Constitution to temporarily fill vacancies while the Senate is out of session, but the body holds what are called "pro forma" sessions – very brief meetings with a skeleton crew that happen when the body is not taking care of legislative business – in order to remain in session, thus blocking recess appointments. Trump wants to use that power to fill vacancies in executive agencies that have been largely neglected by a Senate focused mainly on lifetime judicial appointments....
But Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution gives the president the power to "adjourn [Congress] to such Time as he shall think proper," when the House and Senate cannot agree on when to adjourn. Trump said the Senate should stop conducting its pro forma sessions and formally adjourn to allow him to make recess appointments.
"If the House will not agree to that adjournment I will exercise my constitutional authority to adjourn both chambers of Congress," Trump said. "The current practice of leaving town while conducting phony pro forma sessions is a dereliction of duty that the American people cannot afford during this crisis."

And Trump is 100% correct to do so and when the Democrats scream like hell, just sit back and enjoy the mussic knowing it proves you right.
I'm from the position of following the Constitution, which was designed to prevent one branch from becoming overly powerful. The Executive does not have the authority to do what Trump threatened. Are the Dems playing games? Seems so. They're taking hours or days to confirm his appointments instead of voting "in an hour" as Trump would prefer. Yet the Republicans actually made history by refusing to even entertain the nomination of Merrrick Garland, and there were Senators in Congress who openly admitted that they were there to oppose every. single. thing. that President Obama promoted. So I guess it's pretty even steven on that score.
Umm, they are literally taking multiple years to confirm.

Trick is, Trump has MORE freedom with 'acting' officials rather than formally appointed officials.

Trump is doing this so the Democrats, can, by reacting predictably opposite to anything Trump says, make it look like Trump really wants these appointments approved but the mean ole Dems are obstructing him, which they are, but he wants them too.


BTW, The POTUS Adjourning Congress is Constitutional, literally written in the Constitution, lol.
He can only adjourn when the two bodies are in disagreement over adjournment. Art 2 Sec 3 That is not the case at this time.

He could call an extraordinary session force both into session. But technically neither the Sen nor House are adjourned at this time.

I agree that Trump is unhappy that esp the Senate is not liking his exec dept nominees

A clash over appointments to executive agencies is brewing after President Trump threatened to invoke an obscure constitutional power to adjourn both chambers of Congress under certain circumstances as a way to allow himself to make recess appointments — filling vacancies in jobs he says are needed to help fight the coronavirus without the advice and consent of the Senate.
Presidents have the power under the U.S. Constitution to temporarily fill vacancies while the Senate is out of session, but the body holds what are called "pro forma" sessions – very brief meetings with a skeleton crew that happen when the body is not taking care of legislative business – in order to remain in session, thus blocking recess appointments. Trump wants to use that power to fill vacancies in executive agencies that have been largely neglected by a Senate focused mainly on lifetime judicial appointments....
But Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution gives the president the power to "adjourn [Congress] to such Time as he shall think proper," when the House and Senate cannot agree on when to adjourn. Trump said the Senate should stop conducting its pro forma sessions and formally adjourn to allow him to make recess appointments.
"If the House will not agree to that adjournment I will exercise my constitutional authority to adjourn both chambers of Congress," Trump said. "The current practice of leaving town while conducting phony pro forma sessions is a dereliction of duty that the American people cannot afford during this crisis."

And Trump is 100% correct to do so and when the Democrats scream like hell, just sit back and enjoy the mussic knowing it proves you right.
Do you have a link showing the senate is currently adjourned?
When our government should put all their efforts into fixing THIS mess...what does Trump and Moscow Mitch want?


I guarantee you Progs would do that immedietely if given the opportunity. They are snakes compared to snakes.
I doubt Moscow Mitch has the votes to adjourn the Senate right now. Not after that bonehead Navy thing.
Trump will force democrats to get there ass to work! Or else!

God I love this guy!

This was just announced live. Link is coming
THIS is wonderful news. The liberal lunatics that post on these threads are NOT going to like this!
So tell me how you felt about Obama's use of recess appointment to get around Senate confirmations?

Or how the Senate refused to consider his Supreme Court nominee?
Lol obama? Haha what a joke haha
You really don't have any clue what happened past yesterday do you?
This has really triggerd you! Lol trump should expand the supreme court and put 8 more conservative’s in there lol hahah
No- it hasn't triggered me- frankly its just on par for course for Trump.

What I find amusing is the reaction of the Trumpsters here- who just a few years ago were calling for Obama's impeachment for his attempts to bypass the Senate with recess appointments- but who applaud what Trump is suggesting.
Have a nice day!
Justices Breyer and Scalia wrote that the President could use the adjournment power to block Senate "intransigence"
What’s the downside? Congress went on vacation during a national emergency.
Somebody like that motherfucking commie, Barrack Obama coming in and pointing to Trump's actions as precedent and royally fucking us over.

Do not let ANY of them get away with thumbing their noses at the Constitution.

What is amusing about your post is that President Obama tried to do pretty much the same thing and the Supreme Court slapped him down.

This is what McConnell said then:
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell agreed with the ruling: "The President made an unprecedented power grab by placing political allies at a powerful federal agency while the Senate was meeting regularly and without even bothering to wait for its advice and consent

That is exactly what Trump is trying to do.
I do NOT support Trump's unconstitutional action.

It’s not unConstitutional.

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